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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017

Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields

Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces

1 Introduce
student text pp. 658–665
Electrons and Magnetic Fields Older computer monitors used cathode-ray tubes (CRT) that sent charged
particles to the screen. Liquid-crystal display (LCD) monitors work with changing crystal structures, not moving
charges. Use a small ceramic magnet in conjunction with a CRT monitor to demonstrate the interaction between
the electrons and the magnetic field. Repeat the demonstration with an LCD monitor to show that there is no
interaction. Follow up by asking students why CRT displays often have demagnetizing coils wound around their
envelopes. It shields the display from changing magnetic fields. Other nearby appliances could be generating
these fields. OL Visual-Spatial

Tie to Prior Knowledge

Magnetic Fields Review how a static charge produces an electrostatic field that, in turn, produces a force on a
nearby second static charge. Discuss how permanent magnets and current-carrying wires produce magnetic fields.
A moving charge produces a magnetic field that produces a force on another moving charge. Help students draw
an analogy between the static charges and the electrostatic field versus moving charges and the magnetic field.
Chapter 24 Transparency 4-MagLev Trains-Student-Editable
Chapter 24 Transparency 4-MagLev Trains-Teacher-Editable

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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017
Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces

2 Teach

Forces on Current-Carrying Wires

student text pp. 658–662
Concept Development
Right-Hand v. Left-Hand Rules The right-hand rules are appropriate for analyzing magnetism from
conventional currents (i.e., current is in the direction in which positive charge flows). Those who think about
electron current often use the left-hand rules. Demonstrate the left-hand rule for students by showing them a
"hitchhiker's" fist (left handed, of course). You know that the magnetic field produced by an electric current is
always oriented perpendicular to the direction of the current. The left-hand rules says that, if the thumb points in
the direction of the electron current, the curled fingers point in the direction of the magnetic flux lines produced
by the electron current.

Changing Directions Using Figure 14, have students consider what happens to the force when the current is in
the opposite direction, when the magnetic field is in the opposite direction, or when both are in opposite
directions. For the first two cases, the direction of force reverses. For the last case, the direction of force doesn't

Critical Thinking
Do a Thought Experiment with a Speaker Ask students what would happen if you took a sturdy loudspeaker
and plugged it directly into the wall socket. WARNING: Do this only as a thought experiment! If the speaker
is not sturdy enough, it may explode. If the speaker's coil is of sufficiently low resistance to allow an excessive
current, the current may be high enough to overheat and damage the speaker or trip the circuit breaker. OL


Use with Example Problem 1.
Problem What is the force on a 12-cm straight wire in a 1.9-T magnetic field when the current in the wire is 25
Response F = ILB = (25 A)(0.12 m)(1.9 T) = 5.7 N


Uses of Superconducting Magnets Have each student research a particular application of superconducting
magnets and write a brief (two-page) report on that application. Accept both current and future applications as
topics. Some possibilities include magnetic levitation, fusion reactors, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
MRI, particle accelerators, and high-efficiency propulsion systems. OL Linguistic Intrapersonal

Forces at the Ends of the Loop Students might be concerned about forces that they believe would be exerted on
either end of the loop in Figure 17. Assuming the ends of the loop are inside the magnetic field, the currents at
the ends are either in the same direction as the magnetic field or in the opposite direction. In both cases, there is
no force because a magnetic field does not produce a force on a current that is parallel to the magnetic field. It
only produces a force when the current is nonparallel to the magnetic field lines.

Question Why are digital meters now more popular than analog meters?
Answer There are several reasons: (1) digital meters are easier to interpret, (2) analog meters are delicate
mechanical devices with many moving parts and are thus more fragile, and (3) integrated circuit technology often
makes all-electronic solutions to problems less expensive. OL

Struggling Students Form small groups. Have each group identify several applications of magnetism. Have each

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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017
Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces

group give its list to a different group. The groups should select an item from the list that they were given and
identify the units and the equations that would be relevant for that item. Have each group share the item, units,
and equations with the class. BL Interpersonal EL

Concept Development
Magnetic Circuit Breakers Magnetic circuit breakers trip when the current in a coil is high enough to move an
iron armature, which then opens the contact points. One problem with high-energy circuit breakers is that an arc
can form when the contacts open. A magnetic field can be used to “blow out” the arc. This is sometimes called a
magnetic quench.

Using Models
IGRF Magnetic models of our planet are often used for investigative research, navigation, and surveys. One such
model is known as the international geomagnetic reference field (IGRF). IGRF users must be aware of its
limitations. Earth’s magnetic field is extremely complicated in both space and time. The IGRF model does not
account for local magnetizations. Many geological formations and rocks are partially magnetized.

Content Background
Magnetic Bearings Magnetic bearings eliminate friction and wear and allow high speeds of rotation. They work
by suspending a rotating steel shaft in a magnetic field. The shaft is attracted by the field but is not allowed to
touch the poles of the attracting electromagnet. This is accomplished by sensing shaft position and using that
information to control the amount of current in the electromagnet. As the shaft moves closer to the electromagnet,
the current is decreased to weaken the field. As the shaft moves away from the electromagnet, the current is
increased to strengthen the field. This is an example of a negative feedback system where the error between a
desired parameter value and the actual parameter value adjusts a control parameter to decrease the error.

Electrical Engineers Electrical engineers use the scientific principles of magnetism and electromagnetism to
design motors, transformers, generators, data storage units, relays, circuit breakers, and a wide variety of other
devices. They often work in conjunction with physicists and mechanical engineers. They sometimes use
computers to model magnetic circuits and devices.

Forces on Single Charged Particles

student text pp. 662–665
Use with Example Problem 2.
Problem An engineer is designing a deflection system for an electron-beam device and needs a force of 2.8×10 14
N on each electron in the beam, which travels at 1.7×106 m/s. Determine the required field strength.

Magnetic Flicker Light Obtain a magnetic flicker light, and ask how it works. A magnetic flicker light has a
moveable filament and a permanent magnet. When there is current through the filament, a field is produced that
interacts with the field of the permanent magnet, resulting in a force on the filament. OL Visual-Spatial EL

Northern Lights The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, are produced when charged particles hit

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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017
Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces

air particles in Earth’s atmosphere. The charged particles come from the Sun. Earth’s magnetic field funnels these
charged particles toward Earth’s magnetic poles. At the poles, these charged particles collide with air particles,
exciting the atoms of those air particles. The air particles emit light when their atoms return to a nonexcited state.
This light is visible and is called the northern lights.
Virtual Investigation - Charge in a Magnetic Field
Virtual Investigation - Charge in a Magnetic Field Teacher Guide
Animation: First and Second Right-Hand Rules
Personal Tutor: Force on a Charged Particle
Animation: Electric Motors
Classroom Presentation Toolkit - Applying Magnetic Forces
Science Notebook - Applying Magnetic Forces
Science Notebook - Applying Magnetic Forces - Teacher
WebQuest-Compare Electric and Magnetic Field Models-Student-Editable
WebQuest-Compare Electric and Magnetic Field Models-Teacher-Editable

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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017
Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces

Quick DEMO

Brute Force on Wire

Estimated Time 10 minutes
Materials permanent magnet, lightweight wire, 6-V battery
Procedure Lay the magnet on a table and position the middle portion of the wire approximately 1 cm from one of
the poles of the magnet. Connect the ends of the wire to the battery terminals. The wire should move. If not, the
magnetic field may be parallel to the wire, so change the orientation of the magnet with respect to the wire. Now,
without changing the orientation of the wire in the vicinity of the magnet, reverse the wire ends on the battery
terminals to show that the force between the magnet and wire reverses.

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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017
Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces

Quick DEMO

Estimated Time 10 minutes
Materials 1.5-V alkaline D-cell battery, wire, loudspeaker
Procedure Demonstrate how the speaker converts electrical energy to sound energy. Stick a piece of
ferromagnetic material on the back side of the speaker first, to show that the speaker has a magnet. With the wires
connected to the speaker contacts, brush one wire along one of the battery contacts to produce a crackling sound.
Then have students observe the direction of cone movement when there is a steady current. Reverse the battery
polarity and have students notice that the cone moves in the opposite direction. Discuss with the students how the
current in the magnetic field produces a force on the speaker.

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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017
Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces

3 Assess
student text pp. 658–665
Assess the MAINIDEA
Have the students consider two wires. Assume the current in each wire flows in opposing directions. Have the
students determine the direction of the magnetic field in the vicinity of the right-hand wire that is created by the
current in the left-hand wire, and vice versa. If there is a current up the page in the left-hand wire, it will produce
a magnetic field into the page at the right-hand wire. The right-hand wire will have a current down the page and
produce a magnetic field into the page at the left-hand wire. Ask the students to determine the direction of the
force exerted between the two wires. If the current in the wires is in the opposite direction, the force between the
wires will be repulsive.

Check for Understanding

The Three Right-Hand Rules Verify that students understand the three right-hand rules. Draw various wire, coil,
and field examples on the board. Ask them to predict the fields, poles, and force directions depending on the
conditions that you provide. OL

Centripetal Acceleration When the initial velocity of a charged particle is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic
field and no other forces are involved, the charged particle will move in uniform circular motion. Thus, the force
of the magnetic field on the charged particle is a centripetal force. Ask students to determine the centripetal
acceleration. The centripetal acceleration is determined by F = ma. Thus, qvB = ma, or a = qvB/m. OL
Section Self-Check-English-Applying Magnetic Forces
Section Quiz-Applying Magnetic Forces-Teacher-Editable
Section Quiz-Applying Magnetic Forces-Student-Editable

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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017
Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces


Caption Check Figure 14 You can use a right-hand rule to determine the direction of force when the current ( I)
and the magnetic field (B) are known.
Predict what would happen to the force if the current changed direction.
The force would reverse direction, so it would push down instead of up.

1. Explain the method you could use to determine the direction of force on a currentcarrying wire at right angles to a
magnetic field. Identify what must be known to use this method.

You would use the right-hand rule for magnetic force on a wire. When you point the fingers of your right hand in
the direction of the magnetic field and your thumb in the direction of the wire’s conventional (positive) current,
the palm of your hand will face in the direction of the force acting on the wire. To use this method, you would
need to know the direction of the current and the direction of the field.

2. A wire that is 0.50 m long and carrying a current of 8.0 A is at right angles to a 0.40-T magnetic field. How strong
is the force that acts on the wire?

1.6 N

3. A wire that is 75 cm long and carrying a current of 6.0 A is at right angles to a uniform magnetic field. The
magnitude of the force acting on the wire is 0.60 N. What is the strength of the magnetic field?

0.13 T

4. A 40.0-cm-long copper wire carries a current of 6.0 A and weighs 0.35 N. A certain magnetic field is strong
enough to balance the force of gravity on the wire. What is the strength of the magnetic field?

0.15 T

5. How much current would be required to produce a force of 0.38 N on a 10.0-cm length of wire at right angles to a
0.49-T field?

7.8 A

6. CHALLENGE You are making your own loudspeaker. You make a 1-cm-diameter coil with 20 loops of thin
wire. You use hot glue to fasten the coil to an aluminum pie plate. The ends of the wire are connected to a plug
that goes into the earphone jack on an MP3 music player. You have a bar magnet to produce a magnetic field.
How would you orient the magnetic field to make the plate vibrate and produce sound?

One pole should be held as close to the coil as possible so that the field lines are perpendicular to both the wires
and the direction of motion of the plate.

Compare How would you use a resistor to convert a galvanometer first to an ammeter and
then to a voltmeter?
For an ammeter, connect the resistance in parallel to the galvanometer. For a voltmeter, connect the resistor in
series with the galvanometer.

1. In what direction is the force on an electron if that electron is moving east through a magnetic field that points

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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017
Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces


2. What are the magnitude and direction of the force acting on

the proton shown in Figure 20?

3.2×1012 N, up

3. A stream of doubly ionized particles (missing two electrons

and thus carrying a net positive charge of two elementary
charges) moves at a velocity of 3.0×104 m/s perpendicular to a
magnetic field of 9.0×102 T. How large is the force acting on
each ion?

8.6×1016 N

4. Triply ionized particles in a beam carry a net positive charge of three elementary charge units. The beam enters a
magnetic field of 4.0×102 T. The particles have a speed of 9.0×106 m/s and move at right angles to the field. How
large is the force acting on each particle?

1.7×1013 N

5. A singly ionized particle experiences a force of 4.1×1013 N when it travels at a right angle through a 0.61-T
magnetic field. What is the particle’s velocity?

4.2×106 m/s

6. CHALLENGE Doubly ionized helium atoms (alpha particles) are traveling at right angles to a magnetic field at a
speed of 4.0×104 m/s. The force on each particle is 6.4×1016 N. What is the magnetic field strength?

0.05 T

Applying Magnetic Forces

1. MAINIDEA Explain how electric motors use magnets to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy.

An armature in a magnetic field rotates 360° as a split-ring commutator changes the direction of current,
producing mechanical energy.

2. Magnetic Forces Imagine that a current-carrying wire is perpendicular to Earth’s magnetic field and runs
east-west. If the current is east, in which direction is the force on the wire?

up away from the surface of Earth

3. Synchrotrons In a synchrotron, magnetic fields bend particle beams into segments of a circle, and electric fields
accelerate the beams.
1. A beam of protons circulates in a clockwise direction. In what direction must the magnetic field be oriented? In
what direction must the electric fields be oriented?
2. If a beam of negatively charged antiprotons is to circulate in a counterclockwise direction, must the direction of
the magnetic field be changed? Must the direction of the electric fields be changed?

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Physics: Principles and Problems © 2017
Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
2. Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces

a. The magnetic field must be up, at a right angle to the protons’ velocity. The electric fields should be in the
direction of the velocity—clockwise.
b. Neither field needs to be changed.

4. Galvanometers Compare the diagram of a galvanometer in the left part of Figure 17 with the electric motor in
Figure 19. How is the galvanometer similar to an electric motor? How is it different?

Both the galvanometer and the electric motor use a loop of wire positioned between the poles of a permanent
magnet. When a current passes through the loop, the magnetic field of the permanent magnet exerts a force on the
loop. The loop in a galvanometer cannot rotate more than 180°. The loop in an electric motor rotates through
many 360° turns. The motor’s split-ring commutator allows the current in the loop to reverse as the loop becomes
vertical in the magnetic field, enabling the loop to spin in the magnetic field. The galvanometer measures
unknown currents; the electric motor has many uses.

5. Motors When the plane of an armature in a motor is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the forces do not exert a
torque on the coil. Does this mean that the coil does not rotate? Explain.

Not necessarily; if the coil is already in rotation, then rotational inertia will carry it past the point of zero torque. It
is the coil’s acceleration that is zero, not the velocity.

6. Resistance A galvanometer requires 180 A for full-scale deflection. When it is used as a voltmeter, what total
resistance of the meter and the multiplier resistor is needed for a 5.0-V full-scale deflection?

28 K

7. Critical Thinking Two current-carrying wires move toward each other when they are placed parallel to each
other. Compare the directions of the two currents. Explain your reasoning.

Because the force is attractive, the currents are in the same direction. That is, an up current in the first wire creates
a magnetic field that intersects the second wire. If the current in the second wire is in the same direction, the force
on it will pull the wires together.

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Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields
Section 2: Applying Magnetic Forces

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