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2022-23 Mock

MATH EP Please stick your barcode label here.




Candidate Number
Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus)
Question-Answer Book S6( )
10:45 am – 1:15 pm ( 2 1 2 hours) Name: ______________________ ( )
This paper must be answered in English
Date: 9 Jan 2023

No. of pages: 31

Total marks: 100


1. Write your Name, Class, and Class Number in the space provided
on Page 1.

2. This paper consists of Sections A and B.

3. Attempt ALL questions in this paper. Write your answers in the

spaces provided in this Question-Answer Book. Do not write in
the margins. Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

4. Graph paper and supplementary answer sheets will be supplied on

request. Write your Name, Class and Class Number on each sheet
and put them INSIDE this book.

5. Unless otherwise specified, all working must be clearly shown.

6. Unless otherwise specified, numerical answers must be exact.

7. In this paper, vectors may be represented by bold-type letters such

as u , but candidates are expected to use appropriate symbols
such as u in their working.

8. The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.


sin( A  B ) = sin A cos B  cos A sin B A+ B A− B

sin A + sin B = 2 sin cos
2 2
cos( A  B ) = cos A cos B  sin A sin B
A+ B A− B
sin A – sin B = 2 cos sin
tan A  tan B 2 2
tan( A  B ) = A+ B A− B
1  tan A tan B cos A + cos B = 2 cos cos
2 2
2 sin A cos B = sin( A + B) + sin( A – B) A+ B A− B
cos A – cos B = –2 sin sin
2 cos A cos B = cos( A + B) + cos( A – B) 2 2
2 sin A sin B = cos( A – B) – cos( A + B)

SECTION A (50 marks)

æp ö æ p ö 2 tan h æpö
1. Let f (x) = tan x . Prove that f ç + h÷ - f ç ÷ = . Hence find f' ç ÷ from first principles.
è4 ø è 4 ø 1- tan h è 4ø

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(4 marks)

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MM2S6Y22E1 2
n +1 m+1
2. Let (1 + 2 x)(1 − x)n =  ar x r and (1- 3x)(1+ x)m = å br x r , where m and n are positive
r =0 r=0

integers. If a1 + 4b1 = 0 and 2a2 + b2 = 0 , find the values of m and n .

(6 marks)

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MM2S6Y22E1 3
k −4
3. (a) If 5csc 2  − 4cot 2  = k , where k and  are real numbers, show that sec 2  = .
k −5
   
(b) Hence, solve 5csc 2  2 x −  − 4cot 2  2 x −  = 6 , where 0 x  .
 3  3
(4 marks)

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MM2S6Y22E1 4
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4. (a) Evaluate du .

ln x 1
(b) Find the area bounded by the curve y= , the straight lines x= , x=e and the x-axis .
x e
(6 marks)

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MM2S6Y22E1 6
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5. Consider the curve C : y = 10e− x , where x  0 . It is given that P is a point lying on C . The horizontal
straight line which passes through P cuts the y-axis at the point D , and the curve C cuts the y-axis at
the point E . Denote the y-coordinate of P by v .
(a) Find the area of PDE in terms of v .
(b) If P moves along C such that PD increases at a rate of units per second, find the rate
of change of the area of PDE when PD = ln 2 units.
(6 marks)

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k 2 + 2k + 3 n 2 + 6n + 13


6. (a) Using mathematical induction, prove that = 13 − for all positive

k =1
2k 2n
integers n.

k 2 + 2k + 3


(b) Someone claims that 12   13 when n  7 . Do you agree? Explain your answer.
k =1
(7 marks)

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MM2S6Y22E1 10
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7. Consider the system of linear equations in real variables x, y and z .
 x − 2 y − 3z = b

( E ) : 2 x + ay + az = 2b , where a and b are real constants.
5 x + (2a − 1) y + (3a + 1) z = 6b

(a) Assume that (E) has a unique solution.

(i) Find the range of values of a .
(ii) Express y in terms of a and b .

(b) Find the least value of 3x + 4 y 2 + 5z 2 , where x, y and z are real numbers satisfying
 x − 2 y − 3z = 0

2 x − 5 y − 5 z = 0 .
5 x − 11y − 14 z = 0

(8 marks)

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MM2S6Y22E1 12
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x2 + ax + 10
8. Consider f ( x) = for all x  −6 , where a is a constant. Denote the graph of y = f ( x)
by G . It is given that G has an extreme point at x = -10 .
(a) Find f '( x) .

(b) Find the asymptote(s) of G .

(c) Someone claims that G has no point of inflexion. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
(d) Determine whether the extreme point at x = -10 is a local maximum or minimum.
(9 marks)

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MM2S6Y22E1 14
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SECTION B (50 marks)

dy -3x
9. The slope of any point (x,y) of the curve C is given by = , where C is defined on
dx 2 12 - 3x 2
the interval [ −2, 2 ] . It is given that 6x + 2 y - 6 = 0 is a tangent to curve C at A .

(a) (i) Find the coordinates of A .

(ii) Hence, show that the equation of curve C is y= 12 - 3x 2 .
(5 marks)
(b) Denote the tangent of curve C at a fixed point S (a,b) by L , where -2 < a < 0 . Given that
L passes through (4,4) , find the equation of L .
(4 marks)

(c) Denote the curve y=2 x by G . Denote the region bounded by C , G and the x-axis by

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R . Find the volume of the solid of revolution generated by revolving R about the y-axis.
(4 marks)

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MM2S6Y22E1 16
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 cos sin  
10. Denote the 2 2 identity matrix by I . Let M =  , where 0    .
 sin  − cos 
(a) (i) Evaluate M2 .
(ii) Let  be a real number. Prove that for any positive integer n,

(  + 1) − (  − 1) (  + 1) + (  − 1)
2n 2n 2n 2n

(M + I ) = M+
2 2
(6 marks)
6 − 3 1 
(b) Let A=  .
 1 6 + 3 

(i) Express A in the form of 2( M + I ) .

(ii) Evaluate A2022

(iii) Using the result of (b)(ii), or otherwise, evaluate (A )

−1 2022

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(7 marks)

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MM2S6Y22E1 20
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cos x
11. (a) Evaluate dx .
0 3+ sin 2 x
(3 marks)
(b) Let f ( x) be a real-valued continuous function defined on the interval [ -1, 1] . Show that
p p

ò f (sin x) dx =
2 2
(i) f (cos x) dx ,
0 0

p p p
ò x f (sin x) dx +
ò x f (cos x) dx =
2 2 2
(ii) f (cos x) dx
0 0 2 0

(4 marks)

(sin x + cos x)(8 - sin 2x) sin x cos x

(c) (i) Prove that º + .
48 + sin 2x
8 - 2sin x 8 - 2cos2 x

x(sin x + cos x)(8 − sin 2 x)

(ii) Hence, evaluate dx .
48 + sin 2 2 x

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(5 marks)

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12. Let J and H be the circumcentre and orthocentre of ABC respectively. Let M be the mid-
point of BC .

(a) (i) By considering and , prove that .

(ii) It is given the fact that u v=0 if and only if u^v or at least one of u and v is a

zero vector. Using the result of (a)(i), prove that .

(5 marks)
(b) Let O be the origin, = i + 2j + k , = 3i + j + 2k , OC = 5i + j + 3k .
Given = ai + bj + ck , where H is the orthocentre of ABC .

(i) Find and in terms of a, b and c .

(ii) By using the results of (b)(i), find .
(iii) Hence, find the coordinates of the circumcentre of ABC .
(7 marks)

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End of paper
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