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When psychologists started to apply their understanding of human behavior to the workplace in the late

19th and early 20th centuries, the field of industrial and organizational psychology (I-O psychology) was

Hugo Munsterberg, who wrote a book titled "Psychology and Industrial Efficiency" in 1913, was one of
the founders of I-O psychology. Munsterberg made the case in this book that psychology may be used to
increase worker effectiveness and production.

Frederick Winslow Taylor was also developing his theory of scientific management at the same time,
which likewise placed a strong emphasis on the value of productivity in the workplace. Taylor's
theories helped shape I-O psychology because they offered a framework for comprehending how to
increase worker productivity.

I-O psychology started to establish itself as a separate field of study in the 1920s and 1930s.

Elton Mayo, who carried out the Hawthorne Studies, was an important role in the growth of I-O
psychology at this period. The Hawthorne Studies were a set of studies that looked at the connection
between workplace settings and productivity.

The Hawthorne Studies' findings demonstrated that variables like lighting, temperature, and
humidity had no bearing on workers' output. Mayo discovered that employee morale and job
satisfaction were more closely tied to production than previously thought.

The Hawthorne Studies had a significant influence on the growth of I-O psychology because they
demonstrated the significance of the human factor in determining workplace efficiency.

Since the Hawthorne Studies, the area of I-O psychology has expanded and continues to advance.

I-O psychologists are employed in many different sectors of society today, including industry,
government, and academia. They carry out research on subjects including leadership, motivation, and
job satisfaction. Additionally, they offer businesses counseling services on how to enhance workplace

I-O psychology has significantly advanced our knowledge of how people behave at work. Worker
productivity, job happiness, and organizational performance have all improved thanks to the field. I-O
psychology is a useful tool for businesses looking to foster a good and productive work environment.

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