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College for Women
PEACE TR Begumpet, Hyderabad-500016
(Autonomous & Aliliated to Osmania Uiniversity)

1. Name of the Candidate

Sanchita Agavoo
2. Roll Number
1213108 2045

3. Date of Examination
24 September , 2021

4. Programme Name
BuoM 18
Internal Assessment

5. Semester

6. Course Title Retaul Managenment CDE)

7. Signature of the Student :

8. No. of Pages Written :07

Q. No.


aling Atuoding to Amencan Mareeting Assouahon rebaiung

oened as Mameehna thannel Kor deweloping vauue souh'Ons
to a ouuineas achvity on a global scale."

RLoodung uup leoter retailna includes au h auhvhs

involved in selung
goods and servicet to me inal onsumers
ersona or nen buunass use

soY Buwan sauidRetailnq ks au'd to a enoupasaA2

bumes_activihea iwsved im s n qoools and se cuuhes

Tuoo teomes 6 Evetubion a Pabilna

T: voluhon o Indian Retaiung:
:Consumer denegrapucs |souio eLououc [ators; Pepulabion
achor in o 0 lwau, Populalaom inuaseA at a veu
kast ote . outn, u'dola das janiues
uoeetuo, woen,
hane ne to k
Ange in kakaiua urolea b meet|
satiy e wzd onAaA populabie
2. Rauslng diapoaaals ihoWR ol Wwddu clous :
Q. No.

o pns

chaugina preherenza h ieppg kaiauiu

er poaed o vouuaus anols ol brands at wi
wh boranols , woppn halids preternca
change al
4Credut avalaaiuty: Eaay aveuLaleility o eredit has i'nenaaard
S: Foregn dreot invLstm s o vmauy aabdd otlets hove

Opted qobal marteting, he voans b mvethe grouoth D11

producs in erent Lowkts, oul ovu +e old.

indto is idadurd os eLL'n Mauleet r rekaiutna alaloa

makets oL v învest in lwolua Indaas rekauiuna eyeum
hen o orangerpeniencaol vauu'auA mamoA
6 Tecualoay: Rue o odbvaneeat o
alao oAily ddo SAZh vanu ulne waalsa.

ncLoLAm enouowuc dleRnolen o ooeg apwun

Led inasasl he ebeiul oule

o bramdie produoA Ul_ wloan iuus . TMe

inuoneA ans inaLamg. so, ebeu auultelu aue pALasuna

Rebal Brand Piva abel A bramo wh h naame 5

Tetiler itse. Tuis acs aA a pat ore, a
Q. No.

Ealu' e cuuuuped malivu t

wawauiersproduer bub, a o thA mahaelunen
hove proolus halave a u s dawao
Ince ase in yuwth pepuloeo: Tus s e e r h u

MdRMn ma oges:_

Internahonaliaan'on o Refauung:
AMA dennes as Real Internanonausandn o proaess

Ohere a re beller ranaher hi reba operanon eonpt,

unchon acro
management ezpecnise ,tecunnls buy
tw nauonod bordens

Pons o Intern ohonalusanon:

po yous auAines: ou
aea wa A
rebauler yu can er pot yeue buunesA to otner suwduas,
His s caled Moeket expoudor. lE ale o inemanona


2set up store aoroad ou can set wp a soore i auorood,

www yem cen hawe wioe capitad m asom
moelcet srangieA . ett

Se ting up a branoh oorood: mauinq kasauea tars

LOuky oand ltina up dirent branea in
4 Franehieingi

Francusor a a A

a doo Tuis s aooy t expand

ucens ('nq to use h buu'nRAs
tD abvad It 1S_basrcaulu

apecs kor a ons iderahon caulaol yau

2oboa retat u t u b ,
5 S talce in Enis ing Lekailers : ln
ebiler inveat o onatever prercunbaae han e

onsidercs as internahona etai 1er hrough a shale in


underbalcen by retalers
6: Jofot ventures Rrojee

nvesing in outtetsore in ony place and <ellunq h a

g 0 o da b t o n a t e v e r percemtaqe Can alsu
be consdera

AS In ernaonal aetasler


Intemahora RebailEng ny buinets orsqanica h'on oants o

enter 1no qlobay marlces oloíng busines S i n more nan bne

wun y my rekasler se his umeas n auM pout

the oenMd otner thar do ui ounhm enouon atS
Intemano na Retaung

PeA dens a "Rehai internahon s anon k aprocA ohere2

Q. No.

a oreteauler tYonakr s e teuiler operan'orm, LoncpE

manogeanE pemaeechnoloay nch'o

The nan'onal borders.

Pen'ned by bavaLon: The operanen y a single K in

mbreman Iuountry

fachors alheeh'rglntermahonau'sahon
Prox Imy to he donet nc ouuntmy;oe need o_selecr G
LOunt oe need toseleet ontch is very elose tu_he
domeihnc market counhy it o'l oAy o elau le h

PP and logishea
2seleet such a marlce onich k similav 1 ulure Ohere

He louyex are_alce

:Laws and Requlahons :Seleck_he ounhy Onich have no or

lecs requlanons, resmcnionc_and operauy_onihraun

peaceut r a d e
4 SeleoB cuc a counmy ohere hen are
relanons. by lateraul ade relahons behoean counmes

oneretmere peace

manrkehng h ounn el
Retaiu'nq : lt dekned by AMA a s
o r developinq vaue souh'onc a bustnecs achuh on
a looa scale."
Q. No.

Retaíler s tne onnechng unk betoeen oholesaler on d


he houLouoing anre services end ered by a rebouller

Fom uhuty Retau'ler conver chanqes theo ods

ample he a e lay n bulleronm onoles alr an

chan o smaLl quanhhes In order to ey consume

ime uhu'y Lohenewer ons umer goe v me outlet m .

Yetau ler hac v be cole b <ell The þrodue deman d ee

concum r oab any me . Tne retauler ha canat

Teacuuy avaulalble o shocc
SPlace uhu'y The retailer has to open branche at
jconvintent places so that ts_convinent or coneumers
OLonershtp uKuty: Onolesaler sAE goools (n lot to
realers Retaulers ofu get the ouonership
onolecaler. snceetuler qe me ouonerAhip by oonma
e goode o Sel

0-ther unchons etailes are

Bu ad ascembnq.

Oarehousin q OT
3 seuung

4CredtE lauuhes

Rtx b e0mng
Q. No.

Servn'ces rendereal by a Tetauler

20ode Thik iss *ne m0simp: unch on o hteh

meare loreana me ood(Or onven ce

goods The olel very o goode should be b
Tme end consum-ers vonth arre oanka by tae

Caunuhtnq a neo roduet Reta'ler Shouid promote

pro duCs and promohonal tooS orhmanulackures

4 iar Ket inomahon

2Song o qoeda Doo desveny

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