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According to Partal and Dunphy (2016), In recent decades, there has been
growing recognition that culture should be considered when planning and
managing public policies. This means taking culture into account alongside social,
economic, and environmental factors. While methods for assessing the effects of
policies on our economy, environment, and society have become more advanced,
the assessment of cultural impact is still emerging and not well-established. So
they conducted an assessment about “cultural impact assessment” (CIA) on a
global scale. They found that CIA has mainly been used since 20220 to understand
how development processes affect indigenous communities. One interesting thing
they discovered is that the term "cultural impact" means different things to
different people. In the arts and heritage sector, it refers to the impact on culture
itself and also the impact of cultural activities. Only two tools for measuring
cultural impact were found, one for indigenous communities and one for cities.
The paper suggests that to improve CIA, we need to agree on clear definitions of
culture and cultural impact. We also need validated tools, including frameworks
and indicators, to help us measure and understand the cultural impact of policies
and actions.


According to Amenta and Polleta (2019), social movements have significant

cultural impacts, ranging from influencing public opinion and changing how
certain groups are depicted in the media to affecting how government funds are
allocated. However, the diverse nature of these cultural impacts poses specific
challenges for researchers. Rather than isolating culture as a distinct entity from
politics and the economy, they view it as the underlying beliefs and values that
shape policies and practices across all domains of society.


In their 2018 study, Deng et al. conducted a systematic literature review

focusing on the influence of culture on innovation. They identified 61 primary
studies and categorized culture into two clusters: organizational culture and
national cultures. Following the presentation of their comprehensive literature
review, the authors explore how different cultural factors interplay to either
facilitate or impede innovation performance in these distinct contexts. The
findings underscore the intricate and distinctive relationship between culture and


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