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Story 1: "Like Father, Like Son"

John, an adopted child, grew up yearning to be an adult and start his own family. He was excited
when he and his fiancee, Lisa, found out that she was going to be pregnant. This baby would belong
to a family, a loving one that they'd create together.

As the bride and bridegroom prepared for their wedding, they contemplated a common-law
marriage. They had come from different backgrounds. John had grown up in an orphanage, while Lisa
had spent her childhood in a single-parent family. But their shared dream of building a strong family
tree bonded them.

Their wedding day finally arrived, and they decided to get married in a registry office. John wanted to
be the head of the family, just like his father figure in the foster home where he had spent some of
his childhood. Lisa admired his dedication as the breadwinner of the family and supported his dream
to provide for their family.

After their simple registry office wedding, the newly-married couple embarked on their honeymoon.
It was an opportunity to leave behind the quarrels and arguments that sometimes arose in their
marriage. Like every couple, they faced challenges, but they never let it affect their strong bond.

Story 2: "A Striking Resemblance"

Mark, an adult, often reminisced about his childhood home. His parents had divorced when he was a
teenager, creating a broken family. But despite the generation gap between them, Mark had always
taken after his father. He was determined not to resemble his father in the wrong ways, especially
when it came to child abuse.

Mark decided to take in a foster child, Emily, who had been a neglected child, giving her the love and
care she deserved. Together, they built a loving family, unlike the spoilt child he had been growing

Years passed, and Emily got engaged to her fiance, James. As they planned their wedding, they opted
for a common-law marriage, much like Mark and his wife, Amy. Emily admired her foster father's
values and felt a striking resemblance to him in how she wanted to start a family.

Mark had retired and now received a retirement pension, but he was far from being idle. He was the
head of their family, the glue that held them together, and a guiding light for Emily, just as his father
had been for him.
In the end, Mark proved that even from a broken family, a loving family could be created, and his
influence would be felt for generations to come.

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