English Homework

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English homework

Cybernetics: The study of systems, control, and communication in animals, machines, and
Feedback: Information loop that adjusts a system's behaviour based on its output.
Control theory: Managing and manipulating systems to achieve desired outcomes.
Information theory: Quantifying and transmitting data efficiently and accurately.
Automation: Process of replacing human tasks with computer or machine-based systems.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Simulating human intelligence in machines to perform tasks intelligently.
Robotics: Design, construction, and operation of robots to perform tasks autonomously or remotely.
Systems theory: Study of interconnected elements and their interactions within a system.
Neural networks: Machine learning models inspired by the human brain's interconnected neurons.
Feedback loop: A cycle where system output affects its input, creating self-regulation.
Cybersecurity: Protecting computer systems and networks from digital threats and attacks.
Biocybernetics: Applying cybernetic principles to biological systems.
Machine learning: Algorithms that enable computers to learn from data and make predictions.
Information processing: Manipulating data to extract meaningful insights.
Complexity theory: Analysing complex systems and their emergent behaviours.
Human-computer interaction (HCI): Study of how humans interact with technology.
Self-regulation: Systems' ability to adjust autonomously to maintain stability or reach goals.
Emergence: Phenomena that arise in complex systems from interactions of simpler components.
Teleology: Study of purpose or end goals in systems and their behaviour.
Adaptation: Adjusting to changes in the environment to maintain functionality or improve

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