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VOCA 3800 Day
VOCA 3800 Day 10
VOCA 3800 Day 9
VOCA 3800 Day 8
>gross- disgusting and not good to look or listen to
>dissatisfied- not pleased with something
>tame- not wild any longer

>bound for-

VOCA 3800 Day 7

>rage- a strong feeling of uncontrollable anger

>foresight- the ability to imagine the things going to happen
>format- the way certain things are arranged or organized

VOCA 3800 Day 6
>be subject to-
>be worth-

>be content with- to be happy with what you have

>put up with- to tolerate
>call off- to cancel
VOCA 3800 Day 5
>subtraction- the process of taking a number or amount from a larger number or
>transition- the act of changing from one form to another
>impression- the opinion or feeling you have about someone or something
>sensation- the ability to feel something physically

>opposition- strong disagreement with, or protest against a plan, law, or system

VOCA 3800 Day 4
>enthusiastic- feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement
>addictive- so enjoyable that you do not want to stop
>embarrassing- making you feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable

>masterpiece- a work of art or music that is made with great skill

>pillar- a tall post that supports a roof or bridge
>tragic- making you feel sad

>predict- to say what you think will happen in the future

>plot- to form a secret and illegal plan to harm other people
>logical- seeming reasonable and sensible

>get on- to board or place yourself on top of something

>get over- to recover from something, or feel better
>get better- to improve

>realistic- so enjoyable that you do not want to stop

VOCA 3800 Day 3
>ambassador- a representative of a government or country
>insurance- a paid agreement to receive money if an accident or illness happens
>antique- an old and valuable piece of an object

VOCA 3800 Day 2
>account for- to be the reason why something happens
>give off- to expand

>lease- to make a legal agreement to use the land, building, or car

>concentrate- to think very carefully about something that you are doing
>innovate- to start a new idea or invention
VOCA 3800 Day 1
>fortunate- having good things happening
>prior- existing or happening before something else
>mere- used to emphasize how small or unimportant something or someone is

>oncoming- coming towards someone's direction

>throughout- in every part of a particular area or place
VOCA 3700 Day 20

>trait- a particular quality in someone’s character

>simulation- a model of a real activity
>reminder- something that reminds somebody to do something

>faraway- a long distance away

>suspicious- feeling doubt or no trust in someone or something
>facility- a place or building used for a particular activity or industry

>rotate- to turn with a circular movement

>cemetery- a church-owned land used to bury dead people
>uniformed- wearing a uniform

>appear- to have a particular quality or characteristic; to seem

>kick off- to start, or to begin something like in a game, event or meeting
>be known as- used when people know that something or someone is true

>pedestrian- a walking person along a street or road

>subscriber- a person paying money regularly for a product or service
>define- to explain exactly the meaning of a word or idea
VOCA 3700 Day 19
>excess- a larger amount of something than is allowed or needed
>gadget- a small, useful, and modern machine or tool
>fragrance- a pleasant smell

>resemble- to look the same like a person or thing

>ship- to send goods somewhere by ship, plane, or truck
VOCA 3700 Day 18
>absolute- complete or total
>needy- needing and wanting a lot of love and attention
>handicapped- injured or not capable of doing certain things

VOCA 3700 Day 17
>workshop- a room or building where things are made or repaired
>influence- the power to have an effect on people or things
>separation- the time that two or more people or things are apart from each other

>certificate- an official document that states that an information is true

>copyright- the legal right to be the only producer or seller of a book, play,
film, or record
VOCA 3700 Day 16
>pinch- to squeeze someone’s skin between your thumb and finger
>verify- to prove that something exists or is true
>simplify- to make things easier or less complicated

>sacrifice- to give up something for a more important thing

>tremble- to shake slightly because you are upset, frightened, or cold
>dim- lacking in light or not bright
VOCA 3700 Day 15
>sacrifice- to give up something for a more important thing
>tremble- to shake slightly because you are upset, frightened, or cold
>dim- lacking in light or not bright

>hardship- things making your life difficult and miserable

>adoption- the process of legally taking a child
>portion- a part of a large thing

>remark- something that you say when you express an opinion or say what you have
>choke- to be unable to breathe properly
>profit- money that you gain by selling things or doing business
VOCA 3700 Day 14

>specify- to explain or describe something clearly

>familiarize- to understand or learn about something
>recite- to say a poem, story, or article
VOCA 3700 Day 13
>subjective- influenced by personal opinion or feelings
>objective- based on facts
>secondary- not as important as something else

>introductory- spoken or written phrases in the beginning of a book or speech

VOCA 3700 Day 12

>straighten- to become or make things straight

>rehearse- to practice the things needed before the actual performance
>curse- to swear or say bad words

>ashore- towards the shore of the bodies of water

>sustain-to make things continue to happen
>inspire- to give idea or example to start doing things

VOCA 3700 Day 11
>glorious- having or deserving great fame, praise, and honor
>cosmetic- dealing with the outer part or the appearance

>multiple- having a lot of people, things, or events

>imperial- connected to an empire and its leader or ruler
>overcrowded- filled with a lot of peole or things
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>narrow down- to remove other options to make it easier to choose

>affair- an event or set of related events
>instance- an example of a particular kind of situation

>nationality- the state of being legally a citizen of a country

>necessity- something that is needed to have in order to live
>fund- an amount of money that is collected and kept for a particular purpose
VOCA 3700 Day 9
>lose temper- to suddenly become very angry
>figure out- to find the answer to a problem
>play a role in- to have an effect or influence on something

VOCA 3700 Day 8
>certification- a document proving that someone is qualified
>procedure- accepted way of doing something
>refuge- a shelter or protection

>multiplication- a way of calculating a number by itself for certain number of

>substance- a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas

VOCA 3700 Day 7
>abstract- based on general ideas or principles
>political- relating to the government, politics, and public affairs of a country

>convenient- close and easy to reach

>qualified- having a skill, personal quality suitable for the job or position
>coastal- near the coast

>advisor- someone whose job is to give advice about a subject

>jury- a group of people judging a competition or case
>execute- to perform an action or movement

>slang- an informal language used by people in a particular group

>colony- a group of animals or plants of the same type living together
>alter- to change, or to make someone or something change

>object to- to disagree or disapprove of someone or something

>scroll- to move the display on a computer screen up or down
>environmental- concerning the air, land, or water on Earth

>reveal- to show something that was previously hidden

>run short of- (of something) to near the end of a supply of something
>sort out- to arrange or organize things to be clean or in order
VOCA 3700 Day 6
>motive- the reason for doing something
>demonstration- the act of explaining of doing or how things work
>minority- a small group of people or things within a much larger group

>majority- most number of people or things in a group

>mercury- a heavy liquid silver-white poisonous metal found in thermometers
VOCA 3700 Day 5
>institute- an organization that has a particular purpose
>application- an official request for something
>diploma- a document showing you have graduated

VOCA 3700 Day 4
>emerge- to appear or come out from somewhere
>mingle- to move around the room and talk to lots of different people
>tailor- to make things exactly right for other people's needs or purpose

VOCA 3700 Day 3
>commonly- usually or by most people

>likewise- in a similar way, or in the same way

>let down- to disappoint someone by failing to do an agreement
>break in- to go into a building to steal something
VOCA 3700 Day 2
>throne- a chair used by kings or queens in a palace
>comprehension- the ability to understand complicated or difficult things
>narration- an explanation or description about a movie or story

VOCA 3700 Day 1
>complicated- difficult to understand or hard to deal with
>beneficial- having a good and helpful effect
>oral- spoken or using the mouth

>intermediate- being between the basic and advanced level of knowledge or skill
VOCA 3600 Day 20
>destiny- the things that will happen to a person in the future
>finance- money given by a bank or other institution as a help for something

>phrase- group of words together having a particular meaning

>bulk- a big mass or shape of a particular thing
>repetitive- done or said many times
VOCA 3600 Day 19
>emit- to send a substance into the air
>surrender- to go to the police or the authorities, and to stop trying to escape
from them
>elevate- to lift a person or thing higher
>involve- to have or make something a part of something
VOCA 3600 Day 18
>consist of- to be formed from two or more things or people
>make use of- to use available things with a purpose to achieve things
>remind of- to seem similar to someone or something else

VOCA 3600 Day 17
>term- a fixed period of time during which someone does something or something
>capability- the natural ability, skill, or power to do difficult things

>offense- an illegal action or a crime

>genre- a type of writing, music etc. with particular features
>patriot- a person loving and loyal to their country
VOCA 3600 Day 16
>protest- to publicly disapprove or oppose someone or something

>response- a reaction to something that has happened or been said

>appoint- to choose someone for a position or a job
>faint- to suddenly become unconscious for a short time
VOCA 3600 Day 15
>determine- to find out the facts about something
>avenge- to take revenge or hurt and punish a thing or person

>exchange- to give someone something and also receive something from them
>justify- to give an acceptable and reasonable explanation
>secondhand- old and being owned by someone else first
VOCA 3600 Day 14
>proverb- a short well-known experiences or advice from known people
>dialect- a language spoken only in one area
>phase- one of the stages of a process of development or change

>encyclopedia- a material or book containing facts about different topics

VOCA 3600 Day 13
>elegance- the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner
>motivate- to encourage a person to achieve certain things
>classify- to arrange people or things by qualities or characteristics

>predator- an animal killing and eating other animals

>dusk- the time before night time or getting dark

>sprain- to damage or twist a joint in your body
>attraction- an interesting thing that catches one's attention
VOCA 3600 Day 12
>restore- to make something return to its former state or condition
>flatter- to praise the good things about the person
>establish- to start a company or system to last for a long time

VOCA 3600 Day 11
>bargain- a certain thing with a cheap price
>preference- a greater liking for something over another or others
>conflict- the disagreement or argument between people or groups

>definition- a phrase saying the exact meaning of the word

>habitat- the home of plants, animals, or humans
VOCA 3600 Day 10
>civil- relating to the people who live in a country
>magnetic- produced by magnetism or like a magnet

>accountable- responsible for what you do and able to give a satisfactory reason
for it
>sealed- closed or protected that prevents air from coming in or out
>stuffed- completely full and cannot eat any more
VOCA 3600 Day 9
>acceptable- being good enough or satisfactory to be used with a purpose
>awhile- for short period of time

>shallow- measuring only a short distance from the top to the bottom
>trivial- not serious, important, or valuable
>keen- having extremely good ability to smell or see things
VOCA 3600 Day 8
>declare- to officially announce something to the public

>obtain- to get something with one's effort and own skill

>snap- to take a photograph or a picture
>foresee- to think or know the happenings in the future

>transmit- to send out electronic signals, messages etc.

VOCA 3600 Day 7

>politics- the ideas and activities of the government that influences the country
>economics- the study of goods and money being produced and used
>physics- the scientific study of matter and energy on how they effect each other
>geography- the study of a land area or country, ocean, mountain, etc.
>geology- the study of rocks, soil etc. of the Earth
VOCA 3600 Day 6
>flexibility- the ability to be bent without breaking
>mankind- all humans considered as a group
>thesis- a writing or document about a particular subject

>intelligence- the ability to learn, understand, and think about thing

>surgeon- a doctor operating in a hospital
>undo- to open a thing that is tied, fastened or wrapped
>indicate- to show with proof that something is definitely true
VOCA 3600 Day 5

>aggressive- behaving in an angry, threatening way, as if wanting to fight or

attack someone
>scrub- to rub something hard to clean it
>brag- to talk too proudly about what you have done or what you own

>conclude- to have an idea about something with the information gathered

VOCA 3600 Day 4
>insistent- making things happen without letting people say no
-demanding that something happen or that someone act in a certain way
>sore- painful and uncomfortable because of injury, infection, or too much use
>bland- having little or no taste at all
>exhausted- very tired and having less energy to do things
VOCA 3600 Day 3
>constantly- all the time, or very often
>courageous- very brave and able to control fear
>affordable- cheap enough for most people to afford

>disappointed- unhappy or not contented about something

VOCA 3600 Day 2
>foretell- to say what will happen in the future
>cooperate- to work with others to achieve something better
>consult- to ask for information or advice from the right person

VOCA 3600 Day 1
>reduction- to decrease in size or number
>outlook- a person's idea or general attitude to life
>strategy- a planned series of actions for achieving something

>permit- an official written statement to allow someone or something

>agent- someone working in a particular department to get secret information
VOCA 3500 Day 20
>permission- when someone is officially allowed to do something
>league- a group of sports team or players competing against each other
>pathway- a path for someone or something to pass through
>demand- the need or desire for particular goods and services
>requirement- things a person needs or asks for
VOCA 3500 Day 19
>pregnant- having a baby growing inside your womb
>breezy- being happy, confident, and relaxed
>deadly- very dangerous likely to cause death

>neutral- not supporting or involving in either sides in an argument or fight

>honorable- being respected and admired by many
VOCA 3500 Day 18
>exposure- the chance to experience new ideas, things etc.
>ego- the confidence or importance of oneself
>faith- a strong feeling of trust or confidence in someone or something
>task- a work or duty that is done regularly
>swirl- to move around quickly in a twisting circular movement
VOCA 3500 Day 17
>grab- to suddenly take hold of someone or something
>assemble- to put all the parts of something together
>resist- to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do

>cope with- to deal with or be able to handle something difficult

>arise- to begin or start when a problem happens
VOCA 3500 Day 16
>internal- being located or situated on the inside
>external- relating to the outside of something or of a person's body
>taboo- avoided by people because it is offensive or embarrassing
>faithful- steadfast in affection or allegiance
>vain- too proud of their good looks, abilities, or position
VOCA 3500 Day 15
>employ- to pay someone to work for you
>clasp- to hold a person or thing tightly
>mutter- to speak in a low voice that is not easy to understand

>participate in- to join or be a part of an activity or contest

>deny- to say or disagree on something that is not true

>clip- to fasten something together
>register- to put someone’s or something’s name on an official list
VOCA 3500 Day 14
>notify- to tell a person about a certain information
>reserve- to arrange for a room, seat, ticket, etc. to be kept for your use
>loan- to lend someone something, especially money

VOCA 3500 Day 13
>permanent- continuing to exist for a long time or lasting for the future
>reliable- can be trusted or dependable
>fragile- easily broken or damaged

>constant- happening regularly or all the time

>considerable- fairly large or having an importance

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>relative- having a particular quality when compared with something else

>potential- possible or likely in the future

>curable- able to be stopped or cured
>gradual- happening slowly over a long period of time
VOCA 3500 Day 11
>endurance- the ability to keep doing painful or difficult tasks for a long time
>insistence- the manner of demanding to make things happen and not letting anyone
say no
>credit- a method of buying goods or services that allows you to pay for them in
the future

>currency- the system or type of money that a country uses

>specialty- food that a person, restaurant, or area is well known for
>ignorant- lack of knowledge or understanding

>logic- a reasonable way of thinking about something

VOCA 3500 Day 10
>meadow- a flat area of grassland
>counselor- someone who is trained to listen and give people advice
>ambition- a strong desire to achieve something

>feature- a typical quality or important part of something

VOCA 3500 Day 9
>metropolitan- relating or belonging to a very large city
>profitable- producing a profit or a useful result
>electrical- using electricity
>irrational- not based on reasons or logical ideas
>influential- able to change the thinking and behavior of people
VOCA 3500 Day 8
>trim- to make things look neater by cutting small pieces off it
>approve- to think that someone or something is good, right, or suitable
>dominate- to have control over a place or person
>expedition- a long and carefully organized journey to dangerous or unfamiliar
>moan- to complain in an annoying and unhappy way
>observe- to follow or obey a law or agreement
VOCA 3500 Day 7
>portrait- a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person
>carnival- a public event with music, rides, and performances
>discussion- the activity in which people talk and tell each other their ideas

>temper- a tendency to be angry suddenly or easily

VOCA 3500 Day 6
>doubtful- not sure about things
>intentional- planned or intended
>portable- easily carried or moved

>fundamental- most basic or important

>intense- having a very strong effect or felt very strongly
VOCA 3500 Day 5
>marvelous- good, enjoyable, impressive
>partial- existing only in part or incomplete
>mute- unable to speak or produce sound
>initial- happening at the beginning
>moral- relating to standards of good or bad behavior that each person believes in
VOCA 3500 Day 4
>succeed- to take an official job or position after someone else

>neglect- to not give enough care or attention to people or things

>absorb- to take in a liquid, gas, or chemical from a surface
>highlight- to emphasize something important

>confirm- to say that something is definitely true

>variation- a change in amount or level
>shortcut- a quicker and more direct way of getting to a place
VOCA 3500 Day 3

>chaos- a situation happening in complete disorder and confusion

>sprout- a new growth on a plant

>gossip- untrue or unkind information spread around about someone
>decade- a period of 10 years
VOCA 3500 Day 2
>bias- a personal opinion that influences your judgment
>interior- the inner part or inside of something
>exterior- the outside part of certain things
>emigration- the act of leaving one's own country to settle permanently in another
VOCA 3500 Day 1
>hand down- to give a formal decision
>zoom out- to focus less closely
>zoom in- to focus more closely
>temporary- not lasting or permanent
>look forward to- to be excited and pleased about something that is going to happen
VOCA 3400 Day 20
>function- to work in the correct or intended way
>leap- to make a large jump from one place to another
>infection- a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus
>fascinate- to interest someone a lot
>pull over- to move to the roadside and stop
>digest- to change food in your stomach into substances that your body can use
VOCA 3400 Day 19
>process- a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular result
>sequence- a series of related things or events, or the order in which they follow
each other
>approval- official permission or agreement for something
>triumph- an important victory or success after the struggle
>pronunciation- the way a word or letter is said
VOCA 3400 Day 18
>proposal- a plan or suggestion made formally to a person or group
>orphan- a child with both parents are dead
>repetition- the act of doing or saying something again

>occurrence- something that happens

VOCA 3400 Day 17
>insert- to put inside a particular object
>glide- to move smoothly and quietly with no effort
>screw- to fasten or close something by turning it

>overlap- to cover a particular thing with another one

>converse- to talk with other people usually in formal way
VOCA 3400 Day 16
>be made up- to feel very pleased and satisfied about something

>implement- to put a plan or system into action

>trigger- to make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events
VOCA 3400 Day 15
>immigrate- to come and live in a country permanently
>counsel- to advise a person
>request- to ask for something in a polite or formal way

>revise- to check and correct mistakes to make improvements

>commit a crime- to do something illegal or something that is considered wrong
>commit suicide- to kill yourself
>be capable of- having the qualities or ability needed to do something
>be based on- to use particular ideas or facts to make a decision

>ease- to gradually improve

VOCA 3400 Day 14
>give a shot- to try to do something
>take a risk- to do something unpleasant or dangerous
>look back on- to think about something that happened in the past
VOCA 3400 Day 13
>personal- belonging or relating to one particular person

>concerned- worried or thinking about a person or thing

>poisonous- containing poison or a toxic liquid
>gigantic- very big or being large in size

>misty- having a lot of thin cloud around

VOCA 3400 Day 12
>impressive- great, amazing
>imaginary- unreal and thinking of pictures or ideas in mind
>shameful- deserving of blame, or being a reason for feeling ashamed

>overwhelming- having too much efftect to what you feel and think
>passive- accepting things that happen or things that people say to them
VOCA 3400 Day 11
>sensitive- easily upset or offended by events or things that people say
>definite- clearly known, seen, or stated clearly known, seen, or stated
>casual- relaxed and not worried, or seeming not to care about something
>effective- successful, and working in the way that was intended
>economic- relating to trade, industry, and the management of money
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>argument- a situation of two parties arguing
>addict- a person who is unable to stop using drugs
>applicant- a person applying for a job or enter a university

>creativity- the ability to use your imagination to produce new things

>introduction- the act of bringing something into use for the first time
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>awaken- to wake or make a person wake up

>resume- to start doing the things that has stopped
>violate- to disobey or do acts against an agreement, law, or principle

>contrast- to appear clearly different especially between things

>evaluate- to judge how good, useful, or successful something is
>whirl- to turn or spin around quickly
VOCA 3400 Day 8
>identify- to recognize and correctly name someone or something

>mumble- to say things silently and unclear

>disappoint- to fail to satisfy someone or their hopes and wishes
>whirl- to turn or spin around quickly
>impress- to make someone feel admiration and respect
VOCA 3400 Day 7
>observation- the process of watching a thing or person carefully
>composition- the way in which something is made up of different parts, things, or
>vertical- standing or pointing straight up
>horizontal- flat and in level with the ground

>diligence- the quality of working carefully and with a lot of effort

>hazard- something that is dangerous and can cause damage
>nerve- a body part allowing the blood to flow and the brain to receive information
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>be related to- belonging to the same family, group, or type
>come across- to find by accident
>take turns- to use something one after the other to share the work or be fair

>be used to- to be familiar with something because you have done it or experienced
it many times before
>turn into- to change or develop from one thing to another
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>dip- a quick swim
>astonish- to surprise or impress someone greatly

>mend- to repair something that is broken or not working

>vibrate- to shake quickly and continuously in small movements
>duplicate- to copy the exact thing

>withdraw- to stop taking part in an activity or belonging to an organization

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>achieve- to successfully complete something or get a good result
>admit- to say that you have done something wrong
>defeat- to win against someone in a fight, war, or competition

>look over- to examine or inspect something

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>thorough- careful to do things properly so that you avoid mistakes
>advanced- very modern and developed
>primary- most important
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>combat- fighting, especially during a war
>memorial- a structure built to remind people of a famous person or event
>donation- things or goods given to help others

>core- the hard central part of a fruit such as an apple

>conclusion- something decided after considering all the information gathered
>instinct- the natural ability to know or feel certain things

>dynasty- a family whose members rule a country or region for a long period of time
>bear- to accept, tolerate, or endure something
>charm- a special quality of someone or something that is likable
VOCA 3400 Day 1
>geometry- the study of angles, lines and shapes of different objects
>biology- the scientific study of the natural processes of living things
>psychology- the study of how the mind influences people or how it works
>ecology- a branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and
their environments
>statistics- a set of numbers which represent facts or measurements
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>punctual- happening, or done exactly at the arranged time
>respectful- showing respect or admiration
>continuous- continuing without stopping or being interrupted

>odd- a number that cannot be divided exactly by two, for example 1, 3, 5, 7 etc.
>even- a number that can be divided exactly by two, for example 2, 4, 6, 8 etc.
VOCA 3300 Day 19
>division- the process of finding out how many times one number is contained in
>prediction- a statement about what you think will happen in the future
>confirmation- a statement saying that something is definitely true or accurate
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>predict- to say what you think will happen in the future
>plot- to form a secret and illegal plan to harm other people
>logical- seeming reasonable and sensible

>raise- to look after your children and help them grow

>chatter- to talk for a long time about things that are not important
>envious- wanting what other people have

>cactus- a desert plant with thorns

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>irregular- having different shape or texture
>guilty- ashamed and sorry because you have done something wrong
>moody- likely to become unhappy or angry for no particular reason
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>stain- a dirty mark on something that is difficult to remove
>landscape- a large area of countryside, especially in relation to its appearance
>gale- a strong wind
>canyon- a long, narrow valley with very steep sides
>whirlpool- a powerful water current spinning around and pulling things down into
VOCA 3300 Day 11
>collective- of or shared by every member of a group of people
>nutritious- full of the natural substances and healthy minerals
>imaginable- possible, or able to be imagined
>dynamic- full of energy and new ideas
>temporal- relating to or limited by time
>stain- a dirty mark on something that is difficult to remove
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>cradle- to hold a thing gently
>iceberg- a big mass of floating ice in the sea
>opponent- someone who is competing against you

>nutrition- the act or process of nourishing or being nourished

>context- the general situation in which something happens, which helps to explain
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>drop in- to visit without having made arrangements
>fit into- to be accepted by the people in a group or organization
>omit- not to include a person or thing
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>overall- considering or including everything
>ultimate- someone's main and most important aim and hoping to achieve
>horrific- very bad,shocking, and upsetting
>be worthy of- deserving respect from people
>previous- happening or existing before something or someone else
>offensive- very rude or insulting and likely to upset people
VOCA 3300 Day 7
>domestic- relating to a person's own country
>fascinated- extremely interested by something or someone
>defensive- used or intended protecting a person or thing

>royal- relating to or belonging to a king or queen

>identical- similar or the same as the other
>fabulous- extremely good, impressive or wonderful
VOCA 3300 Day 6

>depressed- unhappy or sad

>massive- very large in size, amount, or number
>artificial- made by people and used instead of something natural
VOCA 3300 Day 5
>dormitory- a large building at a college or university for students to stay or
>feedback- information or statements of opinion about something
>punishment- a way in which someone is punished

>refusal- the act of refusing to do or accept something

>frontier- the border between countries
VOCA 3300 Day 4
>practical- relating to real situations and events rather than ideas, emotions etc.
>satisfactory- something that is good enough or good enough for a particular
situation or purpose
>supreme- having the highest position of power, importance
>commercial- an advertisement on television or radio
>minimum- the smallest amount or number allowed or possible
VOCA 3300 Day 3
>security- protection from bad things that could happen to you
>stability- the condition of not changing or moving
>fate- the unexpected things that will happen to a person
>grief- deep or intense sadness or distress, especially because of someone's death
>advertisement- a picture, message, or a short film, made to persuade people to buy
a product or use a service, or that gives information
VOCA 3300 Day 2
>reform- to improve a system, law, organization etc. by making a lot of changes to
it, so that it operates in a fairer or more effective way
>brew- to make a drink or beverage
>disorder- a mental or physical illness which prevents part of your body from
working properly
>chapel- a small structure or area in which Christians pray and have religious
>welfare- someone's health and happiness
VOCA 3300 Day 1
>discourage- to make someone less confident or less willing to do something
>wrap- to put paper or cloth over something to cover it

>persuade- to make someone agree to do something

>attempt- to try to do something, especially something difficult
>instruct- to teach someone something, or show them how to do something
VOCA 3200 Day 20
>dumb- lacking intelligence and wit; stupid
>mild- a mild feeling is not very strong
>fluent- able to speak the language well
>illegal- not allowed by the law

>legal- if something is legal, you are allowed to do it or have to do it by law

VOCA 3200 Day 19
>adapt- to change something to make it suitable for a different purpose
>appreciate- to understand how good or useful someone or something is
>disobey- to refuse to do what a person is telling you
>manufacture- to make goods in large quantities in a factory

VOCA 3200 Day 18
>developed- a developed country is one of the rich countries of the world with many
industries, comfortable living for most people
>luxurious- expensive, and beautiful
>remarkable- unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise
>astonished- very surprised about something that you did not expect
>academic- relating to education, especially at college or university level
VOCA 3200 Day 17
>beast- an animal, especially a large or dangerous one
>subtitle- the words printed over a film in a foreign language to translate the
actors words
>rehearsal- the time to practice before the actual performance

>defense- the act of protecting something or someone from attack

>slope- a piece of ground or a surface that slopes

VOCA 3200 Day 16
>allow- to make it possible for something to happen or for someone to do something
>assist- to help someone to do something
>interpret- to translate spoken words from one language into another
>gasp- to breathe creating a sound because of surprise, pain, or shock
>kidnap- to take a person in a place illegally
>idle- not working or producing anything
VOCA 3200 Day 15
>instant- happening or produced immediately
>countless- too many to be counted
>dishonest- not honest, and deceiving others

>senseless- done for no good reason or purpose

VOCA 3200 Day 14
>expressive- showing a person's feelings or mind
>suitable- having the right qualities
>vast- extremely large
>detailed- including a lot of information or details
>scientific- about or related to science, or using its methods
>leisure- the time somebody is not working or studying and can relax and enjoy
VOCA 3200 Day 13
>volunteer- someone who does a job willingly without being paid
>spectator- someone who is watching an event or game
>decoration- features or designs added to make something look more attractive

>absence- when someone is not in the place where they are expected to be, or the
time they are away
>boundary- the real or imaginary line that marks the edge of a state, country etc.,
or the edge of an area of land that belongs to someone
>union- an organization formed by workers to protect their rights

VOCA 3200 Day 12
>overeat- to eat too much, or eat more than is healthy
>frustrate- to makes someone feel annoyed or angry for not able to do something
>frown- to show an angry, or confused expression

>scribble- to draw meaningless marks

>bet- to risk money on the result of a race, game, competition, or other future
>blink- to shut and open the eyes quickly
VOCA 3200 Day 11
>monitor- to watch over or check a person, thing, or event
>toss- to throw things gently into the air
>flash- to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time
>blink- to shut and open the eyes quickly
>spike- to powerfully hit a volleyball down over the net
VOCA 3200 Day 10
>management- the activity of controlling and organizing the work that a company or
organization does
>fraction- a small amount of things
>account- an arrangement in which a bank keeps somebody's money safe that can be
withdrawn or used anytime
>professional- a person earning money by doing a job or service
>penalty- the punishment from breaking or not following the order or law
VOCA 3200 Day 9
>foam- to produce a thick and soft liquid with a lot of bubbles
>shift- to move from one place to another
>ban- to say that something must not be done, seen, used etc.
>drill- to make a hole in certain things
>groan- to produce a long and deep sound when feeling pain or hurt
VOCA 3200 Day 8
>outstanding- extremely good
>moist- a little bit wet
>intelligent- being smart or having a high level mental ability

>varied- consisting of or including different kinds of things or people

>capital- a capital letter is one that is written or printed in its large form

VOCA 3200 Day 7
>accurate- correct and true in every detail

>timid- not having courage or confidence

>mighty- very strong and powerful, or very big and impressive
>gorgeous- good looking or attractive

>sorrowful- very sad

VOCA 3200 Day 6
>architect- someone whose job is to design buildings
>possibility- things that might happen or will come true
>anxiety- the feeling of being very worried about something
>minister- a politician who is in charge of a government department, in Britain and
some other countries
>therapist- a person having been trained to give a particular treatment
VOCA 3200 Day 5
>arrangement- something that has been organized or agreed on
>border- the official line that separates two countries, states, or areas, or the
area close to this line
>labor- work, especially physical work
>productivity- the rate at which goods are produced, and the amount produced
>trademark- a special name, sign, or word marked on a product showing the company
where it was made
VOCA 3200 Day 4
>insight- a clear understanding or realization on a particular thing or event
>means- a way of doing or achieving something
>budget- the money that is available to an organization or person, or a plan of how
it will be spent
>terror- a feeling of great fear
>appearance- the way someone or something looks to other people
VOCA 3200 Day 3
>pronoun- a general word or noun used to replace the proper nouns
>preposition- a word before a noun, pronoun, or gerund to show place, time,
direction etc.
>vowel- a letter of the alphabet representing a vowel like a, e, i, o, u
>consonant- a basic speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed
and which can be combined with a vowel to form a syllable
>union- an organization formed by workers to protect their rights
VOCA 3200 Day 2
>transform- to change the appearance, form, or character of a thing or person
>mist- to make things wet with drops of liquid
>interrupt- to stop someone from continuing what they are saying or doing by
suddenly speaking to them, making a noise etc.
>buffer- to reduce bad effects of a certain thing
>regard- to think about someone or something in a particular way
VOCA 3200 Day 1
>hesitate- to pause before saying or doing something because you are nervous or not
>recruit- to find people to join a company or group
>empathize- to be able to understand others' feelings or problems
>survey- to ask a large number of people questions in order to find out their
attitudes or opinions
>glance- to look quickly
VOCA 3100 Day 20
>specialization- the things you are best at or know a lot about
>profile- a short description of important details about a person, thing, or place
>myth- an idea or story created by imagination but believed by many people
>aspect- one part of a situation, idea, plan etc. that has many parts
>usage- the way things are used
VOCA 3100 Day 19
>sincere- a feeling, belief, or statement that is sincere is honest and true, and
based on what you really feel and believe
>religious- relating to religion in general or to a particular religion
>enormous- very big in size or in amount
>competitive- determined or trying very hard to be more successful than other
people or businesses
>graceful- having a smooth and catchy movement
VOCA 3100 Day 18
>long for- to have a very strong desire or yearning for someone or something
>admire- to respect and like someone or to regard with great pleasure or approval
>assess- to calculate the value or cost of something
>puzzle- to confuse someone or make them feel slightly anxious because they do not
understand something
>seem- to appear to exist or be true, or to have a particular quality
VOCA 3100 Day 17
>residence- a home or place to live in
>equipment- the tools, machines, clothes etc. that you need to do a particular job
or activity
>feast- a large meal for a lot of people to celebrate a special occasion
>tide- the regular rising and falling of the level of the sea
>status- the official legal position or condition of a person, group, country etc.
VOCA 3100 Day 16
>stay away from- to avoid, not come
>keep up with- to continue calling or writing or messaging someone not to forget
each other
>be supposed to- used to say what someone should or should not do, especially
because of rules or what someone in authority has said
>catch up with- to meet someone after a period of time and find out what they have
been doing
>look back- to think about the past
VOCA 3100 Day 15
>depart- to go or leave
>submit- to give a plan, piece of writing etc. to someone in authority for them to
consider or approve
>analyze- to examine or think about something carefully, in order to understand it
>load- to put a large quantity of something into a vehicle or container
>shrug- to raise and then lower your shoulders in order to show that you do not
know something or do not care about something
VOCA 3100 Day 14
>navigation- the process of sailing a ship or boat along a river or sea
>voyage- a long journey in a ship or spacecraft
>loss- the state of not having a particular thing someone used to have
>jealousy- a feeling of being insecure of other people
>barrier- a type of fence or gate that prevents people from moving in a particular
VOCA 3100 Day 12
>profession- a job that needs a high level of education and training
>scale- a machine for weighing people or objects
>relief- a feeling of comfort when something frightening, worrying, or painful has
ended or has not happened
>theory- an idea or set of ideas intended to explain about life or the world,
especially not yet proved to be true
>general- an officer of very high rank in the army or air force
VOCA 3100 Day 11
>zealous- supporting or doing things with a lot of energy
>glamorous- attractive and exciting
>frequent- happening or doing something often
>sensible- reasonable, practical, and showing good judgment
>typical- behaving in the way that you expect
VOCA 3100 Day 10
>put away- to put something back in the correct place
>pass away- to die
>stick to- to not change
>leave out- to not include
>do the business- to do what you are expected to do or what people want you to do

VOCA 3100 Day 9
>confidence- the belief that you have the ability to do things well or deal with
situations successfully
>justice- the system by which people are judged in courts of law and criminals are
>troop- soldiers in an organized group
>pioneer- the first person to use or invent things
>motivation- eagerness and willingness to do something without needing to be told
or forced to do it

VOCA 3100 Day 8
>diverse- different from one another
>thrilling- interesting and exciting
>frustrated- annoyed, upset, and impatient or unable to control a situation
>anxious- feeling strongly that you want to do something or want something to
>surgery- medical treatment in which a surgeon cuts open your body to repair or
remove something inside

VOCA 3100 DAY 7
>standard- accepted as normal or usual
>general- describing or relating to only the main features or parts of something,
not the details
>meaningful- serious, important, or useful thing or situation
>essential- extremely important and necessary
>significant- having an important effect or influence, especially on what will
happen in the future

VOCA 3100 DAY 6
>연구자 researcher- someone who studies a subject in detail in order to discover new
facts or test new ideas
>항목 entry- something that you write, make, do etc.
>실험실 laboratory- a room for scientific experiments and tests
>문단 paragraph- a group of sentences that are together and start on a new line
>content- the things that are inside a box, bag, room etc.

VOCA 3100 DAY 5
>matter- to be important, especially to be important to you, or to have an effect
on what happens
>attach- to stick or connect one object to another
>revenge- things you do to punish or return what the bad things a person has done
to you
>purchase- to buy something
>unfold- to tell a story or secret

VOCA 3000 Day 16
>교외 suburb- an area where people live outside the centre of a city
>연회 feast- a large meal for a lot of people to celebrate a special occasion
>인구 population- the number of people living in a particular area
>조각, 가시 splinter- a small, sharp, and broken piece of wood, glass, or metal
>학위 논문 thesis- a writing or document about a particular subject
VOCA 3000 Day 15
>outbreak- the sudden spread of disease in a certain area
>battlefield- a place where war or battle takes place
>commander- an officer in charge of a group of soldiers or military activity

>victim- someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered

>pledge- to make a promise
>agreement- a promise or decision made between two or more people
VOCA 3000 Day 14
>property- the thing or things that someone owns
>stack- a neat pile of things; to put things in a neat pile
>stock- all the things that you can buy in a shop
>presentation- an event at which you describe or explain a new product or idea

VOCA 3000 Day 13
>배달 delivery- the act of taking letters or things to a person or place
>창고 depot- a place for storing unused goods
>무더기 stack- a neat pile of things; to put things in a neat pile
>supplier- a company or person providing a particular product
>장애 disorder- a mental or physical illness which prevents part of your body from
working properly

VOCA 3000 Day 12
>열성적인 zealous- supporting or doing things with a lot of energy
>매력이 넘치는 glamorous- attractive in an exciting and special way
>매혹적인 enchanting- attractive and charming
>두드러지는 / 뛰어난 outstanding- extremely good; excellent and much better than most
>고결한 noble- honest, brave, and kind

VOCA 3000 Day 11
>측면 aspect- one part of something that has many parts
>asset- the things that a company owns, that can be sold to pay debts
>내용물 contents- the things that are inside a box, bag, room, etc
>주제 theme- the main subject or idea in a story
>viewpoint- a place from which you can see something

VOCA 3000 Day 10
>처형 execution- the act of killing someone as a legal punishment
>이의 objection- a reason why you do not like or agree with a plan
>방어, 보호 protection- things that protect other things or people
>상, 모습 reflection- the image you see in the mirror or water
VOCA 3000 Day 9
>fumes- strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke
>residence- the place where someone lives
>간주하다 regard- to think of someone or something in a particular way
VOCA 3000 Day 8

>주장하다 insist- to say that something must be done

>간주하다 regard- to think of someone or something in a particular way
>포함하다 include- to have something or someone as part of something larger
>구별하다 distinguish- to see or understand the differences between two people,
ideas, or things
>wholly- completely
>coolly- in an unfriendly way
>promptly- quickly; without delay
VOCA 3000 Day 7
>몹시 deadly- very serious, extremely
>primarily- for the most part; mainly
>굉장히, 매우 extremely- very
>얼마 안되어 / 금방, 곧 shortly- in a short time; soon
>처음에 initially- at the start
VOCA 3000 Day 6
>직업 profession- a job that needs a high level of education and training
>저널리스트 journalist- someone whose job is writing for newspapers, magazines,
television, or radio
>천문학자 astronomer- a person studying about stars and planets
>physician- doctor
>회계사 accountant- someone who keeps or examines the records of money received,
paid, and owed by a company or person
VOCA 3000 Day 5
>긁어내다 scrape- to remove something from a surface using a sharp edge
>붓다 swell- to get bigger and rounder than normal
>기진맥진하게 만들다 exhaust- to make someone very tired
>정복하다 conquer- to take control of a country or to defeat people in a war
>강력히 요구하다, 따지다 demand- to ask for something strongly
VOCA 3000 Day 4
>증상 symptom- wrong things happening in the body or mind that can be a sign of an
>피로 fatigue- the feeling of being very tired
>암 cancer- a serious disease that is caused when some cells in the body grow too
much and damage other cells
>물집 blister- a small bubble on the skin with liquid inside
>발진 rash- red spots on the skin
VOCA 3000 Day 3
>중요한 significant- important
>아주 멋진 gorgeous- very beautiful or pleasant
>놀랄만한, 놀라운 remarkable- very unusual in a way that you admire
>다양한 varied- having many different types of things
>대체적인 general- describing only the main parts of something, not the details

VOCA 3000 Day 2
>요약하다 summarize- to make a long story, report, plan, etc. shorter
>분류하다 classify- to decide what group something belongs to
>분석하다 analyze- to look at and think about something carefully, in order to
understand it
>강조하다 emphasize- to say a word or phrase louder or higher than others to give it
more importance
>진단하다 diagnose- to find a person's illness
VOCA 3000 Day 1
>반복 repetition- the act of saying or doing something more than once
>설명 explanation- the details or reasons that someone gives to make something clear
or easy to understand
>표현 expression- the look on someone’s face showing what they feel or think
>준비 preparation- the things that you do to prepare for something
>개념 concept- an idea of how something is, or how something should be done
VOCA 3000 Day 2
>요약하다 summarize- to make a long story, report, plan, etc. shorter
>분류하다 classify- to decide what group something belongs to
>분석하다 analyze- to look at and think about something carefully, in order to
understand it
>강조하다 emphasize- to say a word or phrase louder or higher than others to give it
more importance
>진단하다 diagnose- to find a person's illness

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