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Fill in the correct passive form of the verb.

1. Romeo and Juliet ___________________ by Shakespeare. (WRITE)

2. The books _________________________ yet. (NOT PUBLISH)

3. As soon as I got home, I realized that my wallet _________________________. (STEAL)

4. Dinner _________________________ between 5 and 10 p.m. every day. (SERVE)

5. No letters _________________________ since the start of the strike. (DELIVER)

6. The building _________________________ torn down when we got there (BE).

7. Progress in many fields of science _________________________ in the last decade. (MAKE)

8. Since last week 5 of the 7 terrorists _________________________. (CATCH)

9. Taxes _________________________ by the new government next month. (INCREASE)

10.The classroom _________________________ next week. (REDECORATE)

11.The church _________________________ by a famous architect in the 18th century.


12.The tunnel _________________________ at the moment, so it's closed for all traffic.


13.My phone _________________________. I can't find it anywhere. (TAKE)

14.The application _________________________ by Friday. (MUST SEND)

15.When we first met, I had _________________________ a job at the bank. (ALREADY OFFER)

16.Olives _________________________ in Mediterranean countries. (GROW)

17.He _________________________ French when he spent his childhood there. (TEACH)

18."A Hard Days Night" _________________________ by the Beatles. (WRITE)

19.We _________________________ about the hurricane for the last few days. (WARN)

20.Before the meeting was over all the food _________________________. (EAT)

21.I _____________________________ extra pay this month. (ALREADY GIVE)

22.I _________________________ by the music so I couldn't concentrate. (DISTURB)

23.Aluminium _________________________ out of bauxite. (MAKE)

24._________________________________________ yet? (THE PACKAGES , DELIVER)

25.A UFO _________________________ by several witnesses yesterday evening. (SEE)

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.
1. The lawyer is preparing some important documents for the trial.
2. 2. They are building a new amusement park in this neighbourhood.
3. 3. The politicians will have reached a decision by tomorrow.
4. 4. Millions of people all over the world watch this programme.
5. 5. They ought to pay the workers more.
6. 6. Somebody stole my car from the car park.
7. 7. She hasn't watered these plants for over a week.
8. 8. Joe introduced me to his girlfriend last week.
9. 9. The audience is not listening to the speaker.
10. 10.They might invite us to the party, but I'm not sure.
11. 11.Candidates must return their applications by the end of next week.
12. 12.We will finish all the school projects by the end of the next term.
13. 13.Somebody took this picture a while ago.
14. 14.The authorities should raise more money for the new church.
15. 15.They gave us a guided tour of the museum.
16. 16.The workers were repairing the roof when the fire started.

Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verb in


1. At last night's ceremony, they _____________ the award to an unknown actress. (GIVE)

2. The survivors __________________ by a cruise ship that __________________ to be near


3. Two hours after the accident the doctor __________________ him dead. (DECLARE)

4. I remember __________________ to the circus by my father. (BE TAKE)

5. The weather _____________________ in the next few days. (NOT IMPROVE)

6. Coffee _____________________ before you __________________ it. (MUST ROAST, SELL)

7. The bridge _______________________ at the moment so it _____________________. (REPAIR,


8. The police __________________ the victim a picture of the suspect. (SHOW)

9. The new staff members _____________________ all the help they need. (GIVE)

10.That door _________________________ for ages. (NOT OPEN)

11.A few days ago, a judge __________________ him to appear before court next month.


12.The Times __________________________ such a shocking letter before. (NEVER PUBLISH)

13.They _________________________ on what to do when the headmaster __________________


14.The vandals __________________ bottles into windows and __________________ a few cars.


15.The new teammates _______________________ more time to get accustomed to the

practice sessions. (SHOULD GIVE)

16.After dad __________________ me to the zoo, he __________________ me some new

clothes at the department store. (TAKE, BUY)

17.I __________________ to the party last Thursday because I ____________________. (NOT


18.I __________________ so surprised by such an outstanding performance before. (NEVER


19.When we __________________ out of the cinema, the bus __________________ to take us

home. (COME, TAKE)

20.All the papers _____________________ in by next Friday. (MUST HAND)

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

1. Someone has already paid the workers.


2. Who wrote that book?

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. They taught him Spanish and gave him a word list.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. People say that the strike will end soon.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. My friend offered me a job at the bank.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. The boss asked him to leave the meeting.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
7. Did the proposal interest you?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. They will show the paintings at the exhibition until Monday.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
9. They are repairing the church bells at the moment.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
10.They say that the man is living in London.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
11.You have never watered these plants.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
12.When I entered the room, the teacher was passing out the test instructions.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
13.They treat and cure people at hospitals.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
14.They haven't seen him since last week.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
15.Everyone says he is a great footballer.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
16.The police told her that they had found her lost purse.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

Rewrite the sentences and make them passive. 1. They are serving breakfast in the dining room.
____ . 2. They play rugby in all the Commonwealth countries.
____ . 3. You must clean your suit for the ceremony.
____ . 4. The authorities are opening the town health centre next week.
____ . 5. Nobody can beat Liverpool.
____ . 6. After John had repaired the car, he sold it.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
7. Steven King wrote the book.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. You should send the email today.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
9. The doctor must examine you again.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
10.The company has produced cars since the beginning of the century.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
11.The Egyptians buried pharaohs in pyramids.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
12.They will meet you at the train station.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
13.Has everyone read the instructions?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
14.The nurse reads the newspaper to the old man every day.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
15.They must have left the documents behind.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

Make passive sentences using the word parts and the given tense.

1. The window – open (present perfect simple)

2. Her room – paint (past progressive)
3. He – take – to the airport. (present perfect simple)
4. The bike – repair – at the moment (present progressive)
5. The cows – feed – every morning (present simple)
6. The novel – write – a hundred years ago (past simple)
7. The food – must put – in the fridge (present simple)
8. A press conference – hold – tomorrow afternoon (future simple)
9. Our new house – just – finish (present perfect simple)
10.The thief – see – by the policeman (past perfect simple)
11.The story – often tell – by grandmother (present simple)
12.The package – send – by a good friend (past simple)
13.He – not see – for ages (present perfect simple)
14.My dad – off – a new job – later this week (future simple)
15.The church – not renovate – for two hundred years (present perfect simple)
16.Breakfast – serve – from 7 to 10 (present simple)

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