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Method Statement and Risk Assessment for Tankers

Water Supply

Review and Approval

Action Name and Role Signature

Prepared by Tariq Ali

Technical review by Mohamad Harb

Quality review by JOP Cortez

Approved by Edy Slim

Qiddiya Investment Company
Design & Build Temporary Water Supply
Method Statement and Risk Assessment for
Tankers Water Supply


1. General ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Scope ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Terms & Definitions.................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
6 Equipment, Tools, And Resources .............................................................................................................................. 5
7 Personnel Qualification ............................................................................................................................................... 5
8 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
9 Health, Safety, And Environment ............................................................................................................................... 6
10 Water Quality Requirement......................................................................................................................................... 7
11 References ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
12 Attachment ................................................................................................................................................................ 10

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Qiddiya Investment Company
Design & Build Temporary Water Supply
Method Statement and Risk Assessment for
Tankers Water Supply

1. General
QIDP has considered water tankers to be used as an interim solution for water supply to Golf grassing area in the
absence of operational water supply pipeline Having SALCO has a Temporary Water Supply contract with Qiddiya
It has been commissioned to provide a proposal and ensuring required quality and quantity of water being supplied
by tankers, necessary operational supervision, monitoring of tanker operation, traffic management, HSE and
commercial related aspects to be achieved.

2. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and proper methodology in sampling, testing and carry out the
required daily water supply demand via tankers starting on the mid of June 2023 and filling in a temporary lake
pending completion of permanent lake by August 2023.

3. Scope
- SALCO shall make an agreement with the water source owners and guarantee the daily supply of the agreed
quality and volume of water that is 2,600 m3/day as of June 15th, 2023, water supply by tankers and shall
gradually increase to 5,600 m3/day in September 2023.
- Water Supply shall only be derived from the approved water sources. Spot checking of delivered water to
determine the same quality and source is in placed to avoid unlicensed source is employed.

This Method Statement shall address the following concerns:

3.1 Confirmation of meeting water quality and quantity requirements
3.2 Quality and quantity monitoring mechanism
3.3 Testing plan and test method to achieve the specified quality.
3.4 HSE plan and trucks traffic management plan
3.5 Number of trucks per trip and number of trips
3.6 Water tankers operation plan

4 Terms & Definitions

a. HSE – Health, Safety & Environment.
b. PQP – Project Quality Plan.
c. RA – Risk Assessment

5 Responsibilities

5.1 Project Manager:

• Endorse a water supplier company.
• Review all working methods and processes, both new and existing, to see that all requirements are met.
• Participate in consultant/client site inspections and meetings.
• Ensuring compliance to contract scope.
• Participate in all incident investigations and dangerous incidents.

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Qiddiya Investment Company
Design & Build Temporary Water Supply
Method Statement and Risk Assessment for
Tankers Water Supply

5.2 Water Tankers Supervisors:

• Familiarize himself with the Company's environmental & health and safety management systems.
• Review any alterations in processes, equipment, and materials to ensure that health & safety, and environment
plans are not disregarded.
• Ensure approved method statements and risk assessments are available and addressed to the concerned site teams
prior to work commencement.
• Ensure compliance with a permit-to-work system.
• Establish and maintain a program for identifying and assessing hazards.
• Assist in the investigation of accidents/dangerous occurrences and recommend preventive measures.
• Ensure that method statements, hazard analysis, and safe work procedures for hazardous operations must be
submitted by the sub-contractors before the commencement of related work on site.
• Supervise the work on site and ensure zero accident reports.
• Liaise between office and client to ensure troubleshooting of site works.
• Ensure all work is being done properly as required and in the required time frame.
• Ensure all work is done in order andwith high quality.

5.3 HSE Manager

• Ensures that all rules and regulations mentioned in the project specifications are met.
• Inspects and rectify any unsafe practices.
• Checks subcontractor’s work to ensure compliance with the client’s Regulations.
• Liaises with sub-contractors concerning environmental, health, and safety works undertaken by them.
• Assists & oversees the HSE Officer and Environmental Control Officer in all HSE and Environmental matters.
• Assists in organizing HSE, and environmental awareness activities.
• Ensure that the issuance of personal protective equipment is properly recorded and documented.
• Coordinates and ensures compliance with the Risk Assessment Program

5.4 Tanker Drivers:

• Familiar to the required health, safety and environmental requirements of the project.
• Ensures possession of proper heavy equipment driving license.
• Has adequate knowledge and skills in water tankers driving.
• Equipped with trouble shooting knowledge, as necessary.

5.5 3rd party testing personnel:

• Conduct sampling and testing of water from identified sources and from discharge point.
• Ensuring the required quality of water is in accordance with TSE specification is attained and submit reports of
any discrepancies.
• Refer to attached ITP and frequency of testing in Attachment – 1 & Item 10.1 for Checking Water Quality.
Polished TSE Quality.

5.6 Water Delivery Receiver:

• Maintain records of water quantity and quality delivered to the lake.

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Qiddiya Investment Company
Design & Build Temporary Water Supply
Method Statement and Risk Assessment for
Tankers Water Supply

• Ensure full tanker capacity on each tanker is delivered by visual inspection.

• Monitor water quality, color and odor.

5.7 Equipment Maintenance Personnel:

• Ensure work is complying with electrical codes, standards, and regulations.
• Ensure all equipment’s are in good working condition.

6 Equipment, Tools, And Resources

6.1 Equipment:
• Water Tanker
• Water Testing apparatus

7 Personnel Qualification

• All Tanker drivers should have a valid Heavy Equipment Driving License.
• All personnel will have the competency for the tasks that they will be carrying out,
• Trained and certified supervisors will act as “vehicle commanders” (after receiving flagman training) by
following and guiding the vehicle into and around the plant.

8 Methodology
There are a total of 4 identified locations for Water Tanker supply source in AL MUZAHMIYA AREA In MAKKAH
Road, DHURMA AREA and adjacent areas that are within 45 km to 35 km from the lake. Approximately 16 water
tankers with 32000 Liters capacity will alternately deliver water each in 5 times daily in the initial stage for the 2600
m³ per day requirement.

8.1 Filling Water Tankers from Source

• Water Tankers shall be filled from the source approximately 1hrs. each to fill 32000 liters water tanker.
Including waiting time.
• SALCO supervisor is assigned to monitor the water tanker supplier filling water to the approved water

8.2 Travelling from source to Golf Area

• Water tankers to travel at their designated route from source to Golf Course Lake at approximately
45minutes maximum.
• Water Tanker shall use Gate 2 & Gate 4 to deliver water (Ingress, Egress).
• Gate 2 is 13 Km to Temporary Lake & Gate 4 is 18 Km to the Temporary Lake.
• Approximate 3 hrs., for a water tanker to complete a round trip.

8.3 Receiving and Recording Water Deliveries

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Qiddiya Investment Company
Design & Build Temporary Water Supply
Method Statement and Risk Assessment for
Tankers Water Supply

• Upon arrival at the golf course lake the driver shall present the delivery note to the receiver for testing
and recording.
• Random tests of water sample shall be conducted through a Water Quality testing apparatus from source
and from discharge point to assess the delivered water meet the required criteria.

8.4 Discharging Water to the Lake

• Visual inspection of each water tanker delivered shall be initiated by the receiver to ensure full volume
of water tanker capacity is discharged.
• Water shall be discharged in the designated filling point of the lake.
• The receiver shall record and log the discharged quantity of each water tanker.
• Record shall identify each truck number, time discharged, Quantity Discharged, and water test results.

8.5 Returning to source for refilling

• Upon discharging water to the lake, Water tanker shall exit the premises and proceed to refilling.

8.6 Distance Calculation for the Tankers Route


1 17.4 13 16.6 60
2 28.7 13 31.1 85.8
3 18.8 13 24.2 69
4 16 13 17.1 59.1
1 2.6 18 2.6 41.2
2 17 18 17.1 70.1
3 19.4 18 20.1 75.5
4 3.4 18 3.1 42.5

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Qiddiya Investment Company
Design & Build Temporary Water Supply
Method Statement and Risk Assessment for
Tankers Water Supply


Water Requirement for

Baseline Schedule
LOCATION Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23

(l/day) (l/day) (l/day) (l/day) (l/day) (l/day) (l/day)

Total Water Requirement

l/day 1,681,241 4,667,239 5,702,280 4,275,954 5,497,848 7,592,252 8,043,126
per Day
m³/day 1,681 4,667 5,702 4,276 5,498 7,592 8,043
tank/day 56 156 190 143 183 253 268


Date Tankers / Day

June - W2 9
200 Tankers / Day
June - W3 8 180

June - W4 54
July - W1 26
July - W2 42 140

July - W3 95
July - W4 68
Aug - W1 139 100

Aug - W2 131
Aug - W3 122
Aug - W4 143 60

Sep -W1 152

Sep -W2 149
Sep -W3 181 20

Sep -W4 169

Oct -W1 113 June June June July July July July Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep -Sep -Sep -Sep -Oct - Oct - Oct - Oct - Nov-
Oct -W2 111 - W2 - W3 - W4 - W1 - W2 - W3 - W4 - W1 - W2 - W3 - W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1

Oct -W3 110

Oct -W4 110
Nov- W1 110
P a g e 7 | 10
Qiddiya Investment Company
Design & Build Temporary Water Supply
Method Statement and Risk Assessment for
Tankers Water Supply

9 Health, Safety, And Environment

9.1 Brief:
• HSE Manager shall ensure that the work is performed according to the approved Construction Safety Manual and
precautions specified in the work permit. He shall ensure that barricades, warning tapes, warning signs,
firefighting equipment, and first aid kits are readily available in the working area.
• Toolbox talk shall be conducted daily to inform the workers of the recent safety issues and incidents and receive
feedback about any unreported unsafe acts. Feedback will then be processed and resolved.

9.2 Safety Procedures:

• All operatives must attend safety induction prior to the commencement of work.
• Relay approved MSRA to workers and ensure its implementation.
• Conduct toolbox talk, an emergency procedure breakdown for the site, etc. prior to starting activity at the site.
• PTW must be implemented to ensure hazards associated with activities are identified and control measures are in
• Area shall be barricaded adequately with warning barriers before any lift.
• All Equipment shall be checked before commencing work.
• Unauthorized personnel shall be removed from areas of work.
• Tankers must be equipped with a reverse/back-up alarm.
• Adequate caution boards and warning signs shall be provided.
• Only trained and authorized personnel shall operate the vehicles / Machinery.
• Upon completion of the job, the area shall be cleared of any materials and cleaned.
• Ensure to provide safe access and egress and isolate the pedestrian walkways and vehicles route.
• Competent and trained supervisors are to be always available at the site.
• Control measures are to be implemented to prevent ground contamination, Dust suppression, Housekeeping,
material management, etc.
• Get approval from the client/consultant (If night shift work is required) and ensure the implementation of an
approved night shift work permit.

9.3 HSE Measures:

- All drivers to have valid ID cards
- All drivers to have valid Qiddiya gate passes
- Ensure Drivers have heavy equipment driver’s license
- Tool Box Talk to be conducted regarding Site safety regulations
- Visible Sign boards inside Qiddiya Site to indicate Tanker routing (IN /OUT) to be erected
- Qiddiya to arrange for a dedicated lane at Gates 2 & 4 for tanker entrance during high water demand periods.

10 Water Quality Requirement

P a g e 8 | 10
Qiddiya Investment Company
Design & Build Temporary Water Supply
Method Statement and Risk Assessment for
Tankers Water Supply

10.1 Acceptance Criteria

• 3rd Party Laboratory Shall conduct initial water test from the source and submit the report
ensuring water quality meets or exceeds the requirement. The table below defines the acceptance
criteria for water supplied.

10.2 Quantity & Quality Control

- Random Water Quality Test to be done at Source (Min. once a week)

- Water Quality to be recorded for each truck during discharge to Lake (Acceptable TDS range <

- Visual Inspection of full tank prior to water discharge

- Visual Inspection of water color and possible odors

- Log Sheet to be filled during discharge

P a g e 9 | 10
Qiddiya Investment Company
Design & Build Temporary Water Supply
Method Statement and Risk Assessment for
Tankers Water Supply


11 References
• Health & Safety Plan
• Delivery Notes from supplier
• ITP Reference (Frequency of Testing) – GOLF COURSE Technical Specification – Section32 9123 Par. 3.09

12 Attachment
1. ITP Reference Paragraph from End User Technical Specification
2. Risk Assessment.
3. Water Tanker Route Inside Qiddiya (Gate #2 & Gate #4 to Temporary Lake)
4. Water Tanker Route Outside Qiddiya from Water Source 1,2,3 & 4 To Gate #2
5. Water Tanker Route Outside Qiddiya from Water Source 1,2,3 & 4 To Gate #4
6. Temporary Lake Layout
7. Signage & Tanker Stickers
8. Tanker Water Delivery Log Sheet

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