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How defects are

How we manage defects after you
move into your new home.

How defects are managed 1

Introduction ................................................................................................. 3
What is a defect? ........................................................................................... 3
Examples of emergency defects: .................................................................... 3
Examples of urgent defects ........................................................................... 4
Examples of non-urgent defects ..................................................................... 4
When and how can I report a defect? ................................................................... 4
Who checks my property? ................................................................................. 4
Cracking...................................................................................................... 5
What happens after my defects rectification period ends? .......................................... 5
Building warranty........................................................................................... 5

How defects are managed 2

In this leaflet we aim to explain what a defect is, how to report one and what happens after
you report a defect.

What is a defect?
Defects are usually due to poor workmanship or materials. A defect is not general wear and
tear or maintenance issues.

Examples of maintenance issues include:

• Wear and tear, minor cracks to exterior brickwork and mortar, as well as drylined/plaster
walls, concrete, interior paint and grouting.
• Minor warping to doors and trim which does not affect their function.
• Deterioration caused by neglect or failure to carry out normal maintenance, including turf,
grass and landscaping, as well as any fencing damage.
• Blockage of plumbing and drainage not caused by an installation issue.
• Anything caused by alterations or extensions to the dwelling after the original building has
been completed.

There are different categories for defects as some need fixing quicker than others. The
emergency and urgent categories are for defects that have a significant impact on your day to
day living or cause a safety issue. A timeframe for rectification and examples of each, is as

Emergency – 24 hours.
Urgent – 5 working days.
Non-urgent – 28 days.

Examples of emergency defects:

• A tap that will not turn off.
• No electricity.
• Dangerous/exposed electric wiring.
• No heating (between 1 October and 31 March).
• Burst pipes.
• Fire escape window that cannot be opened.
• Leaking WC.
• No hot water.

How defects are managed 3

Examples of urgent defects
• Faulty boiler.
• Faulty central heating (between 1 April and 30 September).
• Fire alarm failure.
• Faulty stopcock.
• Loose window frame.
• Broken internal locks.

Examples of non-urgent defects

• Dripping taps.
• Leaking gutters.
• Easing and adjusting doors and windows.
• Extractor fan not working.

When and how can I report a defect?

You can report defects during the builder warranty period. This starts when we receive the
keys to your property and lasts 12 months. It is not 12 months from when you move in.

To report a defect, you can call us on 01344 382 800 or email us at You can also report a defect via your MySilva account.

Please include photos in your email and be as descriptive as possible so we can provide
detailed information on the issue to the developer.

Please do not go to the developers site office to report a defect. The developer must take
instructions from Silva Homes about rectifying a defect.

If you require work in your property that involves relocation of furniture, it is your
responsibility to arrange for this to be moved.

Who checks my property?

We have an independent surveyor who will have checked your property before it was
completed. They confirmed that the quality was in accordance with the standards agreed
between us and the developer.

We may have recorded some very minor defects that did not prevent us from taking the keys
to your new home. The developer will contact you to arrange a time and date to rectify

How defects are managed 4

The materials used to build your home will have absorbed water. This moisture will evaporate
as your home is lived in and heated. Cracks are likely to appear whilst the property dries out.
Shrinkage cracks in timber or plaster are normal and will not be recorded as defects. Most
cracks should be addressed as part of your normal decorating.
However, if a crack occurs that is larger than the width of a £1 coin, then you should contact
us, as this is a defect and will be repaired by the developer.

What happens after my defects rectification period ends?

At the end of the defects rectification period, you will be contacted by our independent
surveyor to complete an inspection of your home. During the inspection, a final list will be
made to pick up any outstanding defects and the developer who built your home, will be
instructed to put them right. The inspection is the final opportunity to raise defects within
the rectification period.
After the rectification period has ended, freeholders, shared owners and leaseholders will be
responsible for most maintenance. Please check your lease for full details about this. If you
have a communal area, your lease will tell you who is responsible for looking after this. A
management company may also be looking after the wider estate.
If you are renting your home from us, we will continue maintaining your property and any
communal areas. Please report repairs to us using the contact details at the end of this

Building warranty
For shared owners and freeholders - a building warranty is an insurance product that offers
cover for the structural parts of your new home. The policy period will be for either 10 or 12
years, from the date of the completion of your home.
A building warranty covers things such as:
• Complete or partial rebuilding or rectifying of any defect in the structural design of the
new home.
• Repairing, replacing or rectifying any part of the waterproof envelope.
When you purchased your home, your solicitor should have explained the warranty and
provided you with a copy of the policy. Please retain this document if you need to make a
claim in the future.

How defects are managed 5

Get in touch
If you wish to speak to us regarding
any information highlighted in this
leaflet, please contact us via one of the
options below.

01344 382800
If you need this leaflet in another
language or format please contact the number above.

How defects are managed 6

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