Crisis Usa

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If in bold stress on it*

Crisis (United States Of America)


Delegation United States of America

Committee Crisis

Capital city Washington DC

Leader Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. A.K.A

Joe Biden (President)

Major exports Food, Automotive industries and

Organic chemicals

Major religion(s) Christianity

Major language(s) English

Allies United Kingdom, Germany, France,

and Canada

Enemies China, Russia, North Korea, Iran

and Iraq

Currency United States Dollar

Population 334,233,854

Major contributor to Climate Yes, 14% of emissions come from the

Change: United States of America

Environmental Policies: Started organizations including team

trees (planting trees around the
world) and team seas (collect millions
of pounds of rubbish from seas).
Opening speeches

Topic 1: Middle East Refugee Crisis

Honorable chair and fellow delegates,

The delegate of the United States of America would like to address the matter of
war, humanitarian issues and general instability in the Middle East.

What is it like living as a refugee? As a country that has realized that more than 14
million middle easterners have had to flee their homes in search of safety because
of many reasons including war and political issues the United States of America
has decided to step in. As of 2023 about 10% of those refugees are in Lebanon.
The United States of America recognizes that providing food, shelter, healthcare
and education are essential for them.

Let alone the majority of the refugees face problems such as economic issues and
have had displaced family members all around their country and some are asylum
seekers. Many historical events have led up to this including terrorist attacks, 9/11
and more. The struggle needs to end now!, and show the world what needs to
be done.

Thank you.

*Allies:United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Canada*

Topic 2: Afghanistan

Honorable chair and fellow delegates,

The delegate of the United States of America would like to address the matter of
the Taliban take over in Afghanistan and how it has affected the citizens and the
country as a whole both economically and the access to basic necessities.

Afghanistan's economic stability depends on foreign trade and support, and being
controlled by the Taliban, trading and economic channels may be affected,
therefore creating economic difficulties.

Since August of 2021, the United States has donated about $2 billion in
humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, including more than $1.46 billion from the
USAID making it the single largest donor in Afghanistan. Why are people still
sitting on the couch, playing games?Action needs to be taken now!

Thank you.

*Allies:United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Canada.*

Why do people think this is right?The United States sent troops to Afghanistan
to remove the terrorists who attacked the United States in the 9/11 attacks,
including Osama Bin Laden, and reduce the terrorist threat to the United States. In
February 2020, the United States and the Taliban reached a deal, known as the
Doha Agreement, under which the United States agreed to withdraw all U.S. forces
from Afghanistan by May 2021. This seemed to be a big mistake as prior to that
the Taliban took over Afghanistan chasing Ashraf Ghani out of the country and
the Taliban taking control.

The United States has taken into consideration that the Taliban have made it clear
that women and girls can’t attend secondary schools and Universities. Some
women claim they can fight against the Taliban (not physically) but they have a
choice to make their voices heard. The United Nations have said Afghanistan has
become the largest humanitarian crisis. Habib Ur Rehman Razuli who has a stable
salary as a government official even shares that “what he earns is not enough” to
support his family and relies on other family members to give him money.

Some believe in the Taliban's project but the United states does not.

Thank you.

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