Assignment of Psychology.

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Assignment of psychology

Submitted by
NAME Syed Asaad Akther
SEMASTER 1st morning (A)
CLASS Bussiness Analytics
Submitted to
Mam Hina Maqbool
The Big Five theory, also known as the Five-Factor Model
(FFM), is a fundamental framework in psychology used to
understand and categorize human personality traits. It
identifies five broad dimensions that collectively capture
the spectrum of human personality. These dimensions
are Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness,
Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism, often
remembered by the acronym OCEAN. By examining
where individuals fall along these dimensions, we gain
valuable insights into their unique patterns of behavior,
thoughts, and emotions. This theory provides a
comprehensive and widely accepted framework for
studying and understanding personality differences in
The Big Five theory, alsknown as the Five-Factor Model
(FFM), emerged from the work of multiple researchers
over several decades. It wasn't introduced by a single
person, but rather developed through collaborative
efforts and a series of studies.Raymond Cattell initially
proposed a similar concept called the "16 Personality
Factors" in the mid-20th century, which laid the
groundwork for the Big Five. However, it was later
researchers, particularly Lewis Goldberg, who played a
significant role in crystallizing the Big Five traits and
popularizing the framework in the 1980s and
1990s.Since then, the Big Five theory has become one of
the most widely accepted and used models for
understanding and categorizing personality traits in
The five factor modle breaks personality down into five component:

1: Oppencess
Openness to Experience: .
This trait reflects an individual's inclination towards
intellectual curiosity, creativity, and a willingness to try
new things. People high in openness tend to be
imaginative, adventurous, and open to different
perspectives. Those low in openness may prefer routine
and familiarity


Conscientiousness is characterized by self-discipline,

organization, dependability, and a strong sense of
responsibility. Individuals high in conscientiousness tend
to be goal-oriented, diligent, and reliable. Those low in
this trait may be more spontaneous and less focused on
long-term planning

Extraversion refers to the degree to which a person is
outgoing, social, and seeks stimulation from the external
environment. Extraverts tend to be sociable, energetic,
and enjoy social interactions, while introverts are more
reserved and prefer solitary or small-group activities.


Agreeableness reflects an individual's level of warmth,

kindness, and cooperativeness towards others. People
high in agreeableness are generally considerate,
compassionate, and tend to get along well with others.
Those low in this trait may be more assertive and less
concerned with pleasing others

Neuroticism (or Emotional Stability):

This trait relates to an individual's emotional stability,

resilience to stress, and ability to regulate their emotions
People high in neuroticism tend to be more prone to
anxiety, mood swings, and emotional reactivity. Those
low in neuroticism tend to be more emotionally stable
and less easily distressed.

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