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Mello de Oliveira & Santos-Martin: Enzyme Histochemistry ofthe Liver 201

Enzyme Histochemistry of the Liver in Autopsy Material at

Different Post-mortem Times

JOSE ALBERTO MELLO DE OLIVEIRA, MD, Laboratory of Histoenzymology

Department of Pathology, School of Medicine of Ribeirao Pteto, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

ABSTRACT the earliest signs of autolytic process through

The authors report the enzyme histochemistry of the the enzyme histochemistry in order to deter-
liver obtained from autopsy material in 22 corpses (2
to 12 hours post-mortem) and performed to evaluate mine the number of hours elapsed since death.
the sensitivity of enzyme activities to the autolysis They were unsuccessful in estimating the post-
process and the use of enzymes to estimate time in mortem time by skin histoenzymology because
forensic pathology. The earliest sample was at 2
hours post-mortem; there was five cases up to 5 all systems studied were active for a long time
hours; eight cases up to 8 hours and eight cases up to after death. Pentilla and Ahonen (1976) found
12 hours since death. Active phosphorylase (PHYLA the activities oflactate dehydrogenase, malate
a) and total phosphorylase (PHYLA t) were negative dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase
two hours after death. PHYLA t reaction represents
the activity of PHYLA a increased with the inactive in the rat myocardium to still be active four
phosphorylase b which can be activated by the addi- days after death. Probably because of those
tion of ATP and Mg 2+ to the incubation medium for unsuccessful attempts to show changes in the
phosphorylase a; this activation proved to be ineffec-
tive in the post-mortem periods of this study. enzyme activity through histochemistry this
Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6P-A) also showed a ten- method is little referred to in research for post-
dency to be sensitive to the autolysis process, mortem time estimate. Knight (1991) in his
displaying a reaction progressively weaker or nega- treatise on Forensic Pathology refers to its use
tive in the post-mortem periods of observation. The
results indicate these enzymes as a possible tool to in distinguishing ante-mortem and post-mor-
estimate time in forensic pathology deserving fur- tem wounds but not in the study of the post-
ther investigation. Lactate dehydrogenase (L-D), a- mortem interval. Van den Oever (1976) and
glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (a-GP-D) and ~-hy­
droxybutyrate dehydrogenase (~-HOB-D) instead Ravache-Quiriny (1986) reviewing the subject
showed stronger reactions as the autolysis process of post-mortem interval considered its estima-
evolved. tion as a question not well answered and de-
serving further investigation. Recently Zharov
INTRODUCTION and Mel'nikova (1989) reported changes in the
Raekallio (1961) published the first paper on skeletal and cardiac muscle cathepsins within
the medico-legal application of enzyme histo- five days of death and considered that is possi-
chemistry, followed by reports by Fatteh (1966) ble to use the observed values as one criterion
and Raekallio (1966). Goffin (1968) studied in determining post-mortem interval.
acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and
naphthol-AS-esterase activities in the skin of The present paper is a report of histoenzy-
cadavers. Goffin and Beeckmans (1973) stud- mological studies undertaken to investigate
ied the same tissue for the activities of glucose- enzyme activities in human livers obtained
6-phosphate dehydrogenase, succinate from autopsy material, in order to identify
dehydrogenase and nicotinamideadenine dinu- those more sensitive to the autolytic process
cleotide phosphate tetrazolium-reductase. In and evaluate their utilization to estimate time
this later report the authors tried to identify of death.
202 Med. Sci. Law (1995) Vol. 35, NO.3

Table I. Enzyme histochemistry of the liver: techniques applied to study the autopsy

Enzyme reaction Abbrev. ECnumber* References

Active phosphorylase PHYLA a EC Guha & Wegmann, 1959

Total phosphorylase PHYLAt See text Guha & Wegmann, 1959
Glucose-6-phosphatase G6P-A EC Chiquoine, 1953
Acid phosphatase a.-GP-AII EC Gomori, 1942
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase G6P-D EC Wegmann & Gerzelli, 1961
NADH2-tetrazolium-reduetase NADH2-TR EC Scarpelli et al., 1958
NADPH2-Tetrazolium-reductase NADPH2-TR EC Scarpelli et al., 1958
Lactate dehydrogenase L-D EC Wegmann & Sotelo, 1962
Malate dehydrogenase M-D EC Wegmann & Sotelo, 1962
Alcohol dehydrogenase A-D EC Hardonk, 1965
Glutamate dehydrogenase GL-D EC Diculesco & Wegmann, 1964
Succinate dehydrogenase S-D EC Wegmann & Tordet-Caridroit, 1960
Monoamine oxidase MAO EC Glenner et al., 1957
a-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase a.-GP-D EC Wegmann et al., 1964
[3-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase [3.-HOB-D EC Wegmann et al., 1964
(*) Reference 11.

MATERIAL AND METHODS a control for the effectiveness of every incuba-

There was no refrigeration after death of the tion medium in developing the enzymatic
bodies selected for this study. The access to the reactions. We used the periodic acid Schiff
liver was made soon after opening the abdomi- (PAS) reaction (McManus, 1946) to detect gly-
nal cavity, and the fragments were sampled cogen and the reaction of Chevremont and
and frozen avoiding contact with tap water. We Frederic (1943) to evaluate the SH-radicals in
sampled the right lobe of the liver during 22 the hepatocytes.
necropsies and studied them in the Laboratory
of Histoenzymology (Department of Pathology; RESULTS AND COMMENTS
School of Medicine of Ribeirao Prete). Frag- Table II shows data on post-mortem time, room
ments measuring 5 x 5 x 3mm were frozen in temperature, sex, age, colour, major diseases
liquid nitrogen (-196°C), cut with a Harris and hepatic histopathology in 22 autopsies.
cryotome model CTD of the International Post-mortem time varied from 2 to 12 hours.
Equipment Company, and incubated in solu- Room temperature at the beginning of the
tions prepared through the techniques listed in autopsies ranged from 18°C to 29°C. The cases
Table I. In every technique a neighbouring sec- included 17 males and 5 females, aged 20 to 82
tion incubated in substrate-free media served years. There are 10 cases in which no lesions
as control of enzymatic action on that sub- were reported in liver microscopic examina-
strate. tion. Two cases showed acute congestion; 5
We scored the intensity of the reactions as cases chronic congestion; 2 cases fat degenera-
negative (N), weak (W), moderate (M) or strong tion and 3 cases steatosis. The present results
(S). As a reference for the intensity of the reac- will refer only to the enzyme activities in the
tions we used liver biopsies with normal hepatocytes.
results from our archives whose process The intensities of the enzyme reactions in
and techniques were the same as for the the hepatocytes of liver biopsies were as fol-
autopsy material. Liver and striated muscle lows: moderate to strong activity for PHYLA a
from Wistar rats prepared and incubated si- and PHYLA t in 4 cases; strong activity for
multaneously as for the autopsy material gave G6P-Ain 9 cases; weak activity for u-GP-AII in
Mello de Oliveira & Santos-Martin: Enzyme Histochemistry of the Liver 203

to strong activity in normal tissue except MAO

and P-HOB-Dwhich displayed weak to moder-
ate activity and a-GP-A II which had weak
Among the enzyme activities of the hepato-
cytes in the autopsy material we observed
reactions sensitive or resistant to the autolysis
process as summarized in Table III. Figure 1
illustrates the histochemical reactions in biop-
sies and autopsies for PHYLA t, G6P-A, A-D,
G6P-D and NADPH2-TR. The changes ob-
served in the enzymatic reactions did not
correlate with the degenerative lesions of the
hepatocytes referred in the histopathologic ex-
The phosphorylase system in the glyco-
genolytic pathway soon loses its activity with
negative PHYLAa and PHYLA t reactions two
hours after death (Table III). The activity of
phosphorylase in enzyme histochemistry is di-
rectly proportional to the length and number of
glucosyl units added to the pre-existing intra-
cellular glycogen (Guha and Wegmann, 1959).
The negative reactions as observed by us could
be due to the diffusion and loss of glycogen
during autolysis. However, the PHYLA reac-
tions were negative with glycogen well
preserved in the hepatocytes, as detected by
Figure 1. Enzyme histochemistry of the liver in the PAS technique with previous digestion
biopsies (column A) and autopsies (column B): with a-amylase and p-amylase. Guha and Weg-
1: PHYLA t - positive reaction in biopsy and mann (1959) pointed out that addition of ATP
negative in autopsy; and M~+ to the incubation medium for PHYLA
2: G6P-A - positive reaction in biopsy; notice in a is able to demonstrate the active a form of the
B2 a positive reaction 2 hours after death (left) enzyme plus the activated phosphorylase b;
and a negative reaction 6V2 hours after death this reaction thus represents the activity of
(right); total phosphorylase (PHYLA t), In our mate-
3: A-D; rial, the addition of ATP and M~+ always
4: G6P-D; failed to activate phosphorylase b (Figure 1-
5: NADPH2-TR. Bl.) and both the PHYLA a and t reactions
were negative two hours after death and in
all the other periods of observation in our
2 cases; moderate to strong activity for G6P-D
in 9 cases; moderate to strong activity for
G6P-A in gluconeogenesis is an acid phos-
NADH2-TR in 4 cases; moderate to strong ac- phatase specific for glucose-6-phosphate that
tivity for NADPH2-TR in 10 cases; moderate usually displays strong reaction in the hepato-
activity for L-D, M-D, GLD and SoDin 3 cases; cytes in biopsy fragments (Figure l-A2). In our
strong activity for A-D in 3 cases; weak to material it was shown to be moderately active
moderate activity for a-GP-D and MAO in 3 2 hours after death and negative (Figure I-B2
cases; moderate to strong activities for J3-HOB- right) or weakly reactive with increasing fre-
D in 3 cases. All the enzymes showed moderate quency in the following periods of study.
204 Med. Sci. Law (1995) Vol. 35, NO.3

Table II. Enzyme histochemistry of the liver: data concerning 22 autopsies at different
post-mortem times (PMT)

CasePMT Temp. Sex Age Colour Major disease Liver

No. (h) (oC) (y) histopathology

01 2:00 26.0 m 77 W Necrotizing acute pancreatitis Acute congestion

02 3:00 20.0 m 40 M Bronchopneumonia + Chagas' disease Acute congestion
03 3:00 24.0 m 34 W Chronic alcoholism Steatosis
04 3:20 23.0 f 59 W Hypertensive heart disease (HHD) Chronic congestion
05 3:50 24.0 m 51 W Rattlesnake bite Steatosis
06 4:00 28.0 m 82 M Chagas' disease + HHD Chronic congestion
07 5:00 26.0 m 29 M Perforating wound of the heart No lesion
08 5:00 22.0 m 25 M Accidental polytraumatism No lesion
09 5:00 29.0 f 58 W Chagas' disease No lesion
10 6:00 28.5 m 20 W Rheumatic heart disease No lesion
11 6:30 25.0 m 38 M Chagas' disease No lesion
12 7:00 26.0 f 66 M Chagas' disease No lesion
13 8:00 28.0 m 27 W Chagas' disease Fat degeneration
14 8:00 21.5 m 48 N Hypertensive heart disease Steatosis
15 9:00 21.0 m 47 W Acute tracheobronchitis Fat degeneration
16 9:00 25.0 m 53 W Bronchopneumonia No lesion
17 10:00 18.0 m 45 W Chagas' disease Chronic congestion
18 10:00 19.0 f 57 W Hypertensive heart disease Chronic congestion
19 11:00 18.0 m 48 W Adenocarcinoma of the rectum + Chagas' disease No lesion
20 12:00 22.0 f 21 W Epilepsy No lesion
21 12:00 24.2 m 41 N Chagas' disease No lesion
22 12:00 21.0 m 64 W Acute myocardium infarct Chronic congestion

W=White; NeNegro; M=Mulatto.

a.GP-A 11 which is usually weak in the normal trol the interference ofSH-radicals in the redox
hepatocyte showed negative reaction in all the reactions, we applied the reaction of Chevre-
autopsy cases reported here excluding the in- mont and Frederic (1943). This was positive in
terference of a lysosomal non-specific acid the liver but did not appear to interfere with
phosphatase in the G6P-A reaction. We ob- the enzymatic activities, as demonstrated by
served that the glycolytic enzyme L-D showed the wide gamut of reaction intensities that
stronger activity in the later post-mortem peri- depended exclusively on the presence of the
ods (Table III) than in the fresh biopsy substrate in the incubation medium.
specimens. a-GP-D and P-HOB-D respectively Pearse (1968) stated that when intra-mito-
displaying weak and moderate activities in the chondrial enzyme systems are being studied,
hepatocytes of biopsy specimens, also showed post-mortem tissues are unsuitable for any-
cases with a tendency to increasing activity in thing except relatively crude studies at
the autopsy material, especially in the later histological levels. Damage to cellular mem-
periods (Table III). The other enzyme reactions branes and molecules during the autolysis
studied in the autopsy cases displayed the process can produce artifacts in the localiza-
same ranges of activity as are usually observed tion ofthe final product of the enzyme reaction
in fresh material or showed minor changes or even false negative reactions concerning en-
that could not be inferred as being due to the zyme histochemistry. This could lead to the
autolysis process. These are the oxidoreduc- misinterpretation of the results when used in
tases G6P-D, NADH2-TR, NADPH2-TR, M-D, research or diagnosis. However, the loss of the
A-D, GL-D, S-D and MAO (Table III). To con- activity of enzymes could be followed during
Mello de Oliveira & Santos-Martin: Enzyme Histochemistry of the Liver 205

Table III. Frequency and intensity of reactions in enzyme histochemistry of the liver at
different post-mortem times (PMT) studied in 22 autopsies.
= =
(2:00h I case; -,5:00h 5 cases; @8:00h 8 cases; @12:00h 8 cases) =
PMT(h) 2:00 -Q:OO -8:00 -12:00
Reactions N W M S N W M S N W M S N W M S
PHYLA a 1 5 8 8
PHYLAt 1 5 8 8
G6P-A 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 4 3 1
u.-GP-All 1 5 8 8
G6P-D 1 5 1 7 3 5
NADH2-TR 1 5 2 6 8
NADPH2-TR 1 4 1 6 2 7 1
L-D 1 1 4 1 7 3 5
M-D 1 5 7 1 7 1
A-D 1 3 2 4 4 5 3
GL-D 1 4 1 7 1 3 5
SoD 1 5 8 8
MAO 1 3 2 6 2 8
u-GP-D I 2 3 2 5 I 3 5
~-HOB-D I I 4 I 4 3 5 3

Nenegative: W=weak; Memoderate: Sestrong.

the autolysis process and could be useful in The PHYLA and G6P-A reactions in the liver
determining the time elapsed since death. Pre- which represent enzymes sensitive to the
vious reports (Goffin, 1968; Goffin and autolysis process early in the post-mortem pe-
Beeckmans, 1973; Pentilla and Ahonen, 1976) riod may be promising tools in estimating the
refer to enzymes that remain active for a long time of death and thus deserve further investi-
time after death, meaning that the active site gation.
of the enzymatic protein is still operative. Gof-
fin (1968) and Goffin and Beeckmans (1973) Technical assistance provided by Miss M. P. M. Scan-
were unsuccessful in estimating time of death dar. This investigation received fmancial support
by skin histoenzymology because all the enzy- from: UNDPIWORLD BANKIWHO Special Program
matic systems studied were active for a long for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases -
time in the post-mortem period studied. In- Process ID 780460; Conselho Nacional de Desen-
volvimento Cientifico e Tecnol6gico (CNPq), Proc. no
stead, the liver which is easily accessed by 302333 - 82 (Area 1); Bolsa de Dedicaeao Academica
needle sampling or during autopsy, shows en- da Coordenaeao de Aperfeireoamento de Pessoal de
zyme systems very sensitive to the autolytic Nivel Superior - (CAPES).
process as shown for PHYLA a and t and G6P-
A. Our results accord with those of Zharov and Chevremont, M. and Frederic J. (1943) Une nouvelle
Mel'nikova (1989) who also found enzymes methode histochimique de mise-en-evidence des
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in estimating post-mortem time.
Chiquoine A. D. (1953) The distribution of glucose-6-
In summary, this work shows that histo- phospatase in the liver and kidney of the mouse. J.
chemistry can be useful to study enzyme Histochem. Cytochem. 1, 429--35.
activities in autopsy material depending on the Diculesco 1. and Wegmann R. (1964) Problemas histo-
choice of the tissue or the enzymatic systems enzymologiques de la differenciation des tissus
musculaires. Ann. Histochim. 9, 235-Q0.
and opens interesting perspectives to approach Fatteh A. (1966) Histochemical distinction between
the medico-legal aspects of death through a antemortem and postmortem skin wounds. J. For.
morphological method which is easily done. Sci. 11, 17-27.
206 Med. Sci. Law (1995) Vol. 35, NO.3

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