G11 DC Term 1 Revision Exercises, Vocab and Activities - Solution

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Solution to Exercise Questions- ICT Level 11-Unit 1

Choose the correct option:
1. Which semiconductor material is most commonly used in transistors?
a. Silicon✔
b. Germanium
c. Gallium arsenide
d. Indium phosphide
2. What type of logic gate outputs true (1) when both inputs are true?
a. AND gate✔
b. OR gate
c. NOT gate
d. NAND gate
3. Which of the following is NOT a role of an operating system?
a. Process management
b. Memory management
c. Application development✔
d. Security management
4. What type of network topology is characterized by a central node, with all other nodes connected to it?
a. Star✔
b. Ring
c. Mesh
d. Bus
5. Which of these factors can affect a network's latency?
a. Distance from the router
b. Bandwidth
c. Network topology
d. All of the above ✔
6. Which logic gate outputs true (1) only when all inputs are false (0)?
a. NOR gate ✔
b. XOR gate
c. XNOR gate
d. NAND gate
7. Which type of memory management scheme involves dividing memory into fixed-size blocks?
a. Paging ✔
b. Segmentation
c. Contiguous allocation
d. Dynamic allocation
8. What is the primary purpose of virtual memory in an operating system?
a. To provide long-term storage
b. To store frequently used instructions and data
c. To give the illusion of a larger amount of RAM✔
d. To manage input and output devices

pg. 1
9. What is the primary difference between a half-adder and a full-adder circuit?
a. The number of input bits
b. The types of logic gates used
c. The ability to handle carry input✔
d. The speed of operation
10. Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects network functionality?
a. Distance from the router
b. Type of connection
c. Color of the cables✔
d. Bandwidth
11. What is the primary function of the BIOS in a computer system?
a. Manage computer hardware
b. Perform calculations
c. Store data
d. Initialize the system during startup✔
12. Which of the following is not a type of operating system?
a. Windows
b. Mac OS
c. Linux
d. Microsoft Office ✔
13. Which of the following is a measure of network bandwidth?
a. Mbps
b. GHz✔
d. GB
14. What is the purpose of a task manager in an operating system?
a. To manage the running of applications on the computer✔
b. To manage the resources of the computer ✔
c. To manage the storage of data on the computer
d. To manage the power supply to the computer
15. Which of the following network topologies would be most suitable for a large organization with multiple
a. Bus
b. Ring
C. Star✔
d. Mesh
Note: Among all the topologies, hybrid is the most suitable for large organizations. But among the above
options, the star is the suitable topology.
16. Which of the following factors would have the greatest impact on the performance of a computer system
running multiple applications simultaneously?
a. The amount of RAM✔
b. The clock speed of the processor
c. The type of storage device
d. The size of the monitor

pg. 2
17. Consider the following two-input, one-output logic circuits:
Circuit 1: Y = (A AND B) OR (A AND C)
Circuit 2: Y = A AND (B OR C)
Which of the following statements is true about the outputs of these circuits?
a. The output of Circuit 1 is always equal to the output of Circuit 2 ✔
b. The output of Circuit 1 is always the inverse of the output of Circuit 2
c. The output of Circuit 1 is equal to the output of Circuit 2 only when A is true d. The output of Circuit 1 is
equal to the output of Circuit 2 only when A is false

Answer the following questions:

1. Explain the principles of operation and applications of the following types of logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, and
NAND. Provide a truth table for each gate type.
Logic gates are fundamental building blocks of digital circuits and are used to process binary information. Following
are the principles of operation and applications of types of logic gates.
a. AND gate
• Principle of Operation: The AND gate outputs a high (logic 1) signal only if all of its inputs are high;
otherwise, it outputs a low (logic 0) signal.
• Application: The AND gate is used for logical conjunction, where the output depends on the combination of
multiple inputs being true.
• Truth Table:

pg. 3
b. OR gate
• Principle of Operation: The OR gate outputs a high signal if any of its inputs are high; it outputs a low signal
only if all inputs are low.
• Application: The OR gate is used for logical disjunction, where the output is true if at least one of the inputs
is true.
• Truth Table:

c. NOT gate
• Principle of Operation: The NOT gate, also called an inverter, produces the logical complement of its input.
It outputs a high signal if the input is low, and vice versa.
• Application: The NOT gate is used for logical negation, where it reverses the input signal.
• Truth Table:

d. XOR gate
• Principle of Operation: The XOR (exclusive OR) gate outputs a high signal if the number of high inputs is
odd; otherwise, it outputs a low signal.
• Application: The XOR gate is used for bitwise comparison or checking for inequality between two inputs.
• Truth Table:

e. NAND gate
• Principle of Operation: The NAND (NOT AND) gate behaves like an AND gate followed by a NOT gate. It
outputs a low signal only if all inputs are high; otherwise, it outputs a high signal.
• Application: The NAND gate is used for logical conjunction with an inverted output.
• Truth Table:

pg. 4
2. Describe the differences between a half-adder and a full-adder circuit. Explain their primary functions and
provide a schematic diagram for each.
Following is the difference between a half-adder and a full-adder circuit with their primary functions.
Function Half-Adder Full-Adder
Primary function Adds two single-bit binary numbers Adds three single-bit binary numbers
Inputs Two input bits (A and B) Three input bits (A, B, and Cin)
Outputs Sum (S) and Carry (C) Sum (S) and Carry-out (Cout)
-The XOR gate gets the sum of the inputs (A -The first half adder adds the two
and B). operands, while
-The AND gate generates the carry output. -The second half adder adds the carry-in bit
(Cin) to the result of the first half adder.
-The OR gate combines the carry-out (Cout)
bits from the two half-adders to produce
the final carry-out bit.
Handling of carry Does not consider carry from the previous Considers carry from the previous stage
stage (Cin)
Carry generation Does not generate carry output (Cout) Generates carry output (Cout) based on
Use case Used in simple arithmetic operations Used in multi-bit addition and cascading

pg. 5
3. Discuss the role of an operating system in managing processes, memory, input/output devices, and networking.
Provide examples for each role.
The operating system plays a crucial role in managing various aspects of a computer system, including processes,
memory, input/output devices, and networking.
1. Process management: The operating system is responsible for managing processes and allocates system
resources, such as CPU time, memory, and input/output devices, to different processes. It schedules and
prioritizes processes, creates and terminates them, and enables communication between them. For example, If
you open multiple applications simultaneously, the operating system performs process scheduling to give each
application a fair share of CPU time.
2. Memory management: Memory management involves allocating and deallocating memory resources to
processes. The operating system ensures that each process gets the required memory to run and optimizes
memory utilization. For example, When multiple processes are running concurrently on your system, the
operating system uses techniques like virtual memory to efficiently manage memory resources.
3. Input/Output device management: The operating system facilitates communication between processes and
input/output devices like keyboards, mouse and printers. For example, When you print a document, the
operating system coordinates the communication between the printing application and the printer. It manages
the print queue and ensures data transfer between the application and the printer.
4. Network management: Operating systems provide networking capabilities to enable communication
between different computers and devices in a network. They handle protocols and data transmission over
various networks. For example, when you browse the internet, the operating system manages the network
connection. It handles IP address allocation, routing, and establishing connections with web servers. It also
manages network security measures, such as firewalls and encryption protocols.

4. Explain the main factors that affect network functionality, including distance from the router, bandwidth,
latency, network topology, and type of connection. Discuss how each factor can impact the overall performance of a
There are several factors that can significantly impact the functionality and performance of a network.
1. Distance from the router: The distance between a device and the router can affect signal strength and
quality. As the distance increases, the signal can weaken, leading to lower data transfer rates and increased
chances of signal interference.
2. Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the maximum data transfer rate that a network can support. It determines
how much data can be transmitted over the network within a given time frame. Higher bandwidth allows for
faster data transfer and smoother network performance. Insufficient bandwidth can lead to slow data transfer,
buffering during media streaming, and delays in accessing online resources.
3. Latency: Latency is the time delay between sending a data packet from its source and receiving it at its
destination. It is typically measured in milliseconds. Low latency indicates a quick response time, while high
latency causes delays in data transmission, slow website loading times, lag in online gaming, delayed video
conferencing, and reduced real-time responsiveness.
4. Network topology: Network topology refers to the physical or logical arrangement of devices in a network. It
affects how data flows between devices and the efficiency of data transmission. Poor network topology can
cause congestion and data collisions. It can result in slower data transfer speeds, reduced network capacity,
and potential network failures.
5. Type of connection: Different types of network connections, such as wired or wireless, have distinct
performance capabilities. Wired connections generally offer faster, more consistent and more reliable data
transfer compared to wireless connections. On the other hand, wireless connections can be affected by signal
interference from other devices, physical obstructions, or distance from the router.
pg. 6
5. Describe the main components of a computer processor, including its role in processing instructions and how its
architecture can impact its performance.
The main components of a computer processor, also known as the central processing unit (CPU), include:
1. Control Unit (CU): The control unit manages and coordinates the activities of the CPU. It fetches instructions
from memory, decodes them, and controls the data flow between different processor components.
2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): The ALU performs arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division) and logical operations (comparisons, Boolean logic) on data. It is responsible for executing arithmetic
and logical instructions.
3. Registers: Registers are small, high-speed storage units within the CPU. They hold data, instructions, and
intermediate results during processing. Common types of registers include the program counter (PC),
instruction register (IR), and general-purpose registers.
4. Cache: Cache memory is a small, fast memory located closer to the processor. It stores frequently accessed
data and instructions to reduce memory access latency and improve overall system performance.
5. Bus Interface Unit (BIU): The bus interface unit manages the flow of data between the processor, memory,
and input/output devices. It handles data transfers over the system bus, ensuring efficient communication.
The CPU's role in processing instructions involves the following steps:
1. The control unit fetches instructions from memory, typically from the instruction pointer specified by the
program counter (PC).
2. The control unit decodes the fetched instruction, determining the operation to be
performed and identifying the operands.
3. The ALU executes the operation specified by the instruction, performing arithmetic or logical calculations.
4. The result of the execution is stored in registers or memory, depending on the instruction.
The architecture of a processor can greatly impact its performance. Following are the key points:
1. Clock speed: The clock speed determines the number of instructions a processor can execute per second. A
higher clock speed generally results in faster processing.
2. Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): The ISA defines the set of instructions that the processor can execute. A
well-designed ISA with a rich instruction set can lead to more efficient and versatile execution of programs.
3. Pipelining: Pipelining allows the processor to divide the execution of instructions into stages, with each stage
handling a specific operation. This overlapping of instructions can increase throughput and overall
4. Cache size and hierarchy: The size and organization of cache memory can impact how frequently data is
retrieved from the main memory. Larger cache sizes and efficient cache hierarchies can reduce memory access
times and improve performance.
5. Parallelism: Processors can incorporate various forms of parallelism, such as multiple cores or simultaneous
multithreading (SMT), to execute multiple instructions concurrently. Parallelism can enhance performance by
enabling more efficient utilization of resources.
6. Discuss the different types of operating systems, including desktop, server, mobile, and real-time operating
systems. Provide examples and explain their primary use cases.
Type of OS Primary use Case Example
Desktop Operating These operating systems are designed for personal Windows, macOS,
Systems computers and workstations. They provide a graphical Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora)
user interface (GUI) and support a wide range of
applications for general-purpose computing. These tasks
are web browsing, document editing, multimedia
applications, and gaming.
pg. 7
Server Operating Server operating systems are designed to run servers that Windows Server, Linux
Systems provide services to other computers over a network. They (Ubuntu Server,
prioritize stability, security, and efficient resource CentOS)
management to handle web hosting, database
management, and file-sharing tasks.
Mobile Operating Mobile operating systems are built for smartphones, Android (Developed by
Systems tablets, and other mobile devices. They offer touch-based Google),
interfaces, mobile app ecosystems, and features optimized iOS(Developed by
for mobility, such as cellular connectivity, mobile Apple, exclusively for
applications, location-based services, and power iPhones and iPads)
Real-Time RTOS is designed for systems that require precise and QNX: Used in
Operating Systems predictable timing and fast response to events. They are automotive systems,
(RTOS) used in robotics, industrial automation, medical devices, medical devices, and
and aerospace applications. RTOS ensures the timely industrial control
execution of critical tasks with minimal latency. systems.
FreeRTOS: An open-
source RTOS with
various embedded
Embedded They are used in devices like embedded systems in cars, Embedded Linux,
Operating Systems IoT devices, digital cameras, and home appliances. These Windows Embedded
operating systems provide optimized footprint, real-time Compact
capabilities, and hardware-specific support.

7. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of a mobile OS, such as Android or iOS, over a desktop
OS, such as Windows, macOS, or Linux.
Advantages of Mobile OS (e.g., Android, iOS) over Desktop OS (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux) are as follows:
● Portability: Mobile OS offers the advantage of portability, allowing users to carry their devices anywhere. This
mobility enables constant connectivity and access to information which may not be as convenient with desktop
● Touch-based Interface: Mobile OS typically utilizes touch-based interfaces, which provide intuitive and
interactive user experiences. This enables easy navigation, gestures, and multi-touch capabilities, making it
user-friendly, especially for activities like browsing, gaming, and media consumption.
● Updates and security: Mobile OS platforms typically receive regular updates and security patches, often directly
from the OS provider. This helps in improving functionality, fixing bugs, enhancing security, ensuring a more
stable and secure environment for users.
● Hardware integration: Mobile OS is tightly integrated with the hardware it runs on, which allows for optimized
performance, power efficiency, and better utilization of device-specific features such as GPS, camera,
accelerometer, etc. This integration ensures a seamless user experience.
Disadvantages of Mobile OS over Desktop OS:
● Limited processing power: Mobile devices generally have less processing power compared to desktop
computers. This limitation can impact the performance and capability of resource-intensive tasks such as video
editing, gaming, or running complex software.
● Limited peripheral support: Desktop OS typically offers broader peripheral support compared to mobile OS.
Mobile devices may have limited compatibility with certain hardware peripherals like printers, external storage
devices, or specialized input devices.

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● Multitasking: Desktop OS provides more robust multitasking capabilities, allowing users to have multiple
applications open simultaneously and manage them in resizable windows. Mobile OS, on the other hand, often
relies on task switching or split-screen modes, which may not be as flexible or efficient for multitasking.
● Screen size: The smaller screen size of mobile devices can be a hindrance when it comes to productivity tasks
like content creation, programming, or multitasking. The reduced screen real estate may limit the amount of
information visible at once, leading to a less efficient workflow.
● Software compatibility: Desktop OS has a vast library of software applications that are specifically designed for
desktop use, including complex software suites and professional tools. Mobile OS lack these software options,
limiting the range of tasks that can be performed on mobile devices.
The comparison between mobile OS and desktop OS can vary based on individual needs, preferences, and the specific
use cases involved. Both types of operating systems serve different purposes and cater to different user experiences.

pg. 9
• Donor impurity has extra electrons (negatively charged particles) and is added to the semiconductor material to make
the n-type semiconductor. This makes the n-type semiconductor better at conducting electricity as there are more
electrons available to carry the electric current.
• Acceptor impurity has less electrons and is added to the semiconductor material to make a p-type semiconductor. The
p-type semiconductor has holes (representing the absence of electrons), which move through the material as
neighboring electrons fill them.
• Transistor is an electronic component that can function as a switch to boost weak electrical signals. It is made by
combining p-type and n-type semiconductor materials. Transistors can control how electricity flows in a circuit based
on certain conditions. It can be used to build logic gates and processors.

pg. 10
• logic gates electronic circuits perform logical operations on binary data. take one or more inputs and produce an
output based on the logical operation. Computers use these logic circuits to perform calculations, store data, and
execute instructions.
• truth table represents the output of a logic gate for all possible input combinations.
• Adders are digital circuits designed to perform the addition of two binary numbers.
• half adder The simplest adder, which adds two single-bit numbers without considering any carry inputs
o The XOR gate gets the sum of the inputs (A and B).
o The AND gate generates the carry output.
• full adder is an extension of the half adder that takes three inputs to produce a sum output and a carry-out output.
o The first half adder adds the two operands, while
o the second half adder adds the carry-in bit (Cin) to the result of the first half adder.
o The OR gate combines the carry-out (Cout) bits from the two half-adders to produce the final carry-out bit.
• half subtractor is a combinational digital circuit that can subtract two binary inputs (A and B) and produce a difference
(D) and a borrow (B0) output.
o The XOR gate gets the difference of the inputs (A and B).
o The NOT gate inverts one of the inputs(B) and
o the AND gate generates the borrow output.
• full subtractor is similar to a half subtractor, but it includes an additional input for the borrow bit from the previous

• Processors are also known as Central Processing Units (CPUs), the brain of a computer. They can do calculations,
execute instructions, manage data flow, and control the input and output devices. Examples of processors: Intel 8085
and Apple M2
1. ALU is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations on data. It can add, subtract, multiply, divide,
perform logical operations and do a lot of other tasks.
2. Control unit orchestrates the data movement within the processor. It oversees the ALU's operations, retrieves
instructions from memory, and guarantees their accurate execution. Also, It facilitates communication between
the processor and other elements, including memory and input/output devices.

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3. Registers are small, fast storage locations within the processor. They temporarily hold data and instructions that
are being processed. They store operands for the ALU, hold intermediate results, and provide storage for the
results of operations.
4. Clock serves as an electronic oscillator that assists in coordinating and regulating the timing of different actions
executed by the processor. It creates a steady sequence of pulses or ticks at fixed intervals, functioning as a cue
for the processor to carry out tasks. Its pace is quantified in hertz (Hz), denoting the frequency of pulses in each
5. Bus in a processor refers to a set of parallel electrical connections (wires or conductive traces) that transmit data,
instructions, or power between different components of the computer system, including the processor, memory,
and input/output devices.

• Motherboard or the main board brings it all together. It acts as a central platform that connects all the essential parts
of the computer, enabling them to communicate and function together effectively. The motherboard manages the
flow of data between various parts of the computer, including the processor, memory, storage devices, and
input/output devices.
1. Power connectors: On the motherboard, there are power connectors that take power from the Power Supply Unit
(PSU) and distribute it to the processor, memory, and other components, ensuring that they all have the right
amount of power to work correctly.
2. Processor socket: The motherboard comes with a designated socket designed to hold the processor. This socket
guarantees proper electrical and physical connections between the processor and the motherboard, supplying
power and enabling communication with other components via the motherboard's wiring.
3. Memory slots: The motherboard is equipped with slots for adding RAM (Random Access Memory) modules. RAM
temporarily stores data while the processor performs tasks. These memory slots are linked to the processor
through the memory bus, enabling the processor to read from and write on RAM.
4. Expansion slots: These are slots on the motherboard for adding expansion cards such as graphics cards, sound
cards, or network cards, allowing users to customize their computer's capabilities.
5. Storage connectors: Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) is a connector for various devices, including hard
drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), and optical drives, enabling the processor to access and manage the data stored
on these devices.
6. Input/output (I/O) ports: Various I/O ports are available on the motherboard, like the USB, HDMI, audio jacks, and
ethernet ports. These ports enable connections for external devices such as keyboards, mice, monitors, speakers,
and network cables, allowing the processor to send and receive data from these devices.
7. BIOS firmware: A small amount of non-volatile memory on the motherboard stores the BIOS (Basic Input/Output
System) firmware. This firmware is responsible for initializing and configuring the hardware components during
the startup process, which allows the processor to communicate with the rest of the computer before the
operating system is loaded.

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• Operating system (OS) is a software program that manages and Role of an OS
controls the hardware resources of a computer system and provides
a platform for other software programs to run on. Booting process Access Control
• Desktop OS
• Mobile OS
• Embedded operating systems are specialized systems Network Process
designed to run on embedded devices, which are connectivity management
integrated into other devices or products such as home
appliances, smart TVs, wearable devices, health implants,
Memory Data Storage and
industrial equipment, and automotive systems. management retrieval
1. Booting or Bootstrap process. a sequence of steps that are
necessary to load the operating system and other essential system software components into the computer’s
memory so that it is ready to use when a computer or a mobile device starts or restarts.
• Basic Input Output System (BIOS) a form of software called firmware that is stored on a chip on the
motherboard of the computer to initialize and make sure that all the hardware parts are working properly.
• bootloader program is responsible for locating and loading the operating system kernel into memory.
• kernel is Kernel is an important program in Operating system responsible for managing system resources,
providing essential services, and acting as an intermediary between hardware and software.

2. Access Control: restrict access to resources to only permitted users based on their access privileges (roles):
a. Administrator: Also known as the root user, the administrator has the highest level of privileges. An
administrator can control all aspects of the computer, including installing and uninstalling software,
creating user accounts, or modifying system-wide settings.
b. Standard user: Standard users have limited privileges. They can run applications, change their own settings
and access their own files. However, they cannot change system-wide settings or access other users’ files
without proper permissions.
c. Guest users: These are temporary user accounts with minimal permissions. These are useful for those who
need temporary access to the computer, such as guests or friends.
3. Network connectivity
a. Settings: The operating system lets users change network settings. You can choose a Wi-Fi network, enter a
Wi-Fi password, and handle IP addresses. This helps the computer connect with other devices and use the
b. Troubleshooting: Operating systems have tools for fixing network problems. They help find issues like weak
Wi-Fi or wrong settings and give ideas to solve them.
c. Security: Network safety is important for protecting users' data and what they do online. Operating
systems have features like firewalls, and encryption to prevent hacking and data theft.

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4. Process management: allow using multiple applications simultaneously through:
a. Process scheduling is the method used by an operating system to allocate processing time to each task
based on priority, ensuring that each application receives the necessary resources to function smoothly.
o Process scheduling algorithms determine the order in which processes are executed, balancing
system performance. Example:
o First-Come-First-Served (FCFS),
o Shortest Job Next (SJN), and
o Round Robin.
b. Context switching occurs when the OS saves the state of one process and loads the state of another,
allowing smooth multitasking. Process states include registering contents, program counter values, and
memory allocations, ensuring that each process can resume where it left off.
c. Inter-Process Communication (IPC): Communication and exchange of information between the processes
like shared memory and message passing.
d. Multithreading is a technique that allows multiple threads (distinct units of execution) to exist within the
same process concurrently.
o Thread represents a single path of execution within a program or application.
5. Memory management: is the process of allocating and deallocation memory for all the open applications as
required and keeping track of it using:
a. Paging: This divides memory into fixed-size blocks called pages.
b. Virtual memory: It is a technique that enables the OS to use secondary storage, such as a hard disk, to
extend the available memory beyond the limits of physical RAM by creating a virtual address space for each
process, which is then mapped to physical memory (RAM) or secondary storage.
c. Swapping: This is a technique for moving inactive or less frequently used data from RAM to secondary
storage, such as a hard drive to frees up memory for other processes that need it.
6. Data storage and retrieval: Keeps track of the physical location of files in storage.
a. File system and directory structure: OS organizes files and folders using a hierarchical directory structure.
b. File management and operations: OS allows to create, edit, delete, search, and retrieve files and folders. It
also enables various file operations, such as copying, renaming, and moving files, and manage file
permissions to protect sensitive data.
c. File system indexing and search: maintain an index of files and their locations address on the storage
device, enabling faster access and reduced search times.

Answer the following questions:

1. Predict what you think the outputs of these logic diagrams will be:

01 1
11 Prediction: 0

01 0
11 Prediction:

pg. 14
2. Complete the truth table for this logic diagram:
A B A.B B’ Y=AB+B’

0 0 0 1 1

0 1 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 1

1 1 1 0 1

3. Draw the circuit gates that implement (Α XOR B) AND (NOT C)


4. Design a logic circuit, using only AND, OR, and NOT gates that implement the boolean expression: (A OR B) AND
(NOT C). Create a truth table for it.

5. Add each column one at a time from right to left, using the binary addition rules

1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 1
+ 1 0 1 0 1
Fill in the blanks:
1. The instructions are stored temporarily in small memories within the CPU called __Registers_______.
2. The __ALU____ performs arithmetic and logical operations on all required data. It carries out instructions and
also performs the operations on various registers.
3. When you start or restart your computing device, the ____operating system____ is typically the first software
that runs after the basic checks.
pg. 15
Choose the correct answer:

1. What is the purpose of the CPU?

a. To process all the data and instructions. ✔
b. To turn the computer on.
c. To create PowerPoint presentations.
d. To provide power to the computer.
2. What is the job of the control unit?
a. It carries out calculations
b. It stores information.
c. It does nothing.
d. It controls the input and output of data to make sure that it gets to the right place. ✔
3. What are registers used for?
a. To check that students are in school.
b. To temporarily hold bits of data needed by the CPU. ✔
c. To make sure that the CPU runs properly.
d. To make the CPU faster.
4. How does clock speed affect computer performance?
a. The higher the clock speed the slower the computer will run.
b. It improves the amount you can store on the computer.
c. The higher the clock speed the better the performance. ✔
d. It will make loading program slower
5. What is a bus?
a. A circuit that connect one part of CPU to other components. ✔
b. A type of long term memory
c. A type of permanent memory
e. A method of transport
6. Registers are very small memory units within the:
a. RAM
b. CPU ✔
c. ROM
7. What is a motherboard?
a. A motherboard is the primary component of a computer that processes instructions.
b. A printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors
into which other circuit boards can be slotted. ✔
c. The processing unit
d. Where the memories are transferred
8. Firmware are instructions located in the:
a. hard disc
b. ROM ✔
9. What is a processor socket?
a. a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly
b. the connector on the motherboard that houses a CPU and forms the electrical interface and contact with
the CPU. ✔
c. fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling, and may refer to fans that draw cooler
air into the case from the outside, expel warm air from inside, or move air across a heat sink to cool a
particular component.
d. a hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device

pg. 16
10. What are memory slots?
a. a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors
into which other circuit boards can be slotted.
b. what allows RAM (computer memory) to be inserted into the computer. ✔
c. the connector on the motherboard that houses a CPU and forms the electrical interface and contact with
the CPU.
d. a hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device.
11. What are power connectors?
a. take power from the Power Supply Unit (PSU) and distribute it to the processor, memory, and other
components. ✔
b. A device that is used to disconnect things to terminate an electrical current
12. What are expansion slots?
a. used to house the computer’s memory modules
b. the electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by
performing the basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output operations specified by the
c. provide connectivity for the storage devices and optical drives.
d. a place in a computer where an expansion card can be inserted such as graphics cards, sound cards, or
network cards. ✔
13. Firmware is the set of instructions needed to start the computer itself.
a. True ✔
b. False
14. The operating system serves as a bridge between the hardware and the software.
a. True ✔
b. False
15. The OS…
a. loads essential system files and services into memory
b. initializes the hardware components of the device.
c. it can launch other programs and applications that you want to use on your device.
d. All of the above✔
16. ____________a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities
among computer hardware resources
a. Operating system✔
b. Application software
c. Utility program
17. These are example of Mobile OS Except for
a. iOS
b. Microsoft OS
c. Linux OS ✔
d. Android OS
18. Which of the following operating systems is free and open-source?
a. Windows
b. Mac OS X
c. Linux ✔
19. Only personal computers need operating systems, not mobile phones or robots.
a. False ✔
b. True

pg. 17
20. Operating system is a set of programs that connects and manages application software with ________
a. System
b. User
c. Hardware ✔
d. Application
21. What are the two main functions of an operating system?
a. Booting up the system when the computer is first switched on ✔
b. Opening the internet
c. Protecting the computer from hackers
d. Managing memory during multi-tasking ✔
22. What makes embedded systems and standard computers different?
a. Embedded systems are easier to use.
b. Embedded systems are limited to a certain number of tasks. ✔
c. Standard computers are more expensive
d. There is no difference.
23. Memory is limited in an embedded system.
a. True ✔
b. False
24. What is this operating system called
a. Windows
b. Mac os x
c. Linux ✔
25. What is the most common operating system in mobile?
a. IOS
b. Android ✔
c. Tyzen
d. Windows phone
26. The operating system is held.....
a. in permanent storage and loaded into RAM when the computer is booted up ✔
b. in the loader program
c. in the boot up program
27. When does BIOS run?
a. Runs after Windows loads
b. Runs before you shut down
c. Runs after you log in
d. Runs before Windows loads ✔
28. What does BIOS stand for?
a. Bonus Input/Output System
b. Basic Interface Output System
c. Basic Input/Output System ✔
d. Basic Input/Outsource Shape
29. Where is BIOS stored?
a. On the RAM
b. On the Motherboard ROM ✔
c. On the GPU
d. in the CPU
30. What is the main part of the operating system
a. user interface
b. kernel ✔
c. system utilities
d. device drivers
pg. 18
31. What is the main function of the boot program?
a. To load programs that are being used.
b. To shut the computer down.
c. To get the computer up and running and get the operating system loaded. ✔
d. To load Microsoft Office.
32. The process of restricting access to a resource to only permitted users
a. access control ✔
b. cracked password
c. personal identification number (PIN)
d. Registry
33. What type of account is created automatically when Windows is installed on a computer?
a. Administrator account ✔
b. Standard user account
c. System administrator account
d. Guest account
34. Allocating time on the processor to individual processes is known as...
a. CPU Scheduling ✔
b. CPU Timing
c. CPU Clocking
d. CPU Sorting
35. Processor scheduling is one of the functions managed by the OS. Which one is a scheduling method used by
the scheduler
a. Round To It
b. Round Table
c. Round Robin ✔
36. Process context switching
a. switching files between two folders
b. method used to switch OS
c. switching the process from one state to another ✔
d. switching information between two user
37. One of the capabilities of operating systems: A program can be broken into smaller parts that are loaded as
needed by the operating system. This feature allows different parts of a program to be run at the same time.
a. multi-tasking
b. multi-threading ✔
c. multiprocessing
d. multi-user
38. the OS manage memory by only loading the necessary pages into RAM, reducing overall memory usage.
True ✔
39. When a process tries to access a memory location that is not physically present, the OS loads the data from
the hard drive into RAM.
True ✔
40. When the OS creates temporary RAM on the Hard Drive it is known as...
a. Virtual Memory ✔
b. Cache
c. Registering
41. Keeping track of the location of processes in memory and allocating space to new processes is known as...
a. Memory Management ✔
b. Memory Scheduling
c. Process Scheduling
pg. 19
42. What happens when RAM is full?
a. The computer crashes
b. Virtual Memory is used ✔
c. An interrupt is raised
d. The computer explodes
43. __________ involves moving part or all of a process from main memory to disk.
a. Swapping ✔
b. Relocating
c. Suspending
d. Blocking
44. A fixed-length block of data in secondary memory is called:
a. Segment
b. Blocked partition
c. Frame
d. Page ✔
45. Which one of the following is the address generated by CPU
a. physical address
b. absolute address
c. logical address ✔
d. none of the mentioned
46. Which of these is not a function of an OS:
a. Provide a user interface
b. Communicate with hardware
c. Allow the computer to multi-task
d. Improves CPU performance ✔
47. Which of these tasks is a function of the operating system?
a. Scanning a photograph
b. Copying a file ✔
c. Producing a database report
d. Adding data to a spreadsheet
48. A computer uses ________ to organize all of the different files and applications that it contains.
a. Files and Folders ✔
b. Icons
c. Trash Can
d. Applications
49. How does the OS handle file management?
a. Deals with movement, editing and deletion of data ✔
b. Translates data into binary
c. Command Interpreter
50. Resides on secondary storage and provides efficient and convenient access to disk and by allowing data to be
stored, located and retrieved easily
a. Basic File System
b. File Control Block
c. File System ✔
d. File Organization Module
51. Each file has its own index block(s) of pointers to its data blocks.
a. Linked Allocation
b. Indexed Allocation ✔
c. Contiguous Allocation

pg. 20

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