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The Tenth Material for IT Students

Vocabularies Development

Please do this passage individually!

I. Please find out how to pronounce and the meaning of these words below :

industry ownership
unprecedented unaware
ensuring assert
minimizing harm instilling values
fundamental consequences
awareness fostering
responsible Cyberbullying
behavior harassment
pressing privacy rampant issues
companies emphasizing
vast amounts respectful
shared harmful
encompass automation
moral considerations addressing
growth require
magnified conscious
implications ecosystem
ownership necessity
II. Read the text carefully and translate from English into Indonesia

Ethical technology communication has become an increasingly vital aspect of the

Information Technology (IT) industry. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented
rate, so do the ethical concerns surrounding its use. Addressing these concerns is crucial to
ensuring that technology benefits society while minimizing harm. Language lessons, including
discussions on privacy, data ethics, and responsible conduct, play a pivotal role in fostering
ethical tech communication.
Privacy is a fundamental human right, and its preservation is paramount in the digital age.
Ethical tech communication involves addressing privacy concerns through language lessons that
promote awareness and responsible behavior. One of the most pressing privacy issues is the
collection and usage of personal data. Tech companies often gather vast amounts of user
information for various purposes, such as targeted advertising or product development. Teaching
individuals to understand and critically analyze privacy policies is essential in promoting
responsible tech use. They should learn to recognize how their data is collected, stored, and
shared, enabling them to make informed decisions about their online activities.
Data ethics encompass the moral considerations regarding the handling and use of data.
The explosive growth of data-driven technologies has magnified the importance of ethical data
practices. Language lessons that emphasize data ethics can help individuals recognize the ethical
implications of their actions in a data-centric world. This includes discussions on consent, data
ownership, and responsible data management.
One critical aspect of data ethics is obtaining informed consent. Individuals should be
aware of the data they provide and for what purposes it will be used. Language lessons can
educate users on how to make informed decisions regarding data sharing and consent, ensuring
that their information is not misused.
Furthermore, discussions on data ownership are essential. Many individuals are unaware
of who owns the data they generate while using online platforms. Promoting a deeper
understanding of data ownership rights can empower users to assert control over their
Teaching responsible conduct in the digital realm is a pivotal component of ethical tech
communication. It involves instilling values of integrity, honesty, and accountability in
technology-related activities. Language lessons can help individuals understand the
consequences of their online actions, fostering a sense of responsibility for their digital footprint.
Cyberbullying and online harassment are rampant issues in the digital age. Ethical tech
communication lessons should address these problems, emphasizing the importance of respectful
and responsible online behavior. Individuals must learn to distinguish between constructive
criticism and harmful harassment, and understand the consequences of their actions on others.
In addition, the responsible use of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence
and automation, is crucial. These technologies hold great potential, but they also come with
ethical challenges. Ethical tech communication should include discussions on how to use these
technologies in ways that benefit society without harming individuals or groups.
Ethical tech communication is an indispensable part of addressing ethical issues within
the IT industry. Privacy, data ethics, and responsible conduct are paramount concerns that
require language lessons and open discussions to foster awareness and responsible behavior. By
incorporating these lessons into technology education and promoting ethical tech
communication, we can create a more responsible, conscious, and ethically sound tech
ecosystem. This, in turn, will help ensure that technology continues to benefit society while
minimizing harm. As the IT industry continues to evolve, the integration of ethical
considerations into tech communication is not an option but a necessity.

----ooOO GOOD LUCK OOoo----

By: Dr. Mikhael Misa, S.Pd, M.Pd

III. Please decide, what is the topic of the passage above!

IV. Please give three values viewed from the text above
V. Please answer the objective test questions based on the passage above

1. What is the primary focus of ethical tech communication as discussed in the text?
a) Advancing technology rapidly
b) Preserving privacy rights
c) Expanding data collection
d) Promoting responsible online behavior
2. What is one of the key privacy concerns in the digital age according to the text?
a) Data encryption
b) Targeted advertising
c) Data storage
d) Social media usage
3. What is the main objective of language lessons in addressing ethical tech communication?
a) Promoting advanced tech knowledge
b) Encouraging data collection
c) Fostering ethical behavior
d) Ignoring data ethics
4. In the context of data ethics, what is the significance of obtaining informed consent?
a) Ensuring data is never collected
b) Understanding data ownership
c) Promoting responsible data management
d) Making informed decisions about data sharing
5. What is one ethical implication of data ethics discussed in the text?
a) Data privacy is an irrelevant concept
b) Data ownership is solely with the users
c) Ethical considerations are not important
d) Data handling should involve moral considerations
6. According to the text, what is responsible conduct in the digital realm associated with?
a) Advancing online anonymity
b) Instilling values of dishonesty
c) Promoting respectful online behavior
d) Encouraging cyberbullying
7. What is one example of responsible conduct discussed in the text?
a) Online harassment
b) Cyberbullying
c) Respectful online behavior
d) Ignoring the consequences of online actions
8. Why is it important to discuss the responsible use of emerging technologies in ethical tech
a) To encourage the harmful use of AI and automation
b) To deter any usage of AI and automation
c) To benefit society without causing harm
d) To advance the growth of harmful online behaviors
9. What is the primary objective of ethical tech communication in the text?
a) Encouraging the unrestricted use of technology
b) Minimizing the ethical considerations in tech
c) Promoting responsible and ethical tech practices
d) Discouraging the use of technology
10. According to the text, why is addressing ethical issues in IT through language lessons and
discussions important?
a) It is unnecessary and irrelevant.
b) It promotes responsible tech use and minimizes harm.
c) It hinders technological advancement.
d) It disregards privacy concerns.

VI. Please answer filling the blank test questions by choosing the proper words below:

a. ethical
b. privacy
c. data
d. responsible conduct
e. digital footprint
f. consent
g. responsible
h. harm
i. rights
j. consequences

1. Ethical tech communication is crucial for addressing ________________ concerns within the
IT industry.
2. Language lessons that focus on ________________ can help individuals make informed
decisions about their online activities.
3. Data ethics involve the moral considerations regarding the handling and use of
4. Promoting ________________ is an essential part of responsible tech communication,
emphasizing values of integrity and accountability.
5. Addressing the issue of online harassment in language lessons can help foster a sense of
responsibility for one's ________________.
6. Informed ________________ is crucial in data ethics, ensuring individuals understand how
their data will be used.
7. Responsible conduct includes recognizing the ________________ of one's online actions on
8. Ethical tech communication should emphasize using emerging technologies like artificial
intelligence and automation in ways that benefit society without causing ________________.
9. Language lessons should educate users on data ownership ________________, empowering
them to assert control over their information.
10. Ethical tech communication aims to promote ________________ and ethically sound tech
practices within the IT industry.

VII. Please find matching the terms with the definitions/explanations by choosing the proper
words below:

a. Emerging Technologies
b. Data Ethics
c. Responsible Conduct
d. Informed Consent
e. Data Ownership Rights
f. Ethical Tech Communication
g. Online Harassment
h. Data Collection
i. Data Handling
j. Privacy

1. Understanding the consequences of online actions

2. Moral considerations related to data handling
3. Obtaining informed consent for data usage
4. Promoting ethical and responsible tech practices
5. Fostering respectful online behavior
6. Ensuring data is not misused
7. Recognizing how data is collected, stored, and shared
8. Ensuring responsible use of AI and automation
9. Promoting responsible data management
10. Teaching users to assert control over their data

VIII. Dialogues:
A: Hey, have you read that article about ethical tech communication and its relevance for IT
B: Yeah, I did. It talks about some really important values we should be aware of as IT students,
A: Exactly. One key value is privacy and ethical data handling. We need to understand how vital
privacy is in the digital age and the ethical implications of handling data.
B: Yeah, that part about respecting and protecting individuals' privacy rights makes a lot of
sense. We've got to be aware of how data is collected, stored, and shared and make ethical
choices about data usage.
A: And then there's the value of responsible online behavior. It's not just about tech skills but
also about fostering a culture of integrity, honesty, and accountability in our online
B: I totally agree. We should aim for respectful online behavior and be aware of the
consequences of our actions. Cyberbullying and online harassment are harmful behaviors we
should steer clear of.
A: Lastly, the article mentions the responsible use of emerging technologies. We need to
understand the potential benefits and ethical challenges associated with technologies like AI
and automation.
B: Right, it's about using these technologies in a way that benefits society without causing harm.
We can advance the field while adhering to ethical principles.
A: So, all in all, we should keep these values in mind as IT students, right?
B: Absolutely. These values will not only make us ethical tech professionals but also ensure that
technology serves society while minimizing harm and ethical concerns.

----ooOO GOOD LUCK OOoo----

By: Dr. Mikhael Misa, S.Pd, M.Pd

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