ENGLISH 9 Q1 W6 Employ The Appropriate Communicative Styles For Various Situations (PART II)

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School: Grade Level: 9

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and


A. GRADE LEVEL The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine
STANDARDS: Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
B. Learning Competencies / MELC: Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations (intimate, casual, conversational,
consultative, frozen)
Objectives Determine the vocabulary or EN9V-IIa-27: Give the Create short conversations
jargons expected of appropriate communicative out of the given
a communicative style styles for various situations communication situations
(intimate, casual, using appropriate
conversational, consultative, communicative style
Communicative Styles PRESENTATION OF
Jargon Communicative Styles ICL
(Dialogue Writing) OUTPUTS


A. References
1. Additional Materials A Journey through Anglo- Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery Mode
from Learning Resource American Literature, pp. 171 Quarter 1 – Module 1 Quarter 1 – Module 1
(LR) Portal Department of Education - Department of Education -
SDO Cavite Learning SDO Cavite Learning
Resource Management Resource Management
Section Section
B. Other Learning https://elcomblus.com/speech-
Resources styles-definition-types-and-
A. Reviewing previous Directions: Determine the Review on the different
lesson or presenting the Review and recalling of words degree and formality of the Communicative Styles
new lesson and expression lesson. statements below .Tick the
column that corresponds
your answer. Do this as
objectively as possible.

1. How do you express your
feelings and emotions in
conveying your idea with the
person you are close with?
2. How does your
relationship with others
influence the way you
communicate with
3. Does your way of
communication varies
according to the audience?
Why? Why not?
4. Which level of formality do
we use most often in our
daily interactions with
friends, family and
B. Establishing a purpose JUST JARGON! The way you communicate Directions: Identify the
for the lesson has a big impact on how you type of communicative
Brainstorm any words or get on with people and get style appropriate for the
places, or ways of talking you the things you want. Good following situations.
can think of that are mainly, or communication skills can
only, used by people connected help you avoid conflict and
with the group, place or solve problems- they are also 1. reciting DepEd
activity. A few has been started Vision
important for making friends
for you as example.
and having 2. reading school
healthy relationships.
3. talking to a new
4. inquiring at the
5. delivering news
6. asking something
from your neighbor
7. talking to your
8. delivering a
valedictory address
9. talking and laughing
about memorable
10. sending an inquiry to
your teacher through
C. Presenting Jargon is a literary term that is You choose your words Directions: Choose the
Examples/Instances of defined as the use of specific carefully according to whom correct statement
new lesson phrases and words in a you are talking to. Language based on the situation.
particular choice reveals information Write your answer on
situation, profession, or trade. about the social relationship separate sheet of paper.
These specialized terms are between or among people.
used to convey hidden 1. Passers-by to
meanings accepted and a street vendor a. The
Directions: Read and study.
understood in that field. Jargon time, please.
One morning, ______. How
examples are found in literary
and non-literary pieces of are you going to greet b. Hello there,
writing. him/her/ them? how are you?
c. Could you tell
1. you saw your best friend. me the time, please?
2. you met your previous d. Excuse me,
class adviser may I ask what time is
3. you went to see the school it now?
4. you had a romantic dinner 5 more questions will be
with your partner given.
5. you are asked to lead the
flag ceremony
D. Discussing new concepts Common Examples of Define Communicative ---------------------------------
and practicing new skills Jargon Style/Speech style
E. Discussing new concepts -------------------------------- Discussion of the Types of ---------------------------------
and practicing new skills #2-- Communicative Styles
F. Developing mastery Directions: Brainstorm any A. Directions: Identify the Write a dialogue between
(Leads to Formative words or places, or ways of term being defined. Choose the participants using the
Assessment) talking you can think of that your answer inside the box. proper communicative style.
are mainly, or only, used by
people connected with the Group Activity
group, place or activity. A 1. Between childhood best
few has been started for you friends
as example.
2. Between a priest and
parishioners (Mass)
3. Between fiancés
4. Between an employer and
an applicant
5. Between a pediatrician
and a baby’s mother
G. Finding practical -------------------------------- Directions: Read the phrases How does your
applications of concepts below, identify on what style relationship with others
and skills in daily living each of one belong. influence the way you
communicate with
(Recitation) them?
H. Making generalizations -------------------------------- Communicative style refers ---------------------------------
and abstractions about To_________________
the lesson Communicative style is
identified into five types
I. Evaluating Learning DIRECTIONS: Sort the A. Choose the letter of the Presentation of different
jargon into the correct field. best answer. dialogue created by the
1. Which of the following participants.
situations need a consultative
speech style?
a. talking to a counselor or
b. giving last minute
instructions to players
c. delivering campaign
d. delivering a speech at the
UN Summit
2. Which of the following
situations call for a casual
speech style?
a. delivering an oratorical
b. leading a prayer before
c. talking to a friend while
playing sports
d. leading a prayer before
B. Chose the appropriate
response for the following
1. Company director to
a. I need to talk to you.
b. Ms. Brown, could you
come here for a moment?
c. Hey, get over here. Jane,
J. Additional activities for Create the new group or use
application and the same groupings to make
remediation the following activity.

Find at least one scene or

situation from your favorite
movie or teleserye, to re-

The scene must include all

group members.

Do not forget to identify

what communicative style is
V. Remarks


A. No. of learners who earned

80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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