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Camel adaptations

Task 1

Describe the conditions that animals have to cope with in a desert environment.

Task 2

Cut out the adaptations that a camel has and match them to the correct statement to show how
each adaptation helps the camel to survive in the desert.

How the adaptation helps the


Nostrils that can close. So that they can eat prickly plants.

Helps them to blend into the

Two rows of long eyelashes.

Large, flat, padded feet. Stops sand getting in its eyes.

Reduces heat energy loss during cold

Thick hair on their back.

Thick eyebrows. Stops sand going up its nose.

Hump made of fatty tissue. Prevents their feet sinking into the sand.

Less hair elsewhere on body. Shade their eyes from the sun.

Thick leathery lips. An energy store.

A sandy coloured coat. Allows heat energy loss during the day.

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Camel adaptations

Teaching notes - Answers

Task 1

Sandy, hot, dry, high temperatures during day, low temperatures at night, exposed.

Task 2

Adaptation Reason for adaptation

Nostrils that can close. Stops sand going up its nose.

Two rows of long eyelashes. Stops sand getting in its eyes.

Large, flat, padded feet. Prevent their feet sinking into the sand.

Reduces heat energy loss during cold

Thick hair on their back.

Thick eyebrows. Shade their eyes from the sun.

Hump made of fatty tissue. An energy store.

Less hair elsewhere on body. Allows heat energy loss during the day.

Thick leathery lips. So that they can eat prickly plants.

Helps them to blend into the

A sandy coloured coat.

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