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The Coat

Last month on a cloudy day, I was playing soccer in the park next to my house, as I do almost every
day, but there is something that happened to me, that will set it apart from any other.

I usually play alone, because I don't have any friends who like football , so I usually take the
opportunity to improve my personal skills. That afternoon, a boy named Juan Tenorio came up to me
and asked if he could play with me. I said yes, very excited. We were playing for a while, but
suddenly it started to rain. Juan didn't have anything to keep warm and I lent him my coat and he
gave me his address so that I could pick it up the next day. The next morning, I went to pick the coat
up. His house was a 10-minute walk from mine, so I pick up another coat I had because it was cold,
and started walking there. When I arrived I rang the doorbell and an old lady answered. I asked
about Juan and he told me he didn't know anything about any Juan, but I saw a picture of him on the
counter. I told him why I was coming and what happened to me yesterday with him. The lady told
me that Juan was her son, and that he died two years ago from a blow to the head playing football
on a rainy day. Hearing that, I ran to my house very scared. And when I passed by the place where
we had been playing the day before, I saw the coat I lent Juan yesterday. I didn't stop, if not quite
the opposite, I started running even faster.

To this day, when I pass through that park, I get goosebumps and even avoid taking that path. It was
the worst day of my life!

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