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Food chart GFSF Free ( Food list for Bangladesh)

It is necessary to say autism doesn’t occur due to food habit. According to the
statistics of science some proteins are not digested due to the lacking of the
competency of immune system of human body who are affected by autism.
Normally protein is turned into amino acid if it will be digested properly.

But it may be broken into peptide who are affected by autism, it can not go at the
end of amino acid. Theses peptide create their behavioural problems, increase
hyperactivity, forms destructive behavior, reduce sleeping etc. These created
peptide are made in those food where the gluten and casine are included. Let's to
know which are the food of gluten and casein. The food of atta &
flour,burley,wheat, rai,milk and the food of milk,the food of cholesterol, testy salt

So,ruti,porota,bread,cake,noodles, chanachur,biscuits, chips,butter,curd or the

food of milk should be avoided.. Here it is also necessary to know that the food
included gluten & casine but also excessive sugar,preservative foof,testy
salt,colouring food / substances are also cause of creating odd behavior. The
parents or other members of the family may hope with heartily to reduce the
hyperactivity of the child. But it will be futile, if the chart of the food will not

Many of the food may be restricted, So let's to know which will be benefited.
Wheat, burley,rai,yeasts, the ruti of wheat,bread,cake,biscuits, chips,noodles etc,
instead of these it will be given rice,the ruti of rice,chira,muri,corn,the others food
of rice and corn,potato, nut,popcorn instead of chips,rice noodles instead of
noodles. Instead of the food of milk, the milk of rice and coconut, the milk of
almonds, egg will be given. Instead of the excessive of carbohydrate, sugar
included food, chocolates, cold drinks, the food of diabetes can be given.

Children with autism may limit their food intake or have food preferences. They
may also break down fat differently. As a result, autistic children are sometimes
low in certain nutrients. Some of these nutrients have been studied to see if
giving children supplements of these nutrients may help with autism symptoms.
However, more research is needed. Before giving your child any of the following
supplements, speak with your child’s physician or a dietitian first. Vitamins and
Minerals Multivitamins: Some results have shown a multivitamin may help
improve sleep and digestive problems in autistic children. Note that a
multivitamin with iron may cause some digestive problems.
Giving your child a multivitamin is not harmful and may be helpful, especially if
your child is not eating a balanced diet. Iron: Children with autism are often lxow
in iron, usually because many are picky eaters. Ask your child's doctor to check
iron levels regularly. Do not give an iron supplement unless your child’s iron level
has been confirmed as low by a health care provider. An iron supplement may
help bring iron levels back to normal. Vitamin B6 and magnesium: Vitamin B6 and
magnesium supplements have been linked to improving behavior in autistic
However, the research is not strong and more research is needed before these
supplements are recommended for autistic children. Omega-3 Fats Some research
has shown that many children with autism have low levels of omega-3 fats.
Omega-3 supplements may help with hyperactivity in autistic children. However,
more research is needed before omega-3 supplements can be recommended for
children with autism.
The Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet is a diet free
of gluten and casein. Gluten is the main protein in wheat and other grains such as
rye, barley, triticale, kamut and spelt. Casein is the main protein in dairy products
such as cow’s milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. This diet may be recommended
to help improve behavior in autistic children. Some children with autism have a
short term decrease in autistic behaviors when following this diet.
However, the research is limited and more research is needed before this diet is
recommended for autistic children.

Helping from Autism

1. Gluten Free, Casein Free & Soy Free Diet

I believe that nothing else would have worked if we didn’t address the diet first.
There are many reasons why gluten, dairy and soy are problematic for kids with
autism and research shows most kids on a strict GFCFSF diet improved.
The diet set the foundation for recovery. My best advice is to not just substitute
GFCFSF packaged versions of what you child may currently eat, since most are
loaded with chemicals and sugars. It is always best to go for organic, non-GMO
whole foods.
I know that can be challenging since many kids on the spectrum are picky eaters,
just do your best. Start with one meal a day and work your way up to all three
meals and snacks. Start eliminating one at a time, gluten, then casein (dairy), then
soy. You will notice withdrawal symptoms, which is normal since gluten and
casein both act like an opioid in the brain and like opioids they are
addictive. Withdrawal lasted for 3-5 days for us. Once it passed, we saw an
increase in speech almost immediately. The most important thing is that you are
100% GFCFSF since even the smallest amount can cause regression.

2. Detoxification
Many children on the spectrum have increased toxic burden due to various
reasons including reduced metabolic function, mitochondrial dysfunction, high
oxidative stress and methylation issues. King’s Hair Element Test showed he had
high levels of antimony, aluminum, arsenic, barium, mercury, uranium, tin and
titanium. Another toxin to watch out for is glyphosate, which is the active
ingredient in Round Up and used on crops. Glyphosate can’t be washed off and
contaminates most packaged food. Another reason to always buy Non-GMO and
Our first step for detox was to remove all household and personal care products
that were not natural and contained chemicals and toxins. This included
everything from lotion, shampoo, soap, laundry detergent and items you may
breathe in that contain synthetic fragrances. A good APP to use to see if your
products are toxic is the Think Dirty APP.
We started to support his liver with BioRay Liver Life and started nightly epsom
salt baths. We saw a lot of gains with the baths. His behavior improved, and he
started to sleep much better as well. We started with ¼ cup in bath and worked
our way up to 2 cups every night. We also started using BioRay Kids products,
which included chlorella, that help remove toxins. Our next step in detoxification
will be low-dose oral chelation to remove heavy metals.

3. Probiotics
Healthy bacterial activity in the gut has been connected to healthy brain function
and we definitely saw improvements in speech and behavior when we
added probiotics. There are specific strains which are good to increase speech.
We started using L-Reuteri and saw an increase in speech almost immediately.
Most recently, we started using Seeking Health ProBiota HistaminX, because I
noticed behavioral issues that started in spring and realized it was due to
allergies. Since I started this probiotic, which helps support the gut’s healthy
response to ingested histamine, his behavior issues have completely
disappeared? Switching up what probiotics you use helps keep a good balance of
healthy gut bacteria.

4. The Right Vitamins

Everyone takes vitamins, but for kids with autism it’s usually very important to
make sure their Multi-Vitamin is gluten, dairy and soy free as well as organic and
non-GMO. We also make sure that what he is taking has folate, not folic acid,
which is a synthetic form of folate. We currently use ANRC Essentials and Smarty
Pants Kids Multi-Vitamins.
You also want to make sure if your child is deficient in any specific minerals or
vitamins that you supplement those separately as well. We give Zinc additionally
on top of King’s Multi-Vitamins because testing showed he was deficient. We also
give high-dose vitamin C, which has so many important functions from
neutralizing harmful oxidants, to helping stimulate excretion of copper to fighting
off cold and flu.

5-HTP helps increase serotonin levels. Low serotonin can cause depression,
anxiety, OCD behavior, anger, insomnia and more. It should not be taken for long
periods of time, so we usually only use it when we see symptoms and taper off
when we see improvements.
When King was first diagnosed, he was very aggressive towards me. He would
constantly hit me and pull my hair, especially during meltdowns, which happened
numerous times at day. Once we started 5-HTP, the aggressive behavior went
away. A nice bonus is that it also helps with sleep issues.
Above all, what I want parents of kids newly diagnosed with autism to know is
that there is hope. If your child does not fully recover with these biomedical
interventions, these can reduce or eliminate autism symptoms and give your child
an overall healthier life.

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