Waves and Oscillations Chapter 16

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Waves and Oscillations

16.1 Propagation of a Disturbance
16.1 Propagation of a Disturbance
Wave Types

Mechanical Electromagnetic
e.g. Water waves, waves on e.g. Radio, X-Rays, Light
a rope, sound
Must have a substance to Does not need a substance
travel through to travel through but can
travel through various
Cannot travel in a vacuum
Can travel in a vacuum

Vibrations passed on from Travel at very fast speed in a

molecule to molecule vacuum: 3 × 108 m/s
16.1 Propagation of a Disturbance
16.1 Propagation of a Disturbance
Neither transverse or longitudinal waves
16.1 Propagation of a Disturbance
16.1 Propagation of a Disturbance
• Let us consider transverse waves propagating
without change in shape and with a constant wave
velocity v

• We will describe waves via vertical displacement


• For an observer moving with the wave

the wave shape doesn’t depend on time y(x’) = f(x’)
16.1 Propagation of a Disturbance

For an observer at rest:

• the wave shape depends on time y(x,t)

• the reference frame linked to the wave is moving

with the velocity of the wave v

x  x'vt x'  x  vt

f ( x' )  f ( x  vt) y( x, t )  f ( x  vt)

16.1 Propagation of a Disturbance

• We considered a wave propagating with velocity v

y1 ( x, t )  f ( x  vt)

• For a medium with isotropic (symmetric) properties,

the wave equation should have a symmetric solution
for a wave propagating with velocity –v

y2 ( x, t )  f ( x  (v)t )
 f ( x  vt)
16.2 Analysis Model: Traveling Wave
16.2 Analysis Model: Traveling Wave
16.2 Analysis Model: Traveling Wave
16.2 Analysis Model: Traveling Wave

The amplitude ym of a wave is the magnitude The period of oscillation T of a wave is the
of the maximum displacement of the elements time for an element to move through one full
from their equilibrium positions as the wave oscillation. It is related to the angular frequency,
passes through them. w, by

The phase of the wave is the argument

(kx –wt) of the sine function. As the wave The frequency f of a wave is defined as 1/T
sweeps through a string element at a particular and is related to the angular frequency w by
position x, the phase changes linearly with
time t.

The wavelength l of a wave is the distance A phase constant f in the wave function:
parallel to the direction of the wave’s travel y =ym sin(kx –wt+ f). The value of f can be
between repetitions of the shape of the wave chosen so that the function gives some other
(or wave shape). It is related to the angular displacement and slope at x = 0 when t = 0.
wave number, k, by

16.2 Analysis Model: Traveling Wave

Variable Symbol Unit Symbol

for Unit

Frequency f Hertz Hz

Wavelength l metre m
Velocity v metre/second m/s
(or c for light)

Time T second s
16.2 Analysis Model: Traveling Wave
16.2 Analysis Model: Traveling Wave
16.3 The Speed of Waves on Strings

16.3 The Speed of Waves on Strings

16.4 Reflection and Transmission
One type of boundary that a wave may encounter is that it
may be attached to a fixed end.
In this case, the end of the medium will not be able to move.
What is going to happen if a wave pulse goes down this string
and encounters the fixed end?

16.4 Reflection and Transmission
Another boundary type is when a wave’s medium is attached
to a stationary object as a free end.
In this situation, the end of the medium is allowed to slide up
and down.
What would happen in this case?

16.5 Rate of Energy Transfer by Sinusoidal
Waves on Strings

16.5 Rate of Energy Transfer by Sinusoidal
Waves on Strings

16.6 The Linear Wave Equation


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