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FEI4306 Control System

Fourteenth Edition


Root Locus

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3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Root Locus Concept
3.3 The Root Locus Procedure
3.4 Parameter Design by the Root Locus Method

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3.1 Introduction

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3.1 Introduction
• The relative stability and the transient performance of a closed-loop
control system are directly related to the location of the closed-loop roots
of the characteristic equation in the s-plane.
• It is frequently necessary to adjust one or more system parameters in
order to obtain suitable root locations.
• Therefore, it is worthwhile to determine how the roots of the
characteristic equation of a given system migrate about the s-plane as
the parameters are varied; that is, it is useful to determine the locus of
roots in the s-plane as a parameter is varied.
• The root locus technique is a graphical method for sketching the
locus of roots in the s-plane as a parameter is varied.
• In fact, the root locus method provides the engineer with a measure of
the sensitivity of the roots of the system to a variation in the parameter
being considered
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3.1 Introduction
• The root locus method provides graphical information, and therefore an
approximate sketch can be used to obtain qualitative information
concerning the stability and performance of the system.
• Furthermore, the locus of roots of the characteristic equation of a
multiloop system may be investigated as readily as for a single-loop
• If the root locations are not satisfactory, the necessary parameter
adjustments often can be readily ascertained from the root locus [4].

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3.2 Root Locus Concept

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3.2 Root Locus Concept

Unity feedback control system. The gain K is a variable parameter

• To evaluate the dynamic performance of this system, firstly we determine its

transfer function.
• Recall that the transfer function can be represented as polynomials in s with the
roots of the numerator are called zeros. Whereas the roots of the denominator
(characteristic equation) are called poles
• Poles determines the stability of the system and thus it is important to sketch
how the poles migrate in the s-plane
• This is what we call as root locus
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3.2 Root Locus Concept
• Consider this particular characteristic equation of a system.
Focus on explanation about concept of root locus.

S^3 + 4s^2 + Ks +1 = 0

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3.2 Root Locus Concept (Example)
• Consider a closed loop system below
a) Determine the system’s transfer function if G(s) = K / s(s+a)
b) Plot the Root Locus


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3.2 Root Locus Concept (Exercise Ex5.1Z)
• Consider a closed loop system below, sketch the root locus of the
a) G(s) = K / (s+2)
b) G(s) = K / (s+2)^2


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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure
Sketching Root Locus by Hands (10 rules)

• There are some properties of root locus, such as starting point and symmetrical
properties of the locus.
• Generally root locus has the following properties and can be sketched
systematically through rules

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

• Locus is symmetrical about the real axis. Open loop poles are marked as X
• Open loop zeros are marked as O
• Given with an open loop transfer function, the open loop poles are the root of
the open loop transfer function’s denominator
• Open loop zeros are the root of the open loop transfer function’s numerator

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

• The number of numerator’s roots indicates the number of zeros,

• The number of denominator’s roots indicates the number of poles
• The plot of RL must be done on a linear graph paper and both axes must have
same scale

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure
• Number of branch is equal to the number of open loop poles (p). Each branch
will start at the open loop pole (K=0) and will end at the open loop zero (z). If
the system does not have zero, the locus will end at infinity when the value K =
• The number of locus will end at infinity B is
• B = Sum(p-z) , where p is number of open loop poles, and z is number of open
loop zeros

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

• The branch that will end at infinity (or will move towards infinity) are based on
the following asymptotes (straight lines) angles,

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

• On the real axis, the locus only exists on the segment to the left of the odd
counting number of the poles and zeros. The counting started at pole or zero
located at the extreme right of the real axis.

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

• Intersection or the centroid of the asymptotes is;

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

• The breakaway point of the locus can be determined by solving dK/ds = 0. K is

derived from the characteristic equation

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

• The locus intersection with the imaginary axis can be determined by

substituting s in the characteristic equation with jω and solve for s

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

• The locus departure angle from the complex pole is given by,

Angle of Departure = The angle at which a locus leaves a complex pole in the s-plane

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3.3 Root Locus Procedure

• All locus will depart or arrive on the real axis with the angle of 90degree

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