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Vessel Name: KMTC

Voyage Number: 123

Port of Call: Osaka port

Date of Report: May 9, 2022

To: Mr. Arvin Medel

Position: 2ndmate

Company/Agency Name: Oshing Company

Address: Kaloy-i, Japan

From: 2ndmate Cellan, Chrismar June

Position: 2ndmate

Company/Agency Name: YaoChing Company

Address: Mabanag, Korea

Contact Information: 09123456789

I, Cellan, Chrismar June, the undersigned, hereby report a delay in port for the vessel KMTC during its
current voyage to Osaka Port, as of May 9 2022:

Reason for Delay:

Cause of Delay: Adverse weather conditions, including heavy storms and strong winds
Description: Our vessel was delayed due to a bad weather condition and because of the bad weather
it form waves that is big and that are hard for us cargo vessel to sail.

Current Status:

Status of Vessel: We in anchor

Estimated Duration: The estimated day will be 3-5 days

We kindly request that this delay report be duly acknowledged, and we are committed to providing
updates as the situation develops. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further
information or if there are any actions or recommendations from your end regarding this delay.

Signature: ______________________________

Date: May 9, 2022

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