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Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205

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Identification and quantification of ciprofloxacin in urine through

excitation-emission fluorescence and three-way PARAFAC calibration
M.C. Ortiz a,∗ , L.A. Sarabia b , M.S. Sánchez b , D. Giménez a,1
Department of Chemistry, University of Burgos, Faculty of Sciences, Plaza Misael Bañuelos s/n. 09001 Burgos, Spain
Department of Mathematics and Computation, University of Burgos, Faculty of Sciences, Plaza Misael Bañuelos s/n. 09001 Burgos, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Due to the second-order advantage, calibration models based on parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC)
Received 31 July 2008 decomposition of three-way data are becoming important in routine analysis.
Accepted 15 January 2009 This work studies the possibility of fitting PARAFAC models with excitation-emission fluorescence data
Available online 23 January 2009
for the determination of ciprofloxacin in human urine. The finally chosen PARAFAC decomposition is built
with calibration samples spiked with ciprofloxacin, and with other series of urine samples that were also
spiked. One of the series of samples has also another drug because the patient was taking mesalazine.
The mesalazine is a fluorescent substance that interferes with the ciprofloxacin. Finally, the procedure is
Parallel factor analysis
applied to samples of a patient who was being treated with ciprofloxacin.
Fluorescence The trueness has been established by the regression “predicted concentration versus added concentra-
tion”. The recovery factor is 88.3% for ciprofloxacin in urine, and the mean of the absolute value of the
relative errors is 4.2% for 46 test samples.
The multivariate sensitivity of the fit calibration model is evaluated by a regression between the loadings
of PARAFAC linked to ciprofloxacin versus the true concentration in spiked samples. The multivariate
capability of discrimination is near 8 ␮g L−1 when the probabilities of false non-compliance and false
compliance are fixed at 5%.
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction analysis (PARAFAC), allow quantification of an analyte, even when

unknown (that means non-calibrated) interferences are present
The fluorescent properties of substances have been widely (the second-order advantage). All these characteristics have caused
exploited for analytical purposes due to the good capability of that both the applications of the EEM linked with second-order cal-
detection of fluorescence techniques. However, the selectivity is ibration methods and the research of new calibration methods for
often reduced because of broad spectral overlap or in the presence n-way data, have an increasing interest [2].
of matrix interferences. Nevertheless, fluorescence detection com- In general, better performance characteristics are obtained with
bined with Chemometrics may change this situation. One of the second-order signals and calibration based on partial least squares.
possible strategies consists of collecting the excitation-emission For example, the excitation-emission fluorescence spectra of mix-
fluorescence matrix (EEM) and analyzing it using second-order tures of 10 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been
calibration methods. It is well established that this strategy is analyzed using different multivariate calibration procedures (two-
an attractive alternative of immense potentiality in the field of and three-way partial least squares regression, n-PLS, and PARAFAC)
biomedical analysis [1] because, besides the low detection limits, by Beltrán et al. [3] for the determination of samples of tap and
it has low cost, the procedure makes the quantification possible mineral waters spiked with all these PAHs. The best results were
even if the biological sample interferes with the fluorescence of the obtained with the application of a 3-PLS.
analyte of interest and, generally, pretreatment of the samples is More recently, Divya and Mishra [4] obtain the same results
not necessary. In addition, several second-order calibration meth- in the quantitative determination of kerosene fraction present
ods such as the procedure proposed here based on parallel factor in diesel by means of excitation-emission fluorescence matrix
together with PARAFAC and n-way partial least squares regression.
Again, n-PLS is the method which gives better results compared to
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.C. Ortiz).
However, it must be remembered that n-PLS does not have the
Present adress: Laboratorio de Salud Pública, Servicio Territorial de Sanidad y second-order advantage, so that in multi-fluorophoric mixtures a
Bienestar Social de Ávila, C/ San Juan de la Cruz, 28, CP 05001 ÁVILA, Spain. n-PLS calibration can be nonviable if the matrix has analytes that

0003-2670/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
194 M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205

modify the size and the form of the fluorescence signal. This hap- With samples of human urine, Espinosa-Mansilla et al. [25]
pens in the determination of tetracycline in milk by fluorescence exploit the second-order advantage in untreated samples, by cou-
spectrophotometry because the presence of some interferents as pling photoinduced fluorescence that generate three-way data and
Ca(II), K(I), P(V), Fe(III), Na(I), Zn(II) and Mg(II) at levels of concentra- the multiway analysis of the photoproducts obtained from UV
tion that are usually in milk modify both the shape and magnitude irradiation of three fluoroquinolones, enoxacin, norfloxacin and
of the fluorimetric signals of tetracycline [5]. In this case it is not ofloxacin, in urine samples at biological levels without sample pre-
possible to calibrate neither with n-PLS nor with a PARAFAC-based treatments.
standard addition method. Nevertheless, this last method works A spectrofluorimetric method has been developed by Muñoz
well when the matrix effect is small [6]. The procedure followed in de la Peña et al. [26] for the quantitative determination of the
[7] to obtain satisfactory results in the determination of tetracycline anti-inflammatory flufenamic and meclofenamic acids in urine
in milk is a kind of “double calibration”, by spiking tetracycline in samples. The method is based on second-order multivariate cali-
increasing levels of whey from deproteinized milk. Then, a suitable bration applying PARAFAC in the standard addition mode.
PARAFAC-based calibration model with the recorded EEM is built Also, the determination of ciprofloxacin in human urine has
for tetracycline determination. been used as test field for the second-order advantage in bilin-
There are also problems when the matrix in which the fluo- ear least squares, BLLS, and PARAFAC [27]. There, it is shown that
rophore is present acts as quencher. In this case, Rodríguez et al. [8] there are differences when modeling the spectral profile at pH 6
show that it is not possible to use the standard addition method, because an equilibrium occurs between two forms having distinct
but by varying the level of quencher it is possible to quantify the fluorescent properties. In this case, PARAFAC performs better. How-
analyte of interest by a PARAFAC model of four ways. This was made ever, although the performance characteristics are similar for both
following the model for the quenching effect proposed by Leurgans methods, the joint confidence region for the slope and intercept
and Ross [9] in the field of Biology. of the regression line fitted between the predicted concentration
The second-order advantage of the PARAFAC-based calibrations, versus the true concentration in test samples has smaller surface
as it extracts of unique way the factor linked to the analyte, allows for BLLS than for PARAFAC. From a chemometrics point of view,
the use of calibration samples from different days. In that way, the in the present paper, attention is focused in the performance of
inter-day variability is incorporated into the residuals. This has been PARAFAC when considering that the matrix where the ciprofloxacin
done in Ref. [10] with excitation-emission data. is determined is varying: urine from different people and presence
Andersen and Bro present a deep investigation and practical of another fluorophore such as the mesalazine.
description of how to apply PARAFAC modelling to fluorescence The most usual methods of analysis to determine ciprofloxacin
excitation-emission measurements [11]. Also, a review of recent in urine are HPLC with different detectors, diode array [28,29],
chemical applications of PARAFAC can be seen in Refs. [12,13,2]. The mass [30] or fluorescence [31,32]. The specificity of the fluorescence
PARAFAC-based calibration model can be used with experimental could be improved [33] by using flow injection and chemilumi-
data provided by other analytical techniques, a recent review in the nescence [34], by derivatization of the sample with lanthanides
case of chromatographic data can be seen in Ref. [14]. [35] and other metals [36]. The solid substrate room temperature
In order to maintain the second-order advantage, new pro- phosphorescence (SS-RTP) is another alternative [37].
cedures for n-PLS calibration have been designed. Recently in Espinosa-Mansilla et al. [38] optimized the determination by
Ref. [15] lanthanide-sensitized luminescence excitation-time decay HPLC with photoinduced fluorimetric detection of four quinolones.
matrices were modelled by PARAFAC and n-PLS with residual For ciprofloxacin they obtained a capability of detection, CC␤, equal
bilinearization (n-PLS/RBL). The results indicate a slightly better to 6.3 ␮g L−1 with both probabilities of false negative and false pos-
predictive ability of the newly introduced n-PLS/RBL procedure itive fixed at 5%.
over standard PARAFAC. Similar result has been reported by Ciprofloxacin is a synthetic fluoroquinolone that has Gram(+)
Valderrama and Poppi [16] in the quantification of mixtures of and Gram(−) antibacterial activity and is used in the treatment of
propranolol enantiomers in the pure form and in the pharmaceuti- bacterial infections in humans and animals. In addition, the Food
cal preparations. The excitation-emission fluorescence surface and and Drug Administration has recommended its use for postexpo-
second-order multivariate calibration such as bilinear least squares sure inhalational antrax [39]. It should be monitored in body fluids
(BLLS) and PARAFAC were used in the model development. BLLS because it has some contraindications and in many occasions it is
performed better than PARAFAC in this problem. administered together with other drugs. Its main excretion path-
An alternative to the intrinsically three-way methods can be way is urinary, and it is estimated that the concentration in urine
found in [17] where Tauler presented a generalization of the surpass 300 mg L−1 if the determination is made 4 h after dosing
family of bilinear methods known as Multivariate Curve Resolution- [40]. Therefore, taken into account that for the present work the
Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS) to three-way data sets urine is diluted 1000 or 2000 times, the capability of discrimina-
including the possibility of imposing the trilinearity as a constraint. tion of the proposed method is shown for nominal concentration
MCR-ALS has been used for analyzing excitation-emission matri- of 200 ␮g L−1 , that is, the quantity that is expected to be found
ces, particularly when the concentration direction does not follow between 12 and 24 h after dosing. The capability of discrimination
a global patterned shape, which is different to a calibration exper- refers to the quantity of the ciprofloxacin that can be distinguished
iment. In that sense, MCR-ALS has proven useful for analyzing (discriminated) from 200 ␮g L−1 at given probabilities of both false
hyperspectral and multispectral images of biological specimens, non-compliance and false compliance.
particularly by means confocal fluorescence microscopy, because
it can operate with little or no a priori information about the emit-
ting species, making it appropriate when multiple fluorophores 2. Theory
are present [18]. In quantification tasks, MCR-ALS and excitation-
emission fluorescence has been used in Ref. [19] to quantify In this section, basic theoretical properties about PARAFAC and
triphenyltin in seawater samples solving a matrix effect. Several the capability of discrimination are given. It starts by analyzing the
papers have been published comparing the three-way procedures similarity between the trilinear PARAFAC model and the physical
based on MCR-ALS with those ones based on PARAFAC [20–23]. The model for fluorescence. Then, there is a brief description of the steps
reader interested is referred to the recent revision by de Juan and to be followed to make a calibration model based on PARAFAC and
Tauler [24] to see the theory under MCR as well as applications. n-way data. Finally, there is a summary of the concept and com-
M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205 195

putation of the capability of discrimination with n-way data by 2.2. PARAFAC-based calibration
assuring both the probabilities of false non-compliance and false
compliance. We restrict the discussions to the determination of A calibration model for three-way data coming from fluores-
ciprofloxacin in complex matrices using excitation-emission fluo- cence and based on a PARAFAC decomposition consists basically of
rescence. Also, some performance characteristics for the procedure the following steps:
are established.
(i) For each sample, record the EEM (excitation-emission matrix)
of dimension J × K, where J is the number of excitation wave-
2.1. PARAFAC lengths and K that of emission wavelengths. Using these data,
if a trilinear model as the one in Eq. (1) is assumed, build the
PARAFAC is, to a certain extent, a generalization of principal three-way array, X, made up by the calibration samples at I
component analysis (PCA) to a n-way data set X. For the case of levels of concentration of the analyte.
three-way data, the data cube or tensor, X of dimension I × J × K, is (ii) Compute the PARAFAC decomposition. This gives the spectral
decomposed into triads or components [41,42]. Each component and the sample profiles of the analytes. The absence of anoma-
consists of three loading vectors. Let xijk denote the element in lies in the spectral or sample profiles is assessed by means of
position i,j,k in matrix X. Then the structural model of PARAFAC the T2 and Q statistics.
is expressed as follows: (iii) Identify the factor, f0 , which corresponds to the analyte of inter-

(iv) The loadings (coordinates) on the sample profile of the
xijk = aif bjf ckf + eijk , i = 1, . . . , I; j = 1, . . . , J; k = 1, . . . , K
analyte of interest identified in the previous step af0 =
f =1 (a1f0 , a2f0 , . . . , aIf0 ) are then regressed versus the added con-
(1) centration to obtain the calibration curve.
(v) Using the concentration values calculated by the calibration
where F is the number of factors, aif , bjf and ckf are the elements of
model in step (iv) some performance characteristics (trueness,
the three loading vectors and eijk denotes the residual error. When
intermediate precision and linear range) are established by
experimental data follow the model in Eq. (1), it is said that the data
means of a new regression model fitted between the concen-
are trilinear.
tration obtained with the PARAFAC decomposition versus the
In fluorescence spectroscopy, for diluted solutions, the amount
true concentration.
of light emission measured is separately linear in the number of
(vi) Determine the concentration of a test sample. To do it,
photons absorbed and in the fraction of photons absorbed that lead
the excitation-emission matrix of the test sample should be
to emission at a specific wavelength. Therefore, when sample i-th,
recorded and added to the array X to carry out the joint
i = 1, . . ., I, containing F fluorophores is illuminated with light at
PARAFAC decomposition. To guarantee that the test sample
wavelength ex , j = 1, . . ., J, and the consequent emission of light is
j is similar to the calibration samples, Q and T2 statistics are
measured at wavelength em k
, k = 1, . . ., K then, in theory, we have also used. Both values in the three profiles must be below the
the following trilinear equation for the fluorescence intensity, xijk : corresponding critical values established at the corresponding
confidence level (usually 95%).

xijk = aif bjf ckf , i = 1, . . . , I; j = 1, . . . , J; k = 1, . . . , K (2) The procedure explained in the previous steps (to merge the EEM
f =1 for calibration and test samples and compute a PARAFAC decompo-
sition) is the method currently used in the majority of second-order
where aif is the concentration of fluorophore f in the i-th sample, bjf prediction work. This procedure will be coded along the text as
is the relative absorption (extinction coefficient) of fluorophore f at model 1. As alternative, another approach consists of calculating
wavelength ex j
and ckf is the relative emission at wavelength em k
. a PARAFAC decomposition only with the calibration samples, to
It can be observed that the model of Eq. (1) corresponds to the obtain the vectors bf and cf , f = 1, . . ., F, and then using these fac-
physical model for fluorescence in Eq. (2). Therefore, if the experi- tors on test samples to estimate their sample loadings (we will
mental data are trilinear and there are F fluorescent components in call this procedure as model 2). There are other procedures, five
the samples, the model of F components can be used to estimate: (i) of them have been studied by Rinnan et al. [45] who, by using an
the extinction coefficients for each analyte f at all wavelengths, i.e., index of goodness of prediction, showed that with simulated data,
the excitation profile bf = (b1f , b2f , . . ., bJf ) or excitation spectrum; model 1 is the best procedure, although this is not so with EEM
(ii) the relative emission at all wavelengths, i.e., the emission pro- experimental data. Also, better results are obtained with model 1
file cf = (c1f , c2f , . . ., cKf ) or emission spectrum of each analyte; and when evaluating the capability of detection with three-way chro-
(iii) the relative concentration of every analyte in all samples, i.e., matographic data [46]. In the prediction stage for model 2, it is
the sample profile af = (a1f , a2f , . . ., aIf ). Vectors bf and cf are usually necessary to consider more factors than those obtained with the
normalized to unit length. calibration samples in order to get unbiased predictions of the con-
When the data are trilinear, the PARAFAC decomposition pro- centration of the analytes. This implies the need of doing another
vides unique profiles estimations [43]. This means that, provided PARAFAC decomposition. With model 1, a new PARAFAC decom-
that the rank of the PARAFAC model corresponds to the number position should be computed each time that new test samples are
of fluorescent compounds, each PARAFAC component, f, can be available. This may imply changes in the fitted calibration line (step
assigned to a compound and the loadings (afi , bfj , and cfk ) can be (iv)). However, these changes should be small because in step (iii)
interpreted as an estimation of the relative concentrations of the the PARAFAC factor linked to the analyte has been unequivocally
analytes, excitation spectra and emission spectra respectively for identified, therefore, the possible interferents in the test samples
this compound. Therefore, only if the correct number of compo- would appear as new factors that should not affect the determina-
nents is chosen, the true underlying spectra will be found. To select tion of the concentration by means of the calibration curve in step
this number of components, usual criteria are the core consistency (iv) [11,47].
diagnostic (CORCONDIA) and the split-half analysis, among others. In the univariate regression used in steps (iv) and (v) outliers
For details, consult Section 5.4 of Ref. [44] must be detected. For this task, the Least Median Squares (LMS)
196 M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205

regression [48] has proven to be useful [49]. Once the outliers have (i) Null hypothesis, H0 : the true concentration in the sample is x0 ,
been eliminated, a Least Squares (LS) regression is made. Further- that is, x = x0 .
more, the hypotheses implicitly assumed for a LS regression [50] (ii) Alternative hypothesis, Ha : the sample concentration is not x0 ,
(normality, homoscedasticity and independence of residuals) must that is, x =/ x0 .
be verified, and the lack of fit should also be checked. (iii) Significance level or probability of type I error: ˛, the
probability of rejecting H0 when H0 is true, ˛ = pr{false non-
2.3. Capability of discrimination compliance}.
(iv) Probability of type II error: ˇ, the probability of accepting H0
Given a nominal concentration, in order to know the behaviour when H0 is false, thus, ˇ = pr{false compliance}.
of an analytical procedure in samples with similar concentrations,
the minimum discriminable concentration (or multivariate sensi- The decision to accept or reject the compliance of the procedure
tivity) is defined as the smallest concentration of the analyte in a must be established on the basis of the response variable y (the con-
sample which can be distinguished, with probability 1 − ˇ, from the centration found by means of the application of a PARAFAC-based
nominal value. This definition generalises the concept of minimum calibration model to the analytical signal recorded for a sample with
detectable net concentration established by ISO norm 11843 that is true concentration x). The critical region of the test can be written
restricted to the case in which the nominal concentration is zero. as follows:
Given an analytical procedure with a well-established detectable
CR = {|y − y0 | > yc } (7)
net concentration (capability of detection in IUPAC recommenda-
tion [51] or CC␤ in EU regulation [52]), it may not be possible to where yc is the critical value to asses that “the concentration of
discriminate this same concentration when the procedure is used the sample under consideration is not different from the nominal
in samples with a much higher nominal concentration. For this rea- value” and the non-compliance or compliance probabilities are the
son, the capability of discrimination is a criterion for the selection conditional ones:
of an analytical procedure when it is going to be used to deter-
mine concentrations well above its detection limit (for example,
when a drug or toxic residue has a permitted limit, PL). The capa-
bility of discrimination is established as a hypothesis test based on
the data of a calibration model carried out in a range of concen-
trations which contains the nominal value. For a n-way calibration (8)
model it is computed (step (v) of procedure in Section 2.2) from the
Applying Eq. (6) to x0 and expanding Eq. (8) the following holds
linear regression “concentration calculated by the fitted model” ver-
sus “true concentration” which is formally written by the following ŷ0 = â + b̂x0
equation: yc = w
ˆ x0 t˛/2

y = a + bx + ε (3) where t˛/2 is the critical value of a Student t with N − 2 degrees

of freedom at level ˛/2, and wx0 is defined in Eq. (6). Note that
where ε is a random variable which is supposed to be independently it is related to the number of calibration samples, the number of
normally distributed with mean zero and variance  2 constant for replicates made at the nominal concentration, and the distribution
all x in the working range. of the concentration of the calibration samples with respect to their
The estimation of the model in Eq. (3) fitted by least squares is mean.
Therefore, ˇ is a function of x, that is, it depends on how much
y = â + b̂x (4)
the true concentration x differs from the nominal concentration x0 ,
and the (common) variance is estimated as i.e.:

1 N 2
ˇ(x) = pr{t(x ) ≤ t˛/2 } − pr{t(x ) ≤ −t˛/2 } (10)
ˆ 2 = (yn − ŷn ) (5)
N−2 n=1
where t(x ) is a non-central Student’s t-distribution with (N − 2)
where N denotes the number of calibration samples. degrees of freedom, an estimated mean ŷ − ŷ0 and a parameter of
Under the assumed distributional hypothesis, the calculated non-centrality estimated by means of
concentration ŷ, at a concentration x of analyte, is a Student’s t-
b̂|x − x0 |
distribution with (N − 2) degrees of freedom, whose mean and x = (11)
variance are [50]: w
ˆ x0

Eq. (11) allows evaluation of the minimum discriminable con-

E(ŷ) = â + b̂x  centration |x − x0 | at the nominal level x0 . The procedure is
1 1 (x − x̄)2 (6) presented in Fig. 1. More details about this procedure as well as
Var (ŷ) = ˆ 2
+ N 2
= ˆ 2 wx2
its theoretical foundation can be consulted in Ref. [53].
(xn − x̄)

where R is the number of determinations (replicates) on the test 3. Experimental

sample and x̄ is the mean of the N concentrations, xn , of the calibra-
tion samples. 3.1. Chemicals and reagents
Let x0 be the nominal concentration for which one wants to study
the capability of discrimination of the analytical procedure. For- All chemicals were of analytical reagent grade, and solvents
mally, the compliance of the procedure is stated as x = x0 whereas if were HPLC-grade. Ciprofloxacin was obtained as a research sam-
x =/ x0 , the procedure is not compliant. Explicitly, the capability of ple from Bayer (Leverkusen, Germany). Glacial acetic acid and
discrimination of the procedure demands that non-compliance be sodium hydroxide were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Ger-
assured for all x =/ x0 . Evaluation will be done using the following many). Deionized water was obtained by the Milli-Q Gradient A10
Neyman–Pearson test: water purification system of Millipore (Bedford, MA, USA).
M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205 197

Fig. 1. Schema of the computation of the multivariate sensitivity by using the regression “concentration calculated by PARAFAC versus true concentration”. See the text for
the definitions.

Working samples were prepared just before being measured. Different excitation-emission matrices are shown in Fig. 2. The
Standard samples were prepared in deionized water, adding the sub-graphs on the left, Fig. 2(a–c), are for one component: Fig. 2(a)
corresponding ciprofloxacin concentration plus a buffer solution is from a sample of 240 ␮g L−1 of ciprofloxacin added in water;
acetic acid/sodium acetate to adjust the pH to 4.0. Fig. 2(b) corresponds to a sample of diluted urine (1:1000) and
Fig. 2(c) is the EEM of a sample of pure mesalazine in water.
The sub-graphs of the right on its part, Fig. 2(d–e), shows the
3.2. Experimental procedure interferences: Fig. 2(d) is from a sample of the same quantity of
ciprofloxacin but added in urine and the last one, Fig. 2(e), corre-
Table 1 shows the details of the series of samples used during the sponds to the same concentration of ciprofloxacin in urine 4 (which
work. The first series is made by standard samples of water spiked contains mesalazine). It is clear that the spectra of the urine and the
with 8 different levels of ciprofloxacin between 100 and 240 ␮g L−1 mesalazine are overlapped with the one of the ciprofloxacin.
each 20 ␮g L−1 (two replicates in each case).
Series 2, 3, 4 and 5 are samples of human urine spiked with 3.3. Instrumentation and software
the same quantities of ciprofloxacin. In series 2, 3 and 4, the urine
belongs to a young man, an old man and a woman, respectively. The Fluorometric assays were carried out at room temperature on
fifth series corresponds to a patient who was taking mesalazine. a PerkinElmer LS50-B Luminescence Spectrometer equipped with
After each series, a blank was measured; samples number 17, 34, a xenon discharge lamp and a gated photomultiplier. Intensities
51, 68 and 85 in Table 1. The urine was diluted in water in series 2, were recorded at emission wavelengths between 350 and 550 nm
3, 4 and 5 in proportion 1:1000. (every 1 nm) at different excitation wavelengths between 240
Finally, a new series (series 6) was prepared. The series is made and 310 nm (every 5 nm). Excitation and emission monochroma-
up by 8 levels of concentration of ciprofloxacin added in water from tor slit-widths were both set to 4 nm and scan speed was set at
100 to 240 ␮g L−1 in steps of 20 ␮g L−1 . Also, a blank was measured 1500 nm min−1 .
and there are two replicates of each sample. The 17 standard sam- The FL WinLab software (PerkinElmer) was used for measure-
ples were used to determine the concentration of ciprofloxacin in ments, the data were imported to MatlabTM using the INCA software
urine from a patient who was orally taking the drug (ciprofloxacin). [54] that also inserts missing values into the matrix in the wave-
The urine of this patient (series 7 in Table 1) was measured on two lengths that correspond to the Rayleigh effect. The PLS Toolbox for
different days with a dilution proportion of the urine of 1:2000. Matlab [55] was employed for PARAFAC and PLS calculations. Data
These urine samples were stored at room temperature and mea- were analyzed using STATGRAPHICS [56] for fitting and validating
sured two times with three days of difference. regressions, PROGRESS [48] was used to do the robust least median

Table 1
Characteristics of the series of samples analyzed with indication of the case-study where they are utilized and their use for calibration or test. The asterisk indicates that the
corresponding sample has been included in the PARAFAC decomposition.

Series Case Type of matrix Number of sample Use of samples

1 2 3 4 1st replicate 2nd replicate Blank

1 * * * Water 1–8 9–16 17 Calibration

2 * * Urine 1 (young man) 18–25 26–33 34 Test
3 * * Urine 2 (old man) 35–42 43–50 51 Test
4 * * Urine 3 (woman) 52–59 60–67 68 Test
5 * Urine 4 (patient taking mesalazine) 69–76 77–84 85 Test
6 * Water 1–8 9–16 17 Calibration
7 * Urine 5 (patient taking ciprofloxacin) 18–23 Test
198 M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205

Fig. 2. Excitation-emission landscape of a sample containing: (a) ciprofloxacin 240 ␮g L−1 , (b) diluted urine (1:1000), (c) mesalazine, (d) ciprofloxacin, 240 ␮g L−1 , in urine,
(e) ciprofloxacin, 240 ␮g L−1 , in urine with mesalazine.

of squares (LMS) regression and remove the outliers. NWAYDET is of ciprofloxacin in human urine of a patient who was orally taking
a home-made program to evaluate the multivariate sensitivity. the ciprofloxacin.
The data have never been preprocessed along the analyses
4. Results and discussion shown in this paper. No constrains have either been imposed in
deriving the PARAFAC model.
The results are discussed for four different cases. In Case 1, the
determination of ciprofloxacin added in human urine is tackled; 4.1. Case 1
in Case 2 also the ciprofloxacin added in human urine is deter-
mined but this time the urine is from a patient who was being The purpose in this case is to determine ciprofloxacin in human
treated with mesalazine that acts as an unknown interferent. In urine without the extraction step prior to the determination.
both cases, model 1 has been used (to merge calibration and test The samples used are from series 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Table 1, thus
samples to build the PARAFAC decomposition). On the contrary, 17 calibration (standards in water) samples and 51 real sam-
with the same excitation-emission matrices, in Case 3 model 2 ples of human urine. In that way, the data cube is made by
has been used, that is, the PARAFAC decomposition is made only 68 samples by 201 intensities of the emission spectra by the
with the calibration samples (water spiked with ciprofloxacin). 15 intensities of the digitalized excitation spectra. Therefore, the
Finally, after the estimation of the performance characteristics of PARAFAC decomposition has been applied to the tensor X which is
the proposed method, it is applied in Case 4 to the determination 68 × 201 × 15.
M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205 199

Fig. 4. Loadings in the sample profile versus sample index in the PARAFAC decom-
position of Case 1. Blue circles () are the ciprofloxacin loadings. Green crosses (+)
are the urine loadings. Letters a, b, c and d correspond to the blank sample of each
series. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of the article.)

Although samples 15 and 16 are outliers and thus they have not
been used in deriving the PARAFAC model, their indices appear in
Fig. 4 to maintain the initial numbering in Section 3.2 and Table 1.
Sample 17, pointed at in Fig. 4 with an ‘a’, is the blank determined
in water. Its loadings on the ciprofloxacin (124) and on the urine
appear superimposed.
In series 2, the Q and T2 statistics for sample 22 gave values
greater than the critical values at 95% confidence level, and thus its
loadings do not appear in the figure (step (vi) of Section 2.2) but its
index has also been maintained in the abscissa axis.
The last sample of each series (samples 34, 51 and 68, high-
lighted in Fig. 4 as b, c, and d respectively) is always the blank.
For these samples, the loadings on the factor identified as the
Fig. 3. PARAFAC spectral loadings for Case 1 in: (a) emission profile; (b) excitation ciprofloxacin are, in practice, null (329, 199 and 164 respectively).
profile. The continuous blue line is identified as the ciprofloxacin and the discon- However, their loadings (green crosses) on the factor identified as
tinuous green line is identified as the urine. (For interpretation of the references to
the urine coincide with those of the rest of the spiked samples in
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)
the same series. In each of the three series (2, 3 and 4) the load-
ings associated with the ciprofloxacin (blue circles) increase with
When validating the regression line (step (iv) of Section 2.2) the quantity added in each replicate and the loadings associated
between the loading of the 16 samples spiked with ciprofloxacin with the urine remain constant in each series although they differ
versus the true concentration, two outlier samples were detected by from one series to another, as should be expected because the urine
using the LMS regression. Then, the PARAFAC decomposition was belongs to different people.
recalculated without them, so that the data tensor is 66 × 201 × 15. By only using the samples of series 1 (without outliers and
Two factors have been considered, with CORCONDIA (core without the blank) a calibration line, similar to the one in Eq. (3),
consistency) equal to 99.99% and explained variance 99.8%. The “sample profile loadings versus true concentration” is fitted and
loadings in the emission and excitation profiles are drawn in Fig. 3. validated. Thus, x is the concentration of added ciprofloxacin and
For the identification of these factors, the correlation between the y is the loading that the same sample has in the factor linked to
PARAFAC spectral loadings and the experimental spectra of urine the ciprofloxacin in the PARAFAC model. The resulting calibration
and ciprofloxacin has been used. For the ciprofloxacin, the cor- model is y = 206.2 + 31.4x, with ˆ = 62.8 (Eq. (5)) and coefficient of
relation coefficients were 0.999 and 0.997 for the emission and determination equal to 0.998. The regression line is significant (p-
excitation profiles respectively, whereas for the urine they were value less than 10−4 ) and there is not lack of fit (p-value of the test
0.993 and 0.995 respectively. Consequently, the two factors are equal to 0.89). Fig. 5 shows the data and the calibration line.
identified as the ciprofloxacin and the urine. They have been repre- With this calibration line, the mean of the absolute value of the
sented in blue continuous line and dashed green line, respectively, relative errors in calibration with the 14 spiked samples is 0.9%.
in both Fig. 3(a) for the emission profile and Fig. 3(b) for the excita- Additionally, when the regression line is applied to predict the
tion profile. concentration of the 47 remaining samples of urine series 2, 3
Fig. 4 shows the loadings in the sample profile. For the samples in and 4 (without blanks and without outliers), the predicted con-
series 1, the loadings linked to the urine (green crosses) are null and centrations obtained are always less than and proportional to the
those corresponding to the ciprofloxacin (blue circles) reproduce concentration of the added ciprofloxacin. This makes computation
the pattern of the ciprofloxacin added to the calibration samples. of the recovery necessary in the urine samples. To do it, we fit, sep-
The first replicate of samples corresponds to indices from 1 to 8, arately for each of the series 2, 3 and 4, the regression lines between
and the second replicate corresponds to samples with indices 9–16. the concentration of ciprofloxacin obtained with the calibration
200 M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205

Table 2
Case 2, correlation between each factor of the PARAFAC decomposition and the true
values. In profile 1 the correlation is with the true values of the concentration of
ciprofloxacin. In Profiles 2 and 3, the correlation is with the emission or excitation
experimental spectra of ciprofloxacin, urine and mesalazine. In bold, the maximum
correlation between the experimental data and the PARAFAC factor.

Profile Factora Correlation

Ciprofloxacin Urine Mesalazine

1 (sample) 1 (+) 0.898

2 () 0.999
3 () 0.716

2 (emission) 1 (- -) −0.484 0.984 −0.170

2 (—) 0.999 −0.352 0.854
3 (. . .) 0.868 −0.034 0.999

3 (excitation) 1 (- -) 0.885 0.994 −0.793

2 (—) 0.998 0.865 −0.936
3 (. . .) −0.936 −0.800 0.997
The symbols are the same as in Figs. 6 and 7.

Fig. 5. Case 1, regression line between sample profile loadings linked to ciprofloxacin ferent’ (mesalazine) and as such are represented in Fig. 6(a) and
and the added concentration of ciprofloxacin for series 1. (b).
Fig. 7 shows the loadings of the PARAFAC decomposition in the
line and the one added. All the regression models are significant, sample profile (profile 1) separately for the factors linked to the
without the lack of fit and only sample 64 of series 4 should be ciprofloxacin, Fig. 7(a), to the urine, Fig. 7(b), and to the mesalazine,
considered as outlier according to the residuals of a LMS regres- Fig. 7(c). In Fig. 7(c) we can see that the loadings corresponding to
sion although the values of the Q and T2 statistics are both less than mesalazine are null for the first four series (until sample 68) and
the corresponding critical values. However, its loading on the factor clearly non-null for series 5 with constant value for all the samples
linked to the ciprofloxacin (see Fig. 4) does not correspond to the from 69 to 85. Fig. 7(b) shows that the loadings linked to urine are
added concentration, thus, it is an error in the preparation of the constant although different within each series and they are null
sample. for the samples of series 1 (water spiked with the ciprofloxacin).
The three intercepts of the regression lines are significantly null Finally, Fig. 7(a) shows that the loadings on the factor identified as
and their slopes are 0.85, 0.88 and 0.91 respectively that, further, the ciprofloxacin increase in each series (as in Fig. 4) according to the
are significantly equal (p-value equal to 0.42 when testing the null amount of ciprofloxacin added in each sample. This is so because of
hypothesis “the three slopes are equal” against the two-sided alter- the second-order property that implies that the factor linked to the
native). Then, the ‘joint’ regression line (fit with the samples of the ciprofloxacin does not change when adding new samples (series 5)
three series) has intercept significantly null (p-value = 0.315) and not even if a new analyte is present in the samples. This new analyte
the estimated slope is 0.8827, that means that one should admit is the mesalazine in this case which is also fluorescent in the same
that the recovery factor for the urine samples is 88.3% indepen- (excitation-emission) range as the analyte of interest. The blank
dently of the type of urine. By using this recovery factor for the 46 of series 5, sample 85, has loading practically null (260.4) on the
test samples, the mean of the absolute value of the relative errors ciprofloxacin, Fig. 7(a), whereas the loadings on the urine (Fig. 7(b)
is 4.2%. and on the mesalazine (Fig. 7(c)) are equal to the loadings of the
rest of samples in the same series. Finally, note that the loadings on
4.2. Case 2 the ciprofloxacin (Fig. 7(a)) of the blanks of series 1–4 are 110, 393,
244 and 150 respectively, which are similar to the ones obtained in
In this case the samples of urine from a patient that was taking Case 1.
mesalazine were also included, series 5 in Table 1. In that way, we The calibration line (sample profile loadings versus true concen-
study the possible effect on the PARAFAC decomposition of an (in tration) fit with the 15 spiked samples of series 1 is y = 221.2 + 31.3x
general) unknown analyte in the samples. with ˆ = 63.8 (Eq. (5)) and coefficient of determination equal to
Hence, to the data cube of the previous Case 1 we add the 17 0.998. The regression model is significant (p-value less than 10−4 )
samples of series 5 the last of them being the blank. The same sam- and there is not lack of fit (p-value 0.89). When comparing this
ples (number 15, 16 and 22) that were removed in Case 1, show regression line with the one obtained for Case 1, both are similar,
inadequacy here, thus, they were also not considered here. Conse- as should be expected due to the second-order advantage.
quently, the tensor X now is 82 × 201 × 15. In this new PARAFAC As in Case 1, the amount of ciprofloxacin predicted with the
decomposition, three factors were needed, with CORCONDIA equal regression line is less than and proportional to the amount added.
to 98.5% and explained variance 99.9%. For each of the series 2, 3, 4 and 5, the individual regression lines
The identification of these factors is again made by computing “predicted concentration of ciprofloxacin versus added concentra-
the correlation between the PARAFAC spectral loadings for the three tion” are significant, and there is not lack of fit in any of them. All the
factors, Fig. 6, sub-graphs (a) and (b), and the experimental spectra samples “in prediction” have excitation-emission spectra admis-
of urine, ciprofloxacin and mesalazine, Fig. 6, sub-graphs (c) and (d) sible according to the Q and T2 statistics at 95% confidence level.
for emission and excitation respectively. The sample number 64 should again be considered outlier when
Table 2 contains the correlations between factors 1, 2 and 3 and applying the LMS regression.
the true spectra of the analytes present in the sample. We can see Also, in the four regression lines the independent terms are
that these factors have correlations greater than 0.98 with the urine, significantly null and the slopes are 0.84, 0.87, 0.90 and 0.88
the ciprofloxacin and the mesalazine respectively while the rest of respectively. Moreover, these four slopes should be considered sig-
correlations remain smaller. Consequently, factor 1 is identified as nificantly equal (p-value 0.27). Therefore, fitting the joint regression
the urine, factor 2 as the ciprofloxacin and factor 3 as the ‘inter- line with the data of the four series, the intercept is also signifi-
M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205 201

Fig. 6. Loadings of the PARAFAC decomposition for Case 2 in the (a) emission profile, (b) excitation profile. Experimental spectra of ciprofloxacin, urine and mesalazine in:
(c) emission, (d) excitation. The first factor (urine) is represented with a dashed green line (- -). The second factor, linked to ciprofloxacin, is represented with solid blue line
(—). The third factor (mesalazine) is represented with dotted red line (. . .). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of the article.)

cantly equal to zero (p-value 0.07), there is not lack of fit (p-value Case 2. For the samples with mesalazine (series 5) the blank has a
0.49) and the common estimated slope is 0.8547, thus, the recovery loading of 10,390, that is, forty times greater than the one obtained
of the ciprofloxacin for the urine samples is 85.5% independently when model 1 was applied (Case 2). On the contrary, the loading
of the kind of urine and of the presence of mesalazine. By using of the blank of series 1 (point a in Fig. 8) is 138, similar to the ones
this recovery factor with the test samples (N = 63), without blanks obtained for the same sample in Cases 1 and 2.
and without outliers, the mean of the absolute value of the relative The calibration line “sample profile loadings versus added
errors is 5.8%. concentration” fitted with the 15 spiked samples of series 1 is
y = 231.2 + 31.5x with ˆ = 61.3 (Eq. (5)) and coefficient of determi-
4.3. Case 3 nation equal to 0.998. The regression model is significant (p-value
less than 10−4 ) and there is not lack of fit (p-value 0.90).
In this case, we use model 2 to compute the PARAFAC decompo- The mean of the absolute value of the relative errors is 0.9%
sition, that is, it is computed only with the tensor made up by the in calibration (N = 14) and 4.9% when predicting the test samples
17 calibration samples (see Table 1). Samples 15 and 16 are again of series 2–4 (without the blanks and the outliers). However, the
outliers as in Cases 1 and 2 and thus, they are not considered. absolute value of the relative errors for the samples in series 5 is
Only one factor is needed, that explains 99.9% of the variance. 189.45%.
The correlation coefficient between the obtained excitation and The regression lines “predicted concentration of ciprofloxacin
emission profiles and the true spectra of the ciprofloxacin is 0.998 versus added concentration” for series 2, 3, 4 and 5 show a sig-
and 0.999 respectively. If, instead, we would have considered two nificant bias for the test samples. The four regression models are
factors, the obtained emission profile cannot be even considered a significant and there is not lack of fit, but their intercepts (31.9,
spectrum. 18.8, 13.7 and 319.7 respectively) are significantly non-null in the
Fig. 8 shows the loadings in the sample profile of the calibra- four regression lines. That means that model 2 introduces a constant
tion samples (series 1) as well as the values estimated for the test bias in the estimated concentrations, which is different depending
samples (series 2–5, from sample number 18 to 85). These load- on the matrix where the ciprofloxacin is added. Nevertheless, the
ings are comparable to the ones obtained for the factor linked to slopes of the four regression lines (0.853, 0.880, 0.911 and 0.857)
the ciprofloxacin in Figs. 4 and 7(a) in the sense that, qualitatively, are similar to the ones obtained with model 1 (Cases 1 and 2).
the pattern is similar although the values are larger. This is clearly When comparing the three calibration lines fitted in Cases 1, 2
seen in the blanks with loadings 1118, 784 and 546 for series 2, 3 and 3 with the same 14 spiked samples, the intercepts are signifi-
and 4 respectively, more than three times the values in Case 1 and cantly equal (p-value 0.12) and also the three slopes (p-value 0.92).
202 M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205

Fig. 8. Loadings in the sample profile of the PARAFAC decomposition for Case 3.
Letters a, b, c, d and e correspond to the blank sample of each series.

practice, the concentration of the test samples is unknown. Fig. 9(a)

shows both statistics with the corresponding critical values at 95%
confidence level for the 15 calibration samples. Note the position of
the blank (point a) which has the minimum values. In Fig. 9(b), we
can see that the samples of series 2, 3 and 4 have values of Q much
greater than the critical value, different among series and almost
constant within each series. This indicates the existence of residu-
als in the PARAFAC decomposition for the test samples anomalous
in relation to the calibration samples. These ‘anomalous’ residu-
als are caused by the different types of urine. Fig. 9(b) also shows
that the series appear sorted from greatest to lowest values of Q.
The ‘steps’ in the graph coincide with the magnitude of the bias
in the determination of the concentration of ciprofloxacin in the
corresponding series, and evidence the same effect previously seen
in the intercepts of the regression lines “computed ciprofloxacin
versus added concentration”. The blanks (points b, c and d) follow
the same pattern as the loadings of the samples of the correspond-
ing series. However, the three series have values of T2 similar to
those of the calibration samples (Fig. 9(a). Finally, Fig. 9(c) high-
lights that the samples of series 5, with mesalazine, exceed the
critical values for both T2 (except for the blank) and Q (more than
2.5 × 104 times larger than the threshold value at 95%). Therefore,
the PARAFAC decomposition cannot be accepted for these sam-
The comparison of the results obtained with model 1 (Cases 1
and 2) and model 2 (Case 3) show that: (i) the resulting calibration
line does not depend on whether the test samples are or not in the
PARAFAC decomposition. (ii) The errors when predicting the test
samples are similar in both models for the series 2, 3 and 4 (about
5%), but very different for series 5 (189% for model 2), that is, the
prediction error depends on the analytical matrix. (iii) Because the
Fig. 7. Loadings in the sample profile of the PARAFAC decomposition for Case 2 (a)
second factor loadings, linked to ciprofloxacin, represented with blue circles (); intercepts are significant non-null for the series 2, 3, 4 and 5 with
(b) first factor loadings, linked to urine, represented with green crosses (+); (c) third model 2, there is a significant bias related to the type of urine and
factor loadings, linked to mesalazine, represented with red squares (). Letters a, b, to the mesalazine. (iv) For the model 2 the loadings of the blanks of
c, d and e correspond to the blank sample of each series. (For interpretation of the
the test samples are greater than those of calibration samples. (v)
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
the article.)
With model 2, only the samples that contain mesalazine have values
of T2 and Q greater than the critical values and their loadings are
outside the calibration range. Therefore, the calibration line should
Therefore, including the test samples for the PARAFAC decomposi- not been used for them.
tion does not modify the calibration line. This was expected because According to the usual criteria, the samples of series 2–4 will not
of the uniqueness of PARAFAC decomposition. be considered outliers in relation to the PARAFAC model because
The conclusion is thus that the bias is caused by the way the they only show residuals (Q statistic) greater than those of the cali-
loadings of the test samples were computed (model 1 or model 2) to bration samples. Nevertheless, this is an indication of the presence
predict their concentration. In any case, the Q and T2 statistics may of other analytes that were not modelled in the PARAFAC decom-
detect the kind of problems that these samples present because, in position.
M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205 203

However, the mean of the relative errors obtained when the model
is used to predict the samples of series 5 (N = 17) was 737%. This
large error is due to the fact that for PLS the second-order property
does not apply and these urine samples have mesalazine which
was not calibrated. In any case, again the values of the T2 and Q
statistics for the test samples with mesalazine are greater than the
critical values, in such a way that the incorrect application of a 3-PLS
calibration model would be avoided. In addition, half of the urine
samples have been used as calibration samples and not as test sam-
ples, which implies the need of having calibration samples with the
same interferents expected in the test samples, interferents that, in
practice, are unknown.

4.4. Performance characteristics

For the calibration models computed in the preceding cases

the multivariate sensitivity or capability of discrimination, as is
described in Section 2.3, is established.
The regression lines between the true concentration and the cor-
responding concentrations calculated with the calibration models
are in Table 3. All of them have correlation coefficients greater than
Also Table 3 contains the p-values of the hypothesis tests used
to decide whether the intercept and the slope were equal or not
to zero and one respectively. As can be seen, in all the cases, we
do not have experimental evidence for rejecting the corresponding
null hypothesis at 5% of significance level because the p-value is
greater than 0.05. This means, among other things, that the con-
centration predicted with the methods is statistically equal to the
true concentration, that is, there is no bias.
On the other hand, the precision of each method measured as the
ˆ of the regression line [53] shows similar values, around 2 ␮g L−1 .
Finally, the multivariate sensitivity of the PARAFAC-based cali-
bration models for ˛ = ˇ = 0.05, and at x0 = 200 ␮g L−1 as reference
value is 8.2 ␮g L−1 for Case 1, 8.5 ␮g L−1 for Case 2 and 8.1 ␮g L−1 for
Case 3. These quantities are similar to those obtained by HPLC [38],
but in our case without a chromatographic technique.
Therefore, from Table 3 we can conclude that the presence of a
new interferent in Case 2 does not significantly worsen the sensi-
tivity of the procedure, nor either the use of model 1 or model 2 for
the PARAFAC decomposition.

4.5. Case 4

In this case, the aim is the determination of ciprofloxacin in

urine samples of a patient that was being treated with BayCip, Bayer
The experimental procedure is similar to that of the previous
cases. For computing the PARAFAC decomposition, series 6 and 7
of Table 1 were used. The first 17 samples, series 6, were spiked
with ciprofloxacin in water. The test samples were measured three
times and, then, three days later another three times, thus the 6
samples in series 7. Therefore, the tensor X that was decomposed
is 23 × 201 × 15.
After the decomposition two factors were selected (CORCONDIA
Fig. 9. Case 3, values of the T2 and Q statistics for each sample in the sample profile equal to 99.9% and explained variance of 99.8%) and subsequently
of the PARAFAC decomposition. Dashed lines are the corresponding critical values identified as the ciprofloxacin and the urine. Fig. 10 shows the load-
at 95% confidence level. (a) Calibration samples, ciprofloxacin added in water; (b) ings in the sample profile, the first 17 samples have null loadings for
test samples, ciprofloxacin added in urine from different people; (c) test samples,
the urine (green crosses) whereas the loadings of the ciprofloxacin
ciprofloxacin added to the urine from a patient who was taking mesalazine.
show the pattern of the quantity added (blue circles,).
Consequently, for now on, only model 1 will be used for these The last six samples have non-null and almost constant loadings
data. for urine. However, there are the loadings of ciprofloxacin which
Finally, for comparative purposes, a 3-PLS calibration model is allow determining, after applying the corresponding dilution factor,
built with half of the samples of series 1–4 randomly chosen. The the concentration of ciprofloxacin in the urine of the patient. The
mean of the relative errors of this model is 3.6% in calibration (34 predicted concentration, applying the recovery factor, is 434 and
samples) and 3.7% in prediction with the remaining 34 samples. 467 mg L−1 for the sample that was measured three days later.
204 M.C. Ortiz et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 193–205

Table 3
Regression lines fit with the concentration calculated by means of PARAFAC-based calibration methods versus the true concentration.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Fitted regression line y = 0.0289 + 1.0001x y = 0.0128 + 1.0001x y = 0.0021 + 0.9999x

Correlation coefficient 0.999 0.998 0.999
Residual standard deviation ()
ˆ 1.9714 ␮g L−1 2.0322 ␮g L−1 1.9460 ␮g L−1

p-value of the hypothesis test: 0.989 0.995 0.999

H0 : The intercept is zero
Ha : It is not

p-value of the hypothesis test: 0.994 0.985 0.999

H0 : The slope is one
Ha : It is not

Multivariate sensitivity at 200 ␮g L−1 (˛ = ˇ = 0.05, R = 1) 8.2 ␮g L−1 8.5 ␮g L−1 8.1 ␮g L−1

The analysis of the results obtained show that the recovery fac-
tor of the ciprofloxacin in urine is 85.5% independently of the kind
of urine and of the presence of mesalazine. By applying this recov-
ery factor to the test samples, the mean of the absolute value of
the relative errors is 5.8%. Urine test samples without mesalazine
let us obtained 88.3% of recovery and a mean of the absolute value
of the relative errors equals to 4.2% when ciprofloxacine is deter-


The authors acknowledge the support by project CTQ2008-

02264/BQU of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and project
BU024A07 of Junta Castilla y León, both co-financed with European
FEDER funds.


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