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Foundation of Education 1

Sociological, Psychological, Anthropological Foundation of Education

“Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages at different times.”
– Anonymous

I believe that students have

different modes and strengths in
learning, and sometimes formal
education doesn’t work for many
students. But every student has a
talent and a skill that needs time to

After seeing the remarks of a

teacher on a student’s card, I,
therefore, concluded that it was
unethical as a future educator,
painful as a parent, and degrading
as a student about receiving such.
We all know that teachers play a
critical role in shaping students’
academic careers, as they are
responsible for not only educating their students but also developing students’
motivation to learn. Likewise, we always remember that teachers are the second
parents of the students because they take care of them, teach them with heart, and
encourage and help them to aspire. Teachers should not instill at their young age the
bad words written on their cards. When writing report card comments, it is important
that they emphasize the learner’s existing strengths and look for ways to make him or
her improve in areas of weakness, not in a sense like putting negativity towards students
who are struggling. Negative comments might use sometimes for students to change
their behaviors but make sure that the words are properly used.

I believed that this remarking happens only during elementary days if I am

not mistaken because I had been remarked on as well by my teacher way back then.
In incorporating my initial learning from our class to this area, according to Erik
Erikson in his Psychosocial Development stage 4, which is Industry vs. Inferiority,
the conflict faced was; that if we are encouraged to improve our abilities and if our
accomplishments are commended, we are likely to develop a sense of confidence.

As you can see in the first grading comment, it is acceptable but the proceeding
remarks are considered unprofessional. Teachers’ remarks use inappropriate words that
lower students’ confidence and self-esteem. The student who received negative
comments from his/her teacher is more likely will develop doubt in his/her abilities. In
this example, a student may feel inferior or incompetent‌because of the wordings used.

It is said that negative feedback also affects students’ behaviors indirectly by

decreasing students’ self-concepts and feelings of self-worth. More specifically,
teachers’ consistent use of negative feedback makes students doubt their teachers’
concern for them, feel unworthy of praise, have a lower sense of intrinsic
motivation, and require a reward to do a task. Thus, teachers’ consistent use of
negative feedback can have long-term effects on students’ behavior by causing
students to develop negative self-perceptions. Having negative self-perception is
especially concerning because it has been documented that self-perceptions have
more influence on students’ success in the classroom than their actual skills.
negative-feedback-implications-for-student-behavior/ )

As educators, we should lead by example and be good role models in the

classroom because what we do and say reflects on our personality and credibility. The
teacher should give feedback that builds encouragement, motivation, and inspiration to
do better in the second up to fourth grading period. Teachers must offer support and a
sense of accomplishment because they can feel that they are competent and productive.
Teachers should be touching the lives of their students and not depriving them.

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