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Invented, created, discovered, or harvested by a sadistic beings in any way. However, if even just one spore finds
villain eons upon eons ago, the Hate Plague is a nano- its way to an inhabited planet, it will mean the return of
fungal threat to sentient beings everywhere. When it first the Hate Plague in all its horrifying splendor.
reared its hideous crimson head in a time long forgotten, Unfortunately for the current era, that very supernova
entire worlds fell to its madness, forcing a mysterious was being researched by an advanced human explorer
and ingenious bio-alchemist whose name has been ship. While the crew were inside and protected by their
lost to time to lead the efforts in finding a cure. Slowly environmental suits, their shuttle itself was coated with
eliminating cases of the Hate Plague until they possessed active spores that they brough back to Earth!
what they believed to be the last active spores of the
infection, this scientist sealed them away in an energy- The Hate Plague spread (with the help of some less-
reinforced vault which was summarily shot into orbit than-moral scientists) to Autobot, Decepticon, and
around a local star. The vault would use the radiation and Earthling alike. Each victim took on the crimson red glow
energy of the star to strengthen its seals and protective of the nano-fungal sickness and was quickly consumed
measures, and the galaxy believed the Hate Plague to no by an all-encompassing rage. Friends and family violently
longer be a threat. turned on one another. The hatred and anger that
swallowed up so many threatened to spread to the entire
That was, until millions of years later, the star in planet, and while the Decepticons looked to perhaps
question went supernova. make the most of the ensuing chaos, the Autobots knew
The resulting explosion tore the vault to pieces, they had to save their new home.
spreading the insidious spores of the Hate Plague A newly returned Optimus Prime entered his
scattering across the cosmos. Space is big, and very consciousness into the Matrix of Leadership and found
empty, so most of these particles will be drifting on solar the essences of bearers long past… including the
winds through the void forever, never falling upon living


unfathomably wise Alpha Trion. It was through this
connection that a cure was discovered: the concentrated
“light of wisdom” from within the Matrix. The Matrix was
opened, its epic energies released, and the Hate Plague
Impervious Alloy
was extinguished across all of Earth. Available seemingly only from the ancient
But what of the other Hate Plague spores that are still mechanical beings known as Quintessons—
floating across the emptiness of space? or so they claim— Impervious Alloy is a
Restricted Armor Upgrade that coats an entire

Game Effects of Cybertronian (or similarly armored piece of

equipment) with a shining silver coating that
the Hate Plague makes the recipient Resistant to Fire Damage
and Immune to Alternate Effects added by
A being can contract the Hate Plague by coming into Critical Successes targeting them.
contact with one or more of the illness’ glittering red nano-
fungal spores. Once exposed and their bio-electric systems
This Upgrade is temporary however, and
infected, the mind-affecting radiation of the plague causes every time the recipient suffers damage,
the victim to glow red. This crimson coloration waxes and the GM rolls 2d6. If the result is equal to or
wanes slightly, but any kind of sensor or scanner will detect less than the amount of damage suffered in
the target as glowing with infection with a successful DIF 8 the attack, the coating is compromised and
Alertness or Technology Skill Test. begins to fall away in strips and flakes; it is
While most victims get infected through contact with then no longer effective.
other victims (see below), anyone coming into contact
with even a single free-roaming Hate Plague spore must
immediately succeed at a DIF 20 Brawn Skill Test to
avoid contracting the disease.
The infection turns the victim into a contagious, rage- • A damaged Quintesson starship is found floating
filled monster that maintains a modicum of sentient through a vacant corner of space, mysterious, ominous,
thought while still being focused utterly on the violent and begging to be explored. There could be some
destruction of everyone else around them. The following useful salvage inside for anyone willing to risk the
effects apply to the victim until they are Defeated or cured: dangers… including the remnants of a Sharkticon pack
• All actions taken must be attacks, or actions made lousy with Hate Plague!
toward getting into range of their attacks. • Perceptor needs a mission team of trusted Autobots
• All Social-based skills are made with a Snag. to pick up a simple medical sample in long-term
• Athletics, Brawn, and Might Skill Tests are all made storage at a friendly alien lab. When they arrive, the
with 2. team discovers the medical sample is anything but
simple—it is a single active Hate Plague spore in a
• The victim has Immunity to the Frightened and
sealed container. The team must now return with this
Mesmerized conditions, and Resistant to Psychic
dangerous cargo intact, risking infecting everyone and
everything along the way.
• The victim’s unarmed attacks gain the following
• Soundwave reaches out to the team with a rare request:
additional Alternate Effect: “Target becomes infected
one of his Mini-Con’s last reports from a scouting
with Hate Plague.”
mission to a deserted moon claimed they saw “glowing
Barring a special narrative element (such the opening red monsters.” Megatron couldn’t care less about the
of the Matrix of Leadership), a victim infected with the situation, so Soundwave is playing off the Autobots’
Hate Plague can be cured either by being Defeated using moral centers to save his minion.
radiation and/or light-based effects, or with a successful • Mindwipe foolishly thinks his unorthodox scientific
DIF 25 Science or Technology Skill Test. knowledge can create and wield a derivative of the
Hate Plague spores as a weapon against the Autobots.

Plot Hooks This will surely end in disaster, but less so if the
characters can somehow stop him or at least contain
Introducing a powerfully infectious nanotech infection the resulting exposure.
like the Hate Plague can be the center of an entire
campaign arc and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If a GM is
ready for this kind of plot, the following are interesting
ways to introduce the nano-fungal threat in your own
Transformers Roleplaying Game campaigns.


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