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Picg ression 2Hisfory

AnsIXWho eer wished Ho cen trol Eggknd, must contro
ndon Seme of larolds bamSelcl 15_didh't
g0 o 1ly bile of Hasing S nd sfayed te
gadTe p\dce LLondon )

XLnDeve, tkere is a tower fulot angry tozuph

engish whichcn tac h in flom be hind

KVLinGs moy Ouade frem Veruw cnd Vepmack ond if

They oa dhe eng lishme, itwillbecoe oo uzh io
edt te n_
Seg 1t hegoue the engish ting to fecovet
fney an tolm 9a d m to Eight agans t h im ound
ooGe enofhe ki

Ans ecase Lontly Williarm ad shown_hi's cCueltY .

a n whena foeertund 00 of_his sold/ers
wee kled e

Ans Lbe souree tels fhat william wag ood to T peoplr

O eae up ad (?tufod lhe damaga caMSP db his

3a A deep ditch A deep ditch can sop the g

nemies fom Gching ¢he custle.

KADaw bridge e help th peaplel bnis ts o -

OOs t o enfec the V cstle

A Aere: Lt staps e entmies f r i m

oiog in tw casle

36) So wliam ccan giue Some to fke bavonS

heloya fo hmand s e e o his t e1ds
kvopn ermandy the aoaleh o had hflped
m iofe baitle of Has tingS.
i c g Witiam

b fhat william (an tnauy thet hau much erçlse

S werh and to knoWtha t huu qe h Muc h
he can tax To u olrort eSo

Sa Wlam L1k kirg)

DPeesonts cneun as UlienS

a)on a feuw degsLueuld e u e uSu the
allten4 Le and cter avAG PenVYL would t
an hui bigs4 heu se
6b) would Gpend sece Mangy nd caf Reti aod cung
LA bre adlit Roti isot avei lehle)

Eveiy body w s payingfaofha llcall the f. ne ap d

n onot prachsingarehery giuwiag cfeps
fo te_COun

Fctball was loLed by al end thes E not

lingtotopayl oothal
a m e of 2901 enjoyad ay1hags eDoAd| hia S_no
HhEelsh ia ederatal evenda ener eyjCyd
Medie al Aqe
Stslhel X

Ba2iuersihy neaps fhedcEfeeAce S i'a_pepl

b 20cjal V}tfee nes

Calfusa fe mencaS
cwho isfich and uhois pO0c me tes cLely D-
differenee, nisktnde and whoo t s_Muslio
re fuo fehats ae ineuel1ty in tk society

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