Cyber Security Question For Reference

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2 marks Questions

Attempt the following (any 8*2)

1. Define Cyber Terrorism?
2. Explain What is cyberstalking
3. What is E-mail spamming
4. What is meant by logic bomb?
5. Distinguish between hacker and user
6. Define the Malicious program?
7. What do you meant by Password sniffing.
8. Define Cyber defamation
9. What is Phishing
10. What is meant by Trojan horse?
11. List weak areas of the ITA 2000?
12. List Applications of Big Data
13. What is Digital forensic?
14. What is Digital Evidence?
15. What are legal Challenges in Computer Forensics
16. What is Data Didding?
17. Whats is Spoofing
18. What are the Positive Aspects of the ITA 2000?
19. What is Cyberforensics ?
20. Define Attack Vector?

4 Marks Questions
Chapter 1
1. What is Cyber Security? Explain in detail how to secure information?
2. What is CIA? Discuss three concepts of CIA model.
3. Explain vulnerabilities in network security.
4. How do you classify cybercrime? Explain each one in briefly.
5. Who are cybercriminals? Describe each category with example.
6. Explain Salami attack with example.
7. What is Vulnerabilities? Explain different causes of Vulnerabilities.
8. Write short notes on Domains of Cyber Security Policy.
Chapter 2
1. Describe active and passive attacks, Discuss different types of it
2. Explain the difference between passive and active attacks. Give an example.
3. Explain how botnets can be used as a fuel to cybercrime,
4. What are the different attacks launched with attack vector? Explain,
5. What kinds of attacks are possible on mobile phone?
6. Explain with example 6 Explain how criminals plan cyber attacks,
7. Describe 5 categories of cybercrime.
8. Explain Humaniaseci social engineering,
9. Explain Computer-based social engineering.
10. Explain working of stalking with example,
11. What are the risks involve in cybereafés? Mention tips for safety while using the
computer in a cybercafé.
12. Explain different techniques of Credit Card Frauds,

Chapter 3
1. Define a denial-of-service (DOS) attack.
2. What types of resources are targeted by such DOS attacks?
3. What is meant by Trojan horse?
4. What is Phishing?
5. Distinguish between Trojan and Logic Bomb,
6. What is a distributed denial-of-service attackÄ(DDoS)?
7. What the difference between virus and worm?
8. What is the difference between Tvoian Horse and Backdoor?
9. Define virus. Discuss the types of viruses,
10. State the difference between virus and wormy
11. Expiatn the different phases during the attack on the network
12. What are the different ways oi password cracking?
13. How can be keyloggevs used to commit a cybercrime?
14. What is SQL injection and what are the different countermeasures to prevent the attack
What is identity theft? Explain with example.
15. What is proxy server? Also write the purposes of proxy server?
16. Define Phishing? Explain how t the Phishing works?
17. What is Antikeylogger? Write its advantages.
18. Explain DOS attack in brief. What are the different types of DOS
Chapter 4
1. Why de we need cyber laws in India?
2. What are the challenges to Indian Law and cybercrime scenario in India?

Chapter 5
1. What are the phases involves in the forensic life cycle?
2. What are the practices to Handle Digital Evidence?
3. What are the Precautions to be taken when collecting electronic evidence?
4. What are legal Challenges in Computer Forensics
5. What are the points involved in the digital forensic scenario?
6. How Forensics Analysis of Email done?
7. What is use of RFC 2822 ?
8. Explain the process mode) for understanding seizure and handling of forensic evidence
legal framework.
9. Write a Note on Digital Forensic Science
10. What is identity theft? Explain with example.

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