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SECTION 1 Science, Technology and Society and the Human Condition


Choose between (A) bring forth or (B) challenge forth. Describe the picture and justify your

Answer: B
Description: The picture depicts coal-fired power plants and it is a challenge forth.
Justify: it is because this type of power plant capable in releasing greenhouse gases as a by product
which are harmful to the people and the environment.

Answer: A
Description: Technology also entered the world of agriculture particularly farming.
Justify: Bringing-forth in which humans only give form to what already exist without disruption and

SECTION 2 Human Flourishing in Progress and De-development

2.2.a What is the framework of de-development of rich countries about?

Rich countries are de-developing because of their excessive resource use, which puts
the world and society in danger because we are populating the globe beyond its capacity.
Additionally, Hickel asserts that economic expansion is no longer a viable option

2.2.b How is the de-development framework different from traditional frameworks of

The de-development framework sees people living long, healthy, contented lives
regardless of class (lower, middle, or higher), which is the difference between the two
frameworks.Even though our world is overpopulated and it has negative effects, the
traditional framework of development looks for more economic growth to make our lives
even better.I compare it to people who are trying to find something better because they are
not yet satisfied with what they have. It is acceptable to search for more and better
economies, but we must take into account the fact that the world is already overpopulated.

2.2.c According to Hickel, how can rich countries de-develop?

Hickel contends that wealthy nations can slow their rate of development by
conserving resources and thinking of creative ways to bring wealthy nations up to the level of
development through efficient and contented living

2.2.d Why does Hickel frown upon pundits using terms such as degrowth, zero growth, or de-
development an alternative framework?
Hickel scowled because the nation's advancement is hampered by the pundits' use of
these words.Although Hickel acknowledged that this terminology is technically accurate,
some people still find it offensive.And according to him, it effectively amounts to telling
people to stop evolving, changing, and pursuing happiness in life.
2.2.e Do you agree with de-development?
Yes!because according Hickel reassured us that this wasn't about renunciation but
rather about bettering our lives and achieving a higher state of comprehension and
consciousness.We must take into account and modify how people live, particularly those in
developing nations.
Module 2 – Assignment 1


Question/ Reflection

a) Do you have social media accounts? Yes, I have.

b) List all your social media accounts and list out the pros and cons for each. Fill the table.

Social Media You Use Pros Cons

facebook Stay connected and Risk of identity theft and

keep in touch cyberbullying

Instagram Great for Addictive,fewer feature

travelers,effective on web
Gmail Advanced spam filter Free Ads, low storage
and instant messaging capacity and less choice
of preferred name
Tiktok Community, awareness, The dopamine effect

Twitter Creating an account is Post maintenance is

free,used as marketing required to sustain
tools for advertisement

Among them, what is the most beneficial to you and why?

We all know that facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the
world. Hence, for me it is the top of the social media game as its platform caters to a
wide variety of people, incorporating and so forth. faceboook can find and invite friend
to connect, we can share each and every moment of your person life with all your
contacts,it provides interface where you can chat with all the people you know specially
families and friends.
Name: NASRUDIN M. DAGADAS Date: August 22, 2022
Year and Section: 1 BSIT-A Score: ______________

QUESTION: Determine the different issues related to Science,Technology

and Society. Choose one issue and discuss this in your own words (200-300)

Technology is the process of integrating science into daily life. Science is

an intellectual understanding of the world based on experimentation and
Discover examples of how science and technology might be applied to resolve
societal challenges and think about how the future might be altered if this is
done. Numerous problems have been caused by the current election
campaign.Sadly, one of the most significant strategic difficulties facing the
Philippines is the critical role of science and technology in the country's growth

The development of a country is now commonly recognized to be

influenced by science, technology, and innovation (STI).In actuality, no country
has developed without making STI a crucial part of its development plan.The
focus of the policies of the world's progressive nations is STI.The Philippines
has not been able to accomplish this.
The approaching presidential election must address this matter, and the new
administration must correct this error.

Science, technology, and innovation (STI) are essential to the solution to

our problems.The Philippines, however, is now ill-equipped to meet these
problems. Research and development (R&D), human resource development,
and physical infrastructure are all areas of science and technology (S&T) where
we could be spending more money. Even the bare minimum of scientists and
technicians is lacking today for progress driven by innovation.

As a result, we have poor levels of industrial and agricultural

productivity, general inefficiency, and a paltry production of knowledge
products like discoveries, patents, and scientific publications. There isn't
enough local investment to take on highly skilled scientists and technologists
in those areas.

Consequently, we are making a losing attempt to stop the flow of our

highly qualified personnel to nations.STI has also been unable to achieve its
objectives of poverty reduction and sustainable development because the S&T
sector, in particular, and Philippine society as a whole are burdened by
antiquated legal, financial, and administrative rules and practices that stifle
R&D, innovation, and productivity. NAST consequently suggests implementing
the following regulations and/or initiatives: Agriculture, Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises, Manufacturing, Health and Nutrition, Environment and
Climate Change, and Brain drain and science Education

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