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VOCABULARY Family | can talk about the people in a family. 1 Read these words. What do they mean? brother dod daughter grandad granny mum sister son John ‘Agatha Family and friends y: \ VOCABULARY Fomily Countries and nationalities Places Art re) GRAMMAR to beatfirmativeto benegative ‘my your possessive Grammartt's Granny's birthday! Grammar animations: to benffirmative to baegative Communicati Nice to meet you! Tom Anna Mark David! Lucy, oo Culture: This is the UK 2 2 Gs © Vocabulary mother mum father dad parents grandfather grandad grandmother granny son daughter brother sister unt uncle cousin 7 Listen and repea(> 7G \.reListen and circle T (true) or F (false). Tp listen again and check your answers. ‘Complete the family words. Use the Vocabulary box to help you. He ‘She father mother grandmother con 11/6 sister sala) uncle ‘cousin Match 1-4 to a-d. 1 father. @ grandad 2 grondmothe?——— b dad 3 mother © granny = 4 grandfather d mum Wl Poul = Mar’s father “BT/F Lucy = Ros’s daughter Look at the family tree on page 10 and write the names. 1 Mark's grandfather John 2. Mark's sister 3 Mark's aunt 4 Mark's cousins 5 Mark's grandmother Look at the family tree again. Complete the sentences. Use the names below. Mari’s Julia's Rose's Tom's Paul's Peter's 1 Peter isMark'suncle. 8 Draw your family tree. Write the 2 Juliais sister. names of the people from your famil 3 David is son. 4 Anna is daughter. 5 John and Agatha are parents. 6 Lucyis cousin. Family and friends VOCABULARY Family GRAMMAR to beaffrmatve| to benegative COMMUNICATION Introductions READING and VOCABULARY Family photo album LISTENING and WRITING Best friends cuL ‘Arts Foi in art (ES CULTURE This isthe UK. {can talk about the people in a family. 1 Who is who in Sally's family? Match o-g to 1-7. 3 1 Soliy’s father 2. Sallys mother Sally's parents Sally's grandfather Sally's grandmother Sally's brothers Sally's sister D2 Motch the word fragments to make family words. Ged = in | + Crate) le Heb * 3 Look at Mark's family tree. Complete the sentences with one word. 1 Alon: Nickis my father. He's Mark's? «too. 2 Holly: Ruthismy> - Steven and | are Mark's 4 Jam Helen and Rob's § 3 Steven: Holly is my ¢ (4 Read and complete. 1 Amyis Emily's mother. Emily is Amy's daughter. 2. Tom is Danny's father. Danny is Tom's 3. Saro is Ben's mother and Tec's aunt. Ben and Ted are 4 Ada is Som's mother. Sam is Rosa's father. Adais Rosa's 5 John is Davies brother. Dovid is Tina's father John is Tina's I'm Helen's” GRAMMAR to be affirmative >. J can use the affirmative form of the verb to be and my, your. : Thank you, my darling. Hello, sister! @! Watch or listen, then read extract from the video. Answer the question- How old is Jen and Alex's granny today? 2 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false). Correct the wrong sentences. 1. Granny isn't very happy. TIO 2 Granny's name is Sophie. TIF 3 There's a present for Alex in the boxT / F 4 Dad is Megan's brother. T/F 3 ten and repeat. Find the(> ‘expressions in the story. Unit 1 ae raucaaal Megan:Hello, Alex! Hold this, please! Be carefull I's Granny's birthday cake. Alex: it's OK.I've got it! Dad: We're ready for the cake! Mum:Oh, no! Hold this, please! ° Be carefull I've got it! Jen and Alex's mum says ‘Oh, no!’ Why? Have a class vote. Choose: a, b or c. a The cake is a mess. b It's not Granny's cake. ¢ Amouse is in the box. Now watch or liste: and check. © ee © 4 Get Grammar! Long form Short form om eleven. lim eleven. You areeleven Youre eleven. He/She/itis eleven. _He/Sherts eleven. Weareeleven We're eleven Youareeleven. Youre eleven. : They are eleven. Theyre eleven. Hammys my pet hamster. 6 Find the sentences in the story. Write the (10 (Gy 1.22 How old are they? follow the lin) missing word. and complete the sentences. Then listen and 1 Theyareat her house. check. 21 so happy!" 1 Lucas: 'm twelve n 3 ‘You here!” 2 Lion: ‘Alex and | : 16 att granny's birthday cake.” 3. Lucas: ‘My brother 12 5 ‘We ready for the cake!’ 4 Lian to Jen: ‘You wright?” \_-13 7 Circle the correct answer. @ 11 Read and complete withn areor is. 1 Yougra/ is ready. \ 2 lis/amhere. 3 Weam/arehappy! 4 Itare/iso present for you. 5 Jen and Aleis /areat Granny's house. My namelis Lian and ? thirteen years old. Alex and | best friends ond classmat Jen4 eleven years old. We friends, too. 8 Re-write the sentences in Exercise 7 using short forms of the verbs. 12. Look at Exercise 11. Write about you and your 1 You're ready. friends. My name's and! It'smybirthday. I'm ten! youyour It'syourbirthday. Youre eleven! I>my 13 Read the poem. Make changes to talk about a friend or 9 Complete witmyor your classmate. 1 Alex: ‘Granny, herefpurbirthday card!" va 7 2. Sophie: ‘I'm very happy! family is I'm twelvéoday, here!” Hip, hip, hooray! 3 Alex:' birthday cake is in this box, Let's have a break granny’. And eat some cake! 4 Jen: ‘Sophie i , too!” jen: ‘Sophie is granny, too! Rae today . unit 113 1 100k at the pictures, Abirthday party 1 2 to be affirmative I can use the affirmative form of the ver ircle the correct word. Look. We am (Gi@) i ot Tors house Tom am / are / is twelve today. 3 Lams are/is Anew student 4 5 6 He am / are /is a teacher. She am / are /is a student. They am / are / isin the classroom. 7 You am / are /is inthis classroom. Look at Exercise 1. Gomplete the sentences using short forms of the verb to be. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Look. We're at Tom's house. Tom twelve today. 1 happy! He teacher, She «student. They inthe classroom, You in this classroom. b to be, my and your. 3 complete the dialogue with am, are or i. Harry: Hi. | am Harry. Jack: Hi, Harry. 1? Jock. You 4 in Class 2 with me. Welcome! Horry: Thanks. Jack: This is Tony. He + my classmate. We § best friends too. Mrs Lee and Mr Brown ° my favourite teachers. D4 complete with my or your. This is! Gronny, Sophie. This is? present, Granny. DS complete the sentences with the words below. Lon oe i my they Hil am Tom. This is? fornily My parents’ names # Amy ‘ond Andrew. # are teachers. My sister © thirteen. mA GRAMMAR to be negati Dug? You are a superher What about your family? Dug: Here | am with Mum and Dad. Kit: You aren't hoppy in the photo! (0, 'm not! I'm hungry! SuperdugNo idea, Kit! Bye now! kit Bye, Superdug} Be carefull pl @1 Look at the cartoon. How many types of dog(3 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false! can you see? 1 Uncle Roberto is a superheroi1)/ F . — 2 Aunt Gigi is French. T/E 2 G) 1.23 Listen and read. What national "a 2 G r2s unten ond rad what national 3 Ds parents are supethoroek/ F 4 Dugis happy inthe photo. T / F 5 Dug’s mum is British. T/F (sy Unit 1 Ee © 5 Get Grammar! Long form Short form Fm notBitish Youare notBritish, Youaren'tBrtish, He/Shefltis notBritsh. He/She/itisn'tBritsh, Weare notBritih. Wearren'tBritish, Youare notBritish, Youaren'tBritish, Theyare notBritish, Theyaren'tBritish. No,I'm notorange| andI'm notfat. 4. in your notebook, write negative sentences. 8 In your notebook, write sentences about Kit's Use the long form of the vahbe 1 Dug is FrenchDug is not French. 2 Kitis a dog. 3. Dug's parents are superheroes. 4 Dug: ‘lam happy.” 5 Kit: ‘You are in the photo, Dug’. 6 Dugis fat. 5 Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 4 in your notebook. Use the short form of the terbe. 1. Dug isn't French. 6 G 1.24Look, listen and reped> Rae SSIES the UK / artsh Turkey / Turkish Spain/ Spanish ffl Fronce / French mmm PO%"d/Polsh — III China / Chinese HE The USA American 7 Look at the flags. Complete the sentences ‘about Dug’s family wittor isn't Correct the false sentences. 1 my Aunt Teresdsn'tSpanishshe is Polish. 2 BE J crandad umberto Chinese. BL Bf cousin tutu French. [EB Cousin chen British. Granny Flossie American. friends and family. Le eA) Ra ay OR a1 1 Turkey I'm not from Turkey. I'm from the UK. the UK/ We... the UK/ 2 Spainx | Granny Ola... - 3 Francex Polandy My cousins... |) 4 the USAX Chinov 9 Choose your nationality and playThree Guesses A: You're Spanish! B: No, I'm not Spanish. A: You're British! B: No, I'm not British. A: You're Turkish! B: Yes, I'm Turkish, unie1 8) to be negative | can talk about countries and nationalities and use the negative form of the verb to be. @ 1 Rewrite the sentences. Use the short formsof (3 |MBEARUARF! Complete the words and write the verb to be. the nationalities 1 My friends are not in the classroom. 1 Poland Polish My friends aren't in the classroom. = 2. You are not right. 2 I I F . 3 Lamnot a superhero. per 2B ove 4 Ben isnot my friend 4 T y 5 She is not my aunt. sMMc 6 They are not my cousins 6 HE te ms G@ 2 write negative sentences. Use the short forms of the verb to be. © 4 write sentences that are true for you. Write am, ‘m not, are, aren't is oF isn't 1 Myschool is /isn’t in the USA. 2 myecpanccne oie 3 My friends ‘in China. plier 6 es ene 1 Shove Shevintiecossoom. genet logue wih the verbo be Ue che an affirmative form (/) or a negative form (x). 2. They're happy. They're in the house. They Kit Ie'is 7) you, Dugl You? wit ‘your grandad and granny, right? Dug: Nol? (9. They Wm parents, My dad () british, but my mother® (9 British. She 7 V) Polish. 3 He's teacher. He's ready for school. eo (&) anew photo. He Dug: That's right. The photo * ” He very old. A om

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