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Ashraf Group
Table of contents
01 Definition
04 symptoms of

02 Causes of sunburn 05 How to avoid


03 sunburn 06 How
Duration of
to cure
Definition of
Sunburn is a form of
radiation burn that
affects living tissue,
such as skin, that results
from an overexposure
to ultraviolet (UV)
radiation, usually from
the Sun
e s o f s u n b u r n
sunlight without
Overexposure to use.
ua te p ro te ct io n is the main ca
adeq sun
ultravi ol et ra d iations from the
The in
sk in re a ct io ns like acceleration
d uc tion ca us ing skin darkening
melanin pro g
roduction causin
and histamine p
Duration of
Sunburn can occur in less than 15 minutes in response to
sun exposure and in seconds when exposed to non-
shielded welding arcs or other sources of intense ultraviolet
light. Nevertheless, the inflicted harm is often not
immediately obvious.
After sun exposure, the skin may turn red in as little as 30 minutes, but sunburn
usually takes 2 to 6 hours. Pain is usually strongest 6 to 48 hours after
exposure. The burn continues to develop for 1 to 3 days, occasionally followed
by peeling skin after 3 to 8 days. Some peeling and itching may continue for
several weeks
Symptoms of
Typically, there is initial redness, followed by varying
degrees of pain, proportional in severity to the duration
and intensity of sun exposure.
Other symptoms can include blistering, swelling, itching, peeling
skin, rash,nausea,fever, chills, and fainting. Also, heat is produced
from capillaries close to the skin surface, therefore the affected
area feels warm to touch. Sunburns may be classified as
superficial or partial-thickness burns.
How to avoid

Limiting sun Seeking Wearing sun-

Using Avoiding
exposure shade when protective clothing,
tanning beds
including a wide- sunscreen
between the UV rays are and artificial
most intense brim hat,
hours of 10 am UV exposure
sunglasses, and
and 4 pm, when tightly woven,
UV rays are the loose-fitting
strongest clothing
How to cure sunburn
For pain relief, take cool baths or showers frequently.
Use soothing moisturizers that contain aloe vera or
Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or
aspirin can help with pain
Keep hydrated and drink extra water.
Do not pop blisters on a sunburn; let them heal on
their own instead
Protect sunburned skin

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