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School of Gradute Studies and Research

G. Alban Street, Guinobatan , Albay


At the end of this module, the students must be able to:

 Explain the importance of school policies in school operation.


Schools are institutions motivated by a shared vision. Necessarily, school must have
policies for them to realize their vision and mission. These policies are a reflection of the
values of the people who created them. Whatever policies are formulated must redound
to the improved teaching- learning of learners which is the very reason of the existence
of schools. In this Chapter, we will focus on school policies that govern school and
community partnership.


Abstraction – Let us Conceptualize!

Importance of Policies

Schools in partnership with their community have their own picture of what they want to

be (vision statement) and so must offer services and must do what they are supposed

to do (mission statement). In order to realize what they envisioned themselves to be.

For these to happen, policies must be in place. Observance of these policies ensures

everyone in the school community to tow the line. If conditions are ideal like when all
members of the school community are perfect-school heads, teachers, students.

Parents, non-teaching personnel and other members of the outside community- there

may be no need for a policy. The truth is conditions in the school community and in this

world are far from ideal and persons that make the school community are far from

perfect and so the need for policies. One may wonder as to why the Department of

Education has issued very stringent policies and guidelines for PTAS in matters of

collecting contributions. Even engaging in any partisan political activity within school

premises is written as one prohibited activity. There must a history to that. Perhaps

malversation of funds and other forms of abuse happened in the past schools’ policy on

the grading system is important for everyone concerned to know how grades are

computed. Both students and parents know how grades are derived objectively.

Percentage weights for each component are clear. Teachers are guided in their

assessment practices. The grading policy ensures objective assessment practice.

Without the grading policy, grading may become highly subjective. Similarly, if there are

no policies on students’ tardiness and absenteeism, students may just come in late or

absent. The policies on students’ tardiness and absenteeism certainly will curb

tardiness and absenteeism to ensure learning.

Effective Policy Formulation and Implementation

In a School Community Partnership.

The policies on grading, student tardiness an absenteeism came from above, DepEd

Central office. At times there is need for policies from above. But policies do not need to

come from above all the time. There are times when a school formulates a policy to
address local problem. In fact, this is how it should be in a school-community

partnership. Ideally, a policy must not be formulated by the school bead by

himself/herself. The school head must lead in the policy formulation process. The word

“lead” implies that an effective policy formulation process must be participatory. This

means that it is best that the rest of the school and community be involved. Two good

heads are better than one. Besides participation of school and community develops a

sense of ownership of such formulated policy which ensures a more effective

implementation. This is school empowerment in action. Aside from involving the school

and community in policy formulation, a school head must ensure wide dissemination

and correct and clear understanding of the policy.


 Policies are intended to ensure that schools perform and realize what they have
envisioned for themselves.
 There are policies that come from authorities above the school since the school is a
member of a bigger organization or system.
 But schools are also empowered to formulate their own
 Policies to address their concerns speedily provided they are not contrary to policies that
come from above.
 School policies are effective when they are formulated with the participation of the
members of the school an community as this develops sense of ownership which
ensures implementation of the family.
 Policies must also be widely disseminated for the information of the entire system-
school and community and must be understood correctly and clearly.
 Policies set order in schools. The absence of clear cut policies may court chaos.
Learning Assessment

Let us Check for Understanding!

1. Why are policies important in school?

Policies are important because they help a school establish operating procedures and
create standards of quality for learning and teaching, as well as set out expectations and
accountability. Without these, schools would lack the structure and function necessary to
provide the educational needs of students.

2. List down at least 2 school policies (one from Central Office and another from the school
level). Explain the purpose behind the policy.
1. “38 27-Apr Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions in the Department of Education” after
the world wide pandemic, little by little the society is getting back its life before and the
most evident of this is the opening of the classes, but unfortunately the numbers of teachers
in public schools had lessen, so, the Deped need more teachers to attend the learning needs
of the filipino students.
2. “Teachers Needs to wear a standard uniform” department of education strongly
suggest that the teachers needs to wear a proper clothing inside the school campus
(preferably the school uniform) because the learners needs to identify the proper
authority and to avoid discrimination between teachers and students.

Let’s Reflect

1. What is my attitude towards school policies? Do I welcome them?

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What are PTAs prohibited from doing?
I. Interview in the academic and administrative managers and operations of
the school, and of the DepEd.
II. Engaging in any partisan political activity within school premises.
III.Operating a canteen/ school supplies store, or being a concessionaire
there of inside the school or nearby premises, or offering these services to
the school as its client either directly or indirectly.
A. I. II and III C. I and II
B. II and III D. I and III

2. Which statement on School Policies is CORRECT?

A. They suffocate school climate
B. They help ensure realization of school goals
C. They come from above and so by all means be observed.
D. They cannot be changed.

3. Which is the most effective way of making policies?

A. School Head ‘o involve stakeholders
B. Students not to participate since policies are for them
C. Only parents of students enrolled are involved
D. School policies are permanent to build the culture of excellence

4. Why is there a policy on grading?

I. To fulfill the purposes of assessments
II. For fair grade computations
III. For the guidance and information of all

A. I, and II C. II, and III

B. I, and III D. I, II and III
5. “ The Sabath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath.” “What does this imply
regarding policies?
A. Policies are formulated to help people in the organization.
B. Policies showed not be adjusted when people in organization cannot
aside by the policy.
C. Policies are orders from above like the law of the Sabbath.
D. The laws are formulated by man and women in society.

Nelia G. Prieto, LPY, PhD, et al (2019) The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership

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