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HÀ NỘI NĂM HỌC 2021-2022

ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (chuyên Anh)

Ngày thi: 14/6/2021
(Đề thi gồm 08 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút

Điểm Chữ ký và họ tên CB Chữ ký và họ tên CB SỐ PHÁCH

Bằng số Bằng chữ chấm thi 1 chấm thi 2
(do Ban phách ghi)


Lưu ý: Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào các trang của đề thi này, không được sử dụng từ điển và bất kỳ loại
tài liệu nào. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.

LISTENING (2.0 PTS) You will hear each part TWICE.

Part 1. Questions 1-10 (1.0 pt)
You will hear part of a talk about a type of bird called a crane.
For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS / A NUMBER for
each answer.
In parts of Asia, the crane is thought to represent both (1) _____________ and (2) _____________. The
total population of the blue crane stands at around (3) __________________________ individuals.
The crane's usual habitat is in areas of (4) _____________, which are getting scarcer in Africa.
Both small animals and (5) _____________ are given as examples of what cranes eat.
Cranes often collide with the (6) _____________ that are now found across southern Africa.
Crane conservation in South Africa is coordinated by an organization called (7)
__________________________. In one conservation scheme, local women both (8) _____________ and (9)
_____________ like cranes when looking after young chicks.
Cranes' movements are also being tracked through the use of tiny (10) _____________ linked to airports.
Part 2. Questions 11-20 (1.0 pt)
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about the music industry. While you listen,
you must complete BOTH tasks.
Task ONE Task TWO
For questions 11-15, choose from the list (A- For questions 16-20, choose from the list (A-H) the opinion
H) who is speaking. each speaker expresses.
A. a recording studio 11. _____ Speaker 1 A. Tastes in music change very 16. _____ Speaker 1
engineer quickly.
B. a musician 12. _____ Speaker 2 B. Music is an important part of 17. _____ Speaker 2
C. a reviewer culture.
D. a club owner 13. _____ Speaker 3 C. Some people who become well- 18. _____ Speaker 3
E. a fan known don't deserve their success.
F. a website operator 14. _____ Speaker 4 D. There are lots of dishonest 19. _____ Speaker 4
G. a manager of people in the music business.
performers 15. _____ Speaker 5 E. Artists need to have a realistic 20. _____ Speaker 5
H. a radio presenter view of the music business.
F. People with real talent will
always succeed.
G. Some artists will always be
H. People should only get involved
in music because they love it.

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Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
that of the rest in each of the following questions. (0.2 pt)
21. A. wretched B. markedly C. deservedly D. unmatched
22. A. basic B. cosmic C. music D. invisible
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions. (0.3 pt)
23. A. infamous B. invaluable C. incredible D. infrequently
24. A. initiative B. efficiency C. geography D. individual
25. A. narrow-minded B. cost-effective C. hair-raising D. well-endowed
Part 1. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (1.2 pts)
26. In my opinion, Japan is _______ developed country in the world.
A. the most second B. second in the most C. the second most D. two the most
27. The scenery is spectacular when _______ from the mountain top. It feels like your breath is being taken
A. to view B. viewing C. to be viewed D. viewed
28. When things go wrong and make you angry, say to yourself: "_______". Remind yourself that getting
angry won't solve anything, and won't make you feel better.
A. This is not really my cup of tea. C. This is out of this world.
B. This is not the end of the world. D. It is once in a blue moon.
29. We offer classic wildlife safaris, exciting expeditions, family holidays, and _______ holidays.
A. customer-made B. tailor-made C. self-made D. home-made
30. Thomas Cook, the father of modern mass tourism, immediately saw the potential of a convenient
‘_______’ holiday product in which everything was included in one cost.
A. off the beaten track B. off the peg C. off the record D. off the hook
31. I want to thank _______ person who has contributed to this project.
A. every and each B. each of all C. each and every D. all and every
32. The researchers realised they were _______ and had to change the focus of their experiment.
A. in the footsteps B. ahead of schedule C. on the wrong track D. out of the way
33. Mary wanted to give Nigel a present that was a little bit out of the _______.
A. ordinary B. normal C. average D. everyday
34. These plants needed water and now they are dead. You _______ them regularly.
A. needn’t have watered B. didn’t need to water
C. should have watered D. must have watered
35. Along the road _______, all covered in mud.
A. come a procession B. came a procession
C. did come a procession D. did a procession come
36. It is crucial that patients _______ for urgent operations in all hospitals.
A. is not waiting B. won't be waiting C. not be waiting D. be not waiting
37. You'll really have to work hard if you want to make the _______ as a journalist.
A. grade B. term C. mark D. degree
Part 2. Think of ONE word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. (0.4 pt)
38. _______________
- However troublesome he could be, the mother had a soft __________ for Daniel.
- Mira rather put the boss on the __________ by asking him when he was going to give us a pay rise.

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- This historic building is a popular __________ for field trips for various schools, ranging from primary to
high schools.
39. ______________
- I got the __________ for being late for that important meeting.
- I have got a busy day tomorrow, so I think I'll hit the ___________.
- She bought a __________ of potatoes and two heads of cauliflowers.
40. ______________
- Last week we had a memorable trip to a new zoo on the outskirts of the city where each species is kept in
one big __________.
- Severe drought may __________ food shortages in the region if there is no urgent measure to address this.
- His jokes have been described as __________ of fears, anxieties, and insecurities.
41. ______________
- This medication could affect your __________, so you must only take it before you go to bed.
- He was finding it difficult to strike a __________ between his family and his work.
- My bank __________ is always low at the end of the month.
Part 3. Complete the idiom/phrasal verb in each sentence by using a verb in column A and a particle in
column B. You should use the correct form of the verbs. There are more verbs and particles than
necessary. (0.6 pt)

go pull turn get for through out by

put play drive see to over in round
42. I want this project to be successful. Let's __________________ all the stops.
43. The kids have been__________________ me __________________ the bend today. They are too noisy!
44. Amanda was refusing to give me the week off so I __________________ her head and spoke to the
45. You really __________________ your foot__________________ it when you asked Hilary how her
examination was. She has to retake it next week!
46. When she arrived, she was nervous because she felt that he could __________________ her claims to
have worked as a waitress before and would turn her down.
47. "Who can I __________________ for help with my homework now?" Phuc said.
Part 4. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the passage. (0.8 pt)
A day without plastic
Many people simply can't imagine a life without plastic and the fact is that this (48. MARK)
______________ material has really made its (49. PRESENT) ______________ felt since its invention. In a
relatively short period of time, plastic has gone from novelty to dominator. Part of what makes the story of
plastic so (50. COMPEL) ______________ is that it now surrounds us in all areas of our lives. Some people,
however, have had enough of plastic, and one historian has proposed that for one day every year we should
all (51. TAKE) ______________ not to touch anything made of plastic.
This means (52. VARY) ______________ countries would not be able to buy anything, except by means of
coins, because their bank notes are printed on plastic, and another (53. SEQUENCE)
______________would be that no one would be able to use their credit cards. People would have to write in
pencil rather than pen, and nothing could be handled that was wrapped in plastic. It is hoped that this (54.
INITIATE) ______________ would be a major breakthrough in making people realise how much of an (55.
INTRUDE) ______________ plastic is on our lives.
Part 1. Read the passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. (0.6 pt)
The benefits of the Internet are widely known: it offers access to all kinds of information imaginable and
provides opportunities to communicate with others around the world, to share opinions and play games.

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Parents recognise that it can (56) _______ a world of learning and new experiences for their children, but
because the Internet is (57) _______ of millions of private sites which no one can control, (58) _______
there are risks involved. It potentially exposes youngsters to offensive material and even dangerous
situations, and crimes like abductions, which begin with seemingly harmless online introductions, are
becoming increasingly common. Recently, however, there have been efforts to raise awareness of the
dangers on the Internet. Parents should tell their children to remember at all times that in chatrooms, they are
dealing with complete strangers and not giving out any personal information is the (59) _______ to Internet
safety. Specialized software can be installed which filters out unsuitable sites. There are also safe sites for
children where membership is required. Such sites are constantly (60) _______ to make sure that no one
breaks the rules: no sharing of personal details, no requests for email addresses and no rudeness. The
Internet is vast and ungovernable, but provided certain (61) _______ are taken, young people can safely
benefit from its riches.
56. A. transplant B. unlock C. enable D. explore
57. A. comprised B. developed C. consumed D. converted
58. A. totally B. greatly C. inevitably D. shortly
59. A. flat B. distinct C. central D. key
60. A. restored B. stared C. monitored D. witnessed
61. A. procedures B. modifications C. attempts D. precautions
Part 2. Read the passage carefully and then fill ONE suitable word in each gap. (0.5 pt)
Life on a small island may seem very inviting to the tourists who spend a few weeks there in the summer,
but the realities of living on (62) ___________ is virtually a rock surrounded by water are quite different
from what the casual visitor imagines. Although in summer the island villages are full of people, life and
activity, when the tourist season is over, many of the shop owners shut down their businesses and return to
the mainland to spend the winter in town. (63) ___________ to say, those who remain on the island, whether
by choice or necessity, face many hardships. One of the worst of these is isolation, with (64) ___________
many attendant problems. When the weather is bad, which is often the (65) ___________ in winter, the
island is entirely cut off; this means not only that people cannot have goods delivered but also that a medical
emergency can be fatal to someone confined to an island. At (66) ___________, telephone communication
is cut off, which means that no word from the outside world can get through. Isolation and loneliness are
basic reasons why so many people have left the islands for a better and more secure life in the mainland
cities, in spite of the fact that this involves leaving "home".
Part 3. Read the following passage about ways of reusing escaped heat. Six paragraphs have been
removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap. There is one
extra paragraph which you do not need to use. (0.6 pt)
City of Heat
Escaped heat costs us money and affects our climate. Chelsea Wald reports on a grand plan to capture it
and put it to good use.
Deep in the tunnels of London's underground railway, as in many around the world, it's so hot it can feel
very uncomfortable. And yet in the basement of a building only a few metres away from the station a boiler
is firing to heat water for someone's shower.
67. _____________
Recapturing it wouldn't just benefit our wallets. It would reverse some of the damaging effects on the
climate. The good news is that several cities have found a way to hunt down their surplus heat in some
unexpected places. These cities are building systems that deliver heat in much the same way that suppliers
handle electricity and water. Could they point the way to the next energy revolution?
68. _____________
It was also estimated that given the right technologies, we could reclaim nearly half of that energy, although
that's easier said than done. ‘We often talk about the quantity of waste heat,’ says David MacKay, chief
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scientific adviser to the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, ‘but not the quality.’ Most of what
we think of as ‘waste heat’ isn't actually all that hot; about sixty percent is below 230°C. While that may
sound pretty hot, it is too cold to turn a turbine to generate electricity.
69. _____________
There, buildings tap into the system to warm their water supplies or air for central heating. Many countries
are encouraging such cogeneration, as it is called. A US initiative, for example, might save the country $10
billion per year. And cogeneration allows power plants to bump up their efficiencies from thirty percent to
almost ninety percent.
70. _____________
As it happens, there is an existing technology that can siphon energy from such temperatures, although
applying it on a large scale to capture waste heat is as yet unachievable. Ground source heat pumps have
been helping homeowners save on heating bills since the 1940s, when US inventor Robert Webber realised
he could invert the refrigeration process to extract heat from the ground.
71. _____________
The mechanism for this is simple. A network of pipes makes a circuit between the inside of the dwelling and
a coil buried underground. These pipes contain a mix of water and fluid refrigerant. As the fluid mixture
travels through the pipes buried underground, it absorbs the heat from the 100C soil.
72. _____________
This system is powerful enough to efficiently provide heat even in places as cold as Norway and Alaska. It
is also cheap. Scientists around the world are now working on the idea that the way ahead is to develop city-
wide grids using source-heat pumps to recycle waste on a grander scale, from sources such as subways and

A But that's not all it can do. Reverse the process and it can cool a home in summer. If the ground is
cold enough, it simply absorbs the heat from inside the building instead of from the ground.
B It's an attractive proposition. A report in 2008 found that the energy lost as heat each year by US
industry equalled the annual energy use of five million citizens. Power generation is a major culprit; the
heat lost from that sector alone dwarfs the total energy use of Japan. The situation in other industrialised
countries is similar.

C Yet even this is just a drop in the ocean compared with the heat lost from our homes, offices, road
vehicles and trains. However, waste heat from these myriad sources is much harder to harness than the
waste heat from single, concentrated sources like power plants. What's more, it's barely warm enough to
merit its name. Reclaiming that would be an altogether more difficult proposition.
D A more successful way of using the heat is to move the heat directly to where it is needed. A number
of power plants now do exactly that. They capture some or all of their waste heat and send it - as steam or
hot water - through a network of pipes to nearby cities.
E The system takes advantage of the fact that in temperate regions - regardless of surface temperature -
a few metres underground, the soil always remains lukewarm and stable. These pumps can tap into that
consistent temperature to heat a house in the winter.
F While this is not what you might consider hot, it nonetheless causes the liquid to evaporate into a gas.
When this gas circulates back into the building, it is fed through a compressor, which vastly intensifies the
heat. That heat can then be used by a heat exchanger to warm up hot water or air ducts.

G Rather than stewing in that excess heat, what if we could make it work for us? Throughout our energy
system - from electricity generation in power plants to powering a car - more than fifty percent of the
energy we use leaks into the surroundings.
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Part 4. Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow. (0.8 pt)
CUTE buses: a new direction for public transport
It seems like a normal bus, except that it moves almost silently, and it does not give off any exhaust fumes.
Instead, a small cloud of white steam emerges from the roof. But this is no ordinary vehicle. It is part of an
experiment that could revolutionize public transport in our cities, providing sustainable, non-polluting
transport from renewable energy resources.
A Urban transport is a major problem in the countries of the European Union, where over 75% of the
population lives in towns and cities. It is becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile individual needs and
expectations of personal mobility with the preservation of the fabric of our cities and with the quality of life
of their inhabitants. Transport is already one of the chief contributors to health and environmental problems
in urban regions, and increasing levels of congestion mean that in some cities the average speed of traffic at
peak times is slower than it was in the days of the horse and cart. In addition, exhaust fumes are a major
contributor to rising levels of CO2 emission in the atmosphere, as well as being a source of carbon
monoxide and particulate matter. With experts forecasting an increase of 30% in the total number of
kilometres travelled by 2030, urban transport systems have to face the challenge of meeting citizens' needs
for mobility through the development of innovative and sustainable methods of transport.
B To address this problem, the European Commission has allocated €18.5m to a project entitled CUTE
(Clean Urban Transport for Europe), one of the most ambitious experiments in energy and transport taking
place today. The aim of the project is to investigate the role that hydrogen and fuel cells could play in
providing a safe, clean and efficient means of public transport. In order to do this, the nine participating
cities have each been supplied with three buses which are powered by hydrogen rather than by diesel fuel.
The buses, produced by Mercedes Benz Citaro, contain tanks of compressed hydrogen in the roof, which
supply fuel cells. Here, the hydrogen molecules are split and electricity is produced to power the bus,
together with pure water which escapes into the atmosphere as steam. The buses only need refueling once a
day and can travel at speeds of up to 100kph.
C The nine participating cities vary widely in their local conditions and the type of operating systems they
use, allowing data to be collected and comparisons to be made between the different systems. One decision
the transport authorities in each city have to make is the source of the hydrogen they use for fuel. This may
be produced either from renewable resources, or from fossil fuels. At present only around 40% of the energy
required for the production of hydrogen on the project comes from renewable resources such as wind power.
Amsterdam and Hamburg both use energy from this source to produce the hydrogen for their buses.
Stockholm also uses a renewable resource, in this case hydro power, while Barcelona profits from its high
number of hours of sunshine to make use of solar power. In cases such as these it may be possible to have a
zero emission system, with no harmful by-products given off at any stage of the project. However, other
cities such as Porto and London use natural gas or other non-renewable resources to produce the hydrogen.
D In addition to deciding on the means of production, the cities also have to decide on the location where
the production of hydrogen is to take place. The on-site production of hydrogen removes the need for its
transportation by truck in liquid or gas form, which is again an advantage in ecological and financial terms;
this solution is used by several cities including Madrid. In London, however, in order to make the hydrogen
available to other users, the authorities decided against on-site production, so the hydrogen production plant
is some way from the bus depot.
E The varying geographical and climatic conditions of each city also allow information to be collected on a
range of operating conditions for the buses. In some cities, such as London, buses have to be able to perform
in congested traffic, while in Madrid and Porto in summer they have to be able to contend with the hot
climate in addition to this. Bus transport in Porto also has to cope with extreme geographical conditions
since the city is built on a steep hillside, and the same is true of Luxembourg and Barcelona. In Stuttgart, on
the other hand, which has a widespread population, the buses' ability to travel long distances is tested.

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F The overall remit of the project therefore involved comparison of performance and costs involved in
three main areas: the production of hydrogen, the organisation of infrastructure (for example, the location of
hydrogen refilling stations), and the use of the buses in varying operational conditions. There is still some
way to go before hydrogen buses will be replacing ordinary public transport on a large scale - at present
running costs are ten times higher, which does not make them a commercial proposition - but it is beginning
to look as if the days of the diesel driven bus are numbered.
Questions 73-76
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?

T if the statement agrees with the information

F if the statement contradicts the information
NG if there is no information on this
73. ________ Traffic may cause problems both to city buildings and to residents.
74. ________ The most efficient way to solve urban transport problems is to increase the use of public
75. ________ The chemical reaction which produces power for the hydrogen bus takes place in the fuel
76. ________ The nine cities in the CUTE project have zero emission systems for their hydrogen buses.
Questions 77-80
The reading passage has six paragraphs labelled A-F. Which paragraph contains the following
information? Write letter A-F in the blanks. You may use any letter more than once.
77. ________ a contrast between the two main methods of hydrogen production
78. ________ a reason why hydrogen powered buses may not be widely used for some time
79. ________ a comparison of traffic conditions in the past and present
80. ________ a justification for the transportation of hydrogen by road to refuel London buses
Part 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences beginning with the word(s) given in such a way that it
means the same as the original one. (0.5 pt)
81. Scientists have discovered that there exists water on Mars.
Water ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..
82. I think you should spend more time improving your pronunciation.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..
83. Although I made every effort, I couldn’t finish the writing in one hour only.
Try ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..
84. It was such a heavy snowfall that all the flights had to be cancelled.
So ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…
85. His command of English improved with the time he spent on practicing this language.
The more …….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Part 2. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word given in bold so that it has the same
meaning as the original one. (0.5 pt)
86. By leaving Mary alone, I'm sure she'll finish the project on time. devices
If Mary ….…………………………………………………………………………….…….…………………………………………..…………………, I'm sure she'll finish the project on time.
87. I can recommend you to the manager; I’m a friend of his. word
I can ….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………; I'm a friend of his.
88. Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans. acts
Zoe always .………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………… when making her travel plans.
89. She is well-known for her vast knowledge of Renaissance painting. authority
She .………………………………………..……………………………………….………………………...…………………………………………………………………..……………………………… Renaissance painting.
90. His latest theory is in complete opposition to mainstream thinking. flies
His latest theory ….…………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………..….…………… mainstream thinking.
Part 3. Write an academic essay of about 250 words on the following topic. (1.0 pt)
Trang 7/8
Discuss the benefits of extracurricular activities to secondary school students.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.





























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----------- THE END ------------

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