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Unit # 7 Little By Little One walks Far

Q1. What are some distinctions of the writer?

Ans. Some distinctions of the writer are that he participated in several

competitions and got many awards. He won Quaid-e-Azam batch in scouting.
He won the quiz contest on the topic 'Who is Who'. He won Academic
Excellence Awards in speech competition and essay writing competition. He
won prizes for Computer Applications, Geography, Advanced Algebra.

Q2: How has the writer spent his summer vacation?

Ans. During the summer vacation, he did many jobs to develop a sense of
responsibility. He worked in the hostel of the school to earn some money. He
worked at an English Language Centre, McDonalds, and D.K Academy. He is
obliged to all these organizations that gave him opportunities for doing jobs.
Such jobs polished his faculties of body and brain.

Q3: What has he gained from his summer jobs experiences?

Ans. He did many jobs during the summer vacation to develop a sense of
responsibility and to earn money. The summer jobs experiences have refined
his abilities of brain and body. They have made him mature and responsible.
Therefore, now he is not worried about future rather he is willing to welcome

Q4. How are these experiences helpful to him in future?

Ans. The summer jobs experiences have made the writer mature and
responsible. He gained an understanding of independence and obligation.
These experiences have made him courageous, brave, and confident to face
challenges of life. Thus, these experiences are helpful to him in future.

Q5: What kind of student is the writer? Which of his qualities impress
Ans: The writer is an intelligent, ambitious, determined, and hardworking
student. He has creative mind. He takes deep interest in his studies. He has
positive outlook and wishes to lead a successful life. He is also a leading
sportsman. He does various jobs during vacation. All these qualities of the
writer really impress me.

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