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Version A


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#watch out, it's your world

Standard worksheet 2
#reading #victory for equality
A Read the following text carefully:

When the South African Springboks claimed victory at the Rugby World Cup in 1995, they had achieved
more than just a trophy, they had achieved a sense of unity. Nelson Mandela had been elected President of
South Africa in 1994 after serving twenty-seven years in prison. This was the most significant change to
end Apartheid. The drastic policy and government changes did not settle well with the majority of
5 country, and thereby caused much separation between the Black and the White population. The
Springboks were indeed the most influential factor in uniting the country. They demonstrated the power
that sport can have over an entire nation.

All nations have their own problems, but South Africa

was suffering from an extreme divide between religion,
10 and race. With the changes of government, the quarrels
between black and white citizens created much tension
within the entire country. The Springbok emblem was a
matter of much controversy with many of the blacks. It was
the symbol of white supremacy and segregation. Mandela
15 vouched to keep the emblem and rewrite history with a
new team that had a new set of values.

The Rainbow nation was a term crafted by Desmond

Tutu, the Archbishop of South Africa to symbolise the
unity of all colours. A new flag had been designed to
exhibit the
20 multiculturalism of the country when Mandela became their leader. Mandela was unlike the rest of the leaders
preceded him. The African National Congress believed in achieving equality through negotiation instead
of wars. Mandela’s fearlessness in communicating sensitive issues was eloquently displayed through his
emotions of compassion, charisma, and sometimes with a sense of humour. He played a large role during
25 the 1995 World Cup: when the world cup was set to be played in South Africa, he knew that this was an
opportunity to reconcile Blacks and Whites. Mandela saw how sport could be used as a medium to join
two sides and make a single team. Finding a common interest between the two races was a necessity to
unite the country as one. The Springboks were exactly what was needed to create the Rainbow Nation. (adapted and abridged)

#English, 11.º ano – #watch out, it’s your world

Version A

B Find evidence in the text for these statements.

1. Winning the cup had a broader meaning for them than getting the award itself.
2. The extreme changes in terms of government didn’t bring peace and acceptance to all citizens.
3. The team’s emblem brought about plenty of arguments as people didn’t share the same opinion
about whether to keep it.
4. There was the principle that equality should be attained with negotiations, not violence.

C Complete the sentences below according to the text. Use your own words.

1. A sense of unity was felt when the Springboks won the world cup.
2. Problems in South Africa were extreme division between religion politics and race
3. south africa needed to find a way to display the country's
, so a new flag was created to suit that idea.
multiculturalism when Mandela became its leader
4. Mandela played a vital role in making the rainbow nation real.

D Read the first two paragraphs and find words to complete the table.

Synonyms Antonyms

1. declared claimed 6. lost

2. meaningful significant 7. separation
3. element factor 8. mild extrement
4. exhibited demonstrated 9. agreement
5. gap divide 10. modify

E Write who or what the words below refer to.

1. They (line 6) Springboks

2. their (line 8) All nations'
3. It (line 13)Springbok emblem
4. him (line 22) Mandela

F Now answer the following questions about the text:

1. How meaningful was winning the world cup for

South Africans?
Winning the cup was very significant for South Africans because it gave them a sense of
unity. 2. Why was the team’s emblem controversial?
The team emblem was controversial because it represented a symbol of white supremacy and
segregation. 3. Do you agree that sports can be “a medium to
join two sides and make a single team”? (lines 26-
27). Explain.

4. What do you think about Mandela’s opinion about

true leaders (image next to the text)? Explain.

#English, 11.º ano – #watch out, it’s your world

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