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Material for the podcast "love the

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Good afternoon, greetings defend the country

Introducing my name is Desi Malasari with name 202126032 and my partner Dimas

Oktian Ramadhan with name 202122003, we are both from the Al-Kamal Institute of

Science and Technology Jakarta.

Today we will both complete our UTS assignments by discussing "love of the

motherland" according to our views and opinions.

Desi: According to Dimas himself, what is your opinion / view of "love for the


Dimas: I think love for the motherland is a feeling of pride, belonging, respect,

respect and loyalty that every individual has in the country where he lives. What is

reflected in the behavior of defending their homeland is guarding and protecting their

homeland, being willing to sacrifice for the interests of their nation and country, loving

the customs or culture that exist in their country by preserving them, and preserving

nature and the environment.

Dimas: According to its own desi, what is "love for the motherland"?

Desi:Love for the motherland is a feeling of pride and also belonging to a certain territory.

This feeling is manifested in the form of a willingness to sacrifice to protect its territory from

various kinds of disturbances and threats. The importance of having a sense of love for the

motherland will make it a natural human trait that is possessed from birth. According to the
Big Indonesian Dictionary, love for the motherland is a feeling that arises and emerges from

the heart of a citizen to serve, defend, maintain, protect the motherland from various kinds of

threats and disturbances.

Dimas:This is a manifestation of the third principle, namely the Unity of Indonesia

which can be realized in the form of:everyday life in the family, school and community.

Therefore, love for the homeland needs to be cultivated in the soul of every individual

from an early age who becomes an Indonesian citizen so that the goal of living

together can be achieved. One way to foster a sense of love for the homeland is to

cultivate a sense of pride in the homeland through education.

Desi: That's right, I agree that pride for the homeland can be grown by imparting

knowledge and sharingcultural values that we have in common.

Desi: to show the attitude of "love for the motherland" what does Dimas himself


Dimas: To show an attitude of love for the motherland, you can start from yourself:

1. Studying History

2. Doing the flag ceremony

3. Understanding state symbols

4. Using local products

5. Defending sovereignty

6. Bringing the nation's name

7. Maintain peace

Desi: Wow, it's true that by showing the attitude of "love for the motherland", one of us is

studying history like the heroes who have borne their hearts and bodies for Indonesia. so

that we don't forget the services of the heroes in the past who fought to expel the invaders
and tried to liberate our country so that the nation's children and grandchildren would not feel

what they felt.

Dimas: that's right desi, then how do we instill a sense of "love for the motherland"?

Desi: How to instill a sense of love for the country by:

1. Become a role model

2. Introducing the national anthem

3. Cultural recreation

Dimas: correctly

Desi: the last question to respond to love for the homeland how? Dimas: The attitude

of love for the homeland has several benefits, such as:

1. Being an individual who is not easy to fight against each other.

2. Adding a sense of pride to the Indonesian nation.

3. Generating love for the country, so that they always try to protect the country from all

threats, disturbances and challenges it faces.

4. The creation of security and peace in the community.

5. The increase in the economy, this is related to one of the attitudes of love for the homeland,

namely being proud to use domestic products.

6. More respect for the services of the heroes.

7. Fostering a spirit of nationalism.

Desi: oh that's right, okay to conclude our conversation and end today's podcast I will

convey a message to young people and future generations that we always maintaining

love for the Indonesian homeland is shown by attitudes such as studying diligently

keep fighting heroes

use domestic products

trying to advance their own country and avoid behavior that vilifies the homeland.

For that I will end today's podcast, I apologize if any of our discussions have given the wrong

response or words on this podcast.

For that we say wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Greetings defend the country

Bye bye

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