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Effects of chemical compositions and microstructure

on hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless
steel weld metal in high-pressure gaseous hydrogen
a a a a a
Hiroyuki Hirata , Tomohiko Omura , Kana Jotoku , Jun Nakamura & Takahiro Osuki
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Published online: 24 Mar 2015.

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To cite this article: Hiroyuki Hirata, Tomohiko Omura, Kana Jotoku, Jun Nakamura & Takahiro Osuki (2015) Effects of
chemical compositions and microstructure on hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless steel weld metal in high-
pressure gaseous hydrogen environment, Welding International, 29:12, 922-927, DOI: 10.1080/09507116.2014.921084

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Welding International, 2015
Vol. 29, No. 12, 922–927,
Selected from Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society 2013 31(4) 246– 251

Effects of chemical compositions and microstructure on hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic

stainless steel weld metal in high-pressure gaseous hydrogen environment
Hiroyuki Hirata, Tomohiko Omura, Kana Jotoku, Jun Nakamura and Takahiro Osuki
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
(Received 26 August 2013; final version received 1 November 2013)

The effect of chemical compositions and microstructures on hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless steel weld metals
in high-pressure hydrogen gas was surveyed by using the slow strain rate test (SSRT). As a result, hydrogen embrittlement of
the weld metal was hardly influenced by d ferrite in the weld metal, but by stability of austenite phase, which was estimated
by Md30 value or Ni equivalent. In the weld metal with poor stability of austenite, a0 -martensite was formed near a crack
induced by SSRT. In addition, although the crystal structure of a0 -martensite is as same as d ferrite, susceptibility of
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hydrogen embrittlement became higher with the increase in a0 -martensite. The mechanism to explain the difference between
d ferrite and a0 -martensite was considered as following. The hardness, which increases the hydrogen embrittlement
susceptibility in bcc structure, is higher in a0 -martensite than in d ferrite. In addition, a0 -martensite might be formed
continuously with propagation of a crack. Therefore, the effect of a0 -martensite on hydrogen embrittlement could be larger
compared with d ferrite.
Keywords: weld metal; hydrogen embrittlement; austenitic stainless steel; d ferrite; martensite

1. Introduction of hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of stainless steels

Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe and with an austenitic structure at room temperature, there is a
a clean source of energy, is expected to replace oil, coal difference in hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of the
and other fossil fuels as a core energy source for society in same type of 316 stainless steels depending on their
the near future. The fuel cell is being actively developed as chemical compositions [6].
a technology using this. Because hydrogen is a gas at room However, welding is considered essential for assembly
temperature, it is less easy to use as a liquid fuel than to make steel materials into structures. It is usual to use
petrol, which it will replace. Known methods of safely weld metal unmodified in the solidified form with base
storing and transporting hydrogen include liquid hydrogen metal which has been conditioned by working and heat
and the use of hydrogen-occluding alloys, and the practical treatment. In particular, in order to reduce the suscepti-
application of compressed hydrogen gas is the technology bility to high-temperature cracking in welding filler for
nearest to realization. A 35-MPa high-pressure tank for use austenitic stainless steel, in many cases the components
as a storage fuel cell has been developed using resin are adjusted so that the solidified structure contains several
materials and a similar tank with the pressure increased to percentages of d ferrite with a bcc structure at room
70 MPa is under development. However, the provision of temperature [8]. Previous reports of the effects of d ferrite
hydrogen supply stations is a necessity for the develop- contained in weld metal on the hydrogen embrittlement
ment of a hydrogen-powered society and the use of metal susceptibility of austenitic stainless steel weld metals
materials, which are low cost and recyclable, for the include that of Brooks and West [9], that a d ferrite content
storage facilities and transportation pipes, and is under
up to 10% has no effect on hydrogen embrittlement
consideration [1].
susceptibility. On the other hand, Luppo et al. [10]
On the other hand, it is also known that metal materials
examined the hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of
become embrittled in a hydrogen gas atmosphere at room
weld metal with the d ferrite content varied up to 30% and
temperature [2] and the embrittlement characteristics of a
range of metals have been assessed systematically for many showed that hydrogen embrittlement was particularly
years [2,3]. Ferrous materials, metallic materials which are marked when the d ferrite content was high [10]. Thus,
more economical and recyclable than aluminium alloys and there is no settled view on the effect of d ferrite in
titanium, are used in various industrial fields. Of these, austenitic stainless steel and, in particular, the under-
austenitic stainless steel, which has an fcc structure, is standing of embrittlement behaviour in a high-pressure
reputedly less susceptible to metallic materials with a bcc hydrogen gas environment is still inadequate.
structure [3] and there have been various studies of In this report, an examination was made of the effect of
embrittlement under high pressure in a hydrogen gas chemical composition and microstructure on hydrogen
environment [4 – 7]. For example, a report that SUS316L embrittlement susceptibility with the aim of clarifying
stainless steel does not suffer from embrittlement in a the embrittlement behaviour of austenitic stainless steel
hydrogen gas environment from room temperature to 858C weld metal in a high-pressure hydrogen gas environment,
[4]. It has been noted, on the other hand, in the comparison which is considered important in practical applications.
q 2015 Taylor & Francis
Welding International 923

Table 1. Chemical compositions of materials used (mass %).

Heat C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Mo N Nieq Md30 (8C)

308A 0.018 0.46 1.44 0.004 0.001 11.0 18.7 0.01 0.0048 25.0 25.66
308B 0.018 0.50 1.45 0.003 0.001 11.0 20.4 0.01 0.0110 26.0 4.06
308C 0.019 0.47 1.44 0.003 0.001 10.3 19.4 0.01 0.0061 24.9 21.08
308D 0.018 0.49 1.46 0.004 0.001 11.7 18.5 0.01 0.0050 25.7 20.81
308E 0.019 0.50 1.43 0.003 0.001 9.1 19.4 0.01 0.0120 23.6 30.03
316A 0.018 0.50 1.49 0.002 0.001 13.8 18.5 2.51 0.0056 30.2 245.06
316B 0.018 0.52 1.45 0.001 0.001 14.0 19.7 2.53 0.0050 31.2 263.26
316C 0.019 0.50 1.46 0.002 0.001 12.0 18.4 2.52 0.0077 28.4 229.01
316D 0.018 0.49 1.49 0.002 0.001 13.4 17.5 2.52 0.0060 29.2 228.35
316E 0.018 0.52 1.45 0.001 0.001 11.0 18.5 2.52 0.0047 27.4 218.53

Note: Nicq ¼ Ni þ 0:65Cr þ 0:98Mo þ 1:05Mn þ 0:35Si þ 12:6C; Md30 ¼ 413 2 462ðC þ NÞ 2 9:2Si 2 8:1Mn 2 13:7Cr 2 9:5Ni 2 18:5Mo.
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2. Test specimens and experimental methods with a bcc structure in the weld metal was measured
2.1 Test specimens by X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, the fracture surface
was inspected using a scanning electron microscope
Ten-millimetre thick steel sheets based on SUS308L and
SUS316L, with varied contents of Cr and Ni, as shown in
Table 1, were used as test specimens. In the laboratory,
these were prepared by the metal being melted in vacuo on 3. Experimental results
a 17-kg scale, forged and rolled before being solid-solution 3.1 Microstructure of the weld metal
heat-treated at 1323 K £ 1.8 ks. Table 1 shows the Ni
An example of the microstructure of the weld metal is
equivalence [11], expressing the effect of alloy elements
shown in Figure 2. Regardless of their chemical
on their respective austenite phase stability found by
compositions, in all weld metals there is a phase other
Equation (1), and the Md30 value, expressing the
than the matrix found at the dendrite boundaries.
temperature (8C) at which 50% of martensite from
Differences in the quantity of this produced due to their
austenite by 30% working found from Equation (2) [12].
chemical composition are also observed. Table 2 shows
Nicq ¼ Ni þ 0:65Cr þ 0:98Mo þ 1:05Mn þ 0:35Si

þ 12:6C; ð1Þ

Md30 ¼ 413 2 462ðC þ NÞ 2 9:2Si 2 8:1Mn

2 13:7Cr 2 9:5Ni 2 18:5Mo: ð2Þ

2.2 Experimental method

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of test specimen for SSRT.
A V-shaped groove, depth 2 mm and angle 908, was
formed by a machine working in the top surface of the
specimen, and bead-on-plate welded without the use of
filler by plasma welding. The heat input was approxi-
mately 1.5 kJ/mm and pure argon was used for both shield
gas and centre gas.
A horizontal cross-section specimen, with weld metal
at its centre, was taken from the welded joint thus
obtained, the microstructure of the weld metal was
exposed using grinding and etching and this was inspected
by optical microscopy, and the d ferrite ratio in the weld
metal was found by image analysis. A plate-shaped tensile
test specimen with a parallel central part taken
mechanically from the welded joint, as shown in Figure 1,
was used in a slow strain rate test (SSRT). Tests were
performed at room temperature in a 45-MPa hydrogen gas
environment and the strain rate was 3 £ 1026 s21.
After SSRT, the microstructure of the weld metal was
also similarly exposed and inspected and the proportion Figure 2. Microstructures of weld metals.
924 H. Hirata et al.

Table 2. Results of EPMA analysis (mass %).

Heat Analysis location Ni Cr Mo

308A Matrix 9.75 17.73 –
Phase observed at dendrite boundary 5.14 22.69 –
308B Matrix 13.46 19.86 –
Phase observed at dendrite boundary 7.59 25.38 –
308C Matrix 11.61 19.11 –
Phase observed at dendrite boundary 7.66 23.01 –
308D Matrix 12.74 18.29 –
Phase observed at dendrite boundary 9.11 22.32 –
308E Matrix 9.43 19.31 –
Phase observed at dendrite boundary 8.78 20.34 –
316A Matrix 15.24 18.45 1.92
Phase observed at dendrite boundary 10.56 24.59 5.37
316B Matrix 15.04 20.29 2.43
Phase observed at dendrite boundary 9.78 24.38 2.18
316C Matrix 13.23 18.24 2.18
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Phase observed at dendrite boundary 8.71 22.23 3.4 Figure 4. SEM images of fractured surface of test specimens
316E Matrix 11.86 18.59 2.53 after SSRT in high-pressure H2 gas.
Phase observed at dendrite boundary 10.55 20.62 3.09
results of inspection of fractured surfaces after SSRTs in a
high-pressure hydrogen gas environment of SUS308L
the results of a quantitative analysis made using an weld metal and SUS316L weld metal, with the same d
electron-probe micro-analyser (EPMA) of the quantities of ferrite ratio of approximately 10%. Figure 5 shows the
Cr, Ni and Mo in the matrix and at the dendrite boundaries. results of a microscopic examination of fracture surfaces
Cr and Mo were at a higher density and Ni at a lower in the SSRT test fracture surfaces of SUS308L weld metal
density, in the phases observed at the dendrite boundaries and SUS316L weld metal with the same d ferrite ratio of
than in the matrix. It was judged from these findings that approximately 7%. Inspection of the fracture surfaces
this was d ferrite produced during solidification [13]. showed that SUS316L weld metal, in which almost no
relative reduction of area was noted, underwent full
deformation before fracture and showed a dimpled
appearance over the entire fracture surface. Fracture
3.2 Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of weld surface inspection also showed that the principal cracks
metals did not selectively propagate in ferrite but also penetrated
The relationship between the ratio of reduction of area in austenite and no secondary cracking propagation was
atmosphere to the reduction of area in a high-pressure observed. By contrast, although the d ferrite content was
hydrogen gas environment (hereafter relative reduction of the same, SUS308L weld metal, in which there was
area) found by SSRT and the d ferrite ratio in the weld marked relative reduction of area, quasi-cleavage-type
metal is shown in Figure 3. When the d ferrite ratio fracture surface, unaccompanied by deformation, was
increases, almost no decrease in relative reduction of area observed. However, although inspection of the fracture
was noted in SUS316L weld metal whereas a decrease, surface showed initiation of many secondary cracks, and
albeit very slight, in relative reduction of area was noted in the propagated cracks penetrated into both d ferrite and
SUS308L. Also when the content of d ferrite ratio is the austenite, and no clear difference with SUS316L weld
same, the relative reduction of area in SUS308 weld metal metal was noted. Figure 6 shows Ni equivalence and Md30
was smaller than that in SUS316. Figure 4 shows the values, as found in Equations (1) and (2), plotted against
relative reduction of area. A good correlation was
observed between these parameters, which show the
stability of austenite, and relative reduction of area. When
Ni equivalence exceeded 28% or the Md30 value was
lower than 2 308C, there was almost no reduction in the
fracture area reduction value in the high-pressure
hydrogen gas environment.
These results indicate that, within the scope of this
study, hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility is more
strongly affected by the stability of austenite during
working than by the d ferrite content in weld metal during
solidification and the basic composition may also be
thought to affect this.
Figure 7 shows the results of hardness values obtained
Figure 3. Effect of d ferrite fraction in weld metal on relative by microVickers tests of the fracture surface region for the
reduction of area evaluated by SSRT. fracture of a test specimen during SSRTs of SUS308L
Welding International 925

Figure 7. Vickers hardness value measured at locations near

fractured surface of test specimens after SSRT in high-pressure
H2 gas.
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of one part of the weld metal before SSRT broadly

matched the results of deriving this by image analysis.
When the Md30 was small, no difference was observed
between the d ferrite ratio and the bcc phase ratio before
and after SSRT. When the Md30 was larger, however, the
Figure 5. Optical microstructures of cross section near bcc phase ratio after SSRT increased more than the d
fractured surface of test specimens after SSRT in high-pressure ferrite ratio before SSRT and the degree of increase was
H2 gas.
Nakamura et al. [14] have shown that a0 -martensite is
produced at the fatigue crack tip in SUS304, a metastable
weld metal in a high-pressure hydrogen gas environment. austenite stainless steel, in a high-pressure hydrogen
Whereas the d ferrite in the unmodified solidified weld environment. It is also known that the martensite has a bcc
metal had a hardness of around 230 HV, the substrate structure rather than a bct structure, when the C content is
around it had a higher hardness of around 280 HV. small [15]. If these reports are considered in conjunction
Figure 8 shows the proportion of a phase with a bcc with the results shown in Figure 8, it is evident that the
structure contained in the weld metal after SSRT, found by differences between the bcc phase ratio and d ferrite ratio
the X-ray diffraction method, plotted against the Md30 before and after SSRT are due to a0 -martensite produced
values as found by Equation (2). The figure also shows the in the fracture region rather than strain. It is known that, in
d ferrite ratio contained in the unmodified solidified weld addition to a0 -martensite, 1-martensite, which has an hcp
metal before the SSRT test, as shown in Figure 3. The structure, is also produced in the martensite induced by
results of measuring the d ferrite ratio by X-ray diffraction working [15], but the results of X-ray diffraction tests of
the fracture region show no peaks indicating its presence.
(a) Accordingly, the difference between the bcc phase
ratio and the d ferrite ratio before and after SSRT was
defined as the a0 -martensite ratio and plotted against the
relative reduction of area by SSRT. The results are shown
in Figure 9. It was judged that a0 -martensite was not
produced when the difference between the bcc phase ratio


Figure 6. Effects of Ni equivalent and Md30 value of weld Figure 8. Effect of Md30 value on fraction of bcc/d ferrite phase
metal on relative reduction of area evaluated by SSRT. before and after SSRT.
926 H. Hirata et al.

supersaturation of hydrogen in solid solution greater than

the solid solution limit of hydrogen in ferrite in an
equilibrium state. This results in a0 -martensite being a
hard structure, which occludes hydrogen and thus has
greater hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility than d
ferrite despite having a similar bcc structure.
In addition, unlike d ferrite which is dispersed in the
weld metal, it is thought that when cracking initiated by a0 -
martensite propagates within austenite, cracking develops
continuously at the crack tip due to occurrence of strain
concentration. This results in a0 -martensite being control-
ling for hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility in weld
metal, with marked embrittlement occurring due to its
production, whereas the effect of d ferrite is negligible.
Figure 9. Relationship between estimated fraction of strain However, when the production of a0 -martensite at the
induced martensite in weld metal and relative reduction of area crack tip is considered, this means that martensite is
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evaluated by SSRT. constantly present at the crack tip and it is difficult to

explain the increase in hydrogen embrittlement suscepti-
bility by an increase in the average a0 -martensite ratio as
and the d ferrite ratio before and after SSRT was negative shown in Figure 9. The reason for this is may be
and the a0 -martensite ratio was plotted as 0. A correlation understood as follows: the quantity of a0 -martensite
was observed between the a0 -martensite ratio and the produced by working is dependent on the degree of strain
relative reduction of area and the greater the a0 -martensite and working temperature [5]. This result may be said to
ratio, the more marked was the embrittlement in a high- suggest that when the test temperatures are the same, there
pressure hydrogen gas environment. is a0 -martensite transformation at a strain as small as that
From the above findings, it is clear that the hydrogen for the austenite phase which has a high Md30 value. Due
embrittlement susceptibility of weld metal was strongly to this, a0 -martensite is formed with a small strain at the
affected by a0 -martensite. It was also found that the effect crack tip in weld metal according to the height of the Md30
of d ferrite is smaller than that of a0 -martensite. It was also value, and this causes embrittlement so that the hydrogen
judged that, because the SUS308L weld metal had poorer embrittlement susceptibility of the weld metal increases
austenite stability than SUS316L weld metal, a0 - with an increase in the average a0 -martensite ratio after
martensite is produced and hydrogen embrittlement fracture.
susceptibility increased by working at room temperature.

5. Conclusion
4. Discussion of the effect of microstructure on the
hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of weld metal (1) Within the range of chemical compositions in this
As stated above, within the scope of this study, the effect study, d ferrite in weld metal has a slight effect on
of d ferrite produced during solidification on the hydrogen hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility.
embrittlement susceptibility of weld metal is small. (2) In the case of weld metal with high hydrogen
By contrast, when an a0 -martensite phase is produced, embrittlement susceptibility, a0 -martensite is pro-
despite the fact that, like d ferrite, it has a bcc structure, the duced due to strain being induced by SSRT. There is a
hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility is increased. The correlation between the a0 -martensite ratio and the
reasons are considered as described below. hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of weld metal,
It is known that hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility with hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility increas-
in ferrite steel with a bcc structure is dependent on its ing with increase in the quantity produced.
hardness, and the hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility is (3) The reason that the effect of a0 -martensite on
higher in materials with a greater hardness [16,17]. hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility is more
As shown in Figure 7, the results of hardness measurement marked than that of d ferrite is that a0 -martensite is
and examination of the microstructure of the region of the metallurgically more hydrogen embrittlement sus-
fracture in the specimen fractured during a SSRT showed ceptible than d ferrite and also that it is thought to be
that a structure thought to be a0 -martensite produced by produced continuously due to strain concentration at
working was harder than d ferrite. Furthermore, although the crack tip.
experimental proof for this remain a matter for the future,
because hydrogen which causes embrittlement is present
in solid solution in greater quantities in austenite than in Acknowledgement
ferrite [7], it is thought probable that the a0 -martensite This study contains a part carried out as a Hydrogen Society-
produced by the working transformation of austenite, building Joint Basic Development Project of the New Energy and
which contains hydrogen in solid solution, contains a Industrial Technology Development Organisation (NEDO).
Welding International 927

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