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Pakistan School Musannah

Class : VII Subject : Islamiat

Unit # 4 Topic: The Hajj – A Pillar of Islam
Exercise : Chose the right option.
1) The Hajj is ……….. to Islam.
a) special b) unique c) different d) great thing
2) …………. Stands in no need of those who don’t want to visit His House.
a) Islam b) any one c) Allah d) Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
3) Our going for Hajj does not ……… Allah in any way.
a) Benefit b) harm c) useful d) make difference
4) Hajj is not ………. on children who have not come to age of being adult.
a) Sunnah b) necessary c) compulsory d) obligatory
5) ………. Stones are pelted at three stone pillars in memory of Hazrat Ibrahim.
a) Seven b) eight c) nine d) ten
6) ………… round around the Kabah is called Tawaf.
a) Five b) six c) seven d) eight
7) Pilgrims stay at Arafat on the ………. Of Zul Hijjah.
a) Ninth b) tenth c) eighth d) seventh
8) …………… special dress for pilgrims.
a) Clothes b) Saee c) Tawaf d) Ihram
9) Ramy Al-Jimrt mean pelting …………. on Devil.
a) Flowers b) wood c) stones d) dry fruits
10) ………. is the memory of Hazrat Hajirah running in distress in search of water
for her son Hazrat Ismail (A.S)
a) Ihram b) Tawaf c) Saee d) Waquf

Exercise : A Check up:

Q.# 1- What is the Hajj? What does Hajj means literally? Does the English word pilgrimage give the exact
shade of meaning of Hajj?
Answer: Hajj is an Arabic word. The Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudi Arabia,
the holiest city for Muslims. It is a mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once
in their lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey,
and can support their family during their absence.
Hajj literally means a travel-towards Allah. It is difficult to give its fullest meaning in English, because the
word Hajj is highly meaningful. “Pilgrimage” is far from giving the exact shade of meaning of Hajj.
Q.# 2- On whom is Hajj obligatory? What conditions control the act of Hajj?
Answer: The performance of the Hajj is obligatory on every Muslim, both male and female, if he be an
adult, free, same, and physically fit and has sufficient money for the expenses of the journey and for the
support of his family back home in his absence. His way to the Holy land in Saudi Arabia must be safe from
dangers of war, conflicts and infectious diseases.
Q.# 3- What command does the verse (3:97) of the Holy Quran give us? What stern warning does it sound?
Answer: The first part of this verse tells us that the one who can perform Hajj, he or she has to do it. The
second part is a warning for those who in spite of their ability does not perform this duty or do not believe it
obligatory. Allah stands in no need of those who do not want to visit Allah’s Sacred House. Allah is Self-
Q.# 4- What does Hadith of Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W.) say about it?
Answer: Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said, “He who dies without having performed the Hajj, let him die
a Jew or a Christian, as he wishes.”
Q.# 5- Is it right for someone to ignore the duty of Hajj in spite of his being able to perform it?
Answer: No, it is not the right of a Muslim to ignore the duty of Hajj in spite of his being able to perform
it. He will be from those who earned the wrath of Allah. Allah has no need of these people.
Q.# 6: Is Hajj obligatory on children who have not come of age?
Answer: No, Hajj is not obligatory on children who have not come of age.
Q.# 7: Does the Hajj fall at the same time year after year?
Answer: No, Hajj does not fall at the same time year after year.
Q.# 8: What are the main acts and stages of Hajj?
Answer: Following are the main acts of Hajj.
1) The Ihram at Meqat: 2) The Tawaf
3) Saee. Run between two low hills called as-Safa and al-Marwah.
4) The stay at Mina on 8th Zul Hijjah. 5) Waquf: stay at Arafat on 9th Zul Hijjah.
6) The stay in Muzdalifah. 7) Ramy al-Jimrat. Stoning the pillars.
8) Yaum an-Nahr: The sacrifice in Mina. 9) The shaving of one’s head.
10) The Tawaf-ul-Ziarah. The farewell (final) Tawaf.
Q.# 9: Does our going for Hajj benefit Allah in anyway?
Answer: No, our going for Hajj does not benefit Allah in anyway.
Q.# 10: Explain the following term:
a) The Ihram b) The Tawaf c) Wuquf d) Ramy Al-Jimrat
e) Saee d) Yaum An-Nahr
Answer: a) The Ihram:
b) The Tawaf: Circumambulation of Kabah. Seven round of kabah is called Tawaf.
c) Wuquf: The halt in Arafat on the ninth of Zul Hijjah. It is one of the most important part of the Hajj.

Exercise B: Fill in the blank spaces with one of the following words.
His Sacred House, A blessed Hajj, ninth of Zul Hijjah, Unique, Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
1) The Hajj is unique to Islam.
2) Allah stand in no need of those who do not want to visit His House.
3) Seven stones are pelted at three stone pillars in memory of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).
4) A blessed hajj is better than this world and all it contains.
5) The pilgrims make a halt at Arafat on the 9th of Zilhajj.
Exercise : C :
Q. Write a short note on “Benefits and virtues of Hajj.”
Answer: The Holy Prophet ‫ صلى اله عليه وسلم‬is reported to have said, “He who performs the pilgrimage to the
House of Allah, staying away from indecent and immoral behavior, emerges from his sins like a new-born
“A blessed Hajj is better than this world and all it contains. For a blessed Hajj there is no reward but
“For the Hajj that is Blessed there is no reward but Paradise.” When he was asked, “O Messenger of Allah,
what makes a pilgrimage blessed?” he replied, “speaking well and feeding the poor.”

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