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o Pronunciation
o Primary stress
VOCABULARY (TỪ VỰNG) – Unit 1 to Unit 5
GRAMMAR (NGỮ PHÁP) – Unit 1 to Unit 5



1. Events in the past that are now finished (The actions can be short [1] or long [2])
• John cut his finger last week. [1]
• I went to college 3 years ago. [2]
2. Situation in the past
• I lived in New York for 10 years (I don't live there anymore).
3. A series of actions in the past
• He entered a room, lit a cigarette and smiled at the guests.

ACTIVE: (+) S + VED/ V2 → (-) S + DIDN’T + VO


• Tom repaired the car. ACTIVE

• The car was repaired by Tom. PASSIVE
Note: Common time expressions (time adverbials) in the Past Simple are:

• Yesterday, last, ago, when I was a child, in 1999, before…

USED TO DO: for something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens.
• I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago.
• There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn't.
TO BE USED TO DOING/ NOUN : to say that something is normal, not unusual.
• Hans has lived in England for over a year so he is used to driving on the left now.
• They've always lived in hot countries so they aren't used to the cold weather here.
TO GET USED TO DOING/ NOUN: to talk about the process of something becoming normal for us.
• I didn't understand the accent when I first moved here but I quickly got used to it.
• She has started working nights and is still getting used to sleeping during the day.
• Jerry used to pay the bills. ACTIVE → The bills used to be paid by Jerry. PASSIVE

Wish and present/future situations: WISH + S + V2/ Ved

✓ Situation: My sister is untidy. → Wish: I wish she was/were tidier.

✓ Situation: I don't speak Italian. → Wish: I wish I spoke Italian.
✓ Situation: He can’t come with me tomorrow. → Wish: “I wish he could come with me tonight.”
Wish with modal verbs

• With could to refer to ability, to express a polite refusal.

✓ Situation: I can't play a musical instrument.→Wish: "I wish I could play a musical instrument."
✓ A :Can you help me this afternoon ?
B : No, I'm sorry . I wish I could but I have a doctor's appointment. (polite refusal)
• With would to express impatience, annoyance, and dissatisfaction with a present action or a
desire that someone does something differently.
✓ Situation: I'm impatient because it is raining and I want to go outside.
Wish: I wish it would stop raining.
✓ Situation: I am annoyed because she is speaking. → Wish: I wish she'd be quiet.
• Using If only is stronger than I wish
✓ If only I had a car .
✓ If only it would stop raining.

Form: Active: S+V+O.

Passive: S + be + V3/ed + (by + O) .

Ex: Active: She arranges the books on the shelves every weekend.


Passive: The books are arranged on the shelves (by her) every weekend.

S be V3/ed by O

(P): S + be + A.O.F. + V3/ed + A.O.P. + (by + O) + A.O.T.

(A.O.F : Adverb of Frequency ; A.O.P. : Adverb of Place ; A.O.T : Adverb of Time)


Active Passive

Simple Present Once a week, Tom cleans the house. Once a week, the house is cleaned by

Present Right now, Sarah is writing the letter. Right now, the letter is being written by
Continuous Sarah.

Present Perfect Many tourists have visited that That castle has been visited by many
castle. tourists.

Simple Past Sam repaired the car. The car was repaired by Sam.

Past The salesman was helping the The customer was being helped by the
Continuous customer when the thief came into salesman when the thief came into the
the store. store.

Past Perfect They had finished the homework The homework had been finished
before the film started. before the film started.

Simple Future Someone will finish the work by 5:00 The work will be finished by 5:00 PM.

Future Sally is going to make a beautiful A beautiful dinner is going to be made

BE GOING TO dinner tonight. by Sally tonight.

Modal Verbs I knew John would finish the work I knew the work would be finished by
WOULD … by 5:00 PM. 5:00 PM.

Used to Jerry used to pay the bills. The bills used to be paid by Jerry.

1) Form:
a Active: S + have / has + (not) + Ved / V3
• I haven’t met him recently. (not meet)
b Passive: S + have / has + (not) + been + V3 / Ved.
• That school has been built since 1995. (build)
2) Uses:
a Diễn tả một sự việc trong quá khứ mà thời điểm không xác định rõ.
• I have already seen this play. (already / see)
b Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng còn để lại hậu quả ở hiện tại.
• Someone has drunk my bottle of water. It is empty now. (drink)
c Diễn tả một hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ mà còn tiếp tục đến hiện tại
• They have lived here for 5 years. (live)
• My sister has been sick since yesterday. (be)
3) Adverbs: just, already, never, ever, not…yet, recently, lately, sofar, several times, in the last…
• since + thời điểm since 1999
• for + khoảng thời gian for 3 days

at in on




Ex: It was cold. I turned the heating on.
-» It was cold so I turned the heating on.
b. SO...THAT / SUCH...THAT (quá … đến nỗi…)
S+V+ so + adj / adv + that + S + V + O.
S+V+ such + a/an + adj + Noun + that + S + V + O.
Ex:: (1) He's so tall that everyone looks at him
(2) He's such a tall man that everyone looks at him
✓ There are so many people here that I cannot see her.
✓ He has so much money that he doesn’t have to work.
✓ There are such a lot of people here that I cannot see her.
✓ He has such a lot of money that he doesn’t have to work.
c. TOO...TO...
S + V + too + adj / adv + (for O) + to V.
Ex:: The weather was too bad for us to have a picnic.
d. ENOUGH ...TO...
S+V + adj / adv + enough + (for O) + to V.
S+V + enough + N + (for O) + to V.

Ex:: (1) The room is big enough for all of us to stay in.
(2) We don’t have enough money to buy that car.


I) The Zero Conditional (Type 0)

1) Formation
IF S + V1 (simple present), S + V1 (simple present)

Note: Most zero conditional sentences will mean the same thing if "when" is used instead of "if"

• If it rains, the grass gets wet.

2) Use: The zero conditional is used to talk about things which are always true such as scientific
facts or general truths .

1. Formation
IF S + V1 (simple present), S + WILL ( CAN, MAY, SHOULD, MUST) + Vo (infinitive)
• If it is sunny, I will go fishing.
• If I leave on time, I may meet him.
2. Use: The first conditional is used to talk about possibilities in the present or in the future.
3. Note:
IF + V1 (simple present), Vo (imperative)

• If you have time, walk with me.

▪ If you don’t speak loudly, he won’t hear.
→ Unless you speak loudly, he won’t hear.

I) Commands, requests and advice
 Commands and Requests
S + ask / asked / tell / told / sb to do sth / not to do sth

1) He said to her, “Get out of my way.”

→ He asked / told her to get out of his way. __________________________________________________________ .
2) I said to him, “Don’t argue with your father.”
→ I asked him not to argue with his father. _________________________________________________________ .
 Advice
S + said (+ that) + S + should + V (inf.)
S + adviced + O + (not) + to-inf.

• The teacher said to me, “You should be on time tomorrow.”

→ The teacher said that I should be on time the next day. ______________________________________________ .

→ The teacher advised me to be on time the following day. ____________________________________________ .

S + said (that) + S + V.
S + told + O (that) + S + V.

• "We don't want a recent graduate,” said the interviewer.
The interviewer told me (that )they didn’t want a recent graduate. ______________________________ .
S + asked + O + if / whether + S + V…
S + wondered + if / whether + S + V…

• “Does your father work here?”, she asked him.

→ She asked him if/ whether his father worked there. _____________________________________________ .
S + asked + O + wh-word + S + V…
• He said to her, “Who are you?”
→ He asked her who she was.
IV) Changes in Reported Speech
1) Person
2) Time:

The day before yesterday Two days before

Tomorrow The next/ the following day

The day after tomorrow In two days' time

Next + Time The following + Time

Last + Time The previous + Time

Time + ago ➔ Time + before

This, these That, those

Here, Over here There, Over there

Today That day

Yesterday The day before

Now Then/ At that time

3) Others: said to + O → told + O
4) Verb:
• Simple Present (Vs/es) → Simple Past (Ved/ V2)
• Simple Past (Ved/ V2) → Past Perfect ( had + V3)
• Present perfect (have/has + V3) → Past Perfect ( had + V3)
• Present Continuous → Past Continuous
(am/is/are + V-ing) → (was/ were + V-ing)
• Past Continuous → Past perfect continuous
(was/ were + V-ing) → (had been + V-ing)
• Present Perfect Continuous → Past perfect continuous
(have/ has been + V-ing) → (had been + V-ing)
• Simple Future → Future in the past
can / will / may+ Vo → could / would / might +Vo
must + Vo → had to + Vo
NOTE: Lùi bậc động từ: chỉ xảy ra khi động từ giới thiệu (Introducing Verb) là V2

- Eg: She said: “ I am very busy.” → She said that she was very busy.

She always says:” I am very busy.” → She always says that she is very busy.


1. Formation:
Nancy doesn’t choose a poor room, does she?

He went to stay at a hotel in New York, didn’t he?

Some special cases:

I am right, aren't I? aren't I (not amn't I)

You have to go, don't you? you (do) have to go...

I have been answering, haven't I? use first auxiliary

Nothing came in the post, did it? nothing, nobody → negative statements

Nobody knows, do they? Nobody → they

This will work, won’t it This → it

Let's go, shall we? let's = let us

He'd better do it, hadn't he? had → auxiliary

2. Uses:
• To ask for confirmation
✓ The earth goes round the sun, doesn’t it?
• to ask for information or help, starting with a negative statement.
✓ "Where is the police station?" (not very polite)
→ "Do you know where the police station is?" (slightly more polite)
→ "You wouldn't know where the police station is, would you?" (polite)
3. Notes ( for question tag)

• negative → short form : isn’t / didn’t / won’t …

• subject → pronoun : John → he / Mary → she / the children → they …
Những trường hợp đặc biệt cần lưu ý:
1. Let đầu câu:

Let đầu câu có nhiều dạng cần phân biệt:

- Let trong câu rủ (Let’s ): → SHALL WE ?

Let’s go out, shall we?

- Let trong câu xin phép (let us /let me ): → WILL YOU ?

Let us use the telephone, will you?

Let me have some drink, will you?

- Let trong câu đề nghị giúp người khác (let me): → MAY I ?

Let me help you do it, may I ?

SEE, FEEL + mệnh đề phụ: → Lấy mệnh đề phụ làm câu hỏi đuôi.
I think he will come here, won’t he?

I don’t believe Mary can do it, can she? ( lưu ý MĐ chính có not thì vẫn tính như ở MĐ phụ)

Cùng mẫu này nhưng nếu chủ từ không phải là I thì lại dùng mệnh đề đầu làm câu hỏi đuôi.

She thinks he will come, doesn’t she?


- HAD BETTER thường được viết ngắn gọn thành 'D BETTER, nên dễ khiến ta lúng túng khi phải lập
câu hỏi đuôi tương ứng.
He'd better stay, hadn't he?


- WOULD RATHER thường được viết gọn là 'D RATHER nên cũng dễ gây lúng túng cho bạn.

You'd rather go, wouldn't you?

5. If the main clause is REQUEST or COMMAND, tag question must be " WILL YOU?"
Open the window, will you?
6. Don’t talk in class. will you?
If the main clause is INVITATION, tag question must be "WON'T YOU?"
Take your seat, won't you?



Choose the word stressed differently with the others:
1. A. exchange B. admire C. designer D. journey
2. A. casual B. convenient C. invite D. embroider
Choose the word with the underlined letter pronounced differently with the others: 3.
3. A. sleeved B. called C. added D. modernized 4.
4. A. champagne B. exchange C. such D. choose
II. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences (3pts)
1. When did you __________ the village? ANSWERS
A. arrive B. reach C. get D. go
2. Many designers _________ inspiration from Vietnam’s ethnic minorities. 1.
A. has B. mention C. draw D. takes 2.
3. The village lies ________ the foot of the mountain.
A. over B. to C. at D. on
4. . It’s hot, _______ I turn on the air- conditioner.
A. therefore B. as soon as C. because D. so 5.

5. Churches, temples and pagodas are places of _______________.

A. gossip B. worship C. warship D. friendship
6. The children were ____________ into three groups.
A. separated B. depended C. divided D. added 8.

7. It is worn ____________ loose pants. 9.

A. out B. of C. over D. for
8. I wish you ___________ here tomorrow.
A. come B. came C. will come D. would come 11.
9. She ____________ English here since she graduated from the university.
A. has taught B. taught C. teaches D. is teaching 12.
10. “Let’s go by bus.” - “_____________.”
A. Good idea B. Yes, let. C. That’s a good trip. D. That’s a fine day.
11. 12.
A. Give way. A. No park.
B. Roundabout. B. No parking.
C. No way. C. No photo.
D. Stop.
D. Parking lots.

III. Rearrange these following words into complete sentences: (0.5pt)
13. you were / the impression / I was/ abroad / under/.//
14.The design/ those used for women/ were different from/ used for men/ and material/.//

ANSWERS: 13. ___________________________________________________________________

14. ___________________________________________________________________

IV. Choose the suitable word to fill in each blank: (1.5pts)

In my opinion reading is the perfect hobby and I am sure that a lot of people would (15)__________. There are a lot of
wonderful reasons (16)__________ reading is important.
Here are a few reasons why you should consider reading a book:
To expose yourself to new thing: Through reading, you expose yourself to new things, new information, new
ideas, new ways (17)__________ a problem, and new ways achieve a goal. Reading might help you discover hobbies or
exploring things you didn’t know you like. Exploration begins from reading and understanding.
To improve oneself: Reading helps you understand the world more. Through it, you begin to have a better
understanding on a topic that interests you. Self-improvement starts from reading, through reading you have a
better understanding and better decisions to take (18)__________ the future.
To reduce stress: Studies show that reading reduces stress. The (19)__________ in this study only needed to read
silently for a few minutes to slow down the heart and ease tension in the muscles.
To entertain oneself: Reading has an entertainment value. Reading is not only fun, (20)__________ it has all the
added benefits that we discussed so far. A good book can help you entertained while developing life skills.
15. A. realize B. explain C. complain D. agree
16. A. what B. why C. where D. how
17. A. solve B. solving C. to solve D. solved
18. A. in B. on C. at D. since
19. A. activists B. participants C. scientists D. conservationists
20. A. because B. although C. but D. so
V. Read the text and do as directed:
It was an unforgettable 3-day trip to the countryside to visit my grandparents last summer holiday. My family
decided to go by bike on this trip because we all wanted to enjoy the atmosphere there. As expected, the air was so
great and clear. We felt very excited about this place. After having lunch at my grandparents' house, we took a
short nap and made all preparation to go fishing with grandparents in the afternoon. The lake beside the house has
many fishes and we had a joyful fishing and a lot of dishes cooked in the evening. It was our first day.
On the second day, we got up early and drove bicycle around the village. The traffic was not heavy of course. We
went along the small roads, had lunch under the shade of an old tree and saw the children play with kites in the
afternoon. The wind made us feel relaxed and peaceful.
On the third day, dad and mom allowed my sister and me to help my grandparents with the work in the fields. The
summer comes, either the harvest does. People are busier to collect all corns and rice. We had a hard- working day.
We went to sleep early and the village at night was so silent.

It was such a memorable travel of mine, we felt very happy during the after time of that summer, and all sorrow
was disappeared!
Decide whether the following sentences are True or False: (1pt)
21. The author visited his grandparents last summer.
22. On the first day, they went to the restaurant for dinner.
23. They felt comfortable during the trip.
24. They helped with the work in the fields.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D: (0.5pt)
25. They decided to go to the countryside by bike because _______________..
A. travelling by car cost a lot B. They wanted to enjoy fresh air
C. The road is too narrow D. The countryside is not far from their house
26. ______The author and his family felt _______________ after the trip.
A. disappointed B. tired C. bored D. contented

VI. Use the correct form of the words in the parenthese: (1.5pts)
27. There is a big old banyan tree at the ____________ to the village. (enter)
28. Many of people living on the street are not ___________ homeless. (office)
29. ____________ uniforms helps students feel equal. (wear)
30. We are ___________ by their friendliness. (impress)
31. The party has won a _______________ victory. (history)
32. They __________ playing football together. (enjoyable)

ANSWERS: 27.______________________ 28._____________________ 29.____________________

30.______________________ 31._____________________ 32.____________________

VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings: (1 pt)
33. Get up or you’ll be late for school..
If ______________________________________________________________________
34. I last saw her ten years ago.
I have __________________________________________________________________
35. We should finish the homework before going to bed.
The homework should _____________________________________________________
36. He wants to become a doctor.
He wishes _______________________________________________________________

I. Listening (1pt)

II. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5pts)
1. Which word has the underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. practiced B. closed C. pleased D. weighed 1. ____
2. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?
A. impress B. design C. unique D. comment 2. ____
3. Fashion designers have ________ symbols and patterns to Ao Dai to make it more beautiful.
A. modernized B. added C. printed D. inspired 3. ____
4. Ba invited Liz to ________ his family on a day trip to his home village.
A. take part B. participate C. join D. all are correct 4. ____
5. After one hour traveling by coach, we ________ the campsite and prepared for the picnic.
A. reached B. came C. got D. arrived 5.
6. When we were young, we used to ________ to the circus by our parents.
A. take B. taking C. be taken D. being taken 6.
7. “ Give my best regard to your grandparents.” _ “________”
A. It’s kind of you. B. Not at all C. Really? Good! D. Thanks, I will 7. ____
8. People in the countryside now have a good chance to __________ online news and to join social media.
A. read B. see C. act D. hear 8. ____
9. Why __________ English with native speakers in the English speaking club?
A. don’t practice B. not to practice C. not practice D. don’t you practicing 9. ____
10. Nowadays young people often spend lots of time __________ the web each day.
A. killing B. surfing C. traveling D. playing 10.
III. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1 and 2 ( 0.5pt)

1. A. Children left unattended will be sold to the circus. ANSWERS

B. Restricted area. Authorized personal only.
C. Do not bring flammable materials. Keep fire away.
D. You musn’t stand here. It’s dangerous. 1. _______

2. A. Be careful and practice walking with tripping hazard.

B. Don’t care about tripping hazard.
C. Be careful or you’ll trip and fall down. 2._______
D. Tripping hazard makes you careless.

IV. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank in the following passage. (1.5
What is “ Ao Ba Ba”? When you first hear the word, you may find it seems strange to you. Ao Ba Ba is a
traditional Vietnamese garment that has become (1)_________ of the culture and the beauty of women in the
Southern countryside. In the past, farmers, especially in the Mekong Delta wore the black ao ba ba like a
(2)_________ when working in paddy fields every day because of its (3)_________ . People in the delta also love to put
on this comfortable Vietnamese garment in daily activities (4)_________ on special occasions. Nowadays, when a
variety of materials (5)_________ on the market, you can have a wide range of choices for your favorite one, even

bright color like yellow and pink. These days, this image (6)_________ in the Southern rural areas but it is still
considered as a symbol of Southern women’s beauty.
1. A. symbol B. national C. symbolic D. purify 1.
2. A. uniform B. label C. fashion D. style 2. ____
3. A. convenience B. impressive C. simple D. modern 3.
4. A. as long as B. as much as C. as well as D. as many as 4.
5. A. saleable B. sale off C. suitably D. available 5.
6. A. can often see B. is only seen C. may also see D. has ever seen 6.
V. Read the passage below carefully (1.5pts)
It was an unforgettable 3-day trip to the countryside to visit my grandparents last summer holiday. My
family decided to go by bike on this trip because we all wanted to enjoy the atmosphere there. As expected,
the air was so great and clear. We felt very excited about this place. After having lunch at my grandparents'
house, we took a short nap and made all preparation to go fishing with grandparents in the afternoon. The
lake beside the house has many fishes and we had a joyful fishing and a lot of dishes cooked in the evening.
On the second day, we got up early and drove bicycle around the village. The traffic was not heavy, of course.
We went along the small roads, had lunch under the shade of an old tree and saw the children fly kites. The
wind made us feel relaxed and peaceful.
On the third day, dad and mom allowed my sister and me to help my grandparents with the work in
the fields. The summer comes, either the harvest does. People are busier to collect all corns and rice. We had
a hard- working day. We went to sleep early and the village at night was so silent.
It was such a memorable travel of mine, we felt very happy during the time of that summer, and all
sorrow was disappeared!
A. Decide if these statements are TRUE or FALSE ANSWERS
1. The author visited his grandparents last summer. 1. ________
2. On the first day, they went to the restaurant for dinner. 2. ________
3. They found it comfortable because the traffic was not heavy there. 3. ________
4. The author and his parents helped with the work in the fields. 4. ________

B. Choose the appropriate word/phrase ( A, B, C, D ) for these sentences

5. They decided to go to the countryside by bike because:
A. traveling by car cost a lot. B. they wanted to enjoy fresh air.
C. the road was too narrow. D. the countryside was not far from their house.
6. The author and his family felt __________ after the trip.
A. disappointed B. tired C. exciting D. contented

VI. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences (0.5pt)
1. the name / asked me / of my school / what / The interviewer / was /.//

→ The interviewer __________________________________________________________________________

2.In the 1980s / high fashion clothing, / with their own labels / started making / on them / jeans finally became /
their own styles of jeans, / when famous designers /.//

→ In the 1980s _____________________________________________________________________________

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence (1.5 pts)
1. Television viewers can enjoy ______ interesting programs just by selecting the right channels. [ vary ]
2. Young kids often like to watch __________ while they have meals. [ advertise ]
3. The traditional dress ________ by Vietnamese women on special occasions is called Ao Dai. [ wear ]
4. Do you think English is an _____________ language? [ nation ]
5. Most tourists attractions are packed with at weekends. [ sight ]
6. The 9th Da Lat Flower Festival 2022 will be ________held from November to late December. [ office ]

1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ________________________

4. ________________________ 5. ________________________ 6. ________________________

VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1pt)
1. It is a pity that Miss Alena can’t speak Vietnamese.
→ Miss Alena wishes ______________________________________________________________________

2. He hasn’t been back to his home village for over 3 years.

→ The last time __________________________________________________________________________

3. “ Would you like to join my family on a day trip to my home village, Liz?” - Ba said to Liz
→ Ba invited ____________________________________________________________________________

4. Studying hard is a good way for her to pass the entrance exam easily.
→ She will ______________________________________________________________________________

I. Listen: (1pt)
II. Choose and circle the best option: (3pts)
1. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words:
A. advance B. advertise C. attend D. amount
2. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words:
A. enjoy B. bamboo C. ringgit D. relax
3. After an hour walking between the green paddy fields, we finally ____ the village entrance.
A. came B. arrived C. reached D. went
4. Did your grandfather ________________ their houses with oil lamps?
A. use to light B. used to lighting C. used lighting D. use to lighted
5. Are all the students used __________ their summer vacation in the countryside.
A. to spend B. spend C. to spending D. spending
6. There are usually a lot of parties __________ New Year’s Eve.
A. in B. on C. at D. when
7. Would you like a cup of tea?
A. No, thanks B. Yes, I would C. No, I wouldn’t D. That’s right
8. We ____________ English for 2 hours now.
A. learnt B. learn C. have learn D. have been learning
9. My father said to me that he _____________ help me.
A. can B. could C. is able to D. has been able to
10. The next stage in the ______________ of television is interactive TV.
A. develop B. development C. developing D. developed
11. What does the cross road sign mean?
A. You can turn left. B. You must not turn left.
C. You can’t turn right D. You must stop

12. A. Waste paper should be put in the basket.

Please place used paper in
B. This basket is full of waste paper.
the basket.
C. Do not use the paper in this basket.
D. This basket must not be used for paper

IV. Choose the most suitable words to complete the passage: (1.5pts)
Nam lives and works in Ho Chi Minh city. His (15) __________ village lies near the sea. It is about 40km (16) _________
the east of Ho Chi Minh city. He often spends one hour (17) ____________ by bus. He (18) ___________ a rest there on
weekends. His grandparents’ house is a small house by the waterfall. On Sundays he often gets up early and walks
along the shore enjoying the fresh air. When the sun is warm enough, he goes (19) ___________ and takes a sunbath.
There are (20) _________ people who come there spending their holidays.
15. A. town B. city C. home D. house ANSWER
16. A. in B. to C. on D. by 15/_____
17. A. travel B. traveling C. traveled D. travels 16/______
18. A. has B. take C. catch D. A&B
19. A. swim B. swam C. swimming D. to swim
20. A. much B. a lot C. a great deal D. a lot of
III. Put the words/ phrases into their correct order: (0.5pt)
13. clothes / students / wearing / self-confident / casual / makes / feel.
14. compulsory/ English/ one of/ Malaysia/ is/ the/ languages/ in.
13. → Wearing ___________________________________________________________________ .

14. → English ____________________________________________________________________ .

V. Read the passage: (1.5pts)

* Write TRUE or FALSE for the following sentences: (1pt)
Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are teenagers.
Many are adults. Some learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language
in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people
must work hard to learn English.
Why do all these people learn English? It’s not difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn
English at school because it is one of their subjects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work.
Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at the college or
university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.
21. According to the writer, only young people learn English.
22. Most people learn English by watching films.
23. Many boys and girls learn English because it is one of their school subjects. 21/_______

24. Many adults learn English because it helps them in their work. 22/_______

* Choose the correct answers: (0.5pt) 23/_______

25. The word them in “Some of them are young children” is used to mention ________. 24/_______

A. adults B. babies C. teenagers D. students 25/_______

26. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage above? 26/_______

A. English is widely used.
B. English is a compulsory subject.
C. English is spoken in the office.
D. English is the language of diplomacy.
VI. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence: (1.5pts)
27. A fashion designer shows a ______________________________ of the latest styles every season. (collect)

28. I found this problem extremely ______________________________. (difficulty)

29. To attend the course, you first need to pass our ______________________________ Vietnamese test. (speak)

30. Those boys are ______________________________ to talk to. (interest)

31. Peter is very ______________________________ in looking after animals. (experience)

32. Mai works for an ______________________________ company in Ho Chi Minh City. (nation)

VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means the same. (1pt)
33. The weather is fine, so Thu doesn’t want to bring a raincoat with her.
34. "Do your homework, son." said the mother.
35. The last time she went out with him was 9 months ago.
36. Keep your feet dry or you’ll catch a cold.
33. → Because ______________________________________________________________________

34. → The mother told _________________________________________________________________

35. → It is __________________________________________________________________________

36. → If ____________________________________________________________________________

I. Listening. (1.0 pt)

II. Multiple choice. (2.5 pts)

1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. impressed B. visited C. attended D. celebrated
2. Choose the word whose stressed syllable is different from that of the rest.
A. compulsory B. dormitory C. minority D. traditional

3. The ______________ of Malaysia in 2002 was over 22 million. (population / religion / instruction / climate)
4. This university was named ______________ a French scientist. (after / before / about / with)
5. We have been out of _____________ with our uncle for nearly 10 years. (touch / reach / date / fashion)
6. Like Vietnam, Malaysia enjoys tropical ________________. (atmosphere / religion / temperature / climate)
7. What ______________ fashion designers done to modernize the ao dai? (do / did / have / were)
8. We haven’t kept _______________ touch with him since he left Ho Chi Minh City. (in / on / at / for)
9. I think you shouldn’t add these patterns ______________ your new design. (in / on / at / to)
10. “Where will we eat?” - “_______________.” (That’s right / Yes, we do / It’s up to you / It’s so kind of you)

III. What do these signs mean? (0.5 pt)

1. A. Hunting deer is prohibited. 2. A. Passing is not allowed.
B. You mustn’t honk at deer. B. There is a parking lot a head.
C. Be alert, deer regularly cross. C. You shouldn’t pass the car ahead.
D. Slow down. Zoo ahead. D. You mustn’t park your car here.

IV. Put the words in their correct order. (0.5 pt)

1. sea / by / West Malaysia / the / East Malaysia / about / and / separated / are / of / 640 km /.
➔ West Malaysia ................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. most difficult / find / what / of / English / learning / you / do / aspect / ?
➔ What ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
V. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (1.5 pts)
1. They have just ______________________________ a new style of jeans in USA. (introduction)
2. ______________________________ ,the ao dai used to be worn by both men and women. (tradition)
3. Some designers have taken ______________________________ from ethnic minorities. (inspire)
4. His daughter is always ______________________________ dressed when she goes out with friends. (fashion)
5. Islam is the ______________________________ religion of Malaysia, isn’t it? (office)
6. Thanks for ______________________________ me to the festival. (invitation)
VI. READING (1.5 pts)
In my opinion, friendship is among the meaningful relations in our life. A friend of mine once got a letter from the
school mailbox and told me a lot of interesting things about her pen pal. That made me excited and I was eager to
have one. Therefore, I got online and did some chatting. I was lucky to get to know a very nice Australian girl. Her
name’s Jenny. She and I are the same age and we have a lot of things in common. Jenny has never been to Vietnam.

However, she thinks well of our country and our people. Through her mail, she tells me a lot about her country.
Thanks to Jenny, I know more and more about Australia. I hope I will visit Australia some day.
A. Write “True” or “False” for each of the statements.
1. According to the writer, friendship plays a meaningful part in our life. ..........................
2. The pen pal mentioned in the passage is as old as the writer. ..........................
3. The writer and Jenny hardly have anything in common. ..........................
4. Jenny thinks well of our country because she used to live in Vietnam. ..........................
B. Choose the best answer (A,B,C or D) for each of the questions.
1. What is the passage is about? _________________________________________
A. A visit from an Australian pen pal C. People of the same age in the same country
B. How to chat and make friends online D. How interesting to have a pen pal
2. Which sentence is not true about the passage? _________________________________________
A. Jenny tells the writer a lot about her country. C. Jenny hasn’t been to Viet Nam yet.
B. Jenny doesn’t think well of our country. D. The writer hopes to visit Australia some day.
VII. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space in the passage. (1.5 pts.)

Ba Be Lake is the (1)__________ freshwater lake in Vietnam. It is located in Bac Kan Province
(2)___________ the north of Vietnam, high up in the mountains. It is over 200 million years old. Three
rivers (3)___________ into the lake: The Nang, Ta Han and Nam Cuong. Ba Be Lake is surrounded by forests,
caves and waterfalls. The lake is home (4)___________ many different kinds of wildlife, and is part of a
(5)___________ park. Its surface (6)__________ is only 6.5 km2 and its deepest part is 29 meters. This freshwater
lake is larger than any other lake in the country.
1. A- large B- larger C- largest D- larggest
2. A- in B- on C- at D- of
3. A- flow B- flows C- flew D- flowing
4. A- of B- to C- with D- at
5. A- amusing B- attractive C- national D- international
6. A- religion B- region C- climate D- area
VIII. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original ones. (1.0 pt)
1. My son plays video games during the day.
→ I wish _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. You have to rewrite your application form.
→ Your application form _______________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. “Does your father work for an international bank?”
→ She asked me ________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. Students don’t need to wear uniforms at this school.
→ It’s not _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
I. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (3.5 pts)
1. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. mentioned B. consisted C. used D. studied

2. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. this B. there C. think D. though

3. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group.
A. university B. documentary C. qualification D. intermediate
4. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group.
A. religious B. compulsion C. Buddhism D. instruction
5. My aunt and I are far away from each other, but we always __________.
A. keep on B. get on C. keep in touch D. write on
6. You can take part in sports activities or not, that depends on you. It’s __________.
A. optional B. traditional C. compulsory D. official
7. No new styles of jeans __________ since their last performance.
A. has been made B. have been made C. are made D. were made

8. We should always __________ our students to try their best all the time.
A. match B. embroider C. encourage D. persuade

9. He is a university student, but he works __________ as a waiter in the evenings.

A. all the time B. full-time C. part-time D. sometime

10. She has a good __________ as a well-qualified teacher of English.

A. famous B. voice C. state D. reputation
11. “Let’s go to Vung Tau on the weekend.” - “__________.”
A. That’s fine B. That’s good C. Yes, please D. Yes, let’s.

12. You: The song is very excellent, Tommy! You are a great musician. Tommy: __________.
A. Don’t mention it B. That right C. Thanks, I think so D. Thanks. I’m glad you like it
13. He made a deep impression _________ the members of his speaking English club.
A. in B. for C. at D. on
14. The party will finish __________ 9 p.m. and 10 p.m.
A. at B. in C. after D. between

II. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 11 and 12. (0.5 pt)

15. This sign is in the cabin and you remember:?

A. to talk with friends when driving.
B. not to use your phone when driving.
C. not to play games when driving.
D. to drive and keep your phone in hand.
16. What does the sign mean?
A. You must cut down the trees.
B. You can cut down the trees.
C. You mustn’t cut down the trees.
D. You should cut down the trees.

III. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)
Clothing plays an important part in our life. (17) __________ people just knew how to use leaves for clothing. Then
they could use animals’ leather (18) __________ feather for the same purpose. Nowadays, clothing not only helps
people protect themselves from climate but also (19) __________ themselves. However, there’s something polite to
say with clothing. People might think what kind of person you are through your clothes. That’s (20) __________ you
should know how to wear your clothes suitably. This means that your clothes should be suitable for these things:
your body build, the place you arrive and what (21) __________ it is. If your clothes look quite different (22) __________
others’, you might receive bad words and unfriendly look from them.
17. A. At first B. At beginning C. On starting D. At first time
18. A. and B. but C. or D. so
19. A. to beautify B. beautify C. beautifying D. beautified
20. A. what B. when C. how D. why
21. A. meeting B. party C. celebration D. occasion
22. A. in B. with C. from D. on
III. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)
It was an unforgettable 3-day trip to the countryside to visit my grandparents last summer holiday. My family
decided to go by motorcycle on this trip because we all wanted to enjoy the scenery and atmosphere along the road
there. The air was so great and clear. We felt very excited about this place. After having lunch at my grandparents'
house, we took a short nap and made all preparation to go fishing with grandparents in the afternoon. The lake
beside the house had many fishes and we had a joyful fishing and a lot of dishes cooked with in the evening. It was
our first day
On the second day, we got up early and rode bicycle around the village. The traffic was not heavy. We went
along the small roads, had lunch under the shade of an old banyan tree and saw the children playing with kites in the
afternoon. The wind made us feel relaxed and peaceful.
On the third day, dad and mom allowed my sister and me to help my grandparents with the work on the
fields. The summer came. It was time for harvesting. People were busier collecting all corn and rice. We had a hard-
working day. We went to sleep early and the village at night was so silent. It was such a memorable travel of mine,
we felt very happy during the after time of that summer.
23. The family traveled to the village by motorcycle because they couldn’t afford to go by bus.
24. The writer spent three days in the village.
25. To the writer of the passage, the trip to the village was unforgettable because there were too many accidents on
the way.
26. The writer of the passage has learnt a lot about the life in the village.
27. During the time in the village, the writer of the passage did all the following EXCEPT:
A. catching fish in the lake B. riding bicycle around the village
C. playing with kites D. helping his / her grandparents
28. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. life in the village is stressful B. life in the village is peaceful
C. life in the village is tiring D. life in the village is terrible
V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pt)
29. Have you ever been ______________________________ by somebody or something? (inspiration)
30. How many______________________________ take the examination? (examine)
31. He has become one of the most courageous ______________________________ in the world. (mountain)

32. The candidates need to ______________________________ the job application form. (completion)

33. Their holiday was spent ______________________________ on the mountain. (enjoy)

34. As she is 18, she wants to become ______________________________ of her parents. (depend)
VI. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
35. consists of / The Ao dai / that is lit / a long silk tunic / and worn over loose pants / on the sides
→ The ao dai__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
36. to make a plan right now / to pass an International Examination / If you want / you have / like IELTS /. /
→ If you want_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.0 pts)
37. Helen won’t go dancing with us tonight.

→ Helen wishes ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

38. “I am taking you to the airport tomorrow evening.” My uncle said to me

→ My uncle told me _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

39. Go right now or you’ll be late for the meeting.

→The wallet _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

40. They haven’t come to visit him for five years.

→ The last time ________________________________________________________________________

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentences: ( 3.0 pts )
5. The girl wishes she ____ in Nha Trang for the festival.
A. will stay B. can stay C. is staying D. could stay
6. She has a good _____ as a well-qualified teacher.
A. famous B. voice C. state D. reputation
7. We won’t go out _____ it stops raining.
A. if B. unless C. when D. except
8. The government provided modern facilities _____ people in some remote areas.
A. Into B. on C. for D. with
9. Find the word pronounced differently from the three others.
A. watching B. matches C. machine D. kitchen
10. Tom: “Can you help me with the essay?” _ Peter: “_____________”.
A. Yes, I’m afraid not. B. Not completely. C. Why not? D. I think that,too.
11. Find the word that was stressed differently from the three others.
A. memory B. typical C. reward D. market
12. The man asked me _______ I _______ the way to the Great Wall.
A. if / know B. whether / knew C. where / knew D. that/ know
13. He is going to the post office ___________ he wants to send a letter.
A. and B. but C. so D. because
14. The children’s hobbies are reading books _________ .
A. so they play video games C. but the video games are played
B. and playing video games D. or play video games
15. What does the sign tell us about?
A. We should recycle to protect the environment.
B. B. Protecting the environment is responsible for everyone.
C. Children need to protect the environment.
D. D. Planting more trees is to conserve the natural resources
16. What is the warning to children?
A. One match can’t cause a fire
B. Children mustn’t play with matches
C. Children don’t play with a match
D. Playing with a match is dangerous

II. Choose the word or phrase (A,B,C, or D) that best fits the space in the following passage.
Singapore is an island nation in Southeast Asia. It _____________ one major island and more than 50 small adjacent
islets. Singapore is __________ important port cities and commercial centers of Southeast Asia. Singapore has a wet
tropical ___________. The average temperature is __________________27 degree Celsius. Considered as one of the _________
four dragons, Singapore has one of the highest standards of ______ any country in Asia.
17. A. comprises b. consists c. contents d. introduces
18. A. the more b. the most c. the less d. the least
19. A. rainfall b. temperature c. weather d. climate
20. A. up b. below c. about d. above
21. A. Asia’s b. Europe’s c. Africa’s d. America’s
22. A. working b. living c. eating d. drinking

IV. Supply the correct form of the words in the brackets ( 1.5 point)
23. He wants to make a good ____________________on every one he meets ( impress)
24. Do you wear ____________________clothes on National Day ? ( tradition)
25. They hope all means of transportation will be ____________________soon. (modernization)
26. Angkor Wat used to be a ____________________center ( religion)
27. Her house is ____________________situated near the beach. ( convenience)
28. As the program ended, their conversation was ____________________out. (fade)
V. Read the passage carefully then decide whether the statements are True or False (1.5 point):
Nylon was invented in the early 1930s by an American chemist, Lilian Hill. Other scientists worked with his invention
and finally on October 1983, nylon was introduced to the world. It was cheap and strong and immediately became
successful, especially in the making of ladies’ stockings. During the second World War, the best present for many
women was a pair of nylon stockings, but more important, it was used to make parachutes and tires. Today, nylon
has been found in many things: carpets, ropes, seat belts, furniture, computers and even spare parts for human body.
It has played an important part in our lives for ages.
Decide if these sentences are True or False.
29. Lilian Hill invented nylon in the early 1930s.
30. Nylon was introduced to the world in September.
31. Nylon was used to make parachutes and tires during the second World War.
32. Nylon has played an important part in our lives for ages.
Choose and circle the best option to complete the sentences below.
33. ______ was cheap and strong and immediately became successful.
A. the invention B. the material C. Nylon D. stocking
34. We can use nylon to _____________ a lot of useful things.
A. Comprise B. depend C. produce D. instruct
VI. Put the words in the correct order to make complete sentences: (0,5point)
35. clothes / students / wearing / self-confident / casual / makes / feel.
Wearing ___________________________________________________________________
36. friendliness of / Maryam was / by the / the people / of this city /./ very impressed/ and the beauty
Maryam _____________________________________________________________
VII. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the nearest meaning to the given sentence : ( 1point)
37. It’s nearly 20 years since my father last saw my uncle.
My father__________________________________________________________________________________
38. It’s a pity I don’t have a computer.
I wish ______________________________________________________________________________________
39. Don’t be late again or you will be sacked.
If ____________________________________________________________________________________________
40. Because the weather was cold, they had to cancel their picnic.
→ The weather _____________________________________________________________________________

II. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space or best answers the question given in each
sentence. (3.5 pts)
5. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. Malaysia B. media C. majority D. occasion 5. _______
6. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?
6. _______
A. complete B. language C. written D. suffer
7. Will you join us on _________ trip to Nha Trang? 7. _______
A. a four days B. four-days C. a four-day D. a day-four
8. Jack has a good memory. He can learn these vocabulary items _________ easily. 8. _______
A. with heart B. in mind C. by heart D. of mind 9. _______
9. “Why not join with us to the countryside this weekend?” _ “ __________. ”
A. Sure. B. That’s right. C. You’re welcome. D. That’s a good idea. 10. ______
10. Nobody wants the rest of this pizza, __________?
11. ______
A. do they B. don’t they C. didn’t they D. did they
11. Since he arrived, he ............................................ a lot about life on a farm 12. ______
A. was learning B. had learned C. has been learning D. learned
12. If you want to _________________ the course, you must pass the written examination. 13. ______
A. examine B. award C. advertise D. attend
14. ______
13. _______ the 3rd day of the Lunar New Year, students often pay their teachers a visit.
A. On B. In C. At D. Until
14. The Internet is available almost everywhere now. ……………., some people have never
got access to it.
A. Although B. However C. So that D. Therefore
III. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 15 and 16. (0.5 pt)
15. What does the sign (A) say?
A. Use computers carefully.
B. Be careful with spam with your mailbox.
C. Check your mailbox immediately
D. Leave your mails in the computer.
15. ______
16. What does sign (B) say?
A. We should circle the lights and the switch. 16. ______
B. All lights must have a switch.
C. Lights are used without switches
D. We should turn off the lights when not in use.
IV. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 17 to 20 are True or False, and choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 21 and 22. (1.5 pts)
People often call English the international language of business, and it is increasingly true as international
trade expands every year, bringing new countries into contact. Many of the best MBA programs are taught in English,
so speaking it well can put you in a position to get the best training and credentials. Most multinational companies
require a certain degree of English proficiency from potential employees, so to get a position with a top company,
more and more people are learning English.
If your ambitions lie in science or medicine, you cannot neglect English either. Much of the technical
terminology is based on English words, and if you want to learn about the latest developments and discoveries from
around the world, you’ll read about them in journals and research reports published in English, no matter whether

the scientists who wrote them are from China or Norway. And, of course, with good conversational English, you’ll be
able to network and make important contacts at conferences and seminars.
17. International trade expansion every year makes English more important. 17. ______
18. More and more people are learning English to be the owner of top companies.
18. ______
19. English is also important in science or medicine.
19. ______
20. Journals and research reports written by scientists from China are in Chinese.
21. What is the passage mainly about? 20. ______

A. The importance of English B. The international language of business 21. ______

C. English and multinational companies. D. English technical terminology. 22. ______
22. You’ll be able to network and make important contacts with ___________.
A. ability to write Chinese B. ability to speak Norwegian
C. good conversational English D. research reports published in English
V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)
Home to more than 650 million people, Southeast Asia is made up of eleven (23) ………... With more than
hundreds of languages spoken across Southeast Asia, the region is home to several religions. (24)………..the religions
in Southeast Asia, the largest are Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism today. Buddhism and Hinduism in Southeast Asia
trace back to the 5th century with statues of Buddha and Indian Gods in the ancient (25) ………. Followers of Islam
(26) ……… in almost every mainland country from Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia with a significant population in
southern Thailand and western Burma. Islam is the most widely practiced religion in Southeast Asia with majorities
in Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia. Islam is Brunei and Malaysia’s official religion and a/an (27)……… one in
Indonesia with 90% of the people following it. Buddhism is the (28) ……… religion in Southeast Asia after Islam with
approximately 205 million Buddhists today.
23. A. borders B. cities C. countries D. areas
24. A. On B. Among C. With D. From
25. A. temples B. shrines C. churches D. mosques
26. A. can find B. found C. finds D. can be found
27. A. important B. primary C. basic D. optional 27._______
28. A. largest in the second B. second of the largest C. largest second D. second largest 28.________
VI. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)
29. We decided to leave early to avoid the __________of traveling in the rush hour. (convenient)
30. The book is small, but it is _________________________. (inform)
31. Peter’s opinion wasn’t practical so we ________________ with him. (agree)
32. She is such a good teacher. Her lessons are _________ explained so we love her a lot. (enjoy)
33. She thinks chatting on the Internet is time________________. (consume)
34. I have just finished the final exam. The __________________ are very strict. (examine)
29. _____________________ 30. _____________________ 31. _____________________

32. _____________________ 33. _____________________ 34. _____________________

VII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
35. of communication in/English has/popular means/many different countries/become the most/ .//
 English __________________________________________________________________________________________________
36. arrived at /two hours traveling/ Noi Bai airport /by plane, we /After nearly/.//
 After ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


35.English ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

36. After _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.0 pt)
37. Mary never used to win this tournament.
 This tournament _______________________________________________________________________________________
38. Without your parents’ agreement, you can’t go out.
 If your___________________________________________________________________________________________________
39. She said to Peter, “ How often do you write to Dennis ?”
 She asked _______________________________________________________________________________________________
40. He is sorry that he can't see Audrey on her trip to London.
 He wishes_______________________________________________________________________________________________
37. This tournament _________________________________________________________________________________________________
38. If your ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
39. She asked _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
40. He wishes __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. Choose the word/ phrase ( A,B,C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence (3pts)
5. They wish they ____________ get up early on summer days.
A. don’t have to B. didn’t have to C. doesn’t have to D. haven’t had
6. Some people think using the Internet is very __________ because it takes a lot of time.
A. convenient B. time - consuming C. interesting D. informative
7. Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas, ____________ a carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.
A. dividing in B. consisting of C. separating from D. wearing out
8. Malaysia is divided ______ 2 regions.
A. on C. into D. of
9. Let’s go dancing, _____________?
A. should we B. will we C. do we D. shall we
10. “ I think we should go to the English club to improve our speaking” – “ _________”
A. No, I can’t B. Yes, I can do that. C. Let’s go D. Good idea
11. This restaurant has the _____________ for serving some of European food.
A. repute B. reputation C. reputed D. reputable
Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others
12. A. watched B. stopped C. mentioned D. impressed
Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from that of the others
13. A. benefit B. argument C. vacancy D. apartment
14. Their future depend ______ how well they do at school.
A. on B. in C. to D.for
15. What does the sign say?
A. You should be careful because the floor is wet.
B. You can get wet if you are careful.
C. You can get wet when you enter this place
D. You do not have to go into this place with caution
16. What does the sign mean?
A. Look out! B. No through road
C. Fragile, please handle with care D. Danger! High Voltage!
III. Read the following passage, then write True or False and choose the correct answers (1.5 pts)
To make a good career choice, it’s important for teenagers to consider many things. First of all, they need to know
what jobs they want to do. If young people don’t think about it carefully, they may not like the jobs that they are doing
and wish they choose other careers. Secondly, teenagers should realize their strong and weak points in order to make
a good decision on their future jobs. For example, if they are good at math and biology, they could choose to be a
doctor. Thirdly, they have to know what skills they need for their future careers and how to prepare for them.
Teenagers who want to work in marketing, for example need to have good communication skills and even teamwork
skills. Teenagers need to think about a lot of things to choose a suitable career.
17. Making a good career choice is necessary for teenagers.
18. Teenagers should think about the jobs they choose carefully.
19. If you are good at math and biology, you will be a doctor.
20. Only communication skills and teamwork skills are necessary for marketing.
21. What is the main idea for passage?
A. Teenagers’ interests
B. Important things for teenagers to choose suitable future jobs.
C. Choosing good careers is important.
D. Teenagers’ careers
22. The word “them” means
A. teenagers B. future careers C. job D. skill
Phần trả lời:
17. _______ 18. _________19. _________ 20. ________ 21. ________ 22. _________
IV. Choose the most suitable word to complete the passage. (1.5 pts)
Computers are very (23)____, but they also can (24) _____ problems. One kind of problem is with the computer’s
memory. It is not perfect, so (25) ____ computers lose important information. (26)_____ problem is with the machinery.
Computers are machines, and they can break down. When computers break down, they may erase information, like
chalk on a blackboard. Or they may stop (27)_____ anything at all. And there is another different kind of problem with
computers. Some doctors say they may be bad for your (28)_______
23. a. useful b. careful c. helpful d. a&c
24. a. make b. cause c. do d. take
25. a. nearly b. hardly c. never d. sometimes
26. a. boring b. interesting c. another d. other
27. a. to do b. doing c. do d. done
28. a. health b. unhealthy c. healthy d. healthiness
Phần trả lời:
23. _______ 24. _________25. _________ 26. ________ 27. ________ 28. _________
V. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word formed from the words given in brackets.
29. To have a good ___________________________, we should sum up logically. (conclude)
30. September 2 is the National ___________________________Day of Vietnam
nd ( depend )
31. My uncle is one of the famous ___________________________, here. (poetry)
32.There is no water left in the ___________________________, well. (near)
33. I really love the journey to my hometown. That’s an ___________________________, trip. (excite)
34. Hong Le works for an ___________________________, bank in HCM city. (nation)
Phần trả lời:
VI. Rearrange the words or phrases to make complete sentences (0.5 pt)
35. wearing uniforms / proud of / their schools / students to be / encourages
→ Wearing uniforms ________________________________________________________________________________________ .
36.language is/ Nowadays,/ compulsory for/ students of all ages/ learning a foreign.
→Nowadays, __________________________________________________________________________________________________.
VII. Use the given words to write complete sentence. (2 pts)
37. Don’t be lazy or you’ll fail the driving test.
=> if you _________________________________________________________________.
38. “I am taking you to the airport tomorrow evening.”
=> My uncle told me________________________________________________________.
39. Does Nam like travelling all over the world?
=> Nam____________________________________________________________________ .
40. We are excited about seeing you soon.
=> We are __________________________________________________________________.

II/ Choose the word that best fits the space in each sentence. (3.0 pts)
1. Skinny jeans is not only _______ but also fashionable.
A. convenient B. informative C. necessary D. economical
2. He loves playing sports, ________ he plays soccer at weekends.
A. because B. although C. so D. but
3. The fashion designer took inspiration _________ natural waterfalls.
A. in B. from C. with D. of
4. She asked me ______ I read that comic book.
A. what B. that C. which D. whether
5. Mary can finish her job easily because she was __________ by an experienced leader.
A. completed B. composed C. instructed D. corresponded
6. “Could you give me a bandage, please.” – “ ___________”
A. Sure B. My pleasure C. Never mind D. My happiness
7. I am a nurse, I _______________ in night shifts.
A. used to work B. use to work C. am used to work D. get used to working
8. Traditionally, ao dai was __________ worn by both men and women.
A. especially B. frequently C. recently D. exactly
9. Choose the word whose underlined sound is pronounced differently from that of the other three.
A. raised B. fixed C. marked D. pumped
10. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.
A. wonderful B. interesting C. fashionable D. important
11. What does this sign mean?
A. Disabled people can stand here.
B. This is a forbidden area for the handicapped.
C. Facilities for disabled people are available here.
D. The handicapped must stay here all the times.
12. What does this sing mean?
A. You mustn’t use cellphone while driving.
B. You should use cellphone while driving.
C. You must be careful with cell phone.
D. You should be careful as there is telephone post ahead.
III/ Choose the correct word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the passage. (1.5 pts)
We all love being on our laptops, smart phones and iPads, the internet is the big reason behind us (13) ______ so
much time on these gadgets. The internet is probably one of the (14) _________ inventions of the century. Before this
invention we had to go to the (15) ________ to do research but now, all we have to do is go to Google and do our
research. We can do many things with the internet; we can shop, pay bills, (16) ________ with your friends in
Facebook (17) ______ Skype, watch video in YouTube, download games, surf the celebrity (18) ________ and many
13. A. passing B. giving C. saving D. spending
14. A. oldest B. latest C. youngest D. closet
15. A. conference B. fair C. library D. arcade
16. A. respond B. surf C. contact D. chat
17. A. but B. however C. or D. with
18. A. websites B. market C. attendance D. performance

IV/ Read the passage carefully and check True or False. (1.5 pts)
My name’s Ngan. I’m lucky enough to have a very nice Australian pen pal. Her name’s Jenny. She and I are the
same age and we have a lot of things in common.
Although my English was not very good at first, we were able to understand each other quite well. My English
has improved a lot, so it’s better now. Jenny has never been to Viet Nam. However, she thinks well of our country
and our people. When she comes to Viet Nam, I will take her to some interesting places, especially our World Heritage
Sites, such as Ha Long Bay, Hoi An Ancient Town, My Son Tower. Through her mail, she tells me about her country.
Thanks to Jenny, I know more and more about Australia. I hope to be an exchange student in Australia some day and
we will be able to meet.
A. Read the following statements and decide if they are True or False
19. Ngan is as old as her pen pal, Jenny.
20. She knows Jenny by means of correspondence each other.
21. Jenny has already visited Viet Nam several times.
22. Ngan’s pen pal hopes to be an exchange student in Australia some day.
A. Choose the appropriate word/phrases (A,B,C,D) for these sentences
23. They will visit some interesting places in Vietnam except:
A. Ha Long Bay B. My Son Tower C. Hoi An D. Phong Nha Cave
24. The term “a lot of things in common” is closet in meaning to:
A. a lot of things happening often B. the same a lot of things
C. a lot of things shared D. a lot of things understood
V/ Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)
25. It’s ____________________________ to call you at mid night. (convenience)
26. I saw your ____________________________ in a newspaper last night. (advertise)
27. These songs are ____________________________ sung at SEA GAMES. (official)
28. The trip to the countryside is very _________________________ , so everyone wants to go home at once. (interest)
29. I am impressed by his ____________________________ . (hospitable)
30. Jenny spends five hours ____________________________ the web. (surf)
VI/ Put the words/ phrases in the correct order. (0.5 pt)
31. It’s/ a trip abroad/ difficult/ for me/ to have
It’s ____________________________________________________________________________________
32. I am/ hearing from/ looking/ your response/ forward to
I am __________________________________________________________________________________
VII/ Rewrite each of the sentences so that the meaning stays the same. (1.0 pt)
33. I can’t answer these questions quickly.
I wish ____________________________________________
34. “How many workers are there in your company?”
We asked Hoa _______________________________________
35. Andy hasn’t done the exercises since last week.
The last time the exercises______________________________
36. Mark didn’t study hard last semester, so he couldn’t pass the final exam.
Because of_______________________________________________

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the others. (0.5 mark)
1. A. introduced B. continued C. modernized D. encouraged 1............................
II. Which one has the main stress different from the others? (0.5 mark)
2. A. academy B. dormitory C. institute D. scenery 2............................
III. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. (3.0 marks)
3. My youngest brother loves __________ game shows on TV. 3............................
A. watch B. watching C. watched D. being watched
4. Could you please stop ________ so much noise? 4............................
A. making B. make C. made D. to make
5. I am used to _______ up early. 5............................
A. get B. to get C. getting D. got
6. Van: Should we travel to Nha Trang by plane this weekend? 6
- Thu: __________
A. I disagree because it costs much money.
B. I agree with you. I think it is the fastest way.
C. I think we should go there by train.
D. All are correct.
7. What were you doing when he _________? 7.
A. comes B. to come C. came D. coming
8. Look! Cattle and sheep are _________in the meadow. 8............................
A. cutting B. swimming C. grazing D. talking
9. This shirt is different _________the one I saw last Sunday.
A. from B. at C. on D. in 9............................
10. I wish that I _________how to mend this suit.
A. know B. knows C. knowing D. knew 10. ........................
11. If it _______ rain, we’ll have the party outside.
A. wouldn’t B. didn’t C. doesn’t D. won’t 11 .........................
12. This university was named …………………….. a French scientist. 12
A. after B. before C. about D. with
13. Look at the sign and choose the correct answer. 13 .........................
A. You can either eat or drink.
B. You can neither eat nor drink.
C. You can get food or drinks.
D. You can’t get food or drinks.
14. Look at the sign and choose the correct answer. .............................. 14
A. Playing ahead.
B. Road work ahead.
C. Planting trees ahead.
D. Planting vegetables ahead.
15. Ok. I’ll meet you at the main ______ to the Plaza at six o’clock. 15. …………..
A. arrival B. access C. highway D. entrance
16. He ______ he would go to Nha Trang the next day. 16. …………..
A. told to us that B. said us that C. said that to us D. told us that
V. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the words. (1.0 mark)
17. His mistake was because of being too young and_______________________________. (EXPERIENCE)
18. There won't be much difficulty_______________________________ a good job in Ho Chi Minh City. (FIND)
19.They are having a _______________________________ time in Da Lat. (WONDER)
20. Nam hates queuing; He is very _______________________________. (PATIENT)
21. You look more _______________________________ in your new dress. (BEAUTY)
22. They are very _______________________________ of their only daughter. (PRIDE)
VI. Read the text and then choose the correct answers by circling A, B, C or D. (1.5 marks)
Singapore is an island city of about three million people. It’s beautiful (23)_______with lots of parks and open spaces.
It’s also a very clean city.
Most of the people (24) _______in high rise flats in different parts of the island. The business district is very modern
with lots of high new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice older sections. In China town, there
(25)_______rows of old shop houses. The Government buildings in Singapore are very (26) _______and date from the
colonial days. Singapore is famous (27) _______ its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers.
Most of the (28) _______ are duty free. Singapore’s restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, Malay and European food, and
the prices are quite reasonable.
23. A. district B. town C. city D. village 25 .........................
24. A. live B. lives C. are living D. lived 26 .........................
25. A. is B. will be C. were D. are 27 .........................
26. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify D. beautifully 28 .........................
27. A. in B. on C. at D. for 29 .........................
28. A. best B. goods C. well D. good 30 .........................
VI. Read the passage, and decide whether the statements that follow are True or False. (1.0 mark)
Visit Angkor Wat
Siem Reap is a small town near the world famous temple of Angkor Wat. The town is charming and worth
exploring, with some fine examples of Khmer and French colonial architecture set among the more modern
developments. Nowadays, visitors are flocking in, using it as a base for visits to the nearby temples.
A Carved City
From the 9th to the 14th centuries, when Europe was still struggling out of the Dark Ages, the Cambodian Empire
of Angkor covered most of present-day Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. The heart of this empire during the
12th century was the ancient capital of Angkor Thom, near present day Siem Reap, the site of the world’s largest
temple complexes, which were rediscovered in 1861.This spectacular city was built over 30 years under the reign
of King Suryavarman II (1113-1150). The area covers about 400 square kilometres and is full of the finest
examples of Khmer art and architecture. Tourists are always amazed at the scale of the place.
In Angkor Wat you will find more than 100 stone monuments and temple buildings, each of which contains
countless statues, sculptures and reliefs that have weathered extremely little over the last 800 years. To see the
whole thing can take several days. The most important temples to visit in the area are Angkor Wat, especially at
sunrise or sunset; Angkor Thom, the remains of the capital; Ta Prohm, a palace overgrown by jungle; and Bayon.
Getting a visa
Visas are required to enter Cambodia. You can obtain one on arrival at Siem Reap International Airport for $20,
and 1 passport photo is required per person. You will also need another passport photo for the Angkor Temple
Entrance Pass. Please ensure you take comfortable walking shoes, light clothing and plenty of water to drink as it is
very hot there. The most commonly accepted currency in Cambodia is the US dollar.
29. Most people visit Siem Reap because of the temples in the area. 29 .........................
30. The stonework of Angkor Wat is in poor condition today. 30 .........................
31. Dawn and dusk are particularly good times to visit Angkor Wat. 31 .........................
32. You will need a couple of passport photos. 32 .........................

VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. (1.0 mark)
33. They have cleaned their house recently.
34. “I live with my parents in this city”, the boy said.
35. Unless we water these flowers, they'll die.
36. It’s been four months since I last met my uncle.
33. Their house has ..........................................................................................................................................................
34. The boy said ................................................................................................................................................................
35. If we .................................................................................................................................................................................
36. I haven’t ..........................................................................................................................................................................


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