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Title : Peer teaching Assignment.

Title: "Getting to Know Your New Neighbour"

Objective: The primary objective of this 15-minute lesson plan is to enhance

students' speaking and listening skills through an engaging and interactive
activity centered around getting to know a new neighbour.

Level: This lesson plan is suitable for intermediate-level students and above,
such as high school or adult learners.


 A list of questions or conversation prompts (see below)

 Whiteboard and markers (optional)
 Timer or clock


Introduction (2 minutes):
 Begin by discussing the importance of effective communication and
building positive relationships with neighbours.
 Explain that students will engage in a role-play activity to practice
speaking and listening skills while getting to know their "new
Warm-up (2 minutes):
 To activate prior knowledge, ask students if they've ever had a new
neighbour move in next door and how they felt about it. Encourage a
brief discussion.
Pair Up (1 minute):
 Pair students up with a partner. If you have an odd number of students,
create a small group with three students.
Role-Play Activity (7 minutes):
 In their pairs or small groups, students will take turns playing the roles
of "new neighbours."
 Provide a list of questions or conversation prompts for them to use
during the activity. Here are some sample questions:
 What's your name?
 Where are you from?
 How long have you lived here?
 Do you have any hobbies or interests?
 Are there any local places or restaurants you recommend?
 Are you part of any community groups or events?
 What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
 Do you have any family members or pets?
 Is there anything else you'd like to share about yourself?
 In each round, one student will be the "new neighbour" (person A), and
the other will be the "current neighbour" (person B). Person B's role is
to ask questions and actively listen to the responses.
 Set a timer for 3-4 minutes for each role-play round. When the timer
goes off, have them switch roles.
 Monitor the pairs/groups to ensure they are engaging in the
conversation and using the prompts effectively.
Debrief (2 minutes):
 Ask a few pairs or groups to share something interesting they learned
about their "new neighbour" during the role-play. Encourage active
listening and asking follow-up questions.
Feedback and Reflection (1 minute):
 Lead a brief discussion on the importance of good listening skills in
building positive relationships with neighbours. Encourage students to
reflect on the activity and share any insights.
Conclusion (1 minute):
 Summarize the key points from the lesson and emphasize the
importance of active listening and effective communication in building
neighbourly relationships.

Homework/Extension Activity:
 Encourage students to apply their newly acquired skills by engaging in a real
conversation with a neighbour or someone they don't know well.

This 15-minute lesson plan provides an interactive and practical approach to

improving speaking and listening skills while promoting a sense of community
and neighbourly connection.

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