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1. Compare and contrast modern science and philosophy of science.

The similarity between modern science and the philosophy of science is that they both seek answers to a
question, in modern science the concern is within the area of science while the concern of the philosophy of
science is outside the area of science. Modern science differs from the philosophy of science in the aspect
that it performs research or research methods to test an observation. Mathematics is also related to
research inquiry. While the philosophy of science justifies the scientific method, it searches for the reason
why the scientific method works. Because the philosophy of science questions the assumption of science,
therefore it is directed at truth.
2. What is scientific method?
Scientific method is also called as scientific inquiry. It is a process of solving problems systematically.
Enumerate the steps in the scientific method.
1. Developing a question/problem.
2. Make observation/find a research topic you are interested in
3. Make a hypothesis.
4. Make an experiment to test the hypothesis.
5. Analyze the results.
6. Make a conclusion whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected and make a recommendation for future
study and possible improvement.
7. Present your research to the audience.
3. What are the limitations of science?
1. Science is concern with observable objects.
2. The observation of science can be unreliable.
3. Science can be bias.
4. Science cannot make value judgements.
5. Science cannot provide universal statements.
6. Science cannot provide final answer.
4. What do you think is the role of science and technology in our society today?
The development of technology and incorporation of science and technology made today’s society. Science and
technology helped with the innovation of almost everything. The people today live comfortably thanks to all the
inventions, discovery, knowledge and other that science and technology contribute.

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