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Scientific rigor and the art of motorcycle

Marcus Munafò, Simon Noble, William J Browne, Dani Brunner, Katherine Button, Joaquim Ferreira,
Peter Holmans, Douglas Langbehn, Glyn Lewis, Martin Lindquist, Kate Tilling, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers &
Robi Blumenstein
The reliability of scientific research is under scrutiny. A recently convened working group proposes cultural
adjustments to incentivize better research practices.
© 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

“The real purpose of the scientific method is to make practices learned

sure Nature hasn’t misled you into thinking you know from the statisti-
something you actually don’t know.… If you get
careless or go romanticizing scientific information, cian W. Edwards
giving it a flourish here and there, Nature will soon Deming, central to
make a complete fool out of you.” which was the rig-
—Robert M. Pirsig, orous application of
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance:
An Inquiry Into Values
quality-control pro-
cedures at every step
of the manufacturing

H ow to ensure quality? In the 1970s the US

automobile industry used production
methods that relied upon cars being entirely
process. Japanese
automobile manu-
facturers were able
assembled before checking for obvious to produce cars more
defects, which resulted in many faulty cars— reliably and more
‘lemons’—rolling off the production line efficiently, leading to

and into showrooms. Cars were built to be a prolonged period

repaired later rather than to be reliable from of global dominance.

sale. Responding to this weakness, Japanese It is a fitting analogy
automobile manufacturers implemented for the current state of
biomedical research, Like auto manufacturing in the 1970s, scientific research is producing too
where the low repro- many lemons.
Marcus Munafò, William J. Browne, Katherine ducibility of key find-
Button and Kate Tilling are at the University ings is now being widely discussed1. Problems by the pharmaceutical industry and discouraged
of Bristol, Bristol, UK; Simon Noble & Robi such as publication bias2, low statistical power3, investment in drug development7. The current
Blumenstein are at CHDI Management/CHDI data fabrication4 and questionable research scientific career structure works against good
Foundation, New York, New York, USA; Dani practices5 are not new, but there is increasing scientific practice.
Brunner is at PsychoGenics, Inc., Tarrytown, concern that their scale has grown as compe- CHDI Foundation (New York, NY)—a
New York, USA and Columbia University, New tition for resources has intensified6 and, con- sizeable funder of research into Huntington’s
York, New York, USA; Joaquim Ferreira is at the sequently, incentive structures have become disease (HD) that seeks to expedite the trans-
University of Lisbon, Portugal; Peter Holmans distorted. Researchers are susceptible to sys- lation of basic research into therapeutics for
is at Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; Douglas temic influences, such as the ‘publish or perish’ HD patients—convened a working group in
Langbehn is at the University of Iowa, Iowa culture and the propensity for journals to pri- London in September 2013 to identify practical
City, Iowa, USA; Glyn Lewis is at University oritize ‘significant’ novel results, which encour- and implementable policies that could foster
College London, London, UK; Martin Lindquist age smaller, quicker, cheaper studies measuring a culture that further incentivizes best scien-
is at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA; multiple outcomes. The rewards are high— tific practice. The HD research community
and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers is at the University research funding and career advancement—but has advantages in that it is a moderately sized
of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Holland. the consequences serious; poor reproducibility pool of committed researchers who encom-
e-mail: has hindered translation of academic research pass diverse disciplines; these characteristics,



allied with the incentive of an urgent need could openly solicit replication of key pub- CHDI is now looking into ways to provide
for effective therapeutics for patients, offers lished findings, with publication guaranteed17, this statistical and methodological training—
a good testing ground for the introduction of but these efforts would require funding. CHDI such as developing online courses in conjunc-
new practices. is now considering introducing an option into tion with Coursera (
Here, we briefly summarize the recent debate its research funding agreements to pause pub- that postdoctoral researchers in funded labora-
surrounding the reliability and reproducibility lication of selected studies, solicit (and fund) tories will have to complete—to develop exper-
of biomedical research and then outline tan- replication through a mutually agreed upon tise in future research leaders. Importantly, this
gible steps that CHDI is now taking to further independent academic laboratory or contract training will be augmented by an independent
ensure the rigor of the research that it manages research organization, and then have the origi- standing committee (including some of the
and/or funds. We believe these changes will be nal and replication researchers publish jointly authors of this Commentary) comprising
instructive for other patient foundations and with appropriate recognition. This approach experts from outside the HD research field
funding organizations seeking to bolster the clearly entails substantial cultural change and (to prevent conflicts of interest) to review and
quality of work in their fields, and they may may be perceived as counter to the strongly offer advice on the suitability of the statistics
also suggest ways in which the broader scien- held notion of academic freedom, but ulti- and methods proposed in research protocols.
tific community could re-evaluate the plan- mately one hopes this would be seen as ben- This standing committee will be able to call
ning, design and registration of biomedical eficial to all interested parties, including the on external expertise as required, and perhaps
research studies before results are ultimately wider scientific community. evolve to become a more supportive, proactive
published in the literature. resource for research groups.
Beyond simple replication CHDI will also create a repository for pro-
The replication problem More prosaically, CHDI recently worked with tocols reviewed by the independent standing
Research culture can change, and specific fields collaborators and members of the HD research committee: upon study completion these will
© 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

have already adopted new practices to increase community to compile a freely available man- be made publicly available so that research
scientific rigor. In recent decades, the literature ual18 defining experimental best practices for findings can be judged against a priori
of complex genetic traits identified numerous HD mouse models to aid reproducibility (and hypotheses and planned statistical analyses.
candidate genes but few studies were replicated clinical translatability); further community Pre-registration of clinical trials protocols is
reliably, leading to years of wasted research8. input will be built into future iterations. increasingly required by journals, promot-
The development of genome-wide association ing transparent reporting and preventing
methods necessitated greater statistical strin- ‘HARKing’ (hypothesizing after results are
gency and much larger sample sizes, which
Data sharing and deposition in known)22.
transformed the field’s reliability and identified public repositories can bring Recently, Cortex and Perspectives on
many robust genetic signals9. This required Psychological Science have introduced pre-
sunlight to the scientific process,
international collaboration, data sharing across registration for human studies that commit
large consortia and widespread adoption of increasing transparency and the journal to publication based on the quality
practices, such as a clear distinction between reproducibility of the protocol, regardless of eventual outcome
discovery and replication samples, indepen- (for further details, see
dent replication and meta-analysis of studies. wiki/home/). The Declaration of Helsinki
More broadly, statistical and methodological Even so, replication alone will always be an also now recommends pre-registration of all
problems in clinical trial reporting in the 1980s inefficient, retrospective fix; unless we strive studies involving human participants, not just

and 1990s10 prompted the development of the to ensure quality throughout the research pro- clinical trials as previously23. Such practices
CONSORT guidelines11, and major funding cess, too many lemons will still be produced. A increase transparency while addressing the
bodies now typically support only clinical better appreciation of and adherence to appro- distorting effects of the current fixation on only
trials with specialist statistician input and an priate statistical plans would be a significant publishing ‘positive’ results and not null find-
independent steering committee to oversee improvement (pun intended) to help ensure ings. In that regard, in 2010 CHDI funded the
data analysis and trial conduct. This prompted adequate sample sizes and appropriate power. A establishment of PLOS Currents: Huntington
adoption of reporting guidelines in other large, well-powered study that gives conclusive Disease, a free, archived, indexed and cit-
fields—animal studies (ARRIVE)12, system- results may be a more efficient and ethical (when able, open-access online journal to encourage
atic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA)13, humans or other animals are involved) use of unconventional scientific reports, including
and observational epidemiology (STROBE)14. resources than a series of inconclusive studies19. brief observations and ‘negative’ data.
Nature and affiliated journals have also When sample size is constrained by other factors Data sharing and deposition in public
recently introduced more stringent checklists (e.g., cost, scarcity or ethical considerations) then repositories can bring sunlight to the scientific
to improve the reporting of methodological type I and type II error rates can be set at non- process, increasing transparency and reproduc-
and statistical information15, as have others12. conventional levels to optimize true discovery ibility, and CHDI is exploring ways to foster this
Greater emphasis on replicating initial rates20. In addition, most disciplines place too data sharing; for example, de-identified clini-
findings is clearly important, and essential much emphasis on P-value thresholds—‘finding cal data from the ongoing worldwide observa-
if science is to be self-correcting, but con- things’ or ‘not finding things’—and not enough tional study Enroll-HD will be made available
ducting resource-intensive direct replication on the extent to which we make comparisons to any interested researcher, and a website now
studies currently offers scant reward, includ- with varying degrees of accuracy. We should in development will make accessible (as soon as
ing few publishing opportunities. Journals think quantitatively about the confidence we curated and before publication whenever pos-
have an important role to play here; Nature have in our findings, and the precision of our sible) large data sets that CHDI funding has
Biotechnology recently published a replication effect size estimates, and explore alternative sta- helped generate (data sets currently hosted
study and discussed its importance16. Journals tistical approaches (e.g., Bayesian methods)21. at



Some journals are also revisiting adherence to the 1970s, can also be profitably applied to the 8. Ioannidis, J.P. et al. Nat. Genet. 29, 306–309 (2001).
their own policies requiring the data in pub- practice of scientific research to build a more 9. Hirschhorn, J.N. N. Engl. J. Med. 360, 1699–1701
lished studies to be made publicly available. solid foundation of knowledge and accelerate 10. Pocock, S.J., Hughes, M.D. & Lee, R.J. N. Engl. J. Med.
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11. Schulz, K.F. et al. Br. Med. J. 340, c332 (2010).
COMPETING FINANCIAL INTERESTS 12. Kilkenny, C. et al. PLoS Biol. 8, e1000412 (2010).
Science is conducted on the principle that it is 13. Welch, V. et al. PLoS Med. 9, e1001333 (2012).
The authors declare competing financial interests:
self-correcting, but the extent to which this is details are available in the online version of the paper 14. von Elm, E. et al. PLoS Med. 4, e296 (2007).
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quality control becomes integrated into the sci- 1. Johnson, G. New truths that only one can see. New York 17. Wagenmakers, E.J. & Forstmann, B.U. Cortex 51, 105–
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cess becomes one of continual improvement. 2. Greenwald, A.G. Psychol. Bull. 82, 1–20 (1975). 18. Menalled, L. et al. A Field Guide to Working with Mouse
3. Sedlmeier, P. & Gigerenzer, G. Psychol. Bull. 105, Models of Huntington’s Disease (The Jackson Laboratory,
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implies a culture of incentivizing, educating 4. Edwards, A.W. Biol. Rev. Camb. Philos. Soc. 61, 295– 19. Button, K.S. et al. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 14, 365–376
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and empowering those responsible for pro- 5. Martinson, B.C., Anderson, M.S. & de Vries, R. Nature 20. Ioannidis, J.P., Hozo, I. & Djulbegovic, B. J. Clin.
duction, rather than policing quality after the 435, 737–738 (2005). Epidemiol. 66, 903–910 (2013).
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© 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


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