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Power System Resilience: de nition,

features and properties


E. CIAPESSONI, D. CIRIO, A. PITTO - Ricerca sul sistema Energetico - RSE S.p.A.,

Milan, Italy
M. VAN HARTE - Eskom, Johannesburg, South Africa
M. PANTELI - University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Modern power systems are subject to natural and man-made threats with
increasing frequency. The management of the system in case of extreme events can
bene t from the introduction of the property of “resilience”. After a brief overview on
the strengths and limits of the most signi cant de nitions of resilience available in
literature, this paper discusses the de nition of resilience recently elaborated by the
CIGRE WG C4.47 “Power System Resilience”, clarifying its features, the main
differences between resilience and well-established properties such as adequacy
and security, and proposing some models to represent the relationships between
resilience and reliability. Moreover, the paper lists and brie y discusses the key
measures that make a system resilient.


resilience - power systems - reliability - extreme events

1. Introduction
The term resilience has been used in very different elds of knowledge for many
decades, and it has been more recently applied in the power system sector due to
the increasing number of extreme events which negatively affect power systems [1].
Considering this trend in natural events but also in cyber and/or physical attacks, the
stakeholders (in particular Transmission system Operators, TSOs, and Distribution
System Operators, DSOs) started focusing their attention to pursue these two goals:
(a) to evaluate the impact of multiple (also dependent) outages of components,
potentially leading to blackouts, and (b) to propose preventive or corrective

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countermeasures in order to absorb the effects of such disruptive events and recover
fast. In this context, the concept of resilience can prove useful to develop proper

The rst de nitions of resilience referred to materials and were used in the XIX
century especially in the naval engineering context. C.S. Holling provided the rst
system-level de nition of resilience by de ning it in 1973 [2] as a measure of “the
persistence of systems and of their ability to absorb change and disturbance and still
maintain the same relationships between populations or state variables”. Since this
foundational de nition, the concept of resilience has evolved remarkably in several
systems, such as safety management, organizational, social-ecological, and economic
ones. After Holling, numerous interpretations of resilience have been developed,
resulting in many different de nitions and a lack of a universal understanding of
what resilience really means. For example, Perrings in [3] de nes economic
resilience as “the response to hazards that enables people and communities to avoid
some economic losses at micro-macro market levels. It is the capacity for the
enterprise to survive and adapt following market or environmental shocks”.
Hollnagel in [4] de nes organizational resilience as “the ability of an organization to
identify risks and to handle perturbations that affect its competencies, strategies and

In the sector of electric power systems as critical infrastructures the picture is even
blurrier, as the concept of resilience has roughly only emerged in the last decade.
There have been several attempts by organizations worldwide in the power and
energy engineering communities, such as the UK Energy Research Center (UKERC)
[5] and the Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC), USA, to de ne
resilience and distinguish it from the concept of reliability. According to the UK
Cabinet Of ce, resilience encompasses reliability and further includes resistance,
redundancy, response, and recovery as key features. Another pioneer de nition
comes from the Multidisciplinary and National Center for Earthquake Engineering
Research (MCEER), USA, where a generic organizational resilience framework has
been developed [6] that can be applied to any critical infrastructure, including power
systems. The de nition of MCEER for the disaster resilience of social units is
reported below [6]:

“Disaster resilience is the ability of social units (e.g., organizations, communities) to

mitigate hazards, contain the effects of disasters, and carry out recovery activities in
ways that minimize social disruption, while also mitigating the effects of future
disasters. Consequently, strength, exibility, and the ability to cope with and
overcome extreme challenges, are the hallmarks of disaster-resilient communities.”

The above framework entails the “4 R’s” of resilience which consist in robustness,
redundancy, resourcefulness, and rapidity according to [6].

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the main features of reliability
and its sub-properties in order to highlight the need for introducing the new concept
of resilience in power system planning and operation. Section 3 presents the
available de nitions of resilience and the motivations at the basis of the new
de nition proposed by CIGRE WG C4.47. Section 4 illustrates the new de nition of
resilience and clari es the differences between resilience, reliability, and its sub-
properties. Section 5 discusses the relationship between reliability and resilience.
Section 6 concludes. Finally, the appendix (Section 7) lists some possible resilience-
reliability relationship models.

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2. From reliability to resilience
This section presents the current de nitions of reliability in the electricity sector and
the reasons which are bringing a change of paradigm from the traditional concept of
reliability to resilience.

2.1. Reliability and its sub-properties

Reliability concept was introduced to assess the performance of power system in
providing energy to users even in case of disturbances. Such a concept is shaped not
only by formal de nitions (reviewed in this sub-section), but also by the way these
de nitions are applied (sub-section 2.3).

Reliability has been de ned in different ways by CIGRE, IEEE, IEC, NERC, ENTSO-E.
Table 2 summarizes the de nitions of reliability from these different entities, along
with those of adequacy and security, identi ed as the sub-properties of reliability.

All the reported de nitions agree that reliability refers to the probability of
satisfactory operation of the system in the long term. To this regard, IEC de nition [7]
also includes a reference to the time interval of analysis.

The degree of reliability can be measured through the frequency, duration and
intensity of situations of service degradation for the customers.

Reliability depends on the adequacy and security of the power system, as reported
e.g. in CIGRE references [8]-[9].

As far as adequacy is concerned, the key concept is the availability of resources and
components, or system elements, with suitable capacity to meet the load demand
without violating operating limits.

To be adequate, a power system must be endowed with resources for generation,

storage, demand exibility, as well as transmission capacity suf cient to cover the
expected demand plus reserves for contingencies, at all times. On planning horizons,
this requires a suitable development of the above resources, within the mechanisms
de ned by the regulatory framework.

All adequacy de nitions include the explicit reference to “unscheduled outages of

system components”, i.e. contingencies. In particular, NERC, IEEE and ENTSO-E refer
to reasonably expected unscheduled outages, thus also including an application
criterion (i.e. the credibility criterion) in the de nition.

ENTSO-E [12] de nes the contingency as the “identi ed and possible or already
occurred fault of an element, including not only the transmission system elements,
but also signi cant grid users and distribution network elements if relevant for the
transmission system operational security”.

As for security, CIGRE [8][9], NERC [13], and ENTSO-E [12], [14], [15] de nitions are
perfectly coherent in recognizing security as “the ability to withstand sudden
disturbances”. IEC de nition [7] includes the requirement of “integrity of demand
supply” (i.e., “without loss of load”) in case of an event which satis es a credibility
criterion. IEEE [10][11] similarly speci es “without interruption of customer service”.

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In view of that, all the security de nitions concur that a system can be considered
secure if it is in an acceptable operating condition after the occurrence of at least
credible contingencies. This requires:

the planning of system operation by setting appropriate margins with respect to

stability (frequency, angle, voltage stability) and overload, in order to take into
account operational uncertainties;
the de nition of international agreements for the control of interconnected
electrical systems;
the coordination between system operators (TSOs and DSOs).

Reliability, adequacy, and security concepts include elements of planning and

operation and can be applied to the power system in steady-state, dynamic, and
transient conditions, encompassing all elements of the generation, transmission and
distribution systems, and loads [8].

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Reliability Adequacy Security

CIGRE [8]-[9] A measure of the ability A measure of the ability The ability of the power
of a power system to of a power system to system to withstand
deliver electricity to all meet the electric power disturbances, where:
points of consumption and energy requirements Power system
and receive electricity of its customers within includes all
from all points of supply acceptable technical elements of
within accepted limits, taking into account the
standards and in the scheduled and generation,
amount desired. unscheduled outages of transmission
system components, and
where: distribution
Power system systems, and
includes all customer
elements of facilities that
the supply or use
generation, power and
transmission energy, or
and provide
distribution ancillary
systems, and services;
customer Ability to
facilities that withstand will
supply or use vary
power and depending on
energy, or speci c
provide disturbances
ancillary and
services; applicable
Customers criteria or
include all standards,
parties that and includes
supply power agreed use of
and energy or customers’
ancillary ability to vary
services, as power supply,
well as those adjust
who consume demand and
them; provide
Requirements ancillary
of customers services;
include their Disturbances
basic power include
and energy electric short
needs, and circuits,
agreed use of unanticipated
customers’ loss of system
ability to vary facilities, or
power supply, other rapid
adjust changes such
demand and as in wind or
provide solar

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Reliability Adequacy Security

limits and
outages are
speci ed in
the applicable
criteria and
include all
elements of
the supply,
delivery and
regardless of
ownership or

NERC [13] The degree to which the The ability of the electric The ability of the bulk
performance of the system to supply the power system to
elements of that system aggregate electrical withstand sudden,
results in power being demand and energy unexpected
delivered to consumers requirements of the end- disturbances, such as
within accepted use customers at all short circuits or
standards and in the times, taking into account unanticipated loss of
amount desired. scheduled and system elements.
reasonably expected
unscheduled outages of
system elements

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Reliability Adequacy Security

IEEE [10][11] Reliability of a power The ability of the electric Security of a power
system refers to the systems to supply the system refers to the
probability of its aggregate electrical degree of risk in its ability
satisfactory operation demand and energy to survive imminent
over the long run. requirements of their disturbances
It denotes the ability to customers at all times, (contingencies) without
supply adequate electric taking into account interruption of customer
service on a nearly scheduled and service.
continuous basis, with reasonably expected It relates to robustness
few interruptions over an unscheduled outage of of the system to
extended time period. system elements. imminent disturbances
and, hence, depends on
the system operating
condition as well as the
contingent probability of

IEC [7] The ability of a power The ability of an electric The ability to tolerate a
system to meet its power system to supply credible event
supply function under the aggregate electric without loss of load,
stated conditions for a power and energy over-stress of system
speci ed period of time. required by the components, or deviation
customers, under steady- from speci ed voltage
state conditions, with and frequency
system component tolerances.
ratings not exceeded,
bus voltages and system
frequency maintained
within tolerances, taking
into account planned and
unplanned system
component outages.

ENTSO-E The degree of The ability of the electric The ability of the electric
[12], [14], [15] performance of the system to supply the system to withstand
elements of the bulk aggregate electrical sudden disturbances
electric system that demand and energy such as electric short
results in electricity requirements of the circuits or unanticipated
being delivered to customers at all times, loss of system elements.
customers within taking into account
accepted standards and scheduled and
in the amount desired. reasonably expected
unscheduled outages of
system elements.

Table 1 – De nitions of reliability, adequacy and security from the literature.

2.2. Reliability, adequacy and security quanti cation

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Reliability can be quanti ed by deterministic or probabilistic criteria. The former
ones typically require the system to be able to endure speci c situations, consisting
of operating conditions with contingency or unavailability of components, without
undesired consequences (e.g., load shedding, overloads, instability). With
deterministic criteria, the selection of contingencies to consider is based on a
credibility basis. On the other hand, probabilistic criteria aim to verify if the risk of
undesired consequences is below speci c thresholds. In this case, contingencies do
not need to be limited by a credibility approach: all contingencies signi cantly
contributing to the risk should be accounted for. Even if probabilistic criteria have
recently been adopted or are under development in reliability analyses [16] to
account for various uncertainty sources, the relevant indices are still de ned in
terms of average values and may neglect high impact, low probability events.

For system adequacy, the focus is the quanti cation of availability of facilities
needed to satisfy the consumer demand plus reserves for contingencies, which may
be relevant both in long term horizons and in short-term ones.

To this aim, probabilistic criteria are becoming a standard [16]-[19]. Indeed, many
countries and regions all over the world adopt resource adequacy standards in terms
of Loss Of Load Expectation (LOLE), or based on similar metrics. The evaluation of
the LOLE can then consider not only the most credible contingencies but also other,
less likely contingencies that could lead to a power shortage. However, adequacy
criteria are typically expressed purely on expected values. In adequacy assessment,
contingencies are analysed with static tools, usually based on Optimal Power Flow.

For Security the focus is to evaluate the nal state of the system following a
contingency, with the aim of assessing the system’s capability to withstand
disturbances analysing both steady state violations and dynamic transients.

Security can be assessed considering hypothetical operating conditions over

planning horizons, as well as short-term or nearly real-time forecast operating
conditions. In the former case, the lack of security may drive interventions at the
planning stage (e.g. install new devices to stabilise the system, tune control
parameters etc.); in both cases the operating condition may need to be modi ed to
achieve “preventive” or “corrective” security. Extreme events are usually not
considered in security analyses. In fact, assuring system security in case of multiple
component outages is not viable from a techno-economic viewpoint, due to the
technical challenges and high costs required for grid strengthening against a much
broader and more severe set of contingencies.

Probabilistic approaches for system security have thus been investigated to estimate
the risk of undesired consequences [16], [20]. Risk based approaches allow
considering multiple contingencies, thus addressing the aforementioned problem.

2.3. Reliability, adequacy and security application criteria

Some de nitions of adequacy and/or security, e.g. the IEEE [10][11], ENTSO-E [15]
and NERC [13] de nitions of adequacy, and the IEC de nition of security [7] include a
contingency credibility criterion, implicitly assuming a particular way to apply the
de nitions.

In particular:

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the methods to apply the de nition of adequacy depend on the speci c segment
of the power system under analysis (generation, transmission or distribution): for
example, transmission adequacy is assured by applying and evaluating
subsequent reinforcements to the transmission system in an iterative procedure,
up to the attainment of the goal, which consists in accommodating the load and
the corresponding generation for a set of speci c states. These states can include
speci c outages of system components. Note that the use of probabilistic
approaches is rising also for transmission adequacy, but extreme events are
usually not considered.
system security is guaranteed through deterministic criteria considering a
credibility criterion for the selection of contingencies (typically the N-1 criterion):
in case of faults on individual grid components, the system must remain in the
normal state or end up in an alert state that does not cause any violations of the
operating limits or any load disruption, but it may be no longer secure in case of
an additional fault. Recently, the increasing use of advanced automation/support
systems at control system level, which can solve security violations within
acceptable times to assure the system correct operation, is making more and
more arguable the need for the strict interpretation, given above, of the N-1
security criterion. This is evidenced by the increasing use of "corrective" security
in operational practice.

2.4. Need for resilience

Several de nitions of reliability, adequacy and security referenced in Table 1 do not
limit the general properties to speci c disturbances or contingencies.

Nevertheless, the traditional criterion for the application of these properties may not
assure satisfactory performances of the system in case of extreme events. In fact,
blackouts are often originated by multiple contingencies that are not contemplated
by the N-1 criterion. Being this criterion deterministic, it does not consider the
probability of contingencies, which in turn depends on the threats affecting the

There is thus a gap coming from both the de nitions and the way they are applied,
such that extreme events are not part of the traditional reliability analyses. To
overcome this gap, the concept of resilience has been introduced:

to provide a conceptual framework in support of the characterization and design

of measures aimed to improve the performances of power system response,
following extreme events triggered by adverse weather conditions, malicious
acts, cyber-attacks, etc.
to allow a comprehensive evaluation of system response to disturbances,
including not only the system degradation due to the disturbance but also the
system behaviour during the restoration phase, as well as all the measures taken
to preventively improve system performance on the basis of past events.

Resilience adds a new dimension to system management and reliability. The

application of resilience concepts can assist utilities and regulators to encourage
prudent investments to enhance system performances in case of extreme events
characterised by low frequency of occurrence but signi cant consequences [21], [22].
These include signi cantly deteriorated operational capabilities, possibly leading to
widespread cascading impacts that could also affect interdependent critical
infrastructures with catastrophic consequences.

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Therefore, resilience assessments may require a multi-dimensional evaluation of the
response of an interconnected power system to these extreme and disruptive events,
considering the power system interaction with its surrounding environment and
possibly other critical infrastructures (e.g. roads, water and gas supply, cyber
systems, etc.). Achieving resilience may require multiple strategies with due
consideration of utility response objectives for planning and/or response efforts.
These undertakings can be very complex and challenging due to the
interdependence and relationship with essential services and mission-critical loads.

3. Power system resilience: current de nitions

and genesis of the new approach
This section presents the current de nitions of resilience in the electricity sector and
the motivations underlying the proposed resilience de nition.

3.1. Current de nitions in electricity sector

Focusing on resilience in the power system sector, Table 2 proposes a bunch of
previously mentioned de nitions from the literature. Even though there is not a
unique de nition of resilience, most of de nitions agree upon the main features a
resilient system should have.

Almost all of the de nitions above (12 out of 13) agree upon the fact that resilience is
an ability of the power system, just like reliability and security. This implies the
possibility to propose methods and metrics to quantify this ability.

Most of the terms used in the de nitions above correspond to some capabilities
which make a system resilient (e.g. withstand, adapt to, recover, absorb, anticipate).
Half of the de nitions (7 out of 13) indicate that resilience must be evaluated in case
of a “disruptive event” affecting the system. Only 4 de nitions out of 13 (in particular
#1, #6, #9 and #12) characterize the types of these disruptive events, by specifying
that these events are “extraordinary and high impact – low probability events”.

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ID Reference De nition

1 UK Energy Research Center The ability of a power system to

(UKERC), “Building a Resilient UK withstand extraordinary and high
Energy System”, 2009 [5] impact-low probability events such
as due to extreme weather, rapidly
recover from such disruptive
events and absorb lessons for
adapting its operation and structure
to prevent or mitigate the impact of
similar events in the future.

2 Haimes [23] The ability of the system to

withstand a major disruption within
acceptable degradation parameters
and to recover within an acceptable
time and composite costs and risks.

3 NIAC [24] (Infrastructure resilience) the

ability to reduce the magnitude
and/or duration of disruptive
events. The effectiveness of a
resilient infrastructure or enterprise
depends upon its ability to
anticipate, absorb, adapt to, and/or
rapidly recover from a potentially
disruptive event.

4 UK Cabinet Of ce [25] The ability of assets, networks and

systems to anticipate, absorb,
adapt to and / or rapidly recover
from a disruptive event.

5 PSERC [26] The ability of a system to gradually

degrade under increasing system
stress, and then to return to its pre-
disturbance condition when the
disturbance is removed.

6 NAURC [27] Robustness and recovery

characteristics of utility
infrastructure and operations,
which avoid or minimize
interruptions of service during an
extraordinary and hazardous event.

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ID Reference De nition

7 US Presidential Policy Directive 21: The ability to prepare for and adapt
Critical Infrastructure Security and to changing conditions and
Resilience, 2013 [28] withstand and recover rapidly from
Resilience includes the ability to
withstand and recover from
deliberate attacks, accidents, or
naturally occurring threats or

8 Sandia Lab 2011 [29] Given a disruptive event (or set of

events), the resilience of a system
to that event (or events) is
the ability to reduce ‘ef ciently’
both the magnitude and duration of
the deviation from targeted system
performance levels.
The bold words of this de nition
are key components of resilience;
further discussion follows below:
Disruptive event:
Different disruptions
may affect a system
in different ways and
thus necessitate
different recovery
processes. Hence, a
system may have
different levels of
resilience to different
disruptions. This
de nition considers
resilience of a system
to a speci c
Ef ciently: Ef ciently
means using the
lowest possible
amount of resources
during recovery
depending on the
domain, these
resources could be
dollars, repair man-
hours, infrastructure
replacement assets,
or time.

System performance:
Given the exibility
of many systems to

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ID Reference De nition

adjust and
recon gure to a
disruptive event,
maintaining system
structure is not as
important as
maintaining system
performance. Hence,
measurement of
resilience should
evaluate how a
disruption affects
system performance
and causes
productivity to
decrease relative to
targeted system
performance levels:
that is, how the
system should
behave during and
after disruptive

9 Consultation document of the The ability of a system not only to

Italian Ministry of Economic resist to stresses which have
Development, June 12, 2017 [30] overcome the withstanding limits of
the system itself, but also to come
back fast to a normal state of
operation. The effectiveness of the
resilient system depends on its
capability to anticipate, to absorb,
to adapt to and/or recover itself
from an extreme event.

10 IEEE Task Force on De nition and The ability to withstand and reduce
Quanti cation of Resilience, April the magnitude and/or duration of
2018 [31] disruptive events, which includes
the capability to anticipate, absorb,
adapt to, and/or rapidly recover
from such an event

11 National Security Policy for Critical The capacity of the critical

Infrastructures, Brazilian infrastructures to be recovered
government, November 2018 [32] after the occurrence of an adverse

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ID Reference De nition

12 NATF (North American The ability of the system and its

Transmission Forum) [33] components (i.e. both the
equipment and human
components) to minimize damage
and improve recovery from non-
routine disruptions, including high
impact, low frequency (HILF)
events, in a reasonable amount of
time. Resiliency includes a diverse
range of topics, such as flexibility,
hardening, security and recovery

13 US National Academies of Science The ability to prepare and plan for,

[34] absorb, recover from, or more
successfully adapt to actual or
potential adverse events

Table 2 - De nitions for power system resilience

De nition #2 also mentions “major disruption” to specify the high severity of the
events taken into account. However, in general, resilience de nitions are detached
from the relevant application criterion.

The key concept of degradation is mentioned only in two de nitions (#2 and #5), but
a similar concept (“deviation from targeted system performance levels”) is also
indicated in de nition #8. Even though little mentioned, the concept of degradation
should be considered a major aspect distinguishing resilience from other properties
such as “security”, which are usually of binary nature (i.e. a system is secure or not
secure) as they require the ful lment of strict criteria.

All the de nitions referring to degradation agree on the need to de ne adequate

levels of degradation and of its rate. In fact, De nition #2 in Table 2 introduces the
concept of “acceptable degradation parameters” and “acceptable time and
composite costs and risks”, also specifying an economic criterion of acceptability,
while PSERC de nition (#5) introduces the concept of “gradual degradation” which
implicitly calls for an indication of a harmless or acceptable slope of degradation.

Besides de nition #2, the reference to the economic aspects of resilience can be
found in Sandia Lab’s de nition (#8), which mentions an ef cient reduction of the
magnitude and duration of the deviation from targeted performances. The reference
to ef ciency implies the adoption of the lowest possible amount of resources (money,
repair man-hours, etc.).

Among all the de nitions, only Sandia’s (#8) and PSERC’s (#5) ones separate the
de nition of “resilience” property from the key measures that make the system
resilient (anticipation, adaptation, absorption, fast recovery); moreover, as
mentioned above, both refer to a generic “disturbance” or “disruptive event” without
specifying anything about its severity or probability of occurrence. This is a valuable

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point of these de nitions: in fact, for a rigorous analysis of a property, the de nition
of the property should be separate from its enabling capabilities, as well as from its
application criteria and quanti cation metrics.

Most of the de nitions (11 out of 13) highlight the importance of fast recovery in
order to characterize a resilient system. All these de nitions underline that the
assessment of power system resilience, unlike security, calls for the evaluation of the
restoration process. The point that a fast recovery is the major characteristic of a
resilient system is also highlighted in [35].

In particular, Sandia Lab’s de nition (#8) speci es two aspects of the system
degradation i.e. its magnitude and its duration. To this regard, term “magnitude” is
quite indistinct or inde nite, because it may refer to the severity, in terms of
triggered damages, and to the extent of the disturbance. However, these two aspects
are not correlated: in fact, certain threats like tornados determine very localised (low
extent) but signi cant (high severity) damages to the power infrastructure and
service. Other threats, like wet snow events, can have moderate severity but large

Also, the IEEE de nition of resilience (#10), besides mentioning the enabling
capabilities of resilience, refers to the magnitude and the duration of disruptive
events, without clarifying the ambiguity of term “magnitude”.

Some limits can be detected in the previous de nitions:

Term “withstand” used by 4 de nitions (# 1, 2, 7 and 10) appears more adapt -

and it has been widely used in the literature- to de ne security. In fact,
“withstand” describes the system capability to survive a disturbance typically
ful lling strict performance requirements in the energy supply (as veri ed
during security analyses);
The explanation of term “ef ciently” in de nition #8 should be amended,
because it only refers to the restoration process. However, in the resilience
de nition, the ef ciency concept is applied to both the magnitude and the
duration of disruptive events, which means that ef ciency must be considered
also during the phase of system performance degradation.
De nition #6 uses the term “robustness”, which may generate confusion as this
term has also been used, e.g. to indicate power system’s ability to remain in a
normal state in case of disturbances;
De nition #11 only focuses on the recovery capability of a resilient system,
neglecting the ability to anticipate the event hence limiting system degradation.

4. Power system resilience: a new de nition

This section presents and discusses the de nition for power system resilience
discussed in CIGRE WG C4.47 [36]. As the resilience is different from other widely
used properties in the power system sector such as security, reliability, the section
also presents a comparison of resilience against these other properties.

The de nition proposed by the WG intends to separate:

the property to be achieved, from

the possible key measures that can be deployed to achieve power system

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This de nition has also been an important trigger for further activities in the CIGRE
scienti c community, as demonstrated by the TB by CIGRE C2.25 “Operating
strategies and preparedness for system operational resilience” [37] which also
discusses the aspects related to the application of WG C4.47 de nition of resilience
in the context of power system operation.

4.1. A de nition of power system resilience property

The new de nition associates the concept of resilience to the system’s ability to limit
the extent, severity and duration of system degradation following an event. As the
criterion of application for this property mainly regards extreme events, Power
System Resilience is de ned as:

the ability to limit the extent, severity and duration of system

degradation following an extreme event.

Table 3 explains the bold words of the resilience property de nition proposed above.

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extent, severity and duration The replacement of the ambiguous term “magnitude”
in de nition #8 with the two terms “extent and
severity” provides further details about the action of
the disruptive event and assures a more focused
characterization of the dimensions of system
degradation, still keeping the de nition concise and
“Severity” in the present de nition refers to the
“severity of the event consequences”, which must be
kept separate from the “severity of the event” which in
general does not imply any system degradations.
The concept of “severity” also depends on the
stakeholder’s point of view. For example, some system
situations might be deemed as severe by the TSO yet
without any grid degradations (e.g. a degraded
operating point without security margins and ready to
collapse if a single failure happens on a speci c grid

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system degradation Term “degradation” is intended as “deviation from
speci ed target performances”. This term refers to the
criteria used to apply the resilience concept in system
planning and operation.
In fact, the costs to assure power system security in
case of multiple contingencies can be unacceptable
and unsustainable: thus, the rationale is to assure the
ful llment of security criteria for “ordinary” events (N-1
credibility criterion) and to provide a weaker criterion of
not exceeding maximum speci ed deviations of system
performances in case of severe multiple contingencies.
Term “degradation” refers to both the power supply
and the grid infrastructure, thus the property de nition
can be applied to both infrastructural and operational
resilience. In fact it is worth distinguishing:
the Resilience of the infrastructure
against extreme events involving
multiple failures, which requires
the repair or replacement of
components, and
the Resilience of the energy supply
service, which concerns the
management of service
disruptions, i.e. power outages up
to the total blackout.

The different declination of resilience into power supply

and infrastructure resilience also implies different
performance metrics to be adopted to quantify the
property, for example:
number of damaged lines over the
time is a typical metrics for
infrastructural resilience,
number of unsupplied customers
or the amount of energy not
supplied over the time are typical
metrics for operational resilience.

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extreme event Like most of the de nitions in Table 2, the new
de nition includes a speci cation about the disruptive
events affecting the system: “extreme event” refers to
events with a large impact in terms of amount of
damaged components, reduction of component
functionalities, as well as number of unsupplied
With this speci cation the new de nition links the
de nition of resilience property with the application
criteria (i.e. application to extreme events).[1]
Also, events such as long droughts and extreme
temperatures that do not have an impact on the status
of the components (i.e. on or off/collapsed) but on
their operational capabilities (e.g. derating of lines due
to high temperatures or limited cooling of thermal
plants due to water scarcity) are to be included in the
de nition of “extreme event”, as the system should be
resilient to these prolonged events too.
The term “extreme” used in the WG de nition does not
include any information about the probability of
occurrence of the events, but only refers to the
severity of the impact of such events on the system.
These events often have a low probability: in this case
they are referred to as HILP (High Impact Low
Probability) events. A risk-based approach to resilience
can be very effective in dealing with HILP events,
because the risk concept combines the consequences
(impact) of a contingency with its probability.

Table 3 – Explanation of the bold words in the new de nition of resilience

This de nition is innovative with respect to most of the previous de nitions in Table
2 because:

It is more accurate in de ning the details of the action of the disruptive event.
The inde nite term “magnitude” – used in de nition #8 in Table 2 - is replaced
with two terms “extent and severity” which refer respectively to the geographical
extension and the severity of the effects.
It operates a clear separation between resilience as a property and the key
measures (shock absorption, fast recovery, etc.) which allow to achieve it. The
latter are an integral part of the de nition and are addressed in next sub-section.
This is common to only a few other de nitions in literature.

The WG de nition applies to both transmission and distribution systems, even if

methods and metrics for resilience assessment and measures for its enhancement
must be speci ed taking into account the peculiarities of the two grids (e.g. different
operation criteria and different vulnerabilities of the components, etc.).

4.2. Key measures to achieve power system resilience

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An essential part of the new de nition of resilience is the list of the key measures
that can be used to achieve system resilience over different time frames (from short
to long term), as follows.

Power system resilience is achieved through a set of key actionable measures to be

taken before, during and after extreme events, such as:

rapid recovery and
sustainment of critical system operation

including application of lessons learnt.

These “measures” listed in the present subsection characterize any power system: in
fact, the adoption of defence plans to absorb the contingency impact, the upgrades of
operating and maintenance procedures on the basis of past events, the scheduling of
maintenance teams are only few examples of current practices of grid operators to
face severe disruptive events. However, a resilient system should be capable to
exploit these measures to achieve acceptable targets for the energy supply in case of
extreme events.

Table 4 introduces the key measures with a brief description.

The corresponding capabilities of the system to deploy the previous key measures,
i.e. the anticipative, absorptive, adaptive and restorative capabilities, must be
quantitatively assessed by means of suitable metrics, so that it is possible to set
objectives, to establish suitable strategies and measure the improvements, thus
providing a valuable support to decision making process.

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Measure Description

Anticipation This process consists in evaluating and/or monitoring

the onset of foreseeable scenarios that could have
disastrous outcomes. It assists power system
engineers to enumerate plausible disaster scenarios
and proposed mitigation plans and allowing decision
makers to envisage the “multiple” future states and
strategies required to contain, avoid and/or respond to
an emergent threat to the power system.
Anticipation during the pre-disturbance period is
realized by any resource or action that can reduce the
probability of extreme events, or any initial damage.

Preparation This process is required by decision makers to advance

the knowledge gained during the anticipation phase
from the resilience strategies to clear objectives to
guide the deployment of measures. Tolerance to the
possible adverse consequences has to be considered,
with emphasis on maintaining mission critical loads and
the minimum system load level to sustain a reduced
but acceptable functioning of everyday life and,
importantly, the orderly functioning of a modern society.

Absorption The process by which a system can minimise or avoid

the consequences of extreme events: the outcomes
are represented by the “slope” and amount of the
power system performance degradation after the shock
has occurred or been avoided.

Adaptation In this process changes are carried out in the power

system management, defence and operational regimes,
on the basis of past disruptions, in order to contain
and/or limit the undesirable situations. This process
includes the upgrades of prevention barriers,
operational regimes and maintenance procedures on
the basis of lessons learnt from past disruptive events.

Rapid Recovery In this process the energy supply to the customers is

restored and the damages to the grid infrastructure are
repaired. The process requires the operational
response to the initial shock to contain or limit the
consequence to the disruptive events, by focusing on
mission critical or essential loads that are required to
support the restoration efforts. This requires integrated
planning to develop ef cient and effective response
plans in a coordinated manner to recover the system
operation back to a normal state.

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Measure Description

Sustainment of critical conditions The process of maintaining the operational capability of

the impaired power system to supply the mission
critical loads and a minimum system load level to
maintain a reduced but acceptable functioning of
everyday life and importantly the functioning of modern
societies that are dependent on so many critical and
interdependent infrastructures driven by electricity.
This may require the deployment of additional
components (e.g. mobile generators), systems (e.g.
Uninterruptible Power Supplies) and distributed energy
resources to sustain operations until the power system
is restored to a normal state.

Table 4 - Explanations and examples for each key actionable measure

4.3. Comparison between resilience and reliability

A rst comparison between reliability and resilience properties has been done in
literature [37], [38]. Table 5 compares security, adequacy and resilience under
different aspects, which are individually discussed in the sequel. On the basis of the
de nitions given in subsection 2.1 and Table 1, reliability refers to the fundamental
function for which the power system is designed and operated, i.e. to deliver
electricity to customers within speci c standards, considering the occurrence of

As a preliminary remark, it is worth recalling that there are some differences in the
interpretation of the “security” property passing from some standardization entities
(IEEE, IEC) to operators’ associations or regulating entities (such as ENTSO-E and
NERC). This difference is due to the fact that from a pragmatic viewpoint operators
can perform not only preventive but also corrective actions, including the shedding
of speci c loads under special contracts (Interruptible Loads), to assure a normal
(thus, secure) state to the power system. Thus, a broader interpretation of security as
“the ability to withstand disturbances” may include the possibility not to ful ll the
whole customers’ demand, if we include the above exibility measures regarding

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ASPECT Adequacy Security Resilience

Scope Power system [15] Power system Power system with its
interactions with
environment, humans.

Extreme events Limited relevance, Usually limited relevance, Relevance to events with
depending on operators’ depending on operators’ high impacts that are
guidelines for system guidelines for system commonly excluded from
design and operation design and operation design and operating
(grid codes) [40][15] (grid codes) [40][15] provisions.

Contingency selection Prede ned set of events Prede ned set of events Contingencies with very
(from N-1 to some N-k) (from N-1 to some N-k, high impact selected
depending on TSO/ISO’s mainly N-1-1 and N-2) based on TSO’s
grid code indications [40] depending on TSO/ISO’s experience or other
[15]. grid code indications [40] approaches such as risk-
[15]. based techniques
accounting for the
likelihood of events (over
different time frames)
and their impact.

Time evolution Account for the Account for the power Account for the time
availability of generating system response to evolution of threats,
units and grid contingencies, over the power system and
components over the time. humans interacting
time. In operational planning, together over different
security studies may also phases, from the
exploit probabilistic absorption of
models to assess contingency effects to
possible time evolutions the restoration of
of loads and renewable damaged system facilities
sources. and the supply of service
to customers.
Long term dynamics of
the organization (such as
adaptation from past
events, preparation and
anticipation strategies) is
also included.

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ASPECT Adequacy Security Resilience

Impact on the system Lack of demand coverage Potential instabilities or Effects on customer
due to insuf cient frequency/current/voltag supply, also due to
generation/transmission e violations. severe damages to the
capacity and/or reserve Effects on customer infrastructure itself
[42]. supply (customer (disruption and recovery
interruption times and/or times).
energy not supplied). Account for grid
operators’ actions under
stressed situations and
staff (e.g. maintenance
teams) interventions
under extreme

Acceptability criterion Comparing indexes (e.g. Classi cation Degraded operation

LOLE) with an “secure”/“unsecure”, admitted according to the
acceptability threshold is considering the same severity of the event.
irrespective of the threshold of performance
considered events. level applied to all the
events considered.

Modeling techniques Deterministic approaches Traditionally based on Deterministic simulation

assess the capability of deterministic simulations of extreme event
generation and applied to the expected scenarios (based on
transmission resources system state, performed TSO’s operational
to meet demand at some with static or dynamic experiences).
reference “worst case” tools. Probabilistic models for
situations in the future Probabilistic models are threats (e.g. extreme
(usually winter and being introduced to value distributions in the
summer peak demand). represent the long term), grid scenarios
Probabilistic approaches uncertainties on grid and system response to
(analytical or Monte operating conditions and contingencies and
Carlo) estimate the system response to restoration process.
performances of the contingencies. Also focus on
system to supply the countermeasures and on
demand considering the quanti cation of their
variabilities and bene ts to limit system
uncertainties associated degradation.
with the generation and
transmission resources
and the demand, through
indices such as Loss Of
Load Expectation (LOLE),
Expected Energy Not
Served (EENS).

Table 5 - Comparison of the main aspects concerning reliability, adequacy, security and resilience.

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It’s worth recalling also CIGRE de nition of security in [9], where the meaning of
“withstand disturbances” includes “agreed use of customers’ ability to vary power
supply, adjust demand and provide ancillary services”, which con rms the
possibility to assure power system security also exploiting measures of load
modulation (such as demand response or interruptible loads contracts).

In particular, if one considers the diagram of power system operating states [39],
preventive controls can be adopted to move the power system from an “alert” state
after the occurrence of a contingency to “normal” state (i.e. “preventively” secure
state), while corrective actions, such as the corrective redispatch of generators taking
account of the ramping limitations or the shedding of loads under speci c contracts,
can be deployed to move the system from an “emergency state” (which shows
violations of operating quantities and/or instabilities) to an alert or a normal state
(i.e. “correctively” secure). In the end, if even corrective controls are not suf cient,
then emergency controls, such as system splitting or generalized load shedding, are
performed to avoid the “in extremis” state which is characterized by both violations
of operating quantities and/or instabilities and lack of supply to customers.

As in CIGRE perspective [8], measures for load modulation (such as interruptible

loads and demand response) can be envisaged as “measures to assure system
security”, thus they should not be counted for the evaluation of “load integrity”
requirement in security de nition. Thus, within the framework of the newly de ned
“resilience” property, one can distinguish between loads under special contracts for
modulation purposes and “conventional loads” with no special contracts, stating

1. Security implies the integrity of the conventional loads,

2. Resilience does not require the integrity of conventional loads.

The rst aspect compared in Table 5 is the scope of the analysis: adequacy and
security focus on the power system per se. The interactions with environment can be
considered by adjusting the failure rates of the components according to a rough
classi cation of weather (adverse/normal) or climate conditions, but in a
conventional reliability methodology the vulnerability of individual components is
not modelled.

A resilience-based perspective enlarges the scope of the analysis so that it includes a

model of the threats and of their interactions with the power system.

As far as extreme events are concerned, current grid codes [15] [40] require the
evaluation of system response to a prede ned list of contingencies passing from
single outages to multiple plausible outages involving the loss of a double circuit, or
busbar contingencies. For the sake of clearness, ENTSO-e and NERC approaches are
presented in the subsequent paragraphs.

In [12], [14], [15] and ENTSO-e currently distinguishes the contingencies into normal,
exceptional and out-of-range events:

Ordinary type of contingency, de ned as “contingency of a single branch or

injection” (a line, a generating unit, a transformer or two transformers connected
to the same bay respectively, a Phase Shifter Transformer, a large voltage
compensation installation, a DC link considered as a generating unit or a large

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Exceptional type of contingency, de ned as the “simultaneous occurrence of
multiple contingencies with a common cause”. Some examples are the loss of a
double line, which refers to two lines on the same tower over a long distance, the
loss of a single busbar, the common mode failure with the loss of more than one
generating units, including large wind production, common mode failure of DC
links. These events are identi ed on the basis of the design of the network
structure and of the event probability (potentially linked to special operational
conditions like storm or maintenance).
Out-of-range type of contingency, de ned as “the simultaneous occurrence of
multiple contingencies without a common cause, or a loss of power generating
modules with a total loss of generation capacity exceeding the reference
incident”. Out-of-range contingencies are at least the independent and
simultaneous loss of two lines, the loss of a total substation with more than one
busbar, the total loss of a power plant with more than two generating units, the
loss of a tower with more than 2 lines, severe power swinging or oscillations. In
case of the occurrence of such an event, the system is in emergency condition
and the resulting situation has to be dealt conforming to Synchronous Area
Framework (SAFA) indications [13]. Out-of-range contingencies represent those
extremely severe events for which the system is not designed.

In [40] NERC considers two categories:

Planning events (P0-P7), for which the power system is required to ful l speci c
performance criteria; this category contains all the P0-P7 events de ned in the
Standard, passing from no outage (P0) or single outage (P1) to a busbar fault
following by a stuck breaker (P7).
Extreme events include very widespread and impacting events due to weather
phenomena (hurricanes, droughts, geomagnetic storms, etc.) and/or cyber-
attacks. This set of events requires the time domain simulations of the sequence
of events (cascading outages, protection interventions, etc.) following the
initiating contingency, considering the normal fault clearing process.

From references [15], [40] it’s worth noting that limited relevance is given to extreme
events in conventional reliability analyses, because only few plausible severe
contingencies which are chosen based on TSOs’ experience are simulated in detail.
Instead, extreme events are given a very high relevance in resilience analyses.

The selection of the contingencies de nes another difference between the classical
concept of reliability and resilience: in fact, current grid codes in US [40] and in
Europe [13] indicate a prede ned list of (single, possibly a few multiple)
contingencies for which speci c requirements in the system response must be met.
This list is completed by operators on the basis of their operational experience. For
all the contingencies of the set, the operators must verify the ful lment of adequacy
and security requirements. However, resilience analyses are focused on extreme
events with possibly catastrophic impacts on power system service and
infrastructure. These events are normally not considered in current reliability-
centered design of the system: in fact, a complete enumeration of multiple
contingencies would lead to combinatorial explosion problems; moreover,
contingencies with a very high number of outaged components would inevitably lead
to unacceptable impacts. Thus, the selection of multiple contingencies can be based
on experience or from risk based analyses [41] where risk, interpreted as a
quadruple {threat, vulnerability, contingency, impact}, is used to select the events to
be investigated on the basis of the forecasted states of power system and in uencing

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Consideration of time evolution is another aspect that differentiates reliability and
resilience: in fact, adequacy/security requirements are checked in each system state
occurring over the study horizon. The evolution of system states regards load and
generation, as well as the failures and the return into service of components [42]. In
resilience studies, time evolution is even more at the center of the analysis because
– in addition to the factors mentioned for reliability - it includes the time evolution of
the weather threat, of operators’ behaviour during emergency management and
restoration phase and of the interactions between power systems, as well as the
possible evolution of TSOs’ preparation and anticipation strategies by adapting their
procedures on the basis of past events. Severe events can cause widespread
damages to the system infrastructure, besides load disruptions, which explains why
restoration and emergency management phases are given a special attention in
resilience assessment phases.

As for the impact on the system, reliability assessment focuses on the potential lack
of demand coverage due to insuf cient generation/transmission capacity and/or
problems of reserve for the most limiting contingencies (adequacy analysis) and on
the potential instabilities or frequency/current/voltage violations in the power
system response to contingencies (security analysis). Even if the return into service
of components following a disturbance is modelled, the main scope of such analyses
is to evaluate the quality of supply to customers (in terms of customer interruption
times and/or energy not supplied). Resilience analyses are meant to evaluate the
power system ability to deliver a degraded but still acceptable power supply service
to customers also under extreme events, taking into account the potential effects
that severe damages to the infrastructure can have on the power supply service.
Moreover, resilience assessment should account for the interactions with human and
natural environment (control center and maintenance personnel, weather
conditions, etc.) during extreme events.

As for the acceptability criteria, adequacy and security must be met in a “strict” way,
irrespective of the considered events. With resilience, instead, some degradation of
the service is allowed, according to the severity and extension of the event.

Reliability addresses customer supply: adequacy studies evaluate the lack of

generation and transmission facilities (reserve margins, etc.) to cope with load
demand [42]-[44], while security studies evaluate the occurrence of instability
phenomena or violations of currents/voltages or load disruptions in presence of
contingencies, considering static and/or dynamic approaches [45].

Instead, resilience analyses do not only focus on the customer supply but also on the
multiple aspects of the interactions between power system components and (natural
and human) environment, thus assessing both the process of electric supply loss and
recovery, and the process of infrastructure disruption and recovery. The response of
human staff (operators, maintenance teams) at the various phases of the system
response to disturbances is also a part of this process [46].

As for the modelling techniques, both reliability and resilience can be studied via
probabilistic or deterministic approaches. Examples of deterministic methods to
assess generation adequacy are the “reserve margin” and the “loss of largest unit”
criteria applied to some signi cant operating conditions in the year (i.e. summer or
winter peak); on the other side, probabilistic methods based on either Monte Carlo
simulations or analytical methods (e.g. Markov processes), can be applied to assess
load coverage accounting for the uncertainties of generation and transmission
capacity, availability, load level, etc. [42]-[44].

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Security analyses can also be carried out via either deterministic approaches
(assuming a known operating condition) or probabilistic approaches which account
for the uncertainties referring to the operating point (e.g. for the RES and load
forecast errors especially in an operational planning context), the contingency
characteristics (type and location of the fault), as well as the response of protection,
defense and control systems (e.g. protection settings) [45].

Deterministic and probabilistic approaches can be applied to resilience analyses, but

in this case the simulation framework also includes the models related to the threats,
the relevant countermeasures, the recovery of damaged infrastructure, the potential
interdependencies of power system with other critical infrastructures, as well as the
human staff response [46][41]. Currently, deterministic studies of power system
response to extreme event scenarios can be of great help for operators for the
anticipation and the preparation phases where operators foresee and simulate likely
extreme events scenarios. Of course, probabilistic methods can provide more
information, allowing a risk-based ranking of extreme event scenarios, and helping
operators prioritize the interventions on the system to cope with the most risky
events. It’s worth pointing out that in any case the modelling of countermeasures is
fundamental to quantify their costs and bene ts to system resilience. All these
modelling efforts highlight the multi-disciplinary nature of the resilience with
respect to reliability and call for expertise from different elds of knowledge.

5. Remarks on the relationship between

reliability and resilience
The introduction of the new resilience property de nition is important to quantify
the response of power systems to extreme events. However, given the widespread
adoption of reliability related concepts in planning and operational practices of TSOs,
it’s essential to identify the relationship of resilience with reliability and its

Currently, security and adequacy are the two necessary conditions to verify the
classical property of “reliability” for a power system. However, assuring the security
of the system in case of multiple outages, such as the ones produced by extreme
events, may not be techno-economically viable in terms of design, planning,
operation, and asset management requirements, whereas resilience criteria may be

Several entities and researchers have already proposed their views on this

For example, the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) indicates in [47]
that “resilience is a component of reliability in relation to an event”.

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) states in [48] that “a bulk
power system that provides an adequate level of reliability is a resilient one”: this
suggests that resilience is a necessary condition for a reliable system. Moreover, the
de nition of ALR “Adequate Level of Reliability” [49] of a Bulk Electric System (BES)
proposed by NERC contains a list of system requirements which refer both to the
“traditional” view of reliability (the system must respond satisfactorily to prede ned
disturbances) and to the property of resilience (the system must limit the
performance degradation provoked also by HILP events and must recover effectively

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from blackout conditions). In 2013 NERC introduced the de nition of ALR “Adequate
Level of Reliability” [49] of a Bulk Electric System (BES). A BES with ALR must
satis es the following ve requirements:

1. BES does not experience instability, uncontrolled separation, cascading, or

voltage collapse under normal operating conditions and when subject to
prede ned disturbances.
2. BES frequency is maintained within de ned parameters under normal operating
conditions and when subject to prede ned disturbances.
3. BES voltage is maintained within de ned parameters under normal operating
conditions and when subject to prede ned disturbances.
4. Adverse reliability impacts on the BES following low probability disturbances
(e.g., multiple contingences, unplanned and uncontrolled equipment outages,
cyber security events, and malicious acts) are managed.
5. The restoration of the BES after major system disturbances that result in
blackouts and widespread outages of BES elements is performed in a coordinated
and controlled manner.

Requirements 1 to 3 regard the system under normal operating conditions and

prede ned disturbances like those usually addressed by security criteria, whereas
requirements 4 and 5 refer to very severe events like those addressed by resilience.

In the “State of Reliability” reports, NERC highlights the dif culty for BES operators
in complying with points 4 and 5, stating that “For these less probable severe events,
BES owners and operators may not be able to apply economically justi able or
practical measures to prevent or mitigate an adverse reliability impact on the BES
even if these events can result in cascading, uncontrolled separation, or voltage
collapse” [50]. Anyway, the ALR de nition is considered as the basis of long term
reliability assessment reports by NERC in the last years (see for example [51]).
Reference [52] states “Within the broad context of reliability de ned by these
indices, resiliency would appear as a component of reliability. Resilience relates to
restorability and speed of restoration”, highlighting that available reliability tools
should consider the resilience of the system, by adequately modeling repair and
restoration processes [52][53].

Operators already do their best to assure system’s survival to severe events, by

applying corrective and preventive actions. Defense plans and restoration plans are
elaborated in order to make system survive very severe events and fast recover from
them. The introduction of the resilience concept integrates the defense and
restoration plans into a wider framework for resilience enhancement which is based
on the key actionable measures deployed on different time frames (from planning to
operation), including organizational aspects of TSOs. This paves the way to the
rational elaboration of coordinated plans aimed to enhance this property at different
levels. In this context, following also NERC’s and FERC’s indications, the concept of
“resilience” is applied to all those measures which assure the limitation of system
degradation in case of extreme events.

As indicated in [54] reliability is related to the ultimate goal of the power systems,
i.e. providing electricity to the customers within speci c standards for the service
supply. The introduction of resilience property permits to specify the “standards for
the service supply” in terms of maximum duration and severity of degraded
performance of the system when it is struck by very severe events for which security
property cannot be assured at reasonable costs. This enables the de nition of
reliability standards also for extreme events.

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In fact, a reliable system must have enough available (generation and transmission)
resources to cover the load with a suitable margin (adequacy), in case of the most
limiting contingencies, it must withstand disturbances (security), i.e. continues
supplying all the customers ful lling suitable requirements for the electricity supply,
at least for the category of contingencies which satis es a credibility criterion, but it
can limit its functional degradation (resilience) for those contingencies which do not
satisfy the credibility criterion adopted by the TSO (extreme events).

The response of a power system under (either credible or extreme) events depends
not only on the features of the threat (intensity, location, extension, etc.) but also on
the intrinsic characteristics of the power system (physical characteristics of the
infrastructure, available systems for control, defense, automation and protection,
operating condition, in turn depending on load level, network topology, generation
and import/export patterns, etc.). A reliable system should satisfy the “standards of
quality of supply” over the long run, which implies the capability to have a
satisfactory response to (either single and multiple) contingencies for the operating
points over the analysis period, so that the reliability indicators (such as EENS)
computed typically on a yearly basis stay below a threshold established in
operational standards.

To attain this general goal (i.e. providing energy with given standards over the long
run) the system must be also resilient - i.e. limit its degradation within given
standards - in presence of the extreme events, for the operating points over the same
analysis period, considering the potential interactions between operating points and
the incumbent extreme events (e.g. potential cut-out of wind farms due to
windstorms, the reduction of thermal generation output due to prolonged droughts
and/or high ambient temperature, and load demand increase at the time of
temperature peaks). This requires the completion of the reliability standards by
introducing resilience-informed metrics and setting suitable admissible values for
these metrics.

6. Conclusions
After a comprehensive overview of the de nitions available in the literature, the
paper has presented a new de nition of power system resilience discussed in CIGRE
WG C4.47. This de nition provides a detailed characterization of the action of the
disruptive event in terms of geographical extension and severity of the effects.
Moreover, the property resilience and the key actionable measures which make a
power system resilient are de ned separately in the proposed de nition. Unlike
well-established properties like reliability, resilience is a dynamic multifaceted
concept which focuses on extreme (also HILP) events, on the evolution of threats
over the time and the interdependence among different critical infrastructures.

The paper has also compared resilience against reliability, adequacy and security
under different aspects (e.g. scope of analysis, selection of contingencies): the
increasing attention to power system responses to extreme events implies that
resilience is a necessary requirement to achieve a satisfactory quality of supply in
modern power systems and resilience informed metrics have to be considered in the
de nition of the standards for a reliable supply of electricity. It is envisaged that
resilience will change more and more the paradigm related to the planning and the
operation of power systems.

©2023 - CIGRE CSE N°30 October 2023 30

Looking forward, evolving the concept of resilience into engineering terms will
require mathematical and probabilistic modeling and various techniques to assess
and capture the value of resilience to aid decision making in cost-bene t analyses.

7. Appendix: Proposal of models to describe

the relationship between reliability and
The relationship between resilience and reliability is at the center of intense
discussions among the experts in the electricity sector, considering all the elements
of similarity and diversity highlighted in subsection 4.2. Consequently, different
models of relationship have been proposed.

The following subsections present the most promising models discussed within
CIGRE WG’s. This does not exclude that other CIGRE WGs have different views on the
relationship between these two properties.

Presented models highlight several aspects:

“Resilience as a sub-property of reliability”: focus on the links between the

properties of reliability, adequacy, security, and resilience,
“Resilience and reliability as overlapping circles”: focus on the differences
between the types of events considered and the measures taken,
“Reliability as a metric of resilience”: exploits reliability as a metric for system

Few common elements can be found in all the presented models:

the introduction of resilience property intends to ll the gap related to extreme

events which are not typically covered in conventional reliability analyses. It
enlarges the power system nal goal (provide electricity to customers in a
satisfactory manner) also to extreme events.
Resilience determines a change of perspective in the way how planning and
operation of modern power systems are performed by utilities. In fact, the need
to cope with rare events with very severe (up to catastrophic) impacts implies the
need to analyse the interdependencies among critical infrastructures and
modi es the priorities identi ed by reliability centered tools for grid investments
and system operational planning.

7.1. Resilience as a sub-property of reliability

A rst relationship model derives from a careful analysis of the proposed de nitions
for reliability and resilience. This model provides a consistent framework to
characterize the system performance in presence of any type of events (credible and
extreme events).

Firstly, from subsection 4.2 it’s worth noticing that reliability can be interpreted as a
fundamental property which does not refer to any speci c application criterion (no
reference to credible or extreme events).

©2023 - CIGRE CSE N°30 October 2023 31

Then, in principle, reliability should be applied both to credible and extreme events.
Therefore, under this broader perspective, reliability can be decomposed into three
components: adequacy, security and resilience (see Fig. 1).

In this perspective, a reliable system must have enough available generation and
transmission resources to cover the load with a suitable margin (adequacy), it must
withstand disturbances (security), i.e. continues supplying all the customers ful lling
suitable requirements for the electricity supply, at least for the category of
contingencies which satisfy a credibility criterion, but it must also limit its functional
degradation (resilience) for those contingencies which do not satisfy the credibility
criterion adopted by the TSO (extreme events).

Figure 1 - First model of relationship between reliability and resilience: resilience as a third sub-
property of reliability

This extension of the classical reliability model with the addition of resilience as a
sub-property of reliability is further justi ed by the following considerations.

Adequacy and security are necessary conditions to verify the classical property of
“reliability” for a power system. However, assuring the security of the system in case
of multiple outages such as the ones produced by extreme events leads to excessive
costs in terms of design, planning, operation, and maintenance.

If the reliability concept did not include resilience, as in the classical approach, then
a power system could not be de ned reliable in case of extreme events. In fact,
security, which requires no loss of conventional loads, is not assured for extreme
events but only for credible contingencies, due to the resulting excessive costs.

Instead, stating that a necessary condition for a system to be reliable is that the
system must have a suf cient resilience to extreme events leads to several

1. international de nitions of reliability which do not include any references to the

types of outages, are satis ed, including the recent de nition proposed by CIGRE
WG C1 [8][9].
2. the de nitions of security and adequacy remain unaltered.
3. a clear link between resilience and known concepts is established.

Note that a system which is resilient is not necessarily reliable (because it may not
respect the requirements concerning the service supply, e.g. the maximum number
and duration of supply interruptions, in case of credible contingencies). Moreover, a
system which is reliable with respect to credible events (i.e. adequate and secure,

©2023 - CIGRE CSE N°30 October 2023 32

according to the conventional de nition of reliability) may not be resilient to extreme
events. However, a reliable system must have a suf cient level of resilience to
extreme events, otherwise it would not satisfy the general de nition of reliability (i.e.
able to deliver electricity within accepted standards and in the amount desired)
under extreme events.

As a conclusion, according to the abovementioned broader interpretation of

reliability, a reliable system must be adequate, secure for credible contingencies and
it must be enough resilient to extreme events. This statement holds valid for any
credibility criterion adopted by a TSO.

This perspective is supported also by FERC – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

–in [47] and by NERC in [50] and by some academics [52][53].

7.2. Resilience and reliability as overlapping circles

The model presented afterward highlights the differences between the types of
events considered and the measures taken. According to the present model,
reliability and resilience are distinctive and complementary concepts as illustrated
in Fig. 2 by the two overlapping circles.

Figure 2 - Second model of relationship between reliability and resilience: two overlapping circles.

This model helps classifying the different sets of disturbances and performance
requirements as related to reliability and resilience that they intend to meet. In this
sense, the diagram not only represents the total probability space of disturbance
(credible and extreme events), but the relationship between reliability and resilience
in term of methodology, measures, and metrics:

in classical reliability studies (circle A) the failure and success of components or a

system are monitored to measure the performance of the given tasks or functions
of the system. For instance, the number of failures which occur over a given
period of time describes the failure rate of the components or system in not
meeting the performance expectation. The quanti cation of reliability is
described as the measurement of success or failure of the power system, using
three types of indices, namely: load, customer, and energy indices.
in resilience studies (circle B) the events are normally characterized as extreme
events, i.e. events that create a condition beyond the normal design criteria for
reliability consideration. Extreme events are often characterized by low
probabilities (HILP events) which are analysed with probabilistic assessment

©2023 - CIGRE CSE N°30 October 2023 33

methods: modelling such probabilities may be a tough task due to the rarity of
the events.
the intersection of the two circles suggests that conventional reliability
assessment methods must be updated considering the growing need (also on the
basis of recent regulations) to deal with extreme events, thus leading to a
coordinated risk-based optimization of reliability and resilience in power

The overlapping area of the reliability and resilience circles can also be described as
a risk-mitigation region in which both reliability and resilience performance
requirement goals are met. The goal is to expand the overlapping area by means of
integrated reliability and resilience planning processes to optimise both reliability
and resilience investment decisions.

In the context of extreme events, conventional investment decision methods may be

inadequate because they tend to skew the investments towards a high revenue
stream and high frequency of occurrence, typically ignoring the interdependencies
at the system level. Another complication is that regulatory mechanisms normally
focus on the ef ciency pressures of utilities on the operational investment cost. This
ignores the opportunity cost of enhancing utilities’ coping capability (i.e., response
and recovery capabilities) with these extreme incidents.

7.3. Reliability as a metric of resilience

From de nitions in Table 1, reliability is de ned as the degree to which the
performance of the elements in a bulk system result in electricity being delivered to
customers within accepted standards and in the amount desired. The degree of
reliability may be measured by the frequency, duration, and magnitude of adverse
effects on the electric supply. Reliability indices typically consider such aspects as
the number of unsupplied customers, the duration of the interruption or the amount
of power interrupted, the frequency of interruption. The three most common are
referred to as SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI, de ned in IEEE Standard 1366. Reliability is
therefore a measurable quantity that can be used as a design parameter for the
power system as a target quantity.

By comparing the de nitions and the understanding of reliability and resilience, it

can be concluded that resilience to different types of incidents, from simple failures
to natural disasters, can be measured by reliability metrics, as shown in the
conceptual framework in Fig. 3.

©2023 - CIGRE CSE N°30 October 2023 34

Figure 3 – Third model of relationship between reliability and resilience from CIGRE SC C2. Circle
represents set of operational/environmental incidents/events

Accordingly, reliability and resilience concepts could be linked as follows: the power
system is designed and operated for a set of incidents/events in such a way that it
reaches a desired reliability level. Thus, a resilient power system has different
reliability degree for different kind of incidents, from credible to non-credible events.

Resilience is given when after such an event the power system is able to return to an
acceptable operation within an acceptable ( nite) time after an event. How well that
succeeds, that is, how long parts of the power system are thereby in an unacceptable
condition is described over the measure of the resilience, which can be e.g. “high” or
“low”. As technical measurable value one of the reliability indices can be consulted.
Fig. 3 visualizes this interconnection between resilience and reliability. Each circle
represents a set of incidents in a power system.

The inner circle de nes the set of incidents (credible events) for which the power
system is designed to achieve a reliability level of almost 100%). This includes the
provision of a suitable generation and transmission infrastructure to satisfy the
demand with margins (adequacy) and of a satisfactory operation (security in case of
credible contingencies). For this set of incidents, the power system fully reliable. For
non-credible events the power system should guarantee the supply after a de ned
time following an incident, the system is still resilient but less reliable.

This model considers that resilience is a necessary condition for power system
reliability, as stated by model 1 and NERC documentation. However, according to this
model unlike the new resilience de nition discussed in this paper, resilience concept
is applied to both credible and non-credible (extreme) events.

The authors would like to thank CIGRE C4.47 Power System Resilience working group
and all members of C4, C2 and C1 WG’s for the useful discussions.

©2023 - CIGRE CSE N°30 October 2023 35

This work has been nanced by the Research Fund for the Italian Electrical System
under the Three-Year Research Plan 2022-2024 (DM MITE n. 337, 15.09.2022), in
compliance with the Decree of April 16th, 2018.

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Emanuele Ciapessoni has been in Italian Power system research centres since 1990,
when he joined CISE S.p.A. and then ENEL Research. Currently he is Leading
Scientist and Chair of the Scienti c Committee at Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE
S.p.A.). His research interests include power system resilience and security, risk
analysis and mitigation, wide area monitoring protection and control, restoration.
He is convenor of Italian Electrotechnical Committee CT65 on Industrial-process
measurement, control and automation. He also provides consultancy services to the
Italian regulatory Authority for electric Energy and Gas in power system resilience
and several energy-related topics. He is the scienti c lead in the de nition of the
Terna-RSE methodology for resilience-oriented planning. He is an active member of
the CIGRE Working Group C4.47 on power system resilience and of IEEE Working
Groups on cascading failures.
Since 1990 he has coordinated several national and international projects on power
system, dealing with the development and application of innovative approaches for
system resilience and risk management. Currently he is involved in the EU project
HVDC-WISE EU project dealing with reliability and resilience of power systems
including HVDC grids.
He has published over 80 scienti c papers and reports and he has been reviewer
and session chair in several international conferences and reviewer for several

©2023 - CIGRE CSE N°30 October 2023 38

Diego Cirio received the M.Sc. degree (1999) and Ph.D. degree (2003) in Electrical
Engineering from University of Genoa, Italy. He leads the “Grid Development and
Security” Research Group at “Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico - RSE S.p.A.” (Milano,
Italy). He has been active in EU and national research projects on power system
resilience, security, adequacy, risk, HVDC, exibility, ancillary services, also
supporting the Italian Authority for energy, the Ministry for Environment and Energy
Security, and the TSO. He contributed to CIGRE WGs of SC C2/C4, IEEE WG on
Cascading failure, IEA WGs on transmission systems (ENARD, ISGAN). He has been
IEEE Senior Member since 2013.

Andrea Pitto got his M.Sc. degree (2005) and PhD (2009) in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Genoa (Italy), where he worked as a research assistant in
2009-2010. He joined Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico – RSE S.p.A. in 2011. His
research interests concern probabilistic risk-based approaches to power system
resilience assessment and enhancement, cascading outage analysis, security
assessment techniques. He was involved in the development of the methodology for
resilience-oriented planning of the Italian TSO. Active member of the CIGRE Working
Group C4.47 on power system resilience and of IEEE Working Groups on cascading
failures and on common mode dependent outages. He has been IEEE Senior Member
since 2016.

Malcolm Van Harte has 26 years of experience in the electric utility Transmission
and Distribution industry. He holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Cape Town and works in distribution as the Senior Manager for SMART
GRID and Head of Network Operations Centre of Excellence (including Cyber
Security, Data Analytics and Distribution Telecommunication Operations). He's also
worked in risk and resilience, network planning, regional and national control
centers, and network optimization. He has chaired or participated in a number of
strategy projects, working groups, and study committees aimed at improving the
reliability and quality of electricity infrastructure, including the National Blackout,
Provincial Transmission Risk Workshops, Network Planning, Network Performance,
and Quality of Supply. He has led and participated in a number of strategic initiatives
aimed at strengthening Eskom's resilience capabilities, including disaster
management, business continuity, organizational resilience, and enterprise risk
management. He is now working with the implementation of a new Distribution
operating model with additional capabilities such as Distribution System Operator
and Energy Trader.

Mathaios Panteli holds an Assistant Professor position within the Department of

Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, since January 2021, and
an Honorary Lecturer position at the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Imperial College London since September 2022. Prior to joining UCY, he
was a Lecturer at the Power and Energy Division of The University of Manchester,
serving as the Deputy Lead of the Sustainable Energy Systems research cluster. His
academic quali cations include an M.Eng. degree from Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2009, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Power Engineering
from The University of Manchester, U.K., in 2013. His main research interests include
techno-economic reliability, resilience and exibility assessment of future low-
carbon energy systems, grid integration of renewable energy sources and integrated
modelling and analysis of co-dependent critical infrastructures. Mathaios is an IEEE
Senior Member, an IET Chartered Engineer (CEng), the Chair of the CIGRE working
group C4.47 “Power System Resilience” and the CIGRE Cyprus National Committee,
an invited member of multiple IEEE, CIGRE and CIRED working groups, and a Fellow

©2023 - CIGRE CSE N°30 October 2023 39

of the Higher Education Academy (UK). He serves as an Associate Editor in IEEE
Transactions on Sustainable Energy and he is the recipient of the prestigious 2018
Newton Prize.

Contact Author: E. CIAPESSONI 

Expression “High Impact, Low Probability” is equivalent to “High Impact Low
Frequency” adopted in [37].

©2023 - CIGRE CSE N°30 October 2023 40

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