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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bulacan
Malolos City
District of Pulilan
Dampol 1st Pulilan, Bulacan

EDDIS/District: Pulilan
School: Rufino A. Cruz Memorial Elementary School
School I.D.: 105021
Name of District English Adviser/Coordinator: Agnes Oronce
Name of District English Coordinator: Jalilyn Lacap
Name of School English Coordinator: Mayona D. Miranda
Contact Numbers of District Adviser/Coordinator:
Contact Number of School English Coordinator: 09333681301


School Year :2021-2022
Programs/ Budget Needed Persons(s) Success Indicator/
Area of Concern Objectives Targets Time Frame
Projects/Activity and Source Involved Expected Output
1.1 Least Learned Skills Teachers’ competencies
1. Instructional 1. By EO June 2022 English
based on summative shall have been upgraded
Development Teaching Teachers
test results used as with 75% acceptance
competencies of
teachers handling October 2021- MOOE-LSB Principal
1.2 Conduct of
English shall have Teachers June 2022 Fund
Teachers Congress
been upgraded with Master
handling English with Teacher
75% acceptance
focus on least mastered

By EO June 2022, Provide reading Principal Continuous mentoring and

2. Student reading assessment materials that are Local School Master evaluation of programs
September, 2021-
Development of pupils shall have Pupils suitable for each grade Fund Teacher have been implemented
level. June, 2022 Teachers
been increased with
80% success Pupils
Big brother and big
sister strategy

Continuous use of
library through Book

On-line remediation in

Implementation of
Brigada Pag-basa
Conduct of On-line On-line seminar-workshop
By EO December October 2021
3. Technical training on instructional shall have been conducted
Assistance 2021, seminar-
strategies to teachers handling
workshop on
English with 85% success
Enhance Teachers’ skills
strategies, Teaching November, 2021 MOOE-LSB Principal
in Teaching Beginning
Beginning Reading, Teachers Fund English
Reading through On-
Campus Journalism, Teachers
line training
shall have been
managed with 80%
Enhance Teachers’ skills December, 2021
in On-line Training
Campus Journalism
Principal Teachers with low MPS
4. Staff/ Teacher By EO June 2022, Rendering of On-line English shall have been mentored
Development the mentoring of Technical assistance to Teachers with 80% success
teachers with low teachers with low MPS Master
MPS shall have been Teacher
conducted with 80%
English teachers
Year round
Facilitate English
Maximize the use of lessons using modern
instructional technologies and Teachers shall have been
materials through the applications like English facilitated learning easily
use of ICT. computers, cellphones, Teachers and ICT skills have been
tablets etc. ICT upgraded.
1. By EO June 2022 1.1 Conduct of On-line June, 2022 MOOE-LSB Principal Increased MPS by 2% in
Pupils Teachers
the Mean enrichment classes Fund English I&VI
5. Curriculum Percentage Score 1.2 Analysis and Pupils
Development (MPS) of summative interpretation of test
tests in English I-VI results
shall have been 1.4 Conduct of On-line
increased by 2% mentoring on least
mastered skills

2. By EO December 2.1 Principal

2021 academic Coordination/networking All scheduled contests shall
competitions shall on the activities Pupils have been conducted with
have been 2.2 October 80% success
conducted 80% Organization/facilitation - December 2021
success of contests
Press Conference 2.3 Monitoring /
- School Level evaluation

- Reading level of pupils in

Grades II-VI shall have
3.1 Orientation on the
3. By EO December been identified with 80%
conduct of Phil-IRI
2021, the reading Oral/Silent Reading Principal success;
level of pupils in Test Teachers - Appropriate On-line
Grades II-VI shall 3.2 Reproduction of Pupils (II-VI) intervention techniques to
December 2021
have been identified Phil-IRI materials improve pupils’ reading
with 80% success 3.3 Monitoring of the levels shall have been
Phil-IRI administration
3.4 Evaluation and
interpretation of the test
3.5 Conduct of On-line
reinforcement activities
to strengthen the pupils’
Principal - Appropriate intervention
Identify the weaknesses Teachers techniques to improve
of pupils in reading September - Pupils pupils’ ability to read shall
through questionnaire October 2021 Parents
have been employed

Provide reading
materials that contain
6. Research Organize and
Pupils activities that could
MOOE-LSB Teachers
conduct a research\ Fund Pupils
Development (Grade-III-VI) lead to easy learning on
CIP about reading
how to improve reading September -
skills December 2021

Following library or Principal

Book Pantry schedule Teachers
and let the pupils enjoy Year round Pupils
reading at home.

- Successful
7. Community Conduct different On- celebration of
Organize a yearly
line contest for children Principal reading month
celebration about the
Teachers and invite different MOOE-LSB Teachers realizing the
importance of
Principal stakeholders to join and October Fund Pupils importance of
reading through
Stakeholders witness the On-line Stakeholders reading to children
Reading Month
program via-livestream with the
in facebook. cooperation of

Prepared by:

School English Coordinator

Noted by:


Principal I

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