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5: Reng for enjoyment can help pp to develop imaginations + language skills in many “ceding simulates ppl brain to visualize the plot and characters inthe story op imagination *coaing am helps you improve your grammar, vocabulary and useful languages. > Alener language sls 32:Coumerargument: Besides tha, watching TV can has better graphics, ++ visual effets. Result: People, mainiy children are addicted to TV and biue screens devices. {cfutation: People. mainly children are addicted to TV and blue sercens devices and that can save negative impact on their lives, Not ony that. TV can limit your imaginations and you are ‘st watching the scenes, aot very focused to what the characters are saying unlike reading. Conclusion: Restate~ Suggestion Weiting Some people may hin hat ein fr plese can increase pope's imagination an language “skills more than watching TV. Forme; Toray agree with this opinion and wil discus inthis ¢ Rood trg essay via pels , Bie, 2g: | Reng sora ppc dc agi od ung a ay woe he cra gon ne eo gy ep” FM the characters in the an fES ia ox tps yout ones yor Engine coal, We . ou reading for enjoyment cAenbance Se ae catia atic at imagine Teel yarr wm ant Aovtls, a the other hand watching TV can helps you imagine line bit bend sree ca have better graphies, visual effects and they are much more realistic compared to reading books, : lead to addiction. Some people, because of their However, bf watching to ach TY could

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