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Situation: The following questions refer to the concept/ process in carrying out Community

Health Nursing Services.

1. The series of steps that the Public Health Nurse takes in the planning and giving care to a
patient/family is:
a. Scientific method
b. Primary health care approach
c. Problem-solving approach
d. Nursing process

2. The Public Health Nurse identifies the family’s needs, problems and concerns which can be
modified by nursing actions. This process is:
a. Nursing diagnosis
b. Assessment
c. Nursing process
d. Nursing problem

3. The nurse decides that the most pressing needs of the family is nutrition education. Which
step in the nursing process is this:
a. Assessment
b. Planning
c. Intervention
d. Evaluation

4. The nurse makes a continuous appraisal of the care she provides to a family in relation to the
objectives of care and the family’s response or progress. This process is:
a. Implementation
b. Evaluation
c. Nursing diagnosis
d. Assessment

5. Which of the following statements regarding home visit is false:

a. The contents of the home visit to a family is always based on a pre-set plan made by the
b. The frequency of a home visit depends on the willingness and interest of the family to
c. The contents of the home visit should include what the family wants and needs to know
during the visit
d. Planning a continuing care should involve the members of the family

Situation: You are the newly appointed Public Health Nurse (PHN) of the municipality of
6. Which of the following activities will you do in order to define the potential problem of
a. Observation and interview of community leaders
b. Community survey, mapping and recording
c. Data gathering, nursing diagnosis and record keeping
d. House to house visits and interviewing

7. You are concerned with which of the following mortality rates because so many of the causes
of these deaths are preventable:
a. All these rates
b. Maternal mortality rate
c. Infant mortality rate
d. Neonatal mortality rate

8. In view of the varied problems of the community, you need to decide as to which should be
attended first. To make a decision, you’ll go through these steps:
1) Making a choice
2) Judgment
3) Deliberation
Arrange these in proper sequence:
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1, 3 and 2
c. 3, 2 and 1
d. 2, 3 and 1

9. You have decided that health education is a major activity in your plan. The purpose of this is
a. Find out people’s reactions to health services currently provided
b. Inform public of the available programs and services they can avail
c. Provide information on health promotion
d. Facilitate a chance in attitudes and behavior towards health

10. You will evaluate your health plan by the end of the year. Which will serve as basis for this
a. Defined community problems and needs
b. Assessment results
c. Statement of objectives
d. List of quantifiable activities

Situation: Every individual should make efforts towards promoting constructive behavior and
instilling worthy moral values in each developing generation of society. The nurse can be a
strong force in effecting change.
11. Regarded as principal provider of nature to the child is the:
a. Parents
b. . Sibling
c. Family
d. Mother

12. In an assembly of young parents, the school nurse states that parenting is most likely to be
a. Through the role modeling of parents
b. Through the associations of peers
c. During the early adolescent years
d. As early as infancy

13. For any relationship to endure, which one of the following factors is vital:
a. Empathy
b. Self-respect
c. Communication
d. “Golden rule”

14. Which of the following supportive communication techniques reflect back to the child and
his feelings:
a. Non-verbal behavior
b. Passive listening
c. Subtle acknowledgement responses
d. Active listening

15. Technique used to shape behavior that is least acceptable in society is:
a. “holding-out” responses
b. Learning by example
c. Physical punishment
d. Inactive listening

Situation: The following questions pertain to the present health care delivery system.

16. The devolution of health services to the local government unit was mandated by:
a. R.A. 7160
b. R.A. 7305
c. Executive Order 51
d. R.A. 7164

17. Primary health care as a strategy in the delivery of health care services is best characterized
a. Essential health services accessible and acceptable to the community
b. Partnership between and among the health workers
c. Provision of health services at the district level
d. Top-down decision making

18. A Public Health Nurse assigned in the Rural Health Unit takes care of at least:
a. 25,000 population
b. 20,000 population
c. 5,000 population
d. 10,000 population
19. Shortly from birth, Baby Sison showed large amounts of mucus and its becoming cyanotic.
The nurse should:
a. Rock him to sleep
b. Give him infant oxygen
c. Insert a levine’s tube
d. Suction gently the mucus as necessary

20. The Department of Health provides health care services to the people in line with which of
the following levels of prevention:
a. Tertiary level
b. All the three levels of prevention
c. Secondary level
d. Primary level

21. When is the appropriate termination of a home visits?

a. the client dies
b. care planning and assessment are complete
c. the family requests it
d. goals are met or appropriate referrals for other care made

22. Using of tampons for longer periods of time is a danger potential complication that poses?
a. Toxic shock syndrome
b. Toxic poisoning
c. Generalized infection
d. Localized infection

23. All are classified as sexually transmitted diseases, except?

a. Trichomonal infection
b. Streptococcal infection
c. Gonococcal infection
d. Chlamydial infection

24. The aim of health maintenance is:

a. Referring patient to another facility
b. Part of your health monitoring function
c. Smooth transfer and follow-up care of patient
d. To enable patient to remain healthy

25. The role which is most helpful to the nurse for continuity of care be successful is the?
a. Co-worker
b. Collaborator
c. Coordinator
d. Communicator

Situation: You work as a Public Health Nurse in a family planning clinic. You provide expert
services on family planning methods.
26. While waiting for the physician, you explain to your clients that family planning:
a. All of these
b. Provides benefits not only to the mother but also to the father
c. Contributes to the improvement of the health of children
d. Is a voluntary action of couples to decide the number of children they desire.

27. If you asked about the advantage of intrauterine device (IUD), you will explain that these are
the following, except:
a. Does not interfere with intercourse
b. Is very effective ad inexpensive
c. Does not interfere with the flow of milk and mother can continue breastfeeding
d. None of these

28. If a mother tells you that she does not want to take pills because she heard that pills cause
cancer, you will:
a. Blame the mother for believing in information that is not true
b. Explain to the mother why the information she heard is not true
c. Tell the mother that there is no truth in what she heard
d. Refer the mother the doctor

29. A more frequent family planning method that may be advised for women whose lives may be
endangered by another pregnancy is:
a. Vasectomy
b. Pills
c. Intrauterine device
d. Tubal ligation

30. Breastfeeding provides 98% protection against another pregnancy only as long as:
a. The baby is under six months old
b. All these conditions
c. Mother has not experienced menstrual bleeding
d. The mother is fully breastfeeding for a minimum of six feedings during the day time and
two at night

31. The nurse sees to it that the high risk child is visited or brought to the clinic:
a. Upon request of parents
b. At the last week for the first month then monthly thereafter up to 12 months
c. At least daily for the first week and weekly for one month
d. When the child is sick

32. A family health tree is used to track which of the following?

a. mental health disorders that occur in a family
b. marriage and divorce
c. health conditions with no genetic basis
d. places of residence

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