49th LSCSA Application Form

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Application Form for Working Membership

1. Students of F.2 to F.5 can apply for the working membership.

Each student can only submit one application form. Multiple applications will result in disqualifications.
2. Students can apply for ONLY ONE working membership of the following:
a. The Clubs Coordinating Board
b. The Discipline Board
c. The Publications Board
d. The Class Representatives Board
e. The Secretariat
f. The Finance Committee (Only F.2 to F.5)
g. The Cheering Team*(F.1 to F.5)
h. The Audio and Visual Production Team*(F.1 to F.5)
Remarks*: F.2 to F.5 students who apply for the Cheering Team and A/V Production Team are allowed to submit their applications to one of
the 6 boards. Please be noted that F.1 students could only apply for the Cheering Team and A/V Production Team.
3. Please attach the following documents when you are submitting your application form:
i. Copy of your most recent Report Card
ii. Brief resume on related experience
iii. A student photo
The template for the resume is available on the notice board outside the Student Association Office
and the Instagram page.
4. Please submit the application form to the Student Association Office in person.
5. Deadline of Application: 29th September 2023 (Friday) 17:30

SECTION A: To be completed by the APPLICANT

Name: [English]_____________________________________[Chinese]_________________________________________
Class: ____________( ) Email Address:___________________________
Telephone No.: [Home]_________________________ [Mobile]________________________
Please State your preference with a tick

The Clubs Coordinating Board The Discipline Board The Class Representatives Board

The Publications Board The Secretariat The Finance Committee

For F.1 to F.5 applicants only

The Cheering Team The Audio and Visual Production Team

SECTION B: To be completed by the PARENT/GUARDIAN of the applicant

I hereby approve the application of my son/ ward _________________________________________ of Form_______ for Working Membership
in the Student Association for the scholastic year 2023-2024.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ___________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian:___________________________

SECTION C: To be completed by the FORM TEACHERS of the applicant

I hereby approve the application of ___________________________________ for Working Membership in the Student Association for the
scholastic year 2023-2024.
Form Teacher of 22-23(except F.1 applicants): Name: ______________________ Signature: ________________
Form Teacher of 23-24: Name: ________________________________ Signature:_________________

For official use only

Do not write on this section: otherwise your form will be considered as void.
Signature: __________________________ Chop: __________________________ Date:__________________________

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