EE3010 NTU Lecture 11 Transformers

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Lecture 11:

EE3010: Electrical Devices and Machines
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate Professor So Ping Lam

Tel: +65 6790 5026 | Email:
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EE3010 Lecture 11
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lecture, you should be able to:

™ Explain how open-circuit test and short-circuit test are carried out to determine
the transformer shunt parameters Rc and Xm and the transformer series
parameters Re and Xe respectively.

™ Apply the shunt and series parameters obtained to develop the approximate
equivalent circuits referred to the low-voltage side and the high-voltage side.

™ Perform analysis on the approximate equivalent circuits to evaluate the

transformer performance.

EE3010 Lecture 11
Transformer Testing: Determination of Parameters

™ Open-circuit (OC) Test

• This test is carried out to determine the shunt parameters Rc and Xm of the
transformer. The connection diagram of the test setup is shown in Fig. 37.
• One winding, usually the high-voltage side, is left open. The low-voltage side is
supplied with rated voltage at rated frequency.

Rated voltage + Low-

High-voltage side
(Low-voltage V voltage
(open circuit)
side) - side

Fig. 37. The connection diagram of the test setup.

EE3010 Lecture 11
Transformer Testing: Determination of Parameters

• The wattmeter, the voltmeter, and the ammeter connected as shown in Fig. 37
are used to record:
ƒ The applied rated voltage (Voc) V
ƒ The power input (Poc) W
ƒ The current drawn (Ioc) A

Rated voltage + Low- High-voltage

(Low-voltage V voltage side
side) - side (open circuit)

Fig. 37. The connection diagram of the test setup.

EE3010 Lecture 11
Transformer Testing: Determination of Parameters

• The approximate equivalent circuit for the I oc ReL jX eL

circuit connection during OC test is shown
in Fig. 38. Since the test is conducted on
the low-voltage (lv) side, the parameters Voc RcL jX mL
obtained will be the effective value Ic Im
referred to the lv (L) side.
Fig. 38. The approximate equivalent circuit
• All the power input during the test for the circuit connection during OC test.
is consumed by RcL. Since
Voc2 Voc2
Poc Ÿ RcL
RcL Poc
Then, I c A

EE3010 Lecture 11
Transformer Testing: Determination of Parameters
• The phasor relationship between the currents Voc
Ic, Im, and Ioc is shown in Fig. 39. Clearly, ) oc

I oc2 I c2  I m2 Ÿ I m I oc2  I c2
• Then, X mL
• Thus, the simple data collected from the OC
test, Voc, Poc and Ioc, can be easily used to I oc
calculate the shunt parameters RcL and XmL of
the transformer approximate equivalent circuit. Fig. 39. The phasor diagram.

EE3010 Lecture 11
Transformer Testing: Determination of Parameters

™ Short-circuit (SC) Test

• This test is carried out to determine the series parameters Re and Xe of the
transformer. The connection diagram of the test setup is shown in Fig. 40.


Adjust voltage for

Low-voltage side
rated current V (short circuit)
(High-voltage side)

Fig. 40. The connection diagram of the test setup.

EE3010 Lecture 11
Transformer Testing: Determination of Parameters

• One winding, usually the low-voltage side, is short-circuited. The high-voltage

side is supplied with a variable voltage source of the rated frequency. The input
voltage is kept low ( ≈5 % of rated voltage), such that rated currents flow in the
primary and secondary windings under the short-circuit test condition.
• The wattmeter, the voltmeter, and the ammeter connected as shown in Fig. 40
are used to record:
ƒ The applied reduced voltage (Vsc) V
ƒ The power input (Psc) W
ƒ The current drawn (Isc) A

EE3010 Lecture 11
Transformer Testing: Determination of Parameters

• The approximate equivalent circuit for the ReH jX eH

circuit connection during SC test is shown
Fig. 41. The test is conducted on the high- I sc
voltage (hv) side, so the parameters obtained Vsc
will be the effective values referred to the hv
(H) side.
Fig. 41. The approximate equivalent
• All the power input during the test is circuit for the circuit connection during
consumed by ReH: SC test.
Psc I sc2 ReH Ÿ ReH sc
I sc2
• Also, Z eH 2
, then, clearly: Z eH 2
ReH  X eH
Ÿ X eH 2
Z eH  ReH2
I sc

EE3010 Lecture 11
Transformer Testing: Determination of Parameters

• Thus, the simple set of data collected from the SC test, Vsc, Psc and Isc, can be
easily used to calculate the total effective values of the series parameters
ReH and XeH of the transformer equivalent circuit.

• It must be noted that these two tests are generally conducted on two
different sides of the transformer. Therefore, appropriate adjustments of the
parameters are required to use them in the same common circuit.

EE3010 Lecture 11
Example 6
The following test data were collected from a 48-kVA, 4800/240-V, 50-Hz transformer:

Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)

Open-circuit test 240 2 120
Short-circuit test 150 10 600

Determine the equivalent circuit of the transformer:

a) Referred to the low-voltage side.
b) Referred to the high-voltage side.

(Solutions Æ)
EE3010 Lecture 11
Example 6 – Solutions
OC test must be done at rated voltage.

Therefore, the OC test is conducted on the low-voltage (L) side, and

Voc 240 V, Ioc 2 A, and Poc 120 W.

Voc2 Voc2 2402 Voc 240
Poc Ÿ RcL 480 :, and I c 0.5 A
RcL Poc 120 RcL 480
Im I oc2  I c2 22  0.52 1.9365 A , and
Voc 240
X mL 123.94 :
Im 1.9365

EE3010 Lecture 11
Example 6 – Solutions
SC test is done on the high-voltage (H) side, and
Vsc 150 V, Isc 10A, and Psc 600 W
Psc 600 Vsc 150
ReH 6 : , and Z eH 15 :
I sc2 102 I sc 10
X eH 2
Z eH  ReH
152  62 13.75 :
Now, the turns ratio of the transformer a 20
§1· 1
Therefore, ReH 6 : Ÿ ReL ¨ 2 ¸ ReH u 6 0.015 : 15 m:
©a ¹ 202

EE3010 Lecture 11
Example 6 – Solutions

§1· 1
X eH 13.75 : Ÿ X eL ¨ 2 ¸ X eH u 13.75 0.0344 : 34.4 m:
© ¹
a 20
RcL 480 : Ÿ RcH a 2 RcL 202 u 480 192 k:
X mL 123.94 : Ÿ X mH a 2 X mL 202 u 123.94 49.58 k:

The approximate equivalent circuits can now be drawn (see Figs. 42 and 43) as follows:
15 m: j 34 m: 6: j13.75 :

480 : j123.94 : 192 k: j 49.58 k:

Fig. 42. Referred to low-voltage side. Fig. 43. Referred to high-voltage side.
EE3010 Lecture 11
In this lecture, you have learnt:

™ The transformer testing on open-circuit test and short-circuit test to determine the
transformer shunt parameters Rc and Xm and the transformer series parameters Re
and Xe .

™ The concepts of using the shunt and series parameters to develop the approximate
equivalent circuits referred to the low-voltage side and the high-voltage side.

™ Analysis on the approximate equivalent circuits to evaluate the transformer


EE3010 Lecture 11

No. Slide No. Image Reference

1 4 and 5 Reprinted from Electric Machinery and Transformers, 3rd ed., (p.
233), by B. S. Guru, & H. R. Hiziroglu, 2001, New York, NY: Oxford
University Press. Copyright 2001 by Oxford University Press.

2 6 Reprinted from Electric Machinery and Transformers, 3rd ed., (p.

233), by B. S. Guru, & H. R. Hiziroglu, 2001, New York, NY: Oxford
University Press. Copyright 2001 by Oxford University Press.

3 7 Reprinted from Electric Machinery and Transformers, 3rd ed., (p.

234), by B. S. Guru, & H. R. Hiziroglu, 2001, New York, NY: Oxford
University Press. Copyright 2001 by Oxford University Press.
Reprinted with permission.

EE3010 Lecture 11

No. Slide No. Image Reference

4 8 Reprinted from Electric Machinery and Transformers, 3rd ed., (p.
235), by B. S. Guru, & H. R. Hiziroglu, 2001, New York, NY: Oxford
University Press. Copyright 2001 by Oxford University Press.

5 10 Reprinted from Electric Machinery and Transformers, 3rd ed., (p.

236), by B. S. Guru, & H. R. Hiziroglu, 2001, New York, NY: Oxford
University Press. Copyright 2001 by Oxford University Press.

6 15 Reprinted from Electric Machinery and Transformers, 3rd ed., (p.

238), by B. S. Guru, & H. R. Hiziroglu, 2001, New York, NY: Oxford
University Press. Copyright 2001 by Oxford University Press.

EE3010 Lecture 11

No. Slide No. Image Reference

7 15 Reprinted from Electric Machinery and Transformers, 3rd ed., (p.
238), by B. S. Guru, & H. R. Hiziroglu, 2001, New York, NY: Oxford
University Press. Copyright 2001 by Oxford University Press.

EE3010 Lecture 11

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