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Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Course Title: GE MATH 1 Mathematics in the Modern World

Nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical,
Course Description: intellectual, and aesthetic dimension, and application of
mathematical tools in daily life.
Units / Credits
3 Units (3 Hours Lecture per Week)
Pre-Requisite: None
CO1: Create an IT solution proposal to solve an issue in the
Course Outcomes:
sustainable development goals.

Learning Outcomes:
LO1: Discuss and argue the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is expressed,
represented, and used.
LO2: Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about
mathematics and mathematical concepts.
LO3: Discuss the language and symbols of mathematics.

LO4: Use a variety of statistical tools to process and manage numerical data.
LO5: Analyze codes and coding schemes used for identification, privacy, and security
LO6: Use mathematics in other areas such as finance, voting, health and medical,
business, environment, arts and design, and recreation.

LO7: Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life.
LO8: Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to various human

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City


Unit 1: The Nature of Mathematics
Lesson 1: Mathematics in our World


Mathematics is indispensable in our daily lives. It helps us understand and appreciate

patterns and regularities in the world around us, such as the shapes of leaves, flower
arrangements, star movement, and weather behavior. Mathematics provides a language
and a tool for describing and analyzing the world, allowing us to predict and control natural
and artificial phenomena. Mathematics is also an effective tool for developing critical
thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities, all of which are highly valued in
today's information-driven society.

The study of mathematics is even more important as a Bachelor of Science in Information

Technology student. Mathematical concepts such as algebra, calculus, probability, and
statistics are heavily used in the field of information technology. These ideas are applied
to the analysis, design, and development of software, computer systems, and networks.
They are also employed in the optimization of algorithms, the simulation of complex
systems, and the making of data-driven decisions. It would be difficult to excel in the IT
industry without a solid understanding of mathematics.

As a result, all Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students are encouraged

to take their mathematics courses seriously and devote sufficient time and effort to
mastering the fundamental mathematical concepts. Mathematics is a gateway to success
in information technology, and the skills learned in this subject will serve as the foundation
for a rewarding and fulfilling career in the field.

To summarize, mathematics is essential in our daily lives and is especially important for
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students. It is a powerful tool for
comprehending and analyzing the world, and it lays the groundwork for success in the IT

1. How does mathematics assist us in comprehending and appreciating patterns and

regularities in our surroundings, and why is this important in our daily lives?

2. Why is mathematics so important for students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in

Information Technology, and how does it help them succeed in the IT industry?

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

3. What are some of the key mathematical concepts that Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology students should strive to master, and how can these concepts
help them succeed in their careers?

Learning Objectives

LO1: Explain fundamental principles, concepts, and evolution of computing systems as

they relate to different fields.

LO2: Expound on the recent developments in different computing knowledge areas.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world.

Articulate the importance of mathematics in one’s life.

Argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, and how it is expressed,
presented, and used.

Express appreciation for mathematics as a human endeavor.

Key Concepts

Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World

You may be wondering how this topic relates to your field as a Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology student. The study of patterns and regularities, on the other hand,
is an important foundation of mathematics, which is a fundamental component of IT.
Indeed, mathematics is the foundation of computer science; without it, we would not have
the technology we have today.

Patterns and regularities can be found everywhere, from snowflakes and honeycombs to
tiger stripes and hyena spots. Even the growth and arrangement of petals on a flower
follow mathematical patterns. Mathematical concepts can also be used to describe and
predict the world's population, weather, and many other phenomena.

We can make predictions, control natural occurrences, and develop new technologies by
understanding these patterns and regularities. To be able to develop new technologies
and solve complex problems as future IT professionals, you must have a strong
mathematical foundation.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

So, let us investigate the fascinating world of patterns and numbers in nature and the
world, and see how it relates to our Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Examples of patterns and regularities in nature and the world such as the snowflake
and honeycomb, tiger's stripes and hyena’s spots, the sunflower, the snail's shell,
flower petals, the world’s population, the weather, etc.

Pattern/Regularities Description Relevance to BSIT

A snowflake is a BSIT students can relate the
symmetrical, hexagonal structure of a snowflake to the
crystal structure formed from concept of symmetry in
frozen water molecules. computer graphics and design.
The honeycomb structure has
Honeycomb is a hexagonal inspired the development of
Honeycomb pattern formed by bees in hexagonal grids and
their hives for storing honey. tessellations in computer
science and engineering.
BSIT students can study these
Both of these animals have patterns to understand the use
Tiger's stripes and unique patterns on their fur of image processing and
hyena’s spots that serve as camouflage in machine learning algorithms in
their natural habitats. animal identification and
BSIT students can learn about
the mathematical principles
The seeds in the sunflower
behind the Fibonacci sequence
head are arranged in a spiral
Sunflower and its applications in
pattern known as the
computer science, including
Fibonacci sequence.
data compression and
The logarithmic spiral is a
common shape used in
Snail shells are often spiral- computer graphics and design,
Snail's shell shaped, following a and understanding this pattern
logarithmic spiral pattern. can help BSIT students create
more aesthetically pleasing
visual designs.
BSIT students can study the
Many flowers have a specific mathematical principles behind
number of petals, such as patterns in nature to
Flower petals
daisies with 13, lilies with 6, understand their applications in
and marigolds with 21. artificial intelligence and
computer vision.
The world's population has
been growing exponentially BSIT students can learn about
for centuries, with periodic population growth models and
World’s population
fluctuations due to wars, their applications in data
pandemics, and other analysis and forecasting.
The weather exhibits a wide BSIT students can study
range of patterns and meteorology and weather
regularities, from seasonal prediction models to
cycles to atmospheric understand the science behind

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

phenomena such as climate change and its impacts

tornadoes, hurricanes, and on information technology
thunderstorms. infrastructure.

Because they adhere to certain mathematical principles and concepts, these patterns can
be observed and appreciated in mathematics.

Because water molecules bond together in a hexagonal lattice structure, snowflakes, for
example, follow a hexagonal pattern. This is an excellent illustration of how mathematics
can be used to comprehend and explain natural phenomena. The honeycomb structure,
like many others, is based on the mathematical concept of minimal surface area.

Tiger stripes and hyena spots are examples of fractals, which are self-similar patterns that
repeat at various scales. The Fibonacci sequence, which appears in many aspects of
nature, is followed by the sunflower. The snail's shell and flower petals adhere to the
symmetry and golden ratio principles, which are important concepts in mathematics.

A C++ simple program for patterns and regularities in nature and the world:

1. Open your preferred C++ development environment (e.g. Code::Blocks, Visual

Studio, etc.).
2. Create a new C++ source file and save it with a descriptive filename, such as
3. Begin the program by including the necessary libraries:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

4. Define the main function and variables:

int main() {
int num, i, j;

5. Ask the user to input the number of rows they want to print:

cout << "Enter the number of rows you want to print: ";
cin >> num;

6. Use nested for loops to print the pattern. In this example, we'll print a right triangle
using asterisks:

for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {

for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
cout << "* ";
cout << endl;

7. End the program with the following code:

return 0;

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Here's the complete source code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int num, i, j;

cout << "Enter the number of rows you want to print: ";
cin >> num;

for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {

for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
cout << "* ";
cout << endl;

return 0;

Explanation of salient lines:

Line 1: This includes the iostream library, which allows us to use input and output streams
like cin and cout.
Line 2: This line specifies the standard namespace, which allows us to use standard library
functions and objects without specifying the namespace each time.
Line 4: This line defines the main function, which is where the program begins executing.
Line 5: This declares the variables we'll use in the program.
Line 7: This line prompts the user to enter the number of rows they want to print.
Line 8: This line stores the user's input in the num variable.
Lines 10-16: These nested for loops print the pattern, which in this case is a right triangle
made up of asterisks.
Line 18: This line ends the main function and returns the value 0 to the operating system,
indicating that the program was executed successfully.

Using mathematical models and statistical analysis, the world's population and weather
can be studied and predicted. As future IT professionals, it is important to understand
these mathematical concepts and how they apply to the world around us.

Mathematics is essential in areas such as cryptography, data analysis, and algorithm

design in the field of information technology. It would be difficult to create and improve
technologies that rely on these concepts without a solid mathematical foundation.

To summarize, mathematics is a necessary tool for comprehending and appreciating the

patterns and regularities found in nature and the world. To excel in the field of IT as a BSIT
student, you must have a strong mathematical foundation.

The Fibonacci Sequence

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the
two preceding ones, beginning with 0 and going up to infinity. The order is as follows: 0,
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on.

The Fibonacci sequence was discovered in the early 13th century by the Italian
mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci. The sequence can be found
in many natural phenomena, such as tree branching, leaf arrangement on a stem, and
spirals of shells and pinecones.

The Fibonacci sequence has many interesting properties and applications in mathematics.
It can, for example, be used to simulate population growth, the stock market, and even
the human body. It is also related to the golden ratio, a mathematical proportion found in
many aspects of art and architecture.

The Fibonacci sequence can be useful in algorithm design and data analysis in the context
of BSIT. It can be used to generate random numbers or to optimize search algorithms, for
example. A solid understanding of the Fibonacci sequence can help you understand other
mathematical concepts and principles.

To summarize, the Fibonacci sequence is a fascinating and important mathematical

concept that can be found in many aspects of nature and has numerous applications in
mathematics and computer science. As BSIT students, it is critical that we understand this
concept and its properties.

Examples of where the Fibonacci sequence can be observed in nature and the world

As we have learned, the Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number
is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1. This sequence has been
observed in various aspects of nature and the world, from the arrangement of leaves on
a stem to the shape of a galaxy.

Here are some examples of where the Fibonacci sequence can be observed:
Example Description
The scales on a pinecone are arranged in a spiral pattern that follows
the Fibonacci sequence.
The seeds on the face of a sunflower are arranged in a spiral pattern
that follows the Fibonacci sequence.
Nautilus The chambers in a nautilus shell are arranged in a spiral pattern that
shell follows the Fibonacci sequence.
Hurricane The spiral arms of a hurricane follow the Fibonacci sequence.
The arms of spiral galaxies follow the Fibonacci sequence.

As BSIT students, it is important to understand the patterns and regularities that exist in
nature and the world. These patterns can inspire us to create new technologies and
solutions that can benefit society. For example, the spiral pattern in a hurricane can inspire
us to create better models for predicting and managing natural disasters.

A simple C++ program that generates the Fibonacci sequence:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

int main() {
int n, t1 = 0, t2 = 1, nextTerm = 0;

cout << "Enter the number of terms: ";

cin >> n;

cout << "Fibonacci Series: ";

for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {

if(i == 1) {
cout << t1 << ", ";
if(i == 2) {
cout << t2 << ", ";
nextTerm = t1 + t2;
t1 = t2;
t2 = nextTerm;
cout << nextTerm << ", ";
return 0;

This program generates the Fibonacci sequence up to a user-specified number of terms.

The int n variable stores the number of terms to be generated. The t1 and t2 variables
represent the first and second terms of the sequence respectively. The nextTerm variable
is used to calculate the next term in the sequence.

The for loop generates each term of the sequence by adding the two previous terms
together. The if statements inside the loop handle the special cases where the first and
second terms are outputted.

When the loop is finished, the program returns 0.

Here's how to run the program:

1. Open a text editor and copy the above code into a new file.
2. Save the file with a .cpp extension (e.g. fibonacci.cpp).
3. Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where
the file is saved.
4. Type g++ fibonacci.cpp -o fibonacci to compile the program.
5. Type ./fibonacci to run the program.
6. Enter the number of terms you want to generate when prompted.

Discussion on how the Fibonacci sequence can be used to understand and

appreciate the beauty of mathematics.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

The Fibonacci sequence is more than just a series of numbers; it is an example of

mathematics' elegance and beauty. We can see how mathematics can reveal patterns
and regularities in nature through the Fibonacci sequence, and how these patterns can be
found even in seemingly random or chaotic systems. Understanding the Fibonacci
sequence allows us to appreciate the inherent order and beauty in the world around us.

It is important for BSIT students to appreciate the aesthetics of mathematics because it

can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject. The Fibonacci
sequence can be used to investigate the aesthetic aspects of mathematics and to foster
a sense of wonder and awe for the natural world.

Mathematics Helps Organize Patterns and Regularities in the World

Explanation on how mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities in the


Mathematics plays an important role in identifying patterns and regularities in nature and
the world. It helps in organizing data and information, making it easier to understand and
analyze. Below are some examples:
Examples Description
Fractals are self-similar patterns that repeat at different scales. These
Fractals patterns can be found in nature, such as in snowflakes and ferns, and
can be analyzed and understood using mathematical concepts.
Symmetry is a regularity or repetition of form, shape, or pattern. It can be
Symmetry found in many natural objects, such as butterfly wings, flower petals, and
snowflakes, and can be understood through mathematical principles.
Chaos theory deals with complex systems that appear to be random but
Chaos have underlying patterns and structures. It can be applied to natural
Theory phenomena such as weather patterns and ocean current and helps us
understand and predict their behavior.
Number theory deals with the properties and behavior of numbers,
Number including prime numbers, divisibility, and modular arithmetic. It can be
Theory applied to many natural phenomena, such as the patterns of the seasons
or the cycles of the moon.

A simple C++ program that generates the Sierpinski Triangle fractal:

#include <iostream>
#include <graphics.h>
using namespace std;

void sierpinski(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int depth)
if (depth == 0)
line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
line(x2, y2, x3, y3);
line(x3, y3, x1, y1);
int x4 = (x1 + x2) / 2;
int y4 = (y1 + y2) / 2;
int x5 = (x2 + x3) / 2;

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

int y5 = (y2 + y3) / 2;

int x6 = (x3 + x1) / 2;
int y6 = (y3 + y1) / 2;

sierpinski(x1, y1, x4, y4, x6, y6, depth - 1);

sierpinski(x4, y4, x2, y2, x5, y5, depth - 1);
sierpinski(x6, y6, x5, y5, x3, y3, depth - 1);

int main()
int gd = DETECT, gm;
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");

sierpinski(100, 50, 300, 350, 500, 50, 5);

return 0;

Here's a brief explanation of each line of code:

 #include <iostream> and #include <graphics.h> are header files that are
required for this program to work. iostream provides input/output functionality,
while graphics.h provides graphics functionality for drawing shapes and lines.
 using namespace std; is a directive that allows us to use the standard
namespace without having to prefix it with std::.
 The sierpinski function takes six parameters that represent the vertices of a
triangle and an integer depth that determines how many times the function should
be recursively called.
 Inside the sierpinski function, there is an if statement that checks if depth is zero.
If it is, then the function draws the three sides of the triangle using the line function
provided by graphics.h.
 If depth is not zero, then the function calculates the midpoints of each side of the
triangle using some simple arithmetic.
 The sierpinski function then calls itself three times, each time with a new set of
vertices that form a smaller triangle inside the original triangle. The depth
parameter is decremented by one each time.
 The main function initializes the graphics window using initgraph and calls the
sierpinski function with some initial parameters. It then waits for a key press using
getch and closes the graphics window using closegraph.

Overall, this program generates the Sierpinski Triangle fractal by recursively dividing a
triangle into smaller triangles, using the midpoints of each side as the vertices of the new
triangles. The depth parameter determines how many times this process is repeated, and
affects the level of detail in the final image.

A simple C++ program about symmetry:

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of lines: ";
cin >> n;

for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

for(int j = 1; j <= n - i; j++) {
cout << " ";
for(int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
cout << "* ";
cout << endl;

for(int i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) {

for(int j = 1; j <= n - i; j++) {
cout << " ";
for(int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
cout << "* ";
cout << endl;

return 0;

This program prints a symmetric pattern of stars based on user input. Here's an
explanation of each line of code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

These two lines include the necessary header files and namespace for input/output

int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of lines: ";
cin >> n;

This initializes the main function, declares an integer variable n, and prompts the user to
enter the number of lines they want in the pattern.

for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

for(int j = 1; j <= n - i; j++) {
cout << " ";
for(int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

cout << "* ";

cout << endl;

This first for loop handles the upper half of the pattern. The first inner loop prints out spaces
before the stars to make the pattern symmetric. The second inner loop prints out the stars.
Finally, cout << endl; adds a newline character to end the line.

for(int i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) {

for(int j = 1; j <= n - i; j++) {
cout << " ";
for(int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
cout << "* ";
cout << endl;

This second for loop handles the lower half of the pattern. It uses the same logic as the
first for loop, but in reverse order, to make the pattern symmetric.

return 0;

This line ends the main function and returns a value of 0 to indicate that the program has
executed successfully.

A simple C++ program about Chaos Theory:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
double x = 0.5;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
x = 3.9 * x * (1 - x);
cout << x << endl;
return 0;

Explanation of each line:

 #include <iostream>: This is a preprocessor directive that includes the standard

input/output library header file, which provides functions for inputting and
outputting data.
 using namespace std;: This line declares that the program will use the standard
namespace, which includes various C++ standard library functions and classes.
 int main() {: This line starts the main function of the program, which is the entry
point of execution for the program.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

 double x = 0.5;: This line declares a double-precision floating-point variable x and

initializes it with a value of 0.5.
 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {: This line starts a loop that will execute 1000 times,
with the loop variable i starting at 0 and incrementing by 1 each time through the
loop until it reaches 999.
 x = 3.9 * x * (1 - x);: This line calculates the next value of x based on the logistic
map equation used in chaos theory. The logistic map is given by x_{n+1} =
r*x_n*(1 - x_n), where x_n is the value of x at the current iteration, and r is a
constant called the "control parameter". In this program, r is set to 3.9.
 cout << x << endl;: This line outputs the current value of x to the console, followed
by a newline character. The cout object is used to output data to the standard
output stream, which by default is the console.
 return 0;}: This line ends the main function and returns the value 0 to the operating
system, indicating that the program executed successfully.

A simple C++ program about Number Theory:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int num;

cout << "Enter a number: ";

cin >> num;

if(num % 2 == 0) {
cout << num << " is even." << endl;
} else {
cout << num << " is odd." << endl;

return 0;


 #include <iostream>: This line includes the standard input/output library, which
allows the program to read input and display output.
 using namespace std;: This line tells the program to use the standard
namespace, which includes functions and objects for input/output operations.
 int main() {: This line declares the main function, which is the entry point of the
 int num;: This line declares an integer variable called num, which will store the
number entered by the user.
 cout << "Enter a number: ";: This line displays a message asking the user to
enter a number.
 cin >> num;: This line reads the user's input and stores it in the num variable.
 if(num % 2 == 0) {: This line checks if the number entered by the user is even by
using the modulo operator (%) to check if there is no remainder when the number
is divided by 2.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

 cout << num << " is even." << endl;: If the number is even, this line displays a
message indicating that the number is even.
 } else {: If the number is not even, the program skips to this line to execute the
following code.
 cout << num << " is odd." << endl;: This line displays a message indicating that
the number is odd.
 return 0;: This line exits the program and returns a value of 0 to indicate successful
completion of the program.

As a BSIT student, understanding these mathematical concepts can help in analyzing and
solving problems in various fields such as computer graphics, simulations, and data
analysis. For instance, fractals are used in computer graphics to generate realistic-looking
terrain and landscapes, while symmetry is important in computer vision and image
processing. Chaos theory is applied in weather forecasting and financial analysis, while
number theory is used in cryptography and data encryption.

Examples of how mathematics is used to analyze patterns and regularities in the


Mathematics is a powerful tool that allows us to understand and analyze patterns and
regularities in the world. By using mathematical models, we can describe, predict, and
explain the behavior of natural phenomena and the world around us.

Here are some examples of how mathematics is used to analyze patterns and regularities
in the world:
Example Description
Mathematics is used to create complex models that can predict the
behavior of the atmosphere, enabling weather forecasts to be
Mathematics is used to model the spread of diseases, and to help
predict and prevent outbreaks.
Population Mathematical models can be used to predict the growth of
Growth populations, and to help governments plan for the future.
Financial Mathematical models are used to understand and predict the
Markets behavior of financial markets.
Crystallography Mathematics is used to study the structure and behavior of crystals.

In the context of BSIT, mathematics is an essential tool for data analysis, algorithm design,
and problem-solving. As future IT professionals, BSIT students need to develop a strong
foundation in mathematics to be successful in their field.

Mathematics Helps Predict the Behavior of Nature and Phenomena in the World

Explanation on how mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature and

phenomena in the world.

Mathematics is useful not only for describing patterns and regularities in the world, but
also for predicting the behavior of nature and phenomena. We can use mathematics to
develop models and simulations to better understand complex systems and their behavior.
This is particularly important in the field of BSIT, where data prediction and analysis are
critical in decision-making processes.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

In the field of meteorology, for example, mathematical models are used to forecast
weather patterns and extreme events such as hurricanes and typhoons. In physics,
mathematical models are used to forecast the behavior of subatomic particles and
astronomical objects. Mathematical models are used in finance to forecast stock prices
and investment returns.

Furthermore, as evidenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, mathematics has played an

important role in predicting and analyzing disease spread. Mathematical models and
simulations were used to predict transmission and mortality rates, which aided in policy
decisions to control the virus's spread.

Mathematics is an extremely effective tool for predicting and analyzing the behavior of
natural phenomena and complex systems. It is critical in the field of BSIT, where data
analysis and prediction are required to make informed decisions.

Examples of how mathematics is used to make predictions about natural


Mathematics is important in predicting and explaining natural phenomenon behavior. We

can understand and predict a wide range of natural events and phenomena using
mathematical models and tools, from stock market behavior to celestial object movement.

Mathematical models are used in a variety of applications in the Bachelor of Science in

Information Technology (BSIT) field, including machine learning, data science, and
artificial intelligence. One of the main areas where mathematics is used in BSIT is
predictive analytics, which involves using statistical algorithms and machine learning
techniques to identify patterns and predict future outcomes.

Weather forecasting is one example of using mathematics to make predictions. Weather

forecasts are based on mathematical models that consider a variety of variables such as
temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind speed. These models predict weather patterns
using complex mathematical equations, which can help people prepare for extreme
weather events and minimize potential damage.

In the field of physics, for example, mathematical models are used to predict the behavior
of subatomic particles and the movement of celestial objects. Physics laws are expressed
mathematically, allowing physicists to develop mathematical models to predict how
objects will behave under various conditions.

Finally, mathematics is an effective tool for predicting and comprehending natural

phenomena. It is widely used to develop models and make predictions about complex
systems and phenomena in many fields of study, including BSIT.

Mathematics Helps Control Nature and Occurrences in the World for Our Own Ends

Explanation on how mathematics helps control nature and occurrences in the world
for our own ends.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

It is important to recognize the role of mathematics in controlling and manipulating natural

phenomena for our own benefit. Here are some examples of how mathematics has been
used to control natural occurrences and make them useful to us:
Examples Description
Mathematics has been used to create computer models of the earth's
atmosphere, allowing us to predict the weather and better prepare for
natural disasters.
The physics of motion and aerodynamics, which can be described
Flight and
using mathematical equations, have allowed us to develop air and
Space Travel
spacecraft that can travel vast distances through the air and space.
GPS devices work by triangulating signals from satellites, a process
that involves complex mathematical calculations to determine the
device's location.
Advanced imaging technologies, such as magnetic resonance
Medical imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans, use
Imaging mathematical algorithms to generate detailed images of the body's
internal structures.
Cryptography, the science of encoding and decoding information,
Cryptography relies heavily on mathematical principles such as number theory and
discrete mathematics.

In the field of information technology, mathematical concepts are used in various

applications such as cryptography, data encryption, data compression, image processing,
and artificial intelligence.

By studying mathematics, we gain the ability to understand and control natural

phenomena, leading to technological advancements and improvements in our daily lives.

Examples of how mathematics is used to develop technology that benefits society.

Mathematics plays a crucial role in developing technology that benefits society. In this
discussion, we will explore how math is applied in the development of technology that has
changed the world.

Examples of how mathematics is used to develop technology:

Technology Mathematical Concept Application
Internet Graph Theory Network Design
GPS Trigonometry Geolocation
Digital Image Processing Linear Algebra Image Compression
Cryptography Number Theory Encryption
Data Encryption Standard Probability Theory Key Generation
Artificial Intelligence Calculus Neural Networks

One of the most significant technological advancements in recent history, the internet, is
built on mathematical concepts. The principles of graph theory have been used to design
the network architecture of the internet. The global positioning system (GPS) also relies
on mathematical concepts, particularly trigonometry, to determine the location of a device.
Digital image processing is another technology that relies heavily on mathematics. Linear
algebra is used in image compression, allowing for smaller file sizes without losing image
quality. Cryptography, the science of encoding and decoding information, is also based
on mathematical concepts, particularly number theory.

Probability theory is used in the development of the Data Encryption Standard (DES),
which is widely used to encrypt data. Key generation, an essential component of DES,

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relies on the principles of probability theory. Finally, artificial intelligence, a rapidly growing
field, relies on the principles of calculus to develop neural networks, which can "learn" from
large sets of data.

In BSIT, the application of mathematics in the development of technology is an essential

aspect of the curriculum. Students learn how mathematical concepts are used to create
and improve technology. By understanding how math is applied in technology, students
are better equipped to design and implement innovative solutions that can benefit society.

Mathematics Has Numerous Applications in the World Making It Indispensable

Explanation on how mathematics has numerous applications in the world making

it indispensable.

Mathematics is a fundamental subject that has a vast range of applications in various

fields of study. It has become an indispensable tool in modern society because of its ability
to solve problems and predict outcomes accurately. Below are some examples of how
mathematics is applied in different fields:
Application Field Examples
Public-key cryptography, RSA algorithm, elliptic
Cryptology Cybersecurity
curve cryptography
Business and Regression analysis, forecasting models,
Economics market research, statistical process control
Finite element analysis, computational fluid
Simulation Engineering
dynamics, aerodynamics, structural analysis
Sorting algorithms, search algorithms, graph
Algorithms Computer Science
algorithms, dynamic programming
Number Cryptography, Prime number theory, modular arithmetic,
theory Computer Science discrete logarithm problem
Game Economics, Political Nash equilibrium, auction theory, mechanism
Theory Science design
Geometry Architecture, Art Perspective, tessellations, symmetry, fractals
Operations Linear programming, integer programming,
Research network optimization, transportation problem

In the context of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT), mathematics plays

a critical role in the curriculum as it provides a strong foundation in logic and problem-
solving skills needed for computer programming, data analysis, and other related fields.

Examples of how mathematics is used in various fields such as finance,

engineering, medicine, and others.

Mathematics is a fundamental tool that has a wide range of applications in various fields,
including finance, engineering, medicine, and others. In this context, we will discuss how
mathematics is used in these fields and present examples in a table below.

In finance, mathematics is used to analyze data and make predictions about the stock
market and other financial markets. Some of the mathematical concepts used in finance
include calculus, probability, and statistics. Financial analysts use these concepts to
create models that can help them make better investment decisions.

In engineering, mathematics is used to design and analyze structures and systems. Some
of the mathematical concepts used in engineering include calculus, linear algebra, and

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differential equations. Engineers use these concepts to model and simulate complex
systems, design bridges and buildings, and optimize production processes.

In medicine, mathematics is used to analyze medical data and develop models to help
diagnose and treat diseases. Some of the mathematical concepts used in medicine
include statistics, calculus, and differential equations. Medical researchers use these
concepts to develop new drugs and treatments, as well as to analyze medical data and
identify patterns and trends.

In other fields such as physics, computer science, and environmental science,

mathematics is also widely used for modeling and analysis.
Overall, mathematics plays an essential role in many fields and is indispensable for the
advancement of technology and society.

Examples of mathematics applications in various fields:

Field Application Example
Investment Black-Scholes model for option
decisions pricing
Engineering Structural design Finite element analysis
Medicine Disease modeling SIR model for disease spread
Physics Quantum mechanics Schrödinger equation
Computer Science Cryptography RSA algorithm
Climate modeling General circulation models

As a BSIT Student:

The topic on Mathematics in our World is extremely relevant and essential to our field
of study. Mathematics is the basis of computer science, and it is used in many aspects
of software development, including programming, algorithm design, and data analysis.
Mathematics is also useful in many other fields, such as finance, engineering, medicine,
and natural sciences, making it a versatile and indispensable tool in our daily lives.

This topic has taught me the value of mathematics in understanding natural world
patterns, regularities, and behaviors. I also learned how mathematics can be used to
predict and control natural phenomena, as well as to create technologies that benefit
society. Finally, I have grown to appreciate the beauty and elegance of mathematics as
a discipline, as well as the vast array of applications it provides.

Overall, as a BSIT student, I understand the importance of mathematics in my field of

study and in many other fields, and I am motivated to continue learning and improving
my mathematical skills in order to become a better problem solver and computer

Additional Learning Resources

Visit this link to understand more about the rules of mathematics in the modern world:

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Study Questions

 How do mathematical patterns and regularities manifest in the natural world?

 Can you provide examples of natural phenomena that exhibit mathematical

patterns or sequences? How are these patterns related to mathematical concepts?

 How do these patterns in nature contribute to our understanding of mathematics

and its applications in fields like biology, art, and technology?

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Learning Activities


Course Title:
Student Name:
Date Submitted:
Please read the instructions carefully and consult with the instructional coach if you
have any questions. Deadlines in the VLE will not be extended.

Date of Submission: September 9, 2023

Rubric Used:

Things to do:
1. Explore your surroundings to find examples of patterns in nature, architecture,
or art.
2. Document your findings through photographs or sketches, and identify the
mathematical principles behind each pattern. Use any computer softwares in
making your sketches
3. Pass your output in the VLE in a PDF format and save it as

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Course Title:
Student Name:
Date Submitted:
Please read the instructions carefully and consult with the instructional coach if you
have any questions. Deadlines in the VLE will not be extended.

Date of Submission: September 23, 2023

Rubric Used:

Things to do:
1. Choose a field of interest (e.g., finance, architecture, sports) and research how
mathematics is applied in that domain.
2. Create a presentation or infographic to showcase your findings. Use any
computer software for your infographics.
3. Submit your presentation in the VLE in a PDF format and save it as
4. Present your output during your scheduled class a week after the deadline.

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI


Mathematics is an essential and pervasive element that intricately connects with various
aspects of our world. From the symmetrical beauty of natural patterns to the intricate
algorithms powering modern technology, mathematics plays an indispensable role in
shaping our understanding of the universe. This summary delves into the key concepts
and applications of mathematics in our world.

Patterns and Regularities:

Mathematical patterns and regularities are abundant in nature, manifesting in the
symmetry of snowflakes, the hexagonal structure of honeycombs, and the spirals of snail
shells. Even the arrangement of flower petals and the growth of the world's population
adhere to mathematical principles. These patterns not only showcase the elegance of
mathematics but also inspire innovative solutions in fields like computer science, design,
and artificial intelligence.

Mathematics as a Foundation:
In the realm of Information Technology (IT), mathematics serves as the cornerstone. The
study of patterns and regularities is a fundamental aspect of mathematics, which forms
the basis of computer science. Concepts such as symmetry, sequences, and geometric
shapes are integral to graphic design, cryptography, image processing, and data analysis.
The intersection of mathematics and IT empowers professionals to develop technologies,
predict trends, and solve intricate problems.

Practical Applications:
Mathematics finds practical applications in a myriad of real-world scenarios. From financial
calculations in economics to architectural designs, engineering solutions, and weather
predictions, mathematics enhances precision and efficiency. The Fibonacci sequence
appears in the arrangement of seeds in sunflowers, influencing data compression and
encryption techniques. Population growth models aid in data analysis, while weather
patterns drive advancements in meteorology and climate science.

Interdisciplinary Synergy:
Collaboration between diverse fields amplifies the impact of mathematics. IT professionals
working alongside biologists, meteorologists, and other experts can develop innovative
solutions to complex challenges. Mathematical models are harnessed to predict
population trends, analyze weather patterns, and design IT infrastructure capable of
withstanding natural disasters.

Beyond Numbers:
Mathematics extends beyond numerical calculations; it embodies art, aesthetics, and
creativity. Logarithmic spirals in nature inspire visually pleasing designs, demonstrating
the interplay between mathematics and art. Additionally, mathematics offers a lens
through which we can understand the world's intricate interconnectedness, unlocking
insights that shape our understanding of various phenomena.

Mathematics forms an essential thread woven through the fabric of our world. Its patterns,
principles, and applications span across diverse disciplines, from the elegance of natural
patterns to the innovation and precision of modern technology. The study of mathematics
enriches our comprehension of the universe and empowers us to unravel the intricate
tapestry of our surroundings.

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI


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Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

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Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

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