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High Performance
Culture Playbook
April 2023 - For Salesforce Managers

Playbook Contents
1. What you need to know about HPC

2. The role of executives and leaders to make it happen

3. Accountability for driving HPC

4. Leverage resources to lead our HPC right now


What You Need to

We’ll get there by:
Know about HPC
Why this matters, right now 01 Ensuring every employee knows what’s expected of them,
how they’re performing, and is rewarded for delivering results in
We are the #1 CRM for a reason — we have alignment with our values.
engaged high performers who are passionate
about customer success.
Having accountable leaders providing clarity, mentorship,
And to stay #1, we need to continue to adapt
and transform for our customers
02 development, and coaching.
Many things are needed to get us there. One
Coming together in-person because we know we unlock
critical element is all of us. Leaning in,
performing at new levels, realizing our
03 opportunities when we’re collaborating in real life.
Corporate V2MOM vision as One Salesforce.
With our commitment to 30+ margins and Transforming the way we work to be more productive and
double digit profitable ACV growth, our focus 04 efficient to drive profitable growth.
on a High Performance Culture is more
important than ever.
This will take all of us coming together as One Salesforce,
05 and we know when we do that, we can achieve anything.

What You Need to Know about HPC

We’re more focused and aligned around performance than we've ever been

HPC is Method 2 in our Corporate V2MOM and it reflects our commitment to:

01 A culture of pride and commitment shared by all 06 Pay-for-performance with consistent rating system

02 V2MOM to align goals, performance, and

accountability for results 07
Leaders coach and mentor team members with
meaningful performance reviews

03 Metrics-driven approaches to measure impact Return & Remote culture meet customer needs and
08 optimize productivity
Hire and retain A+ talent with a world-class onboarding
04 program Support well-being of culture by engaging on Slack to
09 grow success
All employees complete required training and
05 understand our business and products

Align and set goals to ensure that every team member
knows exactly what is expected of them and how to be

The Role of Leaders successful.

to Make It Happen Measure and manage performance with simple, clear,
Business-owned, leader-led starts and consistent processes that we all commit to.

with Executives Rewards

Recognize and differentiate compensation for high
To make HPC visible, real, and relevant enough performers.
to inspire commitment - we’ve simplified the
strategy around four key elements: Growth
Invest in our people by providing development
opportunities for high performers and feedback and
coaching for those who need improvement.

The four shis to accelerate Salesforce’s HPC

Reboot V2MOM as our

The Role of Leaders Consistent "One performance,

to Make It Happen Salesforce" mindset. accountability, and

alignment tool.
Business-owned, leader-led starts
with Executives

Accountable, metrics-driven
Return & Remote culture to
approach to measure
meet customer needs and
individual, team and
optimize productivity.
company impact.

Top 5 Manager Accountabilities in a HPC

01 Hire and effectively onboard A-players.

The Role of Leaders 02

Set clear expectations for performance: what needs
to be delivered, and how we behave to deliver it.
to Make It Happen Coach, mentor, and provide regular feedback to
Every leader takes accountability 03 drive high performance and hold ourselves and our
for themselves and inspires teams accountable.

accountability in others Recognize and reward successful performance with

04 top rewards for exceptional performance.

Identify early and act effectively wherever

05 performance is inconsistent or below expectations.

The Role of Leaders Our first-ever Manager Certification will require

90-minutes and it will equip leaders at every
to Make It Happen level to effectively:

High performance starts with us!

Deliver High Performance using V2MOM
As People Leaders, it’s our role to lead and
manage our team to deliver outstanding results. Drive Expectations, Clarity and Alignment using
Quarterly Check-Ins
We have an incredible opportunity to shape our
future here - leading our teams into the next
Differentiate Performance Effectively using
successful chapter of our history, together.
Performance Ratings
When leaders at every level align, performance
accelerates. Reward and Recognizing High Performers using
Compensation Tools & Processes
That’s why our starting place is enabling all
managers talent management and performance
Take Action on Underperformance

See appendix for more details on key messages for each module

Accountability is about Trust. Tools to drive accountability

It means: for HPC include:
Accountability ● Ownership - Choosing to take ● The Org Health Dashboard

In Action personal ownership for goals and


Employee Sentiment (GIS)
V2MOM Results & Performance
How accountability will Ratings
● Delivery - Doing what you say you’ll
accelerate HPC do, and delivering on your goals. ● Learning & Development

Accountability is the High ● Reliability - People can count on you

Performance Mindset for your great contribution.
We need all leaders to: role-model
taking accountability themselves, ● Responsibility - Taking personal
and inspire and hold accountability responsibility for positive action, not
in others. blaming, rationalizing, avoiding or
waiting for others to go first.

❏ Review HPC Playbook
❏ Schedule team/org session to share HPC

Leverage Resources ❏
strategy (in office where possible)
Complete your Manager Certification and

to Lead Our HPC Now ❏

encourage your leaders to do the same
Go all-in on performance …
HPC tools for your teams ❏ Review and understand the company's
V2MOM, as well as adjacent V2MOMs.
❏ Review and understand our new
performance management system,
including ratings.
❏ Understand our updated
compensation expectations, tools and
❏ Identify any areas of
underperformance and develop a plan
to address them.

Take these actions to drive high performance in your team
Accelerating a high-performance culture is a complex, ongoing process that requires commitment
and effort from everyone in the business. Personalize your approach in three steps:

Step 1: Define what high performance Step 2: Communicate your vision and Step 3: Show how our systems and processes
means to your team/org expectations enable high-performance for YOUR priorities
To create a high-performance culture, it's Once you have defined what high To support the shift to a high-performance
important to first define what high performance means, it's important to culture, it's important to align systems and
performance means in the context of your communicate the vision and expectations to processes with the vision and expectations.
organization. This should be a collaborative all employees. This should be done clearly This includes the Five Core Skills in Manager
process that involves input from all and consistently, with regular updates and Certification that illustrate our performance
stakeholders. Consider the following reminders. Consider the following management and rewards and recognition
questions when defining high performance: communication strategies: approach. Consider the following strategies:
● What are the key performance indicators ● Use multiple channels to communicate the ● Publicly review your V2MOM to reinforce
from your V2MOM metrics? vision and expectations (e.g. email, clear performance expectations and metrics
company intranet, town hall meetings) ● Ensure that rewards and recognition are tied
● What behaviors and attitudes contribute to
high performance? ● Use stories and examples to illustrate what to high performance
high performance looks like ● Develop your talent in a way that supports
● How can we uniquely measure and track
progress towards high performance? ● Make it clear that high performance is an high performance (e.g. promoting available
expectation for all employees, not just a training and development programs)
select few
Thank you

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